katedeering fitness UNDERSTANDING METABOLISM THE BASICS MY TOP 13 METABOLIC FOODS What is Metabolism? Your Metabolism is the SUM of every metabolic/chemical process that occurs in your body. When your body is healthy, every metabolic process (digestion, immunity, detoxification, hormone production, brain function, etc.) will be working optimally. Metabolism runs on carbohydrates/fats/proteins, which are stored in food and utilized as energy. Thus, the higher/healthier your metabolic rate, the more energy (food) you need to run efficiently. If your metabolic rate drops, metabolic processes (see above) will suffer, and less energy (food) is needed and utilized. What does a healthy/high metabolism look like? -Warm body, hands, feet and nose. Body Temperature 97.8-98.6 degrees. *Body temperature will change for women. Post ovulation temperature should increase by .5-1 degree due to an increase in progesterone. -1-3 Daily bowel movements -Consistent energy all day -7-9 hours of deep sleep -Pain-free periods -Fertility -Strong libido -Ability to maintain weight without excessive exercise Signs of a Sluggish/stressed metabolism -Body temperature below 97.8 degrees -Cold hands, feet and nose -Constipated -Diarrhea -Urinate more than 5-6x a day -Waking up in the middle of the night -Cannot get to sleep -Anxious/Depressed -Fatigue -No libido -Weight gain or weight loss It should be noted, that just because you are “burning” lots of calories, does not mean your metabolism is high or healthy. Despite what many health and fitness professionals say, exercise does not increase your metabolic rate—at least, in the way you want. In fact, during exercise, even weight training, thyroid hormone becomes suppressed. If the body is healthy, it will quickly recover, if it is not, the basal metabolic rate (your metabolism at rest) will stay low. 2 If you are someone who can only maintain their weight with constant exercise and/or dieting, then you may be artificially increasing your metabolism (externally burning calories), at the expense of lowering other metabolic functions. Your body is always trying to stay in balance. If you externally burn more fuel than you are providing to your body, it will compensate by slowing internal functions down. Have you ever noticed that the more you PUSH yourself, the worse you sleep, the more constipated you become, your hair falls out, you have horrible PMS, your sex drive plummets, you gain weight (or lose weight ) and/or you just do not feel well. It all SUCKS. And no matter how much exercise, dieting or "green" juice you drink, you do not feel better? If this is you, then your metabolism has adapted to the stressors you have placed upon it. This shows up as a dysregulated system, with many of the symptoms I have listed above. *Use the above check list to figure out which category you are in—healthy metabolism vs. stressed metabolism. So what do you do if your metabolism is stressed/sluggish? Well, there is no easy and quick answer. Usually it means slowing down, addressing the stressors in your life, reducing exercise vs adding more AND eating foods that support metabolic healing vs foods that be slowing things down. If you feel your metabolism is sluggish/stressed, you can utilize the below food list to help support your body healing. How your body utilizes energy is the foundation of a Healthy Metabolism. 3 Top 13 Pro-metabolic foods 1.Organic Fruit– papaya, watermelons, cherries, grapes, RIPE/cooked apples, RIPE/cooked pears, peaches, nectarines, orange/orange juices, lychees, paw paws, apple sauce, cherimoya, etc. are packed with good sugar, antioxidants, and a great source of minerals. 3. Organic Expeller Pressed (refined) Coconut oil – A healthy saturated fat consisting primarily of medium chain triglycerides (MCT). The MCT’s in coconut oil are proven anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral agents. 4. Organic Pastured Eggs– Eggs are loaded with vitamin B12, Vit D, Vit A, choline and leucine all of which are what your body utilizes to help metabolize fat. A recent research study found those who ate 1-2 eggs for breakfast lost more weight than those who ate bagels, toast or cereal Organic fruits and even fruit juices (without pulp) are a great tool for maintaining blood sugar as long as you consume them with a fat and a protein. 2. Organic RAW Carrots– Raw carrots act like a natural antibiotic to aid your gut, thus they help you process food better, decrease bacteria and endotoxin in your gut. They are best consumed with a 1 tsp. refined coconut oil, 1 tsp. of vinegar, and a clean White Sea salt. Consuming a raw carrot salad/day can also be used to balance your hormones, as it can detoxify you of excess estrogens. 5. Raw/Organic Dairy – calcium helps break down fat, and milk and other dairy contain tons of calcium. If you are lactose intolerant try raw milk products. Since they are unpasteurized, they will contain the live enzymes necessary for you to break down the milk protein. 4 Top 13 Pro-metabolic foods .Organic ensures it is hormone and antibiotic free. (add in milk slowly (1-2 oz/day) then try and work up to 824oz/day). 8. Organic grass-fed, FREE roaming meats– High quality meat contains B vitamins and all your essential amino acids. Grass -fed meats contain 1/2 to 1/3 less fat than grain fed beef. Consume in moderation, as these meats contain a high amount of phosphate to calcium. High phosphate to calcium has been linked to bone breakdown. 6. Organic Fruit Vegetables– Squash, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkin, etc. Believe it or not, squash are actually fruits. They contain high levels of folate, Vitamin C and beta carotene. They have antiinflammatory properties which has helped with cancer prevention, arthritis, heart attacks and strokes. 7. Organic White Potatoes – rich in protein, calcium, iron, potassium and vitamin C. Always eat potatoes with a fat and protein… so add a little butter and eat with a serving of fish, meat or dairy. Add potatoes (or any starch) in slowly, as too much too quick can encourage weight gain. If you have an issue digesting potatoes boiling them and eating them early in the day, this will reduce the starch and allow your body to process them more effectively. 9. Shellfish. Oysters, clams, mussels, shrimp, lobster, scallops and crab are all good sources of high-quality protein. Shellfish contain vitamins A, C, D and E, copper, zinc, selenium and the B vitamins. Weekly consumption should be 2-3x week. 5 10. Salt–it’s natures diuretic and is necessary to mobilize glucose (sugar). The right white, clean source of salt actually increases your metabolism, decreases edema and helps muscles recover. I recommend Morten’s canning and pickling salt. Top 13 Pro-metabolic foods 11. Dark or dairy, organic chocolate — Chocolate contain not only a healthy level of antioxidants, but it also contains stearic acid, a saturated fat that has been found to boost your metabolism. Chocolate is a good souce of the mineral magnesium, which is involved in about every metabolic process in the body. 13. LIVER Ounce for once liver is the most nutritious food on this planet. Liver contains large amounts of Vitamin A, copper, and B vitamins. For someone how has anemia, a weekly consumption of liver may be all you need to fix your system. Anemia is not a need for more iron, but more a need to regulate iron--Vitamin A and copper are both needed for proper iron regulation. 12. Bone broth and Gelatin. — Bone broth and gelatin are an amazing protein source free of the inflammatory amino acids cysteine, methionine, histidine and tryptophan . In addition, bone broth, gelatin and collagen have many anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. (My favorite gelatin is hydrolyzed gelatin from Great Lakes Gelatin) 6 LEARN HOW TO HEAL YOUR BROKEN METABOLISM DID YOU RELATE TO THE SIGNS OF A SLUGGISH/STRESSED METABOLISM AS STATED ON PAGE 2? BODY TEMPERATURE BELOW 97.8 DEGREES COLD HANDS, FEET AND NOSE CONSTIPATED DIARRHOEA URINATE MORE THAN 5-6X A DAY WAKING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT CANNOT GET TO SLEEP ANXIOUS/DEPRESSED FATIGUE NO LIBIDO WEIGHT GAIN OR WEIGHT LOSS WANT TO LEARN HOW TO HEAL YOUR BODY'S METABOLISM AND INCREASE YOUR METABOLIC RATE? HOW TO HEAL YOUR METABOLISM IN MY BOOK - "HOW TO HEAL YOUR METABOLISM", I SHOW YOU… – HOW EATING THE RIGHT METABOLIC FOODS WILL INCREASE YOUR METABOLIC RATE? – HOW TO EAT MORE AND STILL LOSE WEIGHT? – WHY YOUR CURRENT “HEALTHY” DIET AND EXERCISE PROGRAM MAY BE SLOWING YOUR METABOLIC RATE? – WHY REST AND SLEEP ARE ESSENTIAL FOR A HIGH METABOLIC RATE? – WHY BEING HAPPY WILL HELP INCREASE YOUR METABOLIC RATE AND HELP HEAL YOUR BROKEN METABOLISM? ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ …it also includes a detailed 5-day eating plan to show you a clear example of what a metabolically supportive diet looks like, complete with recipes meal ideas amount of each macronutrients "How to Heal Your Metabolism" will help educate you on how eating the right foods, eating the right amount of food, consuming the right food supplements, consuming the right amount of water, sleeping and resting, doing the right amount of exercise, and finding happiness will increase your metabolic rate and help heal your broken metabolism. HOW TO HEAL YOUR METABOLISM “This book has the important information that a person needs for selfdefense against the culture’s medical-nutritional menaces. Readers will want their friends to know about it, and the large amount of technical information in it is so clearly presented that I think it will soon have a wide readership. I really enjoyed reading this book.” ~ Ray Peat, PhD, biologist, nutritional researcher and author of numerous books and articles (www.RayPeat.com) Over 50,000 copies sold worldwide and a 4.6/5 rating on Amazon. Here's what readers had to say… HOW TO HEAL YOUR METABOLISM HOW TO HEAL YOUR METABOLISM HOW TO HEAL YOUR METABOLISM HOW TO HEAL YOUR METABOLISM HOW TO HEAL YOUR METABOLISM Click here now to get "How to Heal Your Metabolism" on Amazon. You can also listen to it on Audible over here. Hi I'm Kate For over 25 years I have been involved in the health and fitness industry helping men and women of all ages achieve optimal health and wellness. My practice is based on a holistic approach to health and wellness by looking at the entirety of a person’s well-being. A person’s well-being includes diet, stress, exercise, posture, sleep, digestion, hormones, mind-set and lifestyle. I believe maintaining all of these key components are vital to a person’s overall health and happiness. My expertise is based on certifications as a CHEK Exercise Coach, CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach 2, Olympic Lifting Coach, Z-health Practitioner (neurology) and Certified Nutritional Consultant. An athlete my entire life, I have played competitive tennis, participated in dozens of running races, including the Las Vegas Marathon, hiked the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim and Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in the continental U.S. My personal HOW TO HEAL YOUR METABOLISM My personal accomplishments along with my education and training moulded my approach to training my clients from a FITNESS-dominated perspective. Then, in 2010, I realized years of focus on solely physically training my body began to break down. I hit a physical and emotional wall. Everything I believed, practiced and espoused was no longer working. This is when I was introduced to the work of Dr. Ray Peat, Dr. Broda Barnes, Dr. Constance Martin, Dr. Han Selye, Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, Georgi Dinkov, Danny Roddy and many others. Within one year, after spending significant time reading, researching and personal experimentation, I healed my body and my metabolism. Along the way, my entire belief system about what constituted “true health” shifted 180 degrees from what I had been practising during my almost 25 years in this industry. Good health was no longer defined by how many hours I could work out, how much will-power I had, or how low my body fat could get. Good health is now defined by a lack of injuries and sickness, great sleep, good digestion, healthy skin and hair, lean muscle and a warm body, overall happiness and emotional well being. I now know and understand that the nutritional, mental, physical and spiritual components of a person’s life must act synergistically…one is not more important than the other. You can learn more about my work at www.katedeering.com You can also follow me here on Instagram and also on Facebook. Kate@katedeering.com