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IEEE Guide: Gas-Insulated Substations 1kV to 52kV

IEEE Guide for the Application of GasInsulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
IEEE Power & Energy Society
Sponsored by the
Substations Committee
3 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5997
IEEE Std C37.122.2™-2011
17 February 2012
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Authorized licensed use limited to: BROWN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on December 12,2012 at 11:59:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std C37.122.2™-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of GasInsulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Substations Committee
of the
IEEE Power & Energy Society
Approved 7 December 2011
IEEE-SA Standards Board
Authorized licensed use limited to: BROWN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on December 12,2012 at 11:59:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: The technical requirements for the design, fabrication, testing, and installation of indoor
gas-insulated substations (GIS) 1 kV up to 52 kV are covered. Parameters to be supplied by the
purchaser are suggested and technical requirements for the design, fabrication, testing, and
installations to be furnished by the manufacturer are established.
Keywords: IEEE C37.122.2, gas-insulated substation, GIS, GIS design, GIS equipment, GIS
installation, GIS testing, SF 6 , sulfur hexafluoride
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
Copyright © 2012 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 17 February 2012. Printed in the United States of America.
IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.
ISBN 978-0-7381-7159-3
ISBN 978-0-7381-7184-5
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011, IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations
1 kV to 52 kV.
IEEE Std C37.122TM-1983 IEEE Standard for Gas-Insulated Substations was initiated in the early 1970s
when the first gas-insulated substations (GIS) were introduced. Approved in 1983, 1993, and reaffirmed in
2002, it contains standards, recommended practices, and guides. Circumstances beyond the control of the
responsible Technical Committees delayed its availability to users until late 1988. Simultaneous to its
publication, the Gas-Insulated Substations Subcommittee of the IEEE Power & Energy Society Substations
Committee began work on the necessary update and revision of the document.
IEEE Std C37.122.1TM Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations was approved in 1993. That guide focused on
the technical requirements for the design, fabrication, testing, and installation of a GIS in general 52 kV
and above. Parameters to be supplied by the purchaser are suggested and technical requirements for the
design, fabrication, testing, and installation to be furnished by the manufacturer is established.
During the Working Group and Subcommittee deliberations on the update, it was recognized that users
would be better served if the original documents IEEE Std C37.122-1993 (a standard) and IEEE Std
C37.122.1-1993 (a guide) were supplemented with a guide for equipment rated 1 kV to 52 kV. The third
document became IEEE Std C37.122.2TM-2011 IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated
Substations 1 kV to 52 kV. The three documents can be referred to individually or jointly depending on the
purpose of the referral.
IEEE Std C37.122.2 is also based on GIS of the same voltage range covered by IEC 62271-200.
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Although all Working Groups of the Gas-Insulated Substations Subcommittee contributed to this revision,
the prime responsibility belonged to Working Group K3, which proposed this guide. At the time this IEEE
guide was completed, the K3 Working Group had the following membership:
G. W. Becker, Chair
P. Blohm, Vice Chair
Arun Arora
Peter Blohm
Phil Bolin
John Brunke
Ted Burse
Jack Gustin
Richard Jones
Heinz-Willi Juelicher
Hermann Koch
Shawn Lav
Jeffrey Nelson
Ted Olsen
Arno Wahle
The Gas-Insulated Substations Subcommittee of the IEEE Power & Energy Society that prepared and
reviewed this guide had the following membership:
A. Arora, Chair
H. Koch, Past Chair
G. Becker, Vice Chair
Markus Etter, Secretary
Stephen Arnold
Bill Bergman
Peter Blohm
Lutz Boettger
Phil Bolin
Hugues Bosia
Michel Bues
Ted Burse
Paul Coventry
Rick Crowdis
Wolfgang Degen
Gary Engmann
Jack Gustin
Mel Hopkins
Richard Jones
Heinz-Willi Juelicher
Shin-ichi Kobayashi
Eresha Lam
Shawn Lav
Daniel Lauzon
Johny Luiz
Aram Markarians
Thomas McNamara
Venkatesh Minisandram
Mike Muhlenhaupt
Jeffrey Nelson
Darin Penner
Philippe Ponchon
Mansour Pourcyrous
Arno Wahle
Darren Vogt
Allen Xi
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The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
William J. Ackerman
Arun Arora
George Becker
W. J. Bill Bergman
Wallace Binder
William Bloethe
John H. Brunke
Eldridge Byron
Arvind K. Chaudhary
Randy Clelland
Jerry Corkran
Robert Damron
Gary Donner
Michael Dood
Dana Dufield
Denis Dufournet
Edgar Dullni
Donald Dunn
Douglas Edwards
Kenneth Edwards
Gary Engmann
Markus Etter
James Fairris
Patrick Fitzgerald
Marcel Fortin
Mietek Glinkowski
Jalal Gohari
Edwin Goodwin
James Graham
Randall Groves
Charles Hand
Steven Hensley
Lee Herron
Gary Heuston
Scott Hietpas
R. Jackson
Wayne Johnson
Andrew Jones
Laszlo Kadar
Tanuj Khandelwal
Yuri Khersonsky
J. Koepfinger
Jim Kulchisky
Saumen Kundu
Chung-Yiu Lam
Hua Liu
Albert Livshitz
Greg Luri
Jorge Marquez
William McBride
Gary Michel
Georges Montillet
Dennis Neitzel
Jeffrey Nelson
Michael S. Newman
T. Olsen
Lorraine Padden
Christopher Petrola
Anthony Picagli
Iulian Profir
Michael Roberts
Anne-Ma Sahazizian
Bartien Sayogo
Devki Sharma
Gil Shultz
James Smith
Jerry Smith
David Solhtalab
John Spare
Ralph Stell
Gary Stoedter
John Toth
John Vergis
Waldemar Von Miller
John Webb
Kenneth White
James Wikston
James Wilson
Sandeep Zope
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this guide on 7 December 2011, it had the following
Richard H. Hulett, Chair
John Kulick, Vice Chair
Robert M. Grow, Past President
Judith Gorman, Secretary
Masayuki Ariyoshi
William Bartley
Ted Burse
Clint Chaplin
Wael Diab
Jean-Philippe Faure
Alexander Gelman
Paul Houzé
Jim Hughes
Joseph L. Koepfinger*
David J. Law
Thomas Lee
Hung Ling
Oleg Logvinov
Ted Olsen
Gary Robinson
Jon Walter Rosdahl
Sam Sciacca
Mike Seavey
Curtis Siller
Phil Winston
Howard L. Wolfman
Don Wright
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Satish Aggarwal, NRC Representative
Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative
Michael Janezic, NIST Representative
Don Messina
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development
Erin Spiewak
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development
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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 1
3. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Guidelines for GIS equipment 1 kV up to 52 kV ....................................................................................... 4
4.1 Specification ........................................................................................................................................ 4
4.2 Installation, operation, and maintenance ........................................................................................... 19
4.3 Testing procedures............................................................................................................................. 24
4.4 Documentation................................................................................................................................... 26
Annex A (informative) Switching device duty cycles.................................................................................. 27
A.1 Circuit breaker and disconnect switch duty cycles ........................................................................... 27
Annex B (informative) Sequence of operation ............................................................................................. 28
B.1 Sequence of operations for typical applications on feeder circuits ................................................... 28
B.2 Sequence of operations for main bus grounding on sectionalized bus arrangements ....................... 29
Annex C (informative) Bibliography............................................................................................................ 31
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IEEE Guide for the Application of GasInsulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This standard is not intended to ensure safety, security, health, or
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safety, security, environmental, and health practices or regulatory requirements.
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1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This guide provides information regarding the planning, specification, testing, installation, operation, and
maintenance of indoor gas-insulated substations (GIS) and equipment.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
ASTM D2472, Standard Specification for Sulfur Hexafluoride. 1
CIGRE 276, Guide for the preparation of customised “Practical SF 6 handling instructions.”
ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428-2959, USA (http://www.astm.org/).
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
IEC 60376, Specification and acceptance of new sulfur hexafluoride. 2
IEC 61243-5, Live working—Voltage detectors—Part 5: Voltage detecting systems (VDS).
IEC 61634, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear—Use and handling of sulfur hexafluoride in highvoltage switchgear.
IEC 62271-1, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear—Part 1: Common specifications.
IEC 62271-100, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear—Part 100: High-voltage alternating-current
IEC 62271-102, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear—Part 102: Alternating current disconnect
switches and earthing switches.
IEC 62271-200, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear—Part 200: AC metal-enclosed switchgear and
controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV.
IEEE Std 80TM, IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding. 3,
IEEE Std 142TM, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems (Green Book).
IEEE Std 344TM, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
IEEE Std 693TM, IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Design of Substations.
IEEE Std C37.04TM, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.
IEEE Std C37.06TM, IEEE Standard for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current
Basis—Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities for Voltage Above 1000 V.
IEEE Std C37.09TM, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.
IEEE Std C37.98TM, IEEE Standard for Seismic Testing of Relays.
IEEE Std C37.122TM, IEEE Standard for Gas-Insulated Substations.
IEEE Std C37.122.1TM, IEEE Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations.
IEEE Std C37.20.2TM, IEEE Standard for Metalclad Switchgear.
IEC publications are available from IEC Sales Department, Case Postale 131, 3 rue de Varembe, CH-1211, Geneva 20,
Switzerland/Suisse. IEC publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National
Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331,
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary: Glossary of Terms and Definitions 5 should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.
assembly (gas-insulated substation [GIS]): A collection of GIS components that are interconnected and
ready for insertion as a subassembly in a GIS, such as a breaker panel shipping assembly. The term is also
used to describe a complete GIS.
auxiliary circuits: All control, indicating, and measuring circuits.
compartment (gas-insulated substation [GIS]): Any gas section of the gas-insulated equipment assembly
between the gas barrier insulators.
continuous enclosure: A bus enclosure in which the consecutive sections of the enclosure are electrically
bonded together to provide a continuous current path through the entire enclosure length.
continuous monitoring: The process of sampling the state of some phenomenon at a time interval shorter
than the time constant of the phenomenon.
design pressure (working pressure): The maximum steady-state gas pressure to which a gas-insulated
equipment enclosure is subjected under normal operating conditions.
disconnect switch: The term used to identify a switch used to open or isolate a circuit.
grounding (earthing): In relation to IEC standards and guides, earthing should be understood as
enclosure currents: Currents that result from the voltages induced in the metallic enclosure by effects of
currents flowing in the enclosed conductors.
gas barrier insulator: A spacer insulator specifically designed to prevent passage of gas from one gas
compartment to another.
gas density, minimum: The minimum operating gas density at which the gas-insulated equipment and its
components are designed to meet their assigned electrical ratings.
gas density, nominal: The manufacturer’s recommended operating gas density (usually expressed as a
pressure at 20 °C).
gas-insulated substation (switchgear): A compact, multi-component assembly, enclosed in a grounded
metallic housing in which the primary insulating medium is a compressed gas, and that normally consists of
buses, switchgear, and associated equipment.
gas leakage: Loss of insulating gas from the pressurized compartment.
main circuit: All the conducting parts of the gas-insulated substation assembly included in or connected to
the circuits that its switching devices are designed to close or open.
malfunction: The loss of capability to initiate or sustain a required function, often a protective action, or
the initiation of undesired spurious action.
IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms and Definitions is available at http://shop.ieee.org.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
metallic enclosure: A leak-tight enclosure that contains the compressed insulating gas and associated
electrical equipment.
moisture content: The amount of water in parts per million by volume (ppmv) that is in the gaseous state
and mixed with the insulating gas.
periodic inspection: The routine observation of the equipment operating condition.
pressure relief device/rupture disk: Device to limit the pressure in a gas-filled compartment.
single-phase enclosure: A metallic enclosure containing the buses and/or devices associated with one
phase of a multiple-phase system.
three-phase enclosure: A metallic enclosure containing the buses and/or devices associated with all three
phases of a multiple-phase system.
spacer (insulator): An insulator used to support the inner conductor in the enclosure.
station ground: A ground grid including a system of grounding electrodes buried beneath or adjacent to
the gas-insulated substation that controls the rise of ground voltage level relative to remote earth and
controls the distribution of voltage gradients within the gas-insulated substation area during a fault. See
IEEE Std 80TM for details.
sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6 ): A gaseous dielectric for high-voltage power applications having characteristics
as specified in IEC 60376 and ASTM D2472.
transition compartment: The compartment specifically designed for joining gas-insulated substation
equipment of different design or manufacture. This compartment provides the necessary transition for the
current-carrying conductor and the enclosure.
type (design) tests: Tests made on representative samples that are intended to be used as part of routine
production. The applicable portions of these type tests may also be used to evaluate modifications of a
previous design and to ensure that performance has not been adversely affected.
4. Guidelines for GIS equipment 1 kV up to 52 kV
4.1 Specification
The specification of the GIS is based upon the single-line diagram, and it will be possible to prepare
sketches of different GIS designs and layouts which are available and to see how these may be used in the
actual project, including the relation to site and civil requirements.
4.1.1 GIS one-line, specification documentation and service conditions
The following is a listing of the necessary documentation that should be included in a GIS specification:
One-line switching diagram
One-line metering and relaying diagram
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Site plan
Site conditions (access restrictions, space limitations, ambient temperature, humidity, site altitude,
pollution, special environmental conditions)
Building layout and arrangement
Primary equipment (requirements and ratings including instrument transformer requirements)
Secondary equipment (protection and control, metering, interlocking, station service sources ac and
dc, etc.)
Engineering system data (star-point grounding method, short circuit duty, etc.)
Maintenance and operation requirements (local safety requirements, interlock schemes)
Project schedule and deliverables
Connections to other equipment (cable, cable bus, solid insulated bus, or gas-insulated bus)
Special attention has to be given to the interfacing between the GIS and other components of the network,
such as overhead lines, transformers, cables, etc. The type and the location of these connections will have a
major impact on the overall layout and cost.
4.1.2 GIS arrangement and bus schemes
The bus schemes illustrated in Figure 1 are those most commonly applied in North America. These
commonly applied arrangements are based on typical distribution system designs.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Single bus gas-insulated switchgear
Main and transfer bus gas-insulated
switchgear design
Double bus single breaker
gas-insulated switchgear
Figure 1 —Common one-line schemes
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV Arrangement philosophy and constraints
The GIS arrangement is influenced by a number of important constraints including:
Bus and bus sections: The arrangement may influence the length of the bus, the orientation of the
equipment, and the number of bus sections required.
Position indicators and viewports: The arrangement should afford a clear view of all position
indicators for disconnecting and grounding switches. All position indicators should be visible from
the floor or a readily accessible platform. Viewports provide direct verification of switch contact
(blade) position and should be easily accessible with minimal need to remove hardware, covers,
Expansion: The arrangement should be such that expansion of the original installation can be
accomplished with minimum GIS downtime.
Auxiliary connections: The length and the number of terminal points of low-voltage control wiring
and SF 6 gas connections should be minimized.
Operation: All operating handles should be accessible and grouped for simplified operation. All
indicating devices and gauges should be clearly labeled, visible, and easily accessible.
Configuration: The GIS should be modular and the configuration of the combined components
should promote flexibility, a compact design, and simplify retrofit applications.
The GIS equipment arrangements illustrated in Figure 2 are several common arrangements that can be
applied. These commonly applied arrangements are based on typical distribution system designs and
configurations offered by GIS manufacturers.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Figure 2 —Common arrangements
Arrangements are available depending on customer requirements such as disconnect/ground switches
located on both sides of circuit breaker positions, VT’s, arresters, etc. Sequence of operation for
arrangements without disconnect/ground switches located on both sides of circuit breaker positions are
detailed in the Annex B.
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IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
4.1.3 Engineering studies
When the preliminary configuration and the specification data are finalized, further studies may have to be
performed. These may cover the following:
Engineering studies
Short circuit studies
Temporary overvoltage (TOV) condition studies
Transient overvoltage study calculations (EMTP)
Capacitor switching studies
Insulation coordination studies
Ferro-resonance studies
Seismic calculations
Civil engineering studies (i.e., floor leveling, foundations, cable basement)
Grounding and bonding studies (grounding calculations for personnel—touch, step, and transfer
Pressure relief calculations for switchgear room requirements
Seismic studies
Clearance and dimension evaluations
Sound level studies
Logistics studies
Transport, storage, and erection facilities
Demands imposed by the service and maintenance of the GIS and possible future extensions such
as access to equipment and working clearances
4.1.4 Primary equipment data and components
A typical GIS procurement specification document includes but is not limited to the following information,
not necessarily in the same sequence or with the same title:
Service conditions, (including surface preparation requirements, tool requirements, and spare parts
Electrical characteristics (including grounding and conduit requiremnts)
Design (including seismic requirements, documentation requirements, layout/clearance dimensions,
and sound level requiements)
Operation and interlocking (including training requirements)
Accessories and appurtenances
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IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Drawings, nameplate and instruction manuals
Interfaces with existing equipment
Circuit breakers
Disconnect and ground switches
Motorized operators
Current and voltage transformer location and ratings
CPT’s (control power transformer) location and ratings
Surge arrester locations
Relaying and control cabinet locations Equipment ratings Rated maximum voltage and insulation levels
The “common values” used in Table 1 apply to phase-to-ground, between phases and across the open
switching device. The withstand voltage values “across the isolating distance” are valid only for the
switching devices where the clearance between open contacts is designed to meet the safety requirements
specified for disconnect switches and grounding switches.
Table 1 —Rated maximum voltages and insulation levels
(IEEE Std C37.06/C37.22/IEC 62271-1)
Rated maximum
voltage kV, rms
Rated power-frequency withstand voltage
kV, rms
Dry 1 min
Across the isolating
Common value
Rated lightning impulse withstand
voltage, peak
Across the isolating
Common value
These circuit breakers are intended for application on multi-grounded wye distribution circuits equipped with surge
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV Rated power frequency
The rated power frequency is the frequency at which the equipment is designed to operate. The standard
frequencies are 50 Hz and 60 Hz. Applications at other frequencies (16 2/3, 25 Hz) should receive special
consideration. Rated continuous current
Table 2 —Rated continuous current (IEEE/IEC)
Rated continuous current (amperes, rms)
4000 Rated short circuit current interrupting capability
Table 3 —Rated short circuit current interrupting capability (IEEE/IEC)
Circuit breaker rated short circuit current interrupting
capability (kA rms)
IEEE Std C37.06
IEC 62271-100
40 Rated short-time withstand current
The standard value of rated short-time withstand current shall be equal to the short circuit current
interrupting capability of the switchgear as listed in Table 3. Rated duration of short-time withstand current
If not explicitly mentioned, the standard value for rated duration of short-time withstand current is 2
seconds based on IEEE standards. Rated peak withstand and short-circuit making currents
The rated peak withstand and short-circuit making currents shall correspond to the rated frequency. For a
rated frequency of 60 Hz it is equal to 2.6 times the rated short-circuit interrupting capability, while for a
rated frequency of 50 Hz it is equal to 2.5 times the rated short-circuit interrupting capability.
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IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV Rated cable charging current
Table 4 —Rated cable charging current (IEEE/IEC, Class S1)a
Circuit breaker rated cable charging current
IEEE Std C37.06
IEC 62271-100
25 A rms at 15 kV
31.5 A rms at 27 kV
50 A rms at 38 kV
25 A rms at 15 kV
31.5 A rms at 25.8 kV
50 A rms at 38 kV
The rated cable charging current, also covers line charging. Rated capacitive and inductive current switching capability
Table 5 —Rated capacitive current switching capability—isolated capacitor bank
(IEEE/IEC, Class S1)
Circuit breaker rated capacitive current switching capability
Isolated capacitor bank current
(amperes, rms)
IEEE Std C37.06
250 A rms at 15 kV
160 A rms at 27 kV
100 A rms at 38 kV
IEC 62271-100
400 A rms at 15kV
400 A rms at 25.8 kV
400 A rms at 38 kV
Table 6 —Rated capacitive current switching capability—rated capacitor bank current and
back-to-back capacitor bank switching ratings (IEEE/IEC Class S2)a
Circuit breaker rated capacitive current switching capability
Capacitor bank current back-to-back
IEEE Std C37.06
IEC 62271-100
630 A rms, 20 kA peak, 4200 Hz at 15.5kV
1000 A rms, 20kA peak, 4200 Hz at 15.5kV
400 A rms, 20 kA peak, 4250 Hz at 15kV
1600 A rms, 20kA peak, 4200 Hz at 15.5kV
630 A rms, 20 kA peak, 4200 Hz at 25.8kV
1000 A rms, 20kA peak, 4200 Hz at 25.8kV
1600 A rms, 20kA peak, 4200 Hz at 25.8kV
400 A rms, 20 kA peak, 4250 Hz at 25.8 kV
630 A rms, 20 kA peak, 4200 Hz at 38 kV
1000 A rms, 20kA peak, 4200 Hz at 38 kV
1600 A rms, 20kA peak, 4200 Hz at 38 kV
400 A rms, 20 kA peak, 4250 Hz at 38 kV
Inductive switching (i.e., current limiting devices, etc.) should be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV Number of operations
Table 7 —Number of operations (IEEE/IEC)
Number of operations
(Operating no-load
Cycles (C-O))
Circuit breaker
Disconnect switch
15 kV: 5000 or 10 000
27 kV: 2500
38 kV: 1500
15kV: 400
27/38 kV: 300
Class M1: 2000
Class M2: 10 000
Class M0: 1000
Class M1: 2000
Class M2: 10 000
Duty cycles according to IEC 62271-100, definition of M1 and M2 refer to Annex A.
Duty cycles according to IEC 62271-102 Addendum A1, 2002, definition of M0, M1, and M2 refer to Annex A. Rated operating sequence
The rated operating duty cycle for GIS circuit breakers can be:
(rapid reclosing)
(non-rapid reclosing) Rated pressure of compressed gas system for insulation and/or operation
The typical values of rated gauge pressure range from 0.30 bar (4.4 psig) up to 2.20 bar (32 psig) unless
otherwise specified by the manufacturer. Primary component detailed descriptions
Circuit breakers:
In the GIS all breakers are usually vacuum circuit breakers, fixed mounted in an SF 6 gas-insulated
compartment. The circuit breakers shall meet the requirements of IEEE C37.06, IEEE C37.09, IEEE
C37.04, and IEC 62271-100. For a comparison of the key performance parameters, please refer to Table 3,
Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, and Table 7 above.
Current transformers:
In the GIS both wound and window-type current transformers are available.
Voltage transformers:
The voltage transformers in the GIS are of the single-phase design and are typically without primary fuses.
Primary fuses are available as an option.
Control power transformer:
Typically control power is provided by a transformer external to the GIS enclosure.
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IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Voltage detectors/indicators:
A capacitive device, used to detect voltage presence without the use of a hot-stick, is typically provided.
Three-position disconnect switches:
A three-position disconnect switch consists of a single-contact system with one drive that has three
positions: connected, open, and grounded. This switch is usually a non-load break switch. The threeposition switch is used to isolate the fixed-mounted vacuum circuit breaker and is also used to ground a line
or load in combination with the circuit breaker.
Cable—Plug-in type cable terminations are the standard of the industry to connect power cables to GIS up
to 52 kV.
Air bushings—Directly mounted air bushings are not typically used in GIS.
Bus bar and connections—All bus bar conductors are usually without insulating sleeves, boots, or
Connections between GIS and transformers—These connections can be made through solid insulated bus,
gas-insulated bus, bus duct, cable bus, or cable.
Surge arresters—Plug-in, dry type surge arresters are commonly used in GIS.
4.1.5 Secondary equipment, control and protection data
This subclause outlines in detail the required devices used for the control and protection of the GIS, and
details the system interfaces with other components of the associated power system.
The following describes the typical secondary equipment for the GIS:
Protection, control, and interlocking
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and communication interface
Wiring connections and interconnection requirements
Annunciation and alarms
Mimic bus diagram
The general requirements and specifications for secondary equipment data for the GIS do not differ
substantially from those for conventional metal-clad switchgear and the associated IEEE and IEC standards
can therefore be used as a reference.
It should also be noted that GIS has disconnect and grounding switches that can be motorized as an option.
The additional load of motor-operated switches needs to be considered in designing the station dc system.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV Controls
Prior to preparing a detailed procurement specification, the user has to make the decision between
conventional electro-mechanical controls and microprocessor-based multi-function relays for control,
protection, and metering.
Microprocessor-based multi-function control units, often called bay control units, offer a number of
advantages over conventional controls. These devices greatly simplify the controls design and reduce the
amount of secondary wiring by means of internal software logic. Software and hardware are permanently
self-supervised. An integrated liquid crystal display (LCD) displays the single-line diagram with active
position indications as well as measured signals, alarm annunciation, and other functions. Pushbuttons are
available to select switching devices and operate them. All interlocking between the different switching
devices of the GIS as well as interlocking with external devices are pre-programmed in the bay control unit.
A serial interface for remote communication is standard for these devices and facilitates integration of the
GIS into SCADA systems.
All presently available types of microprocessor-based multi-function control units can be installed into the
local control cabinet which is usually part of each section of the GIS. Relay protection
All required protection functions should be shown on a detailed metering and relaying one-line diagram.
The user should list all protective functions that are required in a relay list that accompanies the single-line
Common practice is to utilize multi-function microprocessor based protective relays that offer a choice of
different protection functions as well as controls. Separate panels for protective relays may be required by
the user. Remote control interface
It is important to specify the type of remote control and SCADA system that is desired. In the case of
hardwired signals to a remote terminal unit (RTU), the user should specify the type and number of control
and indication points to be wired. The GIS manufacturer should make sufficient provisions for terminal
blocks and transducers.
If a serial interface for protective relays or bay control units is utilized for remote control and supervision, it
is important to provide detailed specifications for the communication medium and for the communication
protocol in addition to the number and type of signals. Interlocking
The basic interlocking between disconnect switches, ground switches, and circuit breakers are provided by
the manufacturer as a standard. In most cases, these interlocks are either electrical or intrinsic (in the case
of three-position switches). If microprocessor-based bay control units are used, the interlocking becomes
part of the control logic.
The user should specify any additional interlocking requirements such as mechanical/key interlocking in
the specification. External interlocking with connected switchgear or other parts of the GIS must be
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IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV Control power
The control voltage should be specified by the user. Control voltages are typically: 120 Vac, 240 Vac, 48
Vdc, 125 Vdc, 250 Vdc.
4.1.6 Control wiring practices
The general control wiring practices for the GIS do not differ substantially from those of conventional
metal-clad switchgear. The requirements of IEEE Std C37.20.2 can also be applied to the GIS. The
following summarizes those requirements and highlights specific user requirements for the GIS. Control, secondary, and logic-level wiring
Flame-retardant, 600 V, 90 °C, insulated stranded tinned copper wire should be used for internal wiring
between components of switchgear assemblies and to terminals for connection to external controls,
metering, or instrumentation.
Wiring within components is assumed to be covered by standards applicable to those devices and is not
covered by this guide. Wiring for the purpose of providing power to external GIS loads is not covered by
this guide.
The GIS manufacturer is responsible for the performance of the wiring system provided by the
manufacturer within the switchgear. This applies to the integrity of internally generated signals in the
control wiring and may require the use of special precautions such as shielded wire and segregation of
certain wires. Wiring across hinges
The wiring that crosses a hinge should be sufficiently flexible to withstand repeated door movement
without sustaining damage to the wire strands or insulation. The loop formed by the wiring as it crosses the
hinge should be covered by a protective wiring harness and secured to the equipment. The wire loop should
be protected against damage if the door is removed. No sharp edges or objects should be allowed in the
path of the wire loop while the door is operated. Wire sizes
Wire sizes should be specified by the manufacturer and shall be designed for the required maximum
steady-state loads. The sizes chosen also should accommodate voltage drop within the switchgear,
including the effect of intermittent heavy loads (shunt trip and close coils, inrush from relays, etc.). As a
minimum, the criteria of IEEE Std C37.20.2, should be met. Wire protection and support
Bushings, grommets, or other mechanical protection should be provided for wiring where it passes through
a metal sheet, barrier, or raceway. Wiring should be adequately supported to prevent stress from causing
damage to the conductors or the insulation.
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IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV Terminal blocks
Terminal blocks incorporating plug-in or screw terminals should accommodate wire lugs or similar devices
affixed to stranded wire. Plug-in or screw type terminals intended for use with stranded wire should be such
that all strands of the conductor are confined. Terminal blocks that incorporate pressure connectors should
not damage the wire, and when terminating stranded conductors, all strands should be clamped within the
Terminal blocks for external control connections and current transformer connections to shorting type
terminal blocks should be screw or ring tongue connections, and should be suitable to accept up to a wire
size of AWG No. 10 stranded wire.
4.1.7 Grounding
The grounding of the GIS equipment shall be in accordance with IEEE Std 80 and IEEE Std 142. General
The frame of each enclosure section should be provided with a grounding terminal pad or ground bus bar
for connection to a grounding conductor suitable for the specified fault conditions.
The short-circuit current ratings applicable to the grounding circuit shall be equal to or greater than the
rated short time and rated peak withstand current rating. Grounding of the primary circuit
To ensure personnel safety during maintenance work, all parts of the main circuit to which access is
required or provided shall be grounded prior to becoming accessible to personnel. This does not apply to
removable parts (e.g., plug-in arresters or voltage transformers) which become accessible after being
separated from the switchgear.
Grounding may be accomplished by a combination of circuit breaker and three-position switch or by the
application of worker’s grounds using a “hot stick” and grounding clamps after the circuit has been
deenergized and tested for potential. Grounding of the enclosure
A ground bus should be included that will electrically connect together the structures in the GIS assembly
in or on which primary equipment or devices are mounted. The GIS ground bus shall be connected to the
ground grid in two locations or more as required by the manufacturer or by the grounding study.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) demands for the installation may require a special approach in the
grounding of the switchgear.
Factory-built transport units shall be interconnected during final installation through a grounding
conductor. This interconnection between the adjacent transport units shall be capable of carrying the rated
short-time and peak withstand current for the grounding circuit.
If using single-phase enclosed switchgear, bonding connections (i.e., the interconnections between the
enclosures of the three phases) should be installed to carry the induced current. Each of these bonding
connections should be connected as directly as possible to the general ground grid by a conductor capable
of carrying the rated short-time and peak withstand current for the grounding circuit.
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IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
4.1.8 Seismic requirements
The following sub-sections contain guidelines to ensure functional adequacy of GIS installations under
seismic disturbances. General recommendations on seismic design of substations are provided in IEEE Std
693. Further information is also provided in IEEE Std C37.122.1.
In addition to this guide and the above-mentioned IEEE Standards and Guides, further detailed and sitespecific information has to be considered by the design engineer and discussed with the manufacturer. Seismic features
There are several features that distinguish the behavior of gas-insulated from air-insulated switchgear under
seismic influence.
The GIS up to 52 kV is for indoor installation only. As a consequence, the building design needs to
incorporate the site-specific seismic requirements.
The GIS is characterized by a number of individual gas compartments. Their structural design
ensures gas-tightness even under seismic conditions.
The GIS typically improves the withstand capability under seismic stress due to increased
compactness. Seismic qualification methods
The use of the methods and procedures described in IEEE Std 693 satisfies the requirements of this guide.
Alternative methods that can be agreed between the user and the manufacturer include the following (for
further description, see IEEE Std C37.122):
Mathematical modeling
Analytical methods (static or dynamic)
Seismic testing per IEEE Std 693
Simplified seismic verification procedure for low seismic exposure GIS building and foundations
As much as practical, it is recommended to place all interconnected equipment on a monolithic foundation
to reduce differential movement. If interconnected equipment is not on the same foundation, means to
accommodate the expected differential movement should be provided.
The building design and layout should follow the applicable building codes and have at least the same
seismic withstand capability as the GIS, to prevent damage to the equipment from falling debris or collapse
of the building. Floor anchoring
The GIS is typically bolted with leveling bolts or anchors to the floor frames or profiles that are embedded
into the grouting of the foundation. Anchor systems should be designed to accommodate the tensile, shear,
moment, and axial loads and any combination thereof that might be experienced during the design
earthquake. Specific anchoring by means of bolting or welding should be considered in locations where
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IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
seismic qualification is required. Tolerances for leveling of the line up should be coordinated with the
manufacturer. Interconnections to adjacent equipment
Interconnections between items of equipment should accommodate large relative, axial, lateral, moment,
and torsional motions as structurally and dynamically dissimilar structures experience large relative
displacements under seismic conditions. Leads and interconnections should be designed to allow such
displacement without damage. The methods and materials used for interconnections are an important
consideration (e.g., cable connections versus bus connections) that should be discussed between the user
and the manufacturer.
4.1.9 Monitoring systems Gas pressure and density monitoring
The gas pressure or gas density in the GIS is measured with manometers, electronic gas pressure sensors, or
gas density monitors. All gas compartments are monitored. Typically one or more auxiliary contacts are
provided for remote or local signaling of pressure alarm indication.
The low pressure lock-out function typically used for high-voltage SF 6 breakers is not typically applied in
this type of GIS, because the interruption performance of the vacuum circuit breakers is not affected by the
surrounding SF 6 pressure.
4.2 Installation, operation, and maintenance
4.2.1 Safety
The recommendations of this subclause are not intended to replace or invalidate present applicable
standards of safety, but rather to augment such standards with respect to the special factors involved in the
operation and maintenance of GIS equipment. General
The GIS is intended to operate in all cases where the installation and maintenance is carried out in
accordance with the manufacturer’s installation and maintenance instructions. The GIS should be operated
and maintained by skilled and trained personnel only. Operational safety
Due to the gas-tight sealing, foreign solid objects and dust cannot enter the compartments. Depending on
the basic design of the switchgear, any moisture penetrating the seals is absorbed by desiccant agents
mounted inside the individual compartments. The GIS pressure systems are sealed for the expected
operational life of the switchgear and have gas pressure or density monitoring equipment.
In the case of gas losses, the switchgear can still be operated since the rated performance is ensured down
to the minimum operating pressure as stated by the manufacturer. The pressure alarm is typically set to
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IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
initiate before the lowest permissible pressure is reached. Provision should be made for the alarm(s) to be
transmitted to the user’s central control room.
The user should consult the manufacturer on the course of action to take as a result of loss of gas pressure. Personnel safety
The GIS offers a high level of safety to the operator regarding electric shock with respect to the primary
When viewports are used as a means of switch contact position verification, a sign should be installed near
each viewport to warn of possible danger when viewing the interior during switch operation. The suggested
wording is as follows:
Do not look into the view port during switch operation. Arcing may damage your eyes.
The area around the viewport and/or viewport cover should be painted in a distinctive color for easier
identification of viewport locations. Personnel safety during normal operation
GIS incorporating vacuum circuit breakers does not produce toxic by-products originating out of current
quenching arcs. The insulation gas stays stable. If the gas needs to be removed in case of maintenance
work, then gas maintenance equipment should be used to minimize environmental effects. Personnel safety in the event of faults
Gas leakage may occur after a severe electrical or mechanical failure of the enclosure system. In such a
case leakages of SF 6 can be expected from the compartments concerned. If heat (fire, arcing) is involved,
additional decompositions may be expected as part of the leaking gas. Personnel should not enter rooms in
this case. Rooms should only be entered when sufficient forced ventilation is in place.
In the event of an internal arc fault, pressure builds up in the enclosure and gas with by-products will be
relieved through a rupture disk/pressure relief device into the switchgear room. Hot gasses should be routed
away from the operating areas to minimize the risk of injuries. After such an incident, the switchgear room
should be ventilated thoroughly before any personnel enter the room. Protective equipment such as masks,
gloves, etc. should be used while cleaning the equipment and the switchgear room. Dry, powdery residual
substances should be removed, preferably with an industrial vacuum cleaner (filter size 0.3 µm). For more
specific information refer to CIGRE 276.
4.2.2 Installation, transport, storage, and equipment handling
It is essential that the transport, storage, and installation of the GIS as well as their operation and
maintenance in service, be performed in accordance with instructions given by the manufacturer.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV Transport, storage, installation, and operation
The manufacturer should provide the appropriate instruction manuals for the transport, storage, installation,
operation, and maintenance of the GIS. The instructions for the transport and storage should be provided at
a convenient time before delivery, and the instructions for the installation, operation, and maintenance
should be provided by the time of delivery at the latest. The operation manual may be a separate document
from the installation and maintenance manual.
The subject GIS is typically shipped partially or completely filled with SF 6 .
Details and complete instructions for the installation, operation, and maintenance should be provided by the
manufacturer. Conditions during transport, storage, and installation
A special agreement should be made between the manufacturer and the user if the service conditions of
temperature and humidity defined in the order cannot be guaranteed during transport, storage, and
installation. Special precautions may be essential for the protection of insulation during transport, storage,
and installation prior to energizing in order to prevent moisture absorption for instance, due to rain, snow,
or condensation. Impact recorders or similar devices may be used to monitor impacts or vibrations during
transport. Appropriate instructions should be provided. If the switchgear is to be stored for a long period of
time, consult with the manufacturer. Installation, unpacking, and lifting
For each type of GIS equipment the instructions provided by the manufacturer should include the required
information for unpacking and lifting safely, including details of any special lifting and positioning devices
which may be necessary. Assembly and installation
When the GIS is not fully assembled for transport at the factory, all transport units should be clearly marked.
Drawings showing assembly of these parts must be provided with the GIS. Instructions for the installation of
the GIS and auxiliary equipment should include sufficient details of locations and foundations to enable site
preparation to be completed. These instructions should also indicate the total weight of the apparatus
including insulating gas, the weight of SF 6 gas, the weight of the heaviest part of the apparatus to be lifted
separately if it exceeds 100 kg (220 lb), and instructions for leveling the switchgear assemblies. Connections
Instructions should include information on connections of conductors, connection of auxiliary circuits,
connection of grounding, assembly of plug-in connections, and use of cable termination tool kits. Final installation and inspection
Instructions should be provided for inspection and tests which should be made after the GIS has been
installed and all connections have been completed. These instructions should include a schedule of
recommended site tests to establish correct operation, procedures for carrying out any adjustment that may
be necessary to obtain correct operation, recommendations for any relevant measurements that should be
made and recorded to help with future maintenance decisions, and instructions for final inspection and
placing into service.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV Basic input data to be provided by the user
The following input data should be supplied by the user to ensure ease of installation:
Access limitations to the local site
Local working conditions and any restrictions that may apply (e.g., safety equipment, normal
working hours, union requirements, etc.)
Availability and capacity of lifting and handling equipment
Availability, number, and experience of local personnel
Interface requirements for connection with other components of the associated power system
In the case of extensions to existing GIS:
Provisions for the extensions available within existing primary and secondary equipment
In-service conditions or operating restrictions that must be respected
Safety regulations Basic input data to be provided by the manufacturer
The following input data should be supplied by the manufacturer to ensure ease of installation:
Space necessary for erection and assembly
Size and weight of components and testing equipment
Site conditions regarding cleanliness and temperature for clean erection and preparation area
Number and experience of local personnel required for erection
Time and activity schedules for erection and commissioning
Electric power, lighting, water, and other needs for erection and commissioning
Proposed training of erection and service personnel
In the case of extension to existing GIS:
Out-of-service requirements of existing components related to the erection schedule
Safety precautions Operation
The following should be supplied by the manufacturer:
A general description of the equipment with particular attention to the technical description of its
characteristics and operation so that the user has an adequate understanding of the main principles
A description of the safety features of the equipment and the operation of the interlocks and
padlocking facilities
A description of the action to be taken to operate the equipment for isolation, grounding,
maintenance, and testing
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
4.2.3 Gas handling General characteristics of SF 6
SF 6 is a heavy, nontoxic gas consisting of one sulfur atom surrounded by six fluorine atoms. As fluorine is
the strongest of oxidizers, the fluorine atoms of SF 6 are tightly bound to the sulfur atom, resulting in a
highly stable molecule. As a result of its symmetry, the intermolecular forces between SF 6 molecules are
very low, resulting in a very low liquefaction temperature for its relatively high molecular weight. Most
materials of similar molecular weight are liquids or solids at room temperature.
CAS number:
Molecular weight:
146.05 g/mol, 5.15 oz/mol
6.07 kg/m³ at 20 °C and 100 kPa, 0.379 pound/foot³ at 68 °F and 14.5 PSI
Voltage withstand:
8.8 kV/cm bar (air: 3.3 kV/cm bar) , 22.35 kV/inch PSI (air: 8.38 kV/inch
PSI) in homogeneous field. Highly electronegative.
For detailed information of physical characteristics see ASTM D2472. Purchasing
SF 6 is supplied highly compressed as a liquid in containers. New gas shall meet the requirements of ASTM
D2472 or IEC 60376. Any consignment should be accompanied by a certificate of compliance or Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Storage
Containers should be handled with care and stored in dry cool places not exposed to the sun and away from
any flammable or explosive material. Containers should be stored with their outlet valves directed upwards
and well secured. The containers should be clearly labeled as to identify their contents. Filling of switchgear
Personnel should be familiar with the properties of SF 6 and should strictly follow the instructions of the
manufacturer of the GIS for filling and/or evacuation.
4.2.4 Site work
Foundations should be capable of carrying the load of the GIS with suitable excess margin as well as the
desired rolling load.
Further, the foundations should meet the relevant seismic codes. Further requirements with regard to
leveling, surface, etc. shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manuals.
The connection between the ground bus of the GIS and the ground grid of the substation should have at
least the same current withstand as the ground bus of the GIS. Preferably the ground connection to the
ground grid should be made on either end of the GIS. The grounding of the GIS equipment should be in
accordance with IEEE Std 80.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
4.2.5 Inspection, maintenance, and repair
Instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer should be strictly followed. The user should
perform inspections as per the GIS instruction manual. The maintenance and repair of the GIS should be
coordinated with the manufacturer unless specified in the instruction manual.
4.3 Testing procedures
4.3.1 Design tests
Design tests are used to prove the design characteristics of GIS and its associated devices and should
include the following as per IEEE Std C37.09 and IEC 62271-200:
Dielectric tests (including power frequency and impulse testing)
Measurement of the resistance of circuits
Temperature rise test
Short time withstand current and peak withstand current test
Verification of the degree of protection (IP coding, mechanical impact)
Tightness test
Electromagnetic compatibility test (EMC)
Mechanical operation test (switching devices, additional tests for disconnect switches, removable
parts, interlocks)
Internal arc test
Additional tests for circuit breakers:
Mechanical endurance tests
Making and breaking tests
Single-phase or double-earth fault tests
Cable charging switching tests
Standard duty cycle tests
Interrupting time tests
Transient recovery voltage (TRV) tests
Capacitor switching current tests
Out-of-phase switching current tests
4.3.2 Production tests
Production tests are a suitable means in order to verify the guaranteed quality and the expected product
properties of the GIS. These tests usually take place at the manufacturer’s premises covering the final
product. Individual components, sub-supplied by others, (e.g., current transformers, voltage transformers,
surge arresters, drives, etc.) are commonly tested to the required extent at the sub-supplier’s premises.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
The following is a list of routine production tests according to IEC and IEEE Standards:
Mechanical operation tests—circuit breaker
Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit
SF 6 gas-tightness test
Power frequency voltage withstand test
Partial discharge test
Mechanical operation tests: circuit breakers, disconnect switches and grounding switches
Design and visual checks
Test of auxiliary electrical devices
Voltage withstand test on auxiliary and control circuits
Test on the capacitive voltage indicating system
Verification of correct wiring
Test of voltage and current transformers
Function test of interlocks
Visual inspection
Pressure tests of gas-filled compartments higher than 0.5 bar gauge pressure
Point-to-point wiring check
Nameplate check
Clearance and mechanical adjustment checks
Circuit breaker timing
Operating mechanism mechanical checks
Circuit breaker operating mechanism stored energy system tests
4.3.3 Commissioning tests
The following recommended tests and inspections are to be performed on the complete GIS at the site after
Inspection of impact recorders or similar devices provided by the manufacturer, preferrably after
arrival of the GIS at site
General assembly inspection
Gas leakage test
SF 6 moisture and air content test, at least for parts of the GIS that had to be filled at site
Equipment list check
Nameplate check
Component device check
Point-to-point wiring check for wiring connections done on site
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Control system functional test
Voltage test on main circuit with 80% of the power-frequency voltage test values as per Table 1
Voltage test on control wiring for wiring connections done on site
Overall appearance inspection
Current transformer primary or secondary current injection, polarity verifications, ratio tests,
saturation tests, insulation tests, and secondary winding resistance measurements
Voltage transformer ratio tests
Verify phasing: primary and secondary
Electrical and mechanical interlocking
Circuit breaker contact resistance test
Circuit breaker timing tests
Circuit breaker mechanical operation tests
Disconnect switch and ground switch operation tests
A certified test and inspection report should be provided for each GIS section and for the entire assembly.
4.4 Documentation
The manufacturer should submit a complete drawing and documentation package to the user for review and
approval prior to manufacturing. This drawing submittal typically includes the following:
Physical outline drawings
Floor plan view of the complete GIS
Section views of the typical GIS bays
One-line relaying and metering diagram
AC three-line relaying and metering diagram
Interlocking logic diagram
Wiring connection diagram with opposite end designations
Control schematics
Gas schematic diagram
Control device designations
Instruction/operation/maintenance manuals
Foundation and building design parameters to be provided by the manufacturer
Training materials agreed upon between user and manufacturer
Sequence of operation
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Annex A
Switching device duty cycles
A.1 Circuit breaker and disconnect switch duty cycles
A.1.1 Duty cycles according to IEC 62271-100, definition of M1 and M2
Circuit-breaker class M1
Circuit-breaker with normal mechanical endurance (mechanically type tested for 2000 operating cycles)
Circuit-breaker class M2
Frequently operated circuit-breaker for special service requirements and designed so as to require only
limited maintenance as demonstrated by specific type tests (circuit-breaker with extended mechanical
endurance, mechanically type tested for 10 000 operating cycles)
A.1.2 Duty cycles according to IEC 62271-102, definition of M0, M1, and M2
Disconnect switch class M0
Disconnect switch having a mechanical endurance of 1000 operating cycles, suitable for applications in
distribution and transmission systems fulfilling the general requirements of this standard
Disconnect switch class M1
Disconnect switch having an extended mechanical endurance of 2000 operating cycles, mainly for
applications where the disconnect switch is operated in conjunction with a circuit-breaker of an equal class
Disconnect switch class M2
Disconnect switch having an extended mechanical endurance of 10 000 operating cycles, mainly for
applications where the disconnect switch is operated in conjunction with a circuit-breaker of an equal class
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Authorized licensed use limited to: BROWN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on December 12,2012 at 11:59:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Annex B
Sequence of operation
B.1 Sequence of operations for typical applications on feeder circuits
It is assumed that a feeder is in the energized condition and the operating sequences described below are of
a general nature for GIS. In all cases applicable safety and specific operating rules shall be observed.
Sequence of operation for isolation of a feeder:
The feeder circuit breaker is switched to the open position [see Figure B.1(a)]. This unlocks the
disconnect switch.
The feeder disconnect switch is switched to the open position [see Figure B.1(b)]. Verify by viewing.
The feeder is now isolated on bus side.
Figure B.1—Feeder circuits grounding
Sequence of operation for feeder grounding:
Verify circuit is deenergized by means of the integrated voltage detector/indicator.
The grounding switch is switched to closed position [see Figure B.1(c)]. Verify by viewing.
Close the feeder circuit breaker [see Figure B.1(d)].
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Lock feeder circuit breaker in closed position according to manufacturer’s O&M manual.
The feeder is now grounded through the circuit breaker on the line side.
B.2 Sequence of operations for main bus grounding on sectionalized bus
(It is assumed that the tie circuit breaker is in the energized condition.)
Sequence of operation for grounding of main bus section A:
Open all disconnect switches on “A” bus and verify by viewing.
Block closing of disconnect switches.
Open tie circuit breaker [see Figure B.2(a)].
Open bus “B” disconnect switch of bus tie circuit breaker [see Figure B.2(b)]. Verify by viewing.
Close the bus “B” grounding switch [see Figure B.2(b)] (possible only if all disconnect switches on
“A” bus feeders are in open position). Verify by viewing.
Close the tie circuit breaker.
Lock tie circuit breaker in closed position according to manufacturer’s O&M manual.
The “A” bus is now grounded.
A Bus
B Bus
Figure B.2—“A” bus grounded through tie circuit breaker
Sequence of operation for grounding of main bus section B: number sequences
Open all disconnect switches on “B” bus. Verify this by viewing.
Block closing of disconnect switches.
Open the tie circuit breaker.
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IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Open bus “A” disconnect switch of the bus tie circuit breaker [see Figure B.2(a)]. Verify by
Close the bus “A” grounding switch [see Figure B.2(a)] (possible only if all disconnect switches on
“B” bus feeders are in open position). Verify by viewing.
Close the tie circuit breaker.
Lock tie circuit breaker in closed position according to manufacturer’s O&M manual.
The “B” bus is now grounded.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: BROWN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on December 12,2012 at 11:59:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std C37.122.2-2011
IEEE Guide for the Application of Gas-Insulated Substations 1 kV to 52 kV
Annex C
Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
[B1] IEEE Std 1125TM, IEEE Guide for Moisture Measurement and Control in SF 6 Gas-Insulated
Equipment. 6
[B2] IEEE Std C37.122.3TM, IEEE Guide for Sulfur Hexafloride (SF 6 ) Gas Handling for High-Voltage
(over 1000 Vac) Equipment.
[B3] IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms and Definitions. 7
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,
USA (http://standards.ieee.org/).
IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms and Definitions is available at http://shop.ieee.org.
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