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Business Strategy Exam Questions

Business Strategy Questions
Unit 1
1 marks
1. Give the concept of strategy. Write down any four characteristics.
2. What is SBU? List down its characteristics.
3. What is corporate level strategy? What strategies does it include?
4. List down the purpose for making strategies.
5. Differentiate between red ocean and blue ocean strategy.
6. Write down the key elements of strategic management.
7. What factors affects strategic management?
8. Mention the changes in the approach to strategic management.
9. Differentiate between intended, realized and emergent strategy.
10.Differentiate between strategic and operational decision.
11.Write down the importance of strategic decision.
12.What is strategic planning?
5 marks
1. Briefly explain the levels of strategy in detail with figure.
2. Define strategic management and explain its process.
3. How does strategic management play an important role for organization’s
long term success?
4. Briefly explain the different perspectives on strategic formulation.
5. Explain the characteristics of strategic plan and how it is formulated.
Unit 2
1 marks
Which comes first- vision or mission?
Define strategic intent.
Write down any four characteristics of vision.
Why vision is necessary?
What are the things to be considered while developing strategic vision?
Is it necessary to communicate the strategic vision? Why?
Define mission and write down any one strategic mission.
What are the things to be kept in mind while preparing mission
9. List down the characteristics of mission.
10. Is mission necessary for the organization? list down.
11. Differentiate between vision and mission statement.
12.Write down the points to be considered while crafting the mission
13.What are company values? Write down some elements.
14.Fill in the blanks: _____ + mission = vision.
15.Define objectives.
16.What are the criteria for setting effective organization goal /objective?
17.Differentiate between financial and strategic objective with example.
18.Differentiate between objective and strategy.
19.Differentiate between goals and objective.
5 marks
1. Briefly explain the characteristics of effective strategic vision. Why
development of vision is important in modern organization?
2. Write the importance of an effective mission statement in modern
3. Explain in details the levels of objectives.
4. Briefly explain how objectives are crafted.
5. How vision and mission linked with company values with figure?
Unit 3
1 marks
Give the concept of business environment.
Write down essential features of business environment.
What is strategic analysis?
List down the element of internal environment.
What is task/ specific/ immediate environment?
List down the elements of task(micro) environment.
What is general environment? List down the elements of general
8. Give the concept of environmental analysis.
9. Give the concept of environmental scanning.
10.List down the process of environmental analysis.
11.What elements need to be considered while monitoring the
12.Write down the elements of technological and economic
13.What is scenario planning? Write down the possible types of
14.What is competitive / industry environment?
15.Write down the limitations of porter’s five forces model.
16.What is the main essence of porter’s industry analysis?
17.Under what conditions bargaining power of buyer is high? Point
out any four points.
18.How can a barrier be created to new entrants? List out any four of
19.Why is environment analysis necessary?
20.What is value net? Write down its players involved in it.
21.What does PARTS stands for?
22.What is strategic group mapping? Why is it done?
23.Write down the types of strategic group.
24.What is hyper competition? Point out its characteristics.
25.What is ETOP? Why is it necessary?
26.What is EFAS?
27.Give the concept of internal environment analysis. Mention its
28. Specify the methods or techniques of external environment
analysis and internal environment analysis.
29.What is value chain analysis?
30.Write down the activities in value chain analysis.
31.How value chain is evaluated?
32.What is SWOT analysis? What are the benefits and pitfalls of
33.List the process of conducting SWOT analysis.
34.Give the concept of:
 Cost efficiency analysis.
 Effectiveness analysis.
 Comparative analysis.
35.Identify the resource based view of strategy.
36.Give the concept of resources and mention its types.
37.What are the characteristics of unique resources?
38. Give the concept of competencies.
39.Differentiate between core and distinctive competencies.
40.Critically examine the resource based view of strategy.
41.What is knowledge management? Write down its elements.
42.Why do we have to manage knowledge?
43.What is sustainable competitive advantage? Sketch a figure to
identify a sustainable competitive advantage.
44.What are the four attributes that provides sustainable competitive
5 marks
1. Define business environment and explain the components of business
2. Explain the process of environmental analysis.
3. What is scenario planning? Explain its process.
4. Briefly explain the five forces model/ Diamond model with its sub points.
5. What is strategic group mapping? How it is constructed? Explain with the
help of figure.
6. Briefly explain the areas of internal environmental analysis.
7. Explain the process of conducting internal environmental analysis.
8. Explain in detail the value chain analysis. How can it gain cost advantage
and differentiation in terms of creating value? How does it creates strengths
and weaknesses towards the firm?
9. Develop a SWOT analysis profile (list down strength, weakness, opportunity
and threats in points) of:
 Banking industry.
 Noodle industry.
 Beverage industry.
 Airline industry.
 Education industry.
 Tourism industry.
 Telecom industry.
(Any two)
10.What is ETOP and EFAS? How is it prepared? Develop a sample.
11.How does resource based view approach provides competitive advantage for
the firms? Explain.