Cheat Sheet ICT330 Databases. Q1 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify entities and identifiers first! Add on with their other details [DO NOT ADD PK/FK] Draw with cardinality Don’t forget the relationships Reliable Tips? Drivers Motors Services and Repairs owns several workshops which carry out vehicle servicing and repair work. Each workshop is identified by a workshop code and has an address and a contact number. A system is required to support the activities of the workshops. Workshop(CODE, address,contact) The company wishes to build a knowledge base consisting of online technical specifications and repair and servicing notes for various vehicle designs, identified by a vehicle make, model and edition year. Whenever a vehicle arrives at a workshop, mechanics identify the vehicle design and check whether an entry for the design already exists in the knowledge base. If it exists, new insights gained are added as repair or servicing notes. If there is no match, a new entry is first made for the vehicle design. The date of entry creation, date of each note added, a note description as well as the mechanic who adds the note are captured. Note(MAKE,MODEL,EDITIONYEAR,DATETIMEADDED,notedescription) VehicleDesign(MAKE,MODEL,EDITIONYEAR,datecreated,techSpecs) The company provides several service packages. Each service package is identified by a service package name, the cost of the package and a list of service items. Some service items may be offered in more than one service packages e.g., change engine oil with synthetic oil. A service item is identified by service item code and has a name and a description. ServicePackage(PACKAGENAME,cost) ServiceItem(SERVICEITEMCODE,name,desc,cost) A vehicle visit to a workshop is identified by the vehicle registration number and time of visit. Each visit may include vehicle servicing with a service package or without a package, in which case, individually priced service items can be selected. A customer may also select a service package and then add on more individually priced service items. VehicleVisit(REGNUMBER,DATETIMEIN,datetimeout,mileage) ServiceItemAdded(REGNUM,DATEVISIT,SERVICEITEMCODE,cost) Vehicle(REGNUM,engineNum,chassisNum) A visit may also include one or more vehicle repair items. When a visit includes repair items, an overall repair labour cost is included to the total cost of the visit. A repair item is identified by a running number which is unique to a vehicle visit. A repair item has a description and a cost which is the total cost of parts used for the repair item. The unit cost of parts and quantity of parts used for a repair item should be itemised in the customer bill. Each part is identified by a part code. Each part has a name, description and a unit cost. The charges incurred for a visit therefore, may include cost of a service package, cost of individually priced service items, cost of labour for repair work and cost and quantity of parts used in repair items, each itemised for billing and accounting purposes. RepairItem(REGNUMBER,DATETTIMEIN,RUNNINGNUMBER,desc) PartUsed(REGNUMBER,DATETIMEIN,RUNNINGNUMBER,PARTCODE,unitcost,qty) Part(PARTCODE,name,desc,unitCost) VehicleVisitWithService(packageCost) VehicleVisitWithRepair(labourCost) A team of mechanics, each identified by the team number is assigned to handle all servicing and repair works for a vehicle visit. A team is headed by a senior mechanic and consists of 2 or more other mechanics, all of whom are attached to the same workshop. When a mechanic transfers to a new workshop, he joins a new team. Each mechanic is identified by a staff number, and is described by a name, date joined, and the dates he joins and leaves a team, where applicable. It is also necessary to record the headship of a team, that is, the date a senior mechanic starts to head a team and the date on which he steps down as head. Team(TEAMNUMBER) HeadAssignment(TEAMNUMBER,STARTDATE,enddate) Mechanic(STAFFNUM,name,dateJoined,positionType) TeamAssignment(STAFFNUM,STAFFSTART,dateEnd) The system should record customer details such as customer name and contact and vehicle details such as make, model, edition, vehicle registration number, engine number and chassis number. Other details include the vehicle condition at time of visit (e.g., locations of dents and scratches), the mileage, the date and time the vehicle is handed over to the workshop and the date and time the vehicle is returned. VehicleCondition(REGNUM,DATETIMEIN,RUNNINGNUM,desc) Customer(CONTACT,name) Q2 1. Identify using simple relationships, such as IDs. Subsumed? Lets say: 1. AttributeA AttributeB 2. AttributeC, AttributeD AttributeA 2 subsumed into 1.Why? Because the right hand side, is present as a left-hand side. 2. Relate and draw the dependency graph 3. Get the candidate keys 4. Start doing the BCF. BCNF Tips/Tricks: 1. Start from the bottom most from the dependency graph. 2. Consider if it is a Dependency Id Name, Info = TableName(Id, name, info) = TableName(Id[PK], name, info) The PK stays at the original Table, but becomes a FK. The rest are “moved” from the original table (Meaning to say, if the original record is a FK or PK, you move the entirely of the record over, with the FK/PK) 3. Consider if it is a Dependency Id Name = TableName(Id(FK), Name) The main value becomes the FK in the table. The original’s becomes the PK The rest are “moved” from the original table (Meaning to say, if the original record is a FK or PK, you move the entirely of the record over, with the FK/PK) 4. Perform explanations For Tables: o Every determinant in VehManufacturer(vehicleMake(PK), countryEstablished, yearEstablished) is a candidate key and thus, VehManufacturer is in BCNF. For Tables: o Every determinant in PartNeeded(problemCode(FK), componentCode) is a candidate key and so, PartNeeded is in BCNF. The only attributes in PartNeeded are also those in the multivalued dependency and so PartNeeded is in 4NF. For ongoing translation tables: o However, not every determinant of RepairWork_4 (vehicleRegNumber(FK), dateRepair ,problemCode, problemCategory, componentCode, problemStatus) is a candidate key. o Process shall be continued. 5. Finally, list out the final tables. General Idea is FKs don’t exist in current table, so they need to exist in their own tables first. PKs are generally all good, since they are in the same table. a. For PK relationships. ModelList (vehicleModel (PK), vehicleMake (FK)) where ModelList.vehicleMake must exist in VehManufacturer.vehMake Vehicle(vehicleRegNumber(PK), vehicleModel(FK)) where Vehicle.vehicleModel must exist in ModelList.vehicleModel b. For FK relationships • RepairWork_7(vehicleRegNumber(PK1.1/FK),dateRepair(PK1.2) ,problemCode(PK1.3/FK), problemStatus) where RepairWork_7.vehicleRegNumber must exist in Vehicle.vehicleRegNumber and RepairWork_7.problemCode must exist in ProblemList.problemCode Q3 1. Convert the Diagram into Logical Diagram *Most of the time, the many side is where the FK is. MUST DRAW DIAGRAM. 2. Identify the PK and FKs 3. Create Tables with constraints. If field requirement indicates an exact, use CHAR(). If no exact, use VARCHAR(). Didn’t see before but, if only date, can use date. No need to use datetime. Delete/Update Cascade is easy. If Cascade is allowed… ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE If either one is not? ON UPDATE NO ACTION OR ON DELETE NO ACTION 4. Start hoping the best for the SQL. Commonly used SQL fragments: Create View: CREATE VIEW getClaimsPrevYear AS SELECT Dependent.staffNumber, Dependent.childBirthOrder FROM Dependent LEFT JOIN Claim c1 ON Dependent.staffNumber = c1.staffNumber and Dependent.childBirthOrder = c1.childBirthOrder WHERE YEAR(c1.dateOfClaim) = YEAR(GETDATE()) - 1 GROUP BY Dependent.staffNumber, Dependent.childBirthOrder Create Trigger: CREATE TRIGGER verifyBooking ON Meeting FOR INSERT, UPDATE AS BEGIN DECLARE @venueRoom int, @venueBuilding char(1), @bookDateTime datetime, @meetingDuration int, @meetingEndTime datetime, @deptName char(20), @currMtg datetime SELECT @meetingDuration = inserted.duration, @bookDateTime = inserted.datetimeMeeting, @deptName = inserted.department, @venueRoom = inserted.RoomNumber, @venueBuilding = inserted.BuildingName FROM inserted SET @meetingEndTime = DATEADD(hh,@meetingDuration,@bookDateTime) IF exists ( SELECT TOP 1 mt.datetimeMeeting from Meeting mt WHERE mt.department = @deptName and (@bookDateTime BETWEEN mt.datetimeMeeting and DATEADD(hh,mt.duration,mt.datetimeMeeting) or @meetingEndTime BETWEEN mt.datetimeMeeting and DATEADD(hh,mt.duration,mt.datetimeMeeting)) ) BEGIN ROLLBACK RAISERROR('Department has already a meeting at the same time frame.',16,1) END ELSE IF exists ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Venue v LEFT JOIN Meeting mt ON v.BuildingName = mt.BuildingName and v.RoomNumber = mt.RoomNumber WHERE @venueRoom = v.RoomNumber and @venueBuilding = v.BuildingName and (@bookDateTime BETWEEN mt.datetimeMeeting and DATEADD(hh,mt.duration,mt.datetimeMeeting) or @meetingEndTime BETWEEN mt.datetimeMeeting and DATEADD(hh,mt.duration,mt.datetimeMeeting)) ) BEGIN ROLLBACK RAISERROR('Venue has already a meeting at the same time frame.',16,1) END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Booking saved/updated' END END Q4 1. Isolation Levels / Locks Locks: Lost Update: 2. Permissions Make sure to mention to the detailed level of which column and which row. Eg: Allowed on UPDATE on Table1 on Status Column. 3. Checkpoint/Failure State Not committed at crash Rollback before crash Rollback after checkpoint Rollback before checkpoint Commit after Checkpoint Commit before Checkpoint Commit before Crash Explanations Apply before image and rollback. Need to restart transaction. Roll backwards using reverse pointer and apply before image. Don’t restart. Roll backwards using reverse pointer and apply before image. Nothing needed to be done. Roll forward using forward pointer and apply after image. Roll forward is to be done for each database operations after the last checkpoint. Nothing needed to be done. Roll forward using forward pointer and apply after image. ACID Restarting ensures Atomicity Can ensure durability through rolling backwards from end of Transaction past checkpoint to beginning of transaction. N.A? Can ensure durability through roll forward after checkpoint to end of transaction. 4. ACID Properties