^/g/% Special Examination Aug. 2023 Max. Marks: 100 Class: T.E. Course Code: ET/EX 301 ‘ Duration: 3 Hrs Semester: V ..a DWU, co^a jloa communication instruction: v—------------------------ —_____ ______ (1) All questions are compulsory [jk | gj x;::xx:r i ' > ' i s cTW<)lTonies:XnHr“'r°n^'1^^ 2 fnnlv ' TI0U! eTtieS of a^log/pUlse/ digital communication system -- - methodsTndmP^6”1 P7jOrmanCe of various analog/pulsed/digital modulation methods in time domain/ frequency domain/ signal space with behaViOr ofa various analog/pulse/digital modulation schemes with and without noise CSjCompare various modulation/demodulation techniques Q No7~7 Q.l a Q.l b Max. CO­ Marks BL Derive frequency domain expression of double sideband full carrier To2-3 wave with AM envelope. Sketch AM waveform and define modulation index A sinusoidal carrier Vc =~1U * co,(2 , p, * 2000 * t) is modulated by a sinusoidal voltage Vm = 5 * cos(2 * pz * 100 * D upto modulation depth of 60 percent. Calculate the amplitude and frequency of each side band and the total power for amplitude modulated signal.Sketch frequency spectrum 10 3-3 OR Q.2 a Q.2 b Q.2 c Q.3a W Q3c When the modulating frequency in an PM system is 500Hz and modulating voltage is 2V. modulation index is 55. Calculate the maximum deviation . What is the modulating index at modulating voltage of 5V and modulating freq u e n cy 40011 z. Compare Frequencv division 11111^iplexing and Time division multiplcxing Describe pulse code modulation transmission and reception for telcphony application with appropriate block di a gra 111. Describe SSB generation transmission with appropriate block diagrani. Explain BPSK transmitter and receiver with a neat, bio ok diagram. Analyze the following niodi.ilat.ions B-PSK and BFSK. Sketch waveform of NHZ. PZ. Man( h(‘ster. AMI foi data 101010~ ‘ 10 3-3 10 5-1 10 1-2 10 1-2 10 10 5-1 4-4 4-4 10 - rr - ^.4a A binary data stream (Refer to the table at the end of paper for the input sequence) is applied to a duobinary encoder. Consider the initial value of encoder input as minus one (w.bfc-i) = -1).Sketch figure of enocoder for both cases and state the decision rule at the decoder in each case. Compute output of duobinary encoder and decoder 10 4 4 • Q4b Describe working of QPSK transmitter and mention its advantages and disadvantages 10 3-4