Patient Name Physician Therapist Eval Date DOB Next MD visit PERSONAL DATA: PT History of Pain/Symptoms 1. Pain Level Current pain ____/10 Worst pain _____/10 Best pain _____/10 2. o Pain Type o Aching o Dull o Tingling o Stabbing o Burning o Nauseating Other: 3.Pain Location 4.What relieves pain? (positions, movements meds, modalities) 5.What makes pain? (positions, movements, activities) 6.Pain/Sx’s. Frequency: o Intermittent o Constant 7.Duration of Pain < 16 days > 16 days 8.Pain o In Morning o At Night 9.Symptoms below the knee? YES NO IF YES PERFORM LOWER QUARTER SCREEN IF NO PERFORM SI/PELVIC ASSESSMENT LOWER QUARTER SCREEN SI/PELVIC ASSESSMENT Initial SI Test SI Re Test 1. PSIS Levels in Sitting: + Erhardt Manip performed 1. PSIS Levels in Sitting: + 2. Standing Forward Flexion: + YES NO 2. Standing Forward Flexion: + 3. Supine to Sit: + Pubic Manip performed ? 3. Supine to Sit: + 4. Prone Knee Flexion: + YES NO 4. Prone Knee Flexion: + Total positive: Audible pop? YES NO Total positive: If 3 / 4 /4 /4 positive Perform Erhardt & Pubic Manip Re Test 4 SI Tests Document results and proceed to Lumbar Assessment Muscle Testing Sensory Testing (Intact / Dim inished / Absent) Special Tests Right Left Right Left Right Left L1/L2 (Hip flex) Patellar DTR (L3 4) (Hypo 1+, Normal 2+, Hyper 3+, Clonus 4+) L3/L4 (Quads) Achilles DTR (S1 2) (Hypo 1+, Normal 2+, Hyper 3+, Clonus 4+) L4/L5 (Ant Tib) Babinski (+ or ) L5 (EHL) Clonus (If +, # of beats) L5/S1 (Evertors) SLR (+ or ) for recreation of “their” pain/sx’s S1/S2 (PF’ers)