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AB Comunication FS

Feasibility Study
I. Course Description
Course Description:
The AB Communication course offers a dynamic and comprehensive curriculum that
prepares students for success in the ever-evolving field of communication. Through a
combination of theoretical foundations and practical applications, students develop a
broad range of communication competencies essential for professional and social
Key topics covered include communication theory, interpersonal communication, mass
communication and media studies, public speaking and presentations, intercultural
communication, organizational communication, digital and new media communication,
research methods in communication, communication campaigns and strategies, and
media production.
With a focus on experiential learning, students engage in interactive lectures, stimulating
discussions, real-world case studies, hands-on workshops, and industry internships.
They develop critical thinking, effective communication skills, and ethical awareness,
ensuring their readiness for careers in journalism, public relations, advertising, marketing,
media production, and more.
Upon completion, graduates possess the knowledge and practical expertise to excel in
diverse professional roles, adapt to emerging communication trends, and make
meaningful contributions in the field. The AB Communication course sets the foundation
for further academic pursuits and empowers students to become influential
communicators in today's dynamic world.
II. Institutional Mandate, Philosophy, and Goals
Institutional Mandate:
The institutional mandate of the AB Communication course is to provide students with a
comprehensive education in communication studies, preparing them for successful
careers in the field. The program aims to cultivate critical thinking, effective
communication skills, and ethical awareness among students, equipping them to navigate
and contribute to the ever-changing communication landscape.
The philosophy of the AB Communication course centers on the belief that effective
communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and societal development.
The program embraces a holistic approach that combines theoretical knowledge,
practical skills, and experiential learning to empower students with a deep understanding
of communication theories, principles, and practices. Through this philosophy, the course
seeks to foster ethical communicators who can create meaningful connections, engage
diverse audiences, and make a positive impact in their chosen professions.
1. Knowledge: The AB Communication course aims to provide students with a
comprehensive understanding of communication theories, models, and concepts,
enabling them to analyze and interpret various communication phenomena.
2. Skills: The program seeks to develop students' communication skills, including
effective verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, critical thinking,
persuasive speaking, writing, media production, and intercultural competence.
3. Ethical Awareness: The course instills in students a strong sense of ethical
responsibility in their communication practices. They are encouraged to consider
the social, cultural, and ethical implications of their messages, promoting
responsible and respectful communication.
4. Professional Competence: The program aims to equip students with the necessary
skills and knowledge to excel in professional communication roles. Graduates will
be prepared for careers in journalism, public relations, advertising, marketing,
media production, and related fields.
5. Adaptability: The AB Communication course recognizes the dynamic nature of the
communication industry. Students are encouraged to stay updated with emerging
trends and technologies, fostering adaptability and flexibility in their professional
6. Critical Thinking: The program promotes critical thinking skills, enabling students
to evaluate information, analyze media content, and make informed decisions.
They are encouraged to question assumptions, challenge biases, and think
critically about the impact of communication on society.
7. Collaboration: The course emphasizes the importance of teamwork and
collaboration in the communication field. Students learn to work effectively in
groups, respect diverse perspectives, and leverage collective strengths to achieve
common goals.
By aligning with these goals, the AB Communication course prepares graduates to
become competent, ethical, and influential communicators who can meet the challenges
and demands of the dynamic communication industry.
III. Management Viability
The qualifications and educational backgrounds of the individuals mentioned indicate a
diverse and well-rounded team with expertise in various fields. Here is a summary of their
1. Richard C. Quezon (President Emeritus): Mr. Quezon holds a Bachelor of Science
in Education with a major in Filipino and a minor in Mathematics. He further
pursued a Master of Arts in Education with a major in Administration and
Supervision. His educational background in education and administration equips
him with valuable knowledge and experience in overseeing educational programs.
2. Elsa M. Quezon (Vice President/Treasurer): Dr. Quezon obtained a Bachelor of
Science in Education and later earned a Doctor of Education with a major in
Educational Leadership and Management. Her educational background in
education, combined with her doctoral degree in leadership and management,
positions her well for financial and administrative responsibilities within the
3. Dr. Mei Ling Quezon (Vice President, Academic Affairs; Dean of College): Dr. Mei
Ling holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Communication Arts, a Master
in Public Administration with a major in Government Administration, a Master in
Education, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration. Her educational
background encompasses communication arts, government administration, and
education, making her well-suited to oversee the academic affairs of the AB
Communication program.
4. Dr. Rolando Tuando (Assistant Dean): Dr. Tuando has a Bachelor of Arts degree
with a major in History. He further pursued a Master of Public Management and
holds a Doctor of Management degree with a major in Public Management. His
educational background in history, combined with advanced degrees in public
management, provides a strong foundation for his role as an assistant dean,
particularly in areas such as program development and management.
5. Other team members: The remaining team members bring diverse educational
backgrounds to the table, including BSED English and Math, accounting, business
administration, computer science, and information technology. This diversity
ensures a well-rounded team with a range of expertise that can support various
aspects of the AB Communication program.
Overall, the qualifications and educational backgrounds of the individuals mentioned
demonstrate a strong foundation in education, administration, communication, and
related fields. This expertise positions them well to manage and oversee the AB
Communication program, ensuring its viability and success.
IV. Market Viability
Various assessment methods and procedures shall be employed to evaluate program
opportunities, and tracer studies will be undertaken. There will also be an annual
evaluation of whether or not the program is achieving the desired goals and objectives.
The findings will be utilized to improve the program further.
This Feasibility Study shall follow the CHED format contained in the Guidelines on the
Approval and Implementation of Curricular Revisions and Offerings of New Programs in
Colleges. It presents the (a) demand for the offering within the target area based on an
assessment of community needs (b) prospective students, and (c) existing schools in the
area offering the same program in order to determine the viability of the program.
A. Demand for Graduates
AB Communication graduates in Siquijor, with its rich tourism spots and vibrant economy,
can explore a diverse range of career opportunities. They can pursue careers in tourism
and hospitality industries, working as communication specialists for resorts, travel
agencies, or destination management organizations. Graduates can utilize their skills in
public relations, media production, and digital marketing to promote tourism attractions
and create engaging content for tourists.
Additionally, they can contribute to local government units, assisting in communication
campaigns and public information dissemination to enhance tourism initiatives. AB
Communication program equips graduates with expertise in journalism, broadcasting,
and social media management, allowing them to excel as content creators and
influencers in the tourism sector. Furthermore, graduates can explore roles in community
development organizations, using their communication skills to engage and empower
local communities, promote cultural heritage, and foster sustainable tourism practices.
With their versatile skill set, AB Communication graduates can play a vital role in elevating
the tourism industry in Siquijor and contributing to the overall economic growth and
development of the province.
B. Prospective Students
The Department of Education (DepEd) Siquijor division consists of eight districts,
encompassing fifteen public secondary schools with senior high school and seven private
secondary schools with senior high school. Additionally, there is one State University
College (SUC) in the area. Out of the total schools, ten offer the Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMSS) track, which serves as a suitable pathway for aspiring AB
Communication students. Based on the assumption that one class can be organized with
approximately 5% of students, it can be estimated that around 100 potential enrollees can
be expected. Furthermore, the consideration of out-of-school youths as potential
enrollees expands the possibilities for additional interested individuals.
Moreover, it is worth noting that there are currently no institutions within the province of
Siquijor offering a Bachelor of Communication Arts program. Introducing this program at
QMIS would provide a valuable opportunity for local students in Siquijor and nearby areas
to pursue a degree in communication arts without the need to travel long distances. This
local provision of the program has the potential to contribute to the growth and
development of the province by empowering individuals with the necessary knowledge
and skills for diverse communication roles. Graduates of the program can play a
significant role in various sectors such as media, advertising, public relations, and digital
marketing, thereby enhancing the communication landscape in Siquijor and promoting its
socio-economic progress.
V. Financial Viability
A. Financial soundness
We can evaluate the financial stability of Quezon Memorial Institute of Siquijor Inc. (QMIS)
by examining the financial data for 2022 and 2021:
In 2022:
Total receipts: PHP 14,819,189
Total expenses: PHP 5,378,956
Net surplus: PHP 9,440,213
In 2021:
Total receipts: PHP 4,171,803
Total expenses: PHP 3,952,292
Net surplus: PHP 219,511
These figures demonstrate a positive trend in QMIS's financial performance. In 2022,
there was a significant increase in total receipts compared to 2021, indicating improved
revenue generation. Additionally, the total expenses in 2022 were higher than the
previous year, suggesting potential expansion or increased investment in operational
The net surplus, representing the excess of revenue over expenses, saw a substantial
rise in 2022 compared to 2021. This signifies that QMIS was able to generate a larger
surplus and enhance its financial position. A higher net surplus is generally indicative of
financial soundness as it showcases the institution's capacity to cover expenses and
potentially reinvest in its operations. It also provides a cushion against unforeseen
circumstances and signifies financial stability.
B. Projected income and expenditure
Based on the projected enrollment of 100 students in the AB Communication program at
Quezon Memorial Institute of Siquijor Inc. (QMIS), and the corresponding tuition fee of
PHP 250 per unit and 29 units per semester, along with a miscellaneous fee of PHP
5,800, a thorough financial analysis indicates a positive outlook for the program. When
considering the monthly salary expenses of PHP 100,000, utility expenses of PHP
30,000, and school maintenance expenses of PHP 30,000, the projected net income per
semester is estimated to reach PHP 665,000. This projected net income demonstrates
the potential financial viability of the AB Communication program, taking into account the
expected revenue from tuition and miscellaneous fees, as well as the necessary
expenses required for program maintenance and operations.
C. Schedule of proposed tuition and 0ther fees
The proposed tuition fee for AB Communication program at Quezon Memorial Institute of
Siquijor Inc. (QMIS) is PHP 250 per unit, with a total of 29 units per semester. Additionally,
there is a miscellaneous fee of PHP 5,800. To facilitate the collection process, the tuition
fee will be collected before every major exam. To ensure manageable payments, the
tuition fee will be divided into four installments throughout the semester, allowing students
to pay their fees in a structured and convenient manner.