Earth Science (Grade 11 STEM) De Leon, SRA. 1st Sem Did you know that? ● The universe is 13.8 billion years old. ● The earth/solar system is 4.5 or 4.6 years old. ❖ The universe is composed of space, matter, time and energy. There is 5% baryonic matter (ordinary matter consisting of proton, electron, and neutron), 24% cold dark matter (have energy but do not emit light), 71% dark energy (source of anti-gravity). 5 MAIN FACTORS THAT MAKES PLANET EARTH HABITABLE Temperature It influences how atoms, molecules, and organisms move. Low temperature slows down chemical reaction, makes ice, thus making water unavailable. High temperature can cause breakdown of important biological molecules. The earth’s temperature is just right to support life. Its distance from the sun makes its temperature right. Atmosphere Layers of gasses surrounding a material. The atmosphere protects us from meteors and other materials that are dangerous to the living organisms. It also regulates the earth’s temperature. Nutrients Needed to lengthen the life of organisms and maintain their body structure. Processes that recycle nutrients: water, carbon, oxygen, phosphate and nitrogen cycles. ❖ Stars are the building blocks of the galaxy. It is made of gas and dust. The sun is an example of major consequence stars. The star’s energy is from combining light elements to heavier elements through fusion or nuclear burning (nucleosynthesis). ❖ Stars started as protostars. They are all born in nebulae, clouds of dust and many hydrogen gas. As the protostars heats up, two hydrogen nuclei combine, then turn into a helium atom. The process done is called thermonuclear fusion which generates heat and energy that causes it to shine. Water It is very important as water regulates body temperature, needed by the plants to produce oxygen needed by the living organisms. Energy Earth has enough energy sunlight. Some organisms rely on chemical energy to support biological processes. ❖ You can transform hydrogen atoms to helium atoms through thermonuclear reactions. ❖ The most abundant elements in the universe are hydrogen, helium, and lithium. ❖ Surface temperature and luminosity. ❖ Some stars, at least 3 times bigger than the sun, collapse into themselves and create a black hole. Some blasts in the space and turn into a neutron star.