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Critical Thinking Assignment: Real-World Application

Critical Thinking in the Real World, T2, 2022
Written Assignment
Due date: Monday 18 April (submissions after 11:59pm will be classed as late)
Submission: Submit an electronic copy of your assignment to the submission folder named
‘Written Assignment’ found on eLearn in the Assignment section.
Length: 1000-1200 words (essays exceeding the word count will be penalized)
Format: Include a title page at the END of your document listing your full name and a word
count. Do not include your name, or other identifying information, within the body of your
essay or document title as I want to assess your essay without knowing your identity.
It is permissible (but not expected) for you to use tables, argument diagrams, or other
figures in your essay.
Weighting: 20% of final grade
Task: Write an evaluative essay that discusses and applies critical thinking to problems and
events in your own life. Your essay MUST discuss both critical thinking skills (i.e., the
techniques for evaluating and assessing arguments, covered in weeks 1-10) and critical
thinking habits of mind (i.e., intellectual virtues and vices, covered in session 11) . You might
do this by applying both skills and habits of mind to a single example (e.g., identifying and
analysing a reasoning mistake and then arguing that it occurred because of certain
intellectual vices) or by using separate examples to explore each.
The problems you discuss might come from your university studies, future career, or
personal life. They may involve things that have recently happened in your life or things that
you anticipate happening to you in the future. When presenting your examples, don’t speak
in vague generalities, be specific and give concrete details. For each example you use,
explain in detail how you think critical thinking can be helpful.
There is no recommended number of examples for this exercise. One complicated example
requiring detailed analysis and discussion could suffice. Several less complicated examples
could also work well. The best evaluative essays will typically involve examples that are
realistic and compelling, and will correctly apply critical thinking concepts and methods to
them in ways that are illuminating.