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EN1091 Engineering Analysis Module Description

12/08/2023, 16:53
EN1091: Engineering Analysis
EN1091: Engineering Analysis
Cardiff School of Engineering
Department Code
Module Code
External Subject Code 100184
Number of Credits
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader
Dr Fei Jin
Double Semester
Academic Year
Outline Description of Module
To develop the basic mathematical knowledge and intellectual skills appropriate for a modern engineering
degree scheme, and the ability to apply such knowledge and skills in an engineering context and to provide
an introduction to numerical methods as a tool for solving engineering problems.
On completion of the module a student should be able to
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differential and integral calculus
Display an understanding of matrices and matrix algebra
Understand the concept of series expansions and convergence
Understand basic complex numbers and their applications
Understand elementary statistical analysis and probability, via the interpretation, formulation and
solution of mathematical and engineering problems.
Demonstrate the ability to apply integration to solve a variety of engineering problems
Understand the concepts and techniques required for solving differential equations
Understand the concept and application of Fourier series
Understand the scope offered by numerical techniques for the solution of engineering problems
How the module will be delivered
The module will be delivered through a blend of online teaching and learning material, guided study, and oncampus face-to-face classes (tutorials, examples classes).
Students are expected to devote a minimum of three hours per week to private study and attempting a
comprehensive set of tutorial problems, which form the basis of the example / tutorial classes.
Skills that will be practised and developed
Apply the basic principles of differential and integral calculus in the solution of mathematical and
engineering problems.
Apply matrix algebra in the solution of simultaneous equations
Determine the series expansions of mathematical functions and the conditions under which they
Apply basic complex numbers in the solution of numerical problems
Apply the basic principles of probability theory and statistical analysis in an engineering context.
Application of integration in solving variety of numerical/engineering problems
Apply partial differentiation to find stationary values of functions with more than one variable
Solve first and second order differential equations
Calculate Fourier series representation of standard waveforms
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EN1091: Engineering Analysis
Apply basic numerical methods to solve engineering problems
How the module will be assessed
Students are assessed by two class tests, and by a 3-hour examination at the end of the Spring semester.
Feedback is provided during example/tutorial classes.
There is a potential for re-assessment in this module which may result in a 100% written assessment during
the August Resit period.
Assessment Breakdown
Class Test
10 Engineering Analysis Test 1 N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Engineering Analysis
Class Test
10 Engineering Analysis Test 2 N/A
Syllabus content
Fundamentals of Algebra, Vectors & Function
Expansion and simplification of algebraic expressions. Introduction to vector addition and multiplication.
Review of single and multivariable functions such as polynomials, trigonometry and inverse functions.
Definition as a limit; product, quotient and chain rules; differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric,
exponential, hyperbolic, logarithmic, inverse, implicit and parametric functions; higher derivatives.
Definition of indefinite integral; standard forms, integration by substitution and by parts; rational and
irrational functions; algebraic, trigonometric and hyperbolic substitutions; definite and improper integrals.
Introduction to matrices and matrix algebra. Solving simultaneous equations using matrix algebra.
Infinite series and expansion of functions
Definition of series and simple concepts of convergence; ratio test for general series; power series and
expansion of functions; Maclaurin`s and Taylor`s series; series for trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential
functions; evaluation of functions.
Complex Numbers
Complex numbers, rectangular and polar forms, Argand diagrams, principal values, conjugates, exp(jq) = cos
q + j sinq, De Moivre`s theorem, roots of complex numbers.
Probability and Statistics
Graphical representation of data; measures of location and dispersion; discrete and continuous frequency
distributions; probability and probability distributions; Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions; basic
ideas of significance and confidence limits.
Application of integration
Multiple integrals; areas and moments of area, centroid, radius of gyration; parallel and perpendicular axes
theorems; polar co-ordinates; lengths and moments of arcs; surface and volumes of revolution; theorems of
Pappus; moments of inertia.
Hyperbolic Functions
Hyperbolic functions, inverse hyperbolic functions and their properties.
Ordinary differential equations
Ordinary differential equations, directly integrable, variable separable, homogeneous and linear equations of
first order and degree. Integrating factors. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients,
complementary functions and particular integrals.
Partial differentiation
Functions of several variables; partial differentiation, the total derivative, partial differentiation of a function
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EN1091: Engineering Analysis
of functions, chain rule, higher partial derivatives. Stationary values of a function of several variables.
Fourier series
Periodic Functions
The Euler formulas and alternative formulas for Fourier coefficients.
Half-Range expansions and simple applications of Fourier series.
Numerical Methods
Linear simultaneous equations - Gauss, Siedel, Jacobi
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