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MATH 120 Honors Differential Calculus Outline

MATH 120 Honors Differential Calculus
MATH 120: Honors Differential Calculus,
Winter term, 2017.
Instructor: Joshua Zahl.
Where and when : MTWF 10-11, in Math 102.
My office: Math 117.
e-mail: jzahl@math.ubc.ca
Office hours: M 11:00-12:00, T 13:00-14:00, W 14:00-15:00
TA office hours: Th 13:00-14:00 in LSK 300C
Text: We will loosely follow Calculus Volume 1 by Tom Apostol. The text Calculus: Single Variable, 8th
edition by Adams and Essex is also recommended as a useful source of practice problems. Previous
editions are fine as well.
Course Description
This is an Honours course, with an emphasis on theory. Course material will mostly be taken from Chapters I, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 of Apostol: 1-4 of
the text: The real numbers, Limits and continuous functions, Differentiation, Elementary functions, Applications and Approximation.
Grading policy
The course mark will be based on weekly homework assignments (20%), two midterms (40%), and a final exam (40%).
There will be weekly homework assignments, which are due Friday at the beginning of class. Graded homework will be returned the following
Wednesday. The lowest homework score will be dropped.
There will be two in-class midterms. These will be held on Wednesday, October 4th and Wednesday, November 8th. Please make sure you
do not make travel plans, work plans, etc., without regard to the examination schedule in this class. There will be no make-up or alternate
exams. If you miss a midterm, your score will be recorded as 0, unless you have a serious documented reason (an illness, a death in the family,
etc.), in which case you should discuss your circumstances with the instructor as soon as possible, and in advance of the test.
Homework 1, Due Sept 15, 2017. [LaTeX source]
Homework 2, Due Sept 22, 2017. [LaTeX source]
Homework 3, Due Sept 29, 2017. [LaTeX source]
Practice midterm 1
Homework 4, Due Oct 13, 2017. [LaTeX source]
Homework 5, Due Oct 20, 2017. [LaTeX source]
Homework 6, Due Oct 27, 2017. [LaTeX source]
Homework 7, Due Nov 3, 2017. [LaTeX source]
Practice midterm 2
Homework 8, Due Nov 17, 2017. [LaTeX source]
Homework 9, Due Nov 24, 2017. [LaTeX source]
Practice problems
The final exam will be on Friday, Dec 8 at 3:30pm in mathx 1100 (the math annex building). The exam is 2.5 hours, closed book, no notes,
calculators, etc. Be sure to bring your student ID to the exam.
I will be holding an additional office hours on Thursday, Dec 7 from 2-3:30pm in my office, Math 117.
Thomas Rud will be holding an additional office hours on Tuesday, Dec 5 from 1:30-2:30 in LSK 300C.
Please fill out the course evaluation survey at https://eval.ctlt.ubc.ca/science
(Approximate) Course outline
Here I will post short summaries of each class and other relevant to our secion notes, as we go along.
Sep 6: Sets and set notation, the natural numbers, integers, rationals.
Sep 8: Real numbers and their properties; the least upper bound property.
Sept 11: Number line, open, closed, half-open, and punctured intervals. Functios; domain and co-domain.
MATH 120 Honors Differential Calculus
Sep 12: Graphs of functions, range, one-to-one, arithmetic of functions, composition of functions.
Sep 13: Quantifiers ∀ and ∃, limits.
Sep 15: Quantifiers and limits cont'd.
Sep 18: Examples of limits, arithmetic of limits, Limits are a local property.
Sep 19: Proof of sum and product theorem for limits.
Sept 20: One-sided limits, limits at infinity.
Sept 22: Infinite limits, limits of rational functions
Sept 25: Continuity
Sept 26: The intermediate value theorem
Sept 27: The extreme value theorem
Sept 29: Derivatives
Oct 2: One-sided derivatives, product rule, intro to induction
Oct 3: Induction cont'd, power rule, quotient rule, f* theorem
Oct 4: Midterm 1
Oct 6: Chain rule
Oct 9: Thanksgiving
Oct 10: Positive derivative -> increasing function, local max/min
Oct 11: Newton's method, Rolle's theorem
Oct 13: Mean value theorem, higher derivatives
Oct 16: Taylor's theorem
Oct 17 Taylor's theorem cont'd
Oct 17 Taylor's theorem cont'd, Newton'd method revisited
Oct 20: sufficient conditions for Newton's method
Oct 23: logarithms
Oct 24: Properties of log(x), inverse functions
Oct 25: Properties of ex
Oct 27: e is irrational, properties of ex cont'd.
Oct 30: More induction
Oct 31: More induction cont'd
Nov 1: Trigonometric functions
Nov 3: Trigonometric functions cont'd
Nov 6: sinh and cosh, inverse Trigonometric functions
Nov 7: Inverse Trigonometric functions cont'd, implicit differentiation
Nov 8: Midterm 2
Nov 10: implicit differentiation cont'd
Nov 13: Remembrance day
Nov 14: logarithmic differentiation, L'Hopital's rule for 0/0
Nov 15: L'Hopital's rule for 0/0 cont'd
Nov 17: L'Hopital's rule for 0/0 cont'd
Nov 20: L'Hopital's rule for ∞ / ∞
Nov 21: Applications of L'Hopital's rule, antiderivatives
MATH 120 Honors Differential Calculus
Nov 22: Antiderivatives cont'd, first order differential equations, y' = ky
Nov 24: Homogeneous first order differential equations and initial value problems
Nov 27: first order differential equations and initial value problem
Nov 28: Existence and uniqueness of first order initial value problems, secord order equations
Nov 29: Linear second order homogeneous differential equations
Dec 1: Linear second order homogeneous differential equations cont'd, Logistic growth