3D-Panel Display Pivoted and insert options Different Display Modes To open a panel sheet or panel shares in 3D, select in the sheet tree view of the project window or from the context menu of a panel sheet the Open in 3D command or activate the corresponding pushbutton in the 3D View Toolbar To optimally display graphical 3D data, the user can select between various display modes. The display modes can be predefined in Tools – Settings. Toggle between Solid Display and Wireframe Switch Display Button is Off = Solid Display With the solid display the entire surface area of the object is displayed. Switch Display Button is On = Wireframe Display With this display form only the edges of an object are displayed. Toggle between Ortographic- and Perspective Projection Button OFF = Ortohraphic Button ON = Perspective Enable Lighting Controls the lighting to achieve different lighting effects: Lighting OFF Lighting ON Display Model Orientation in 2D For all models on the panel sheet, the model's orientation (origin and justification) can be displayed in 2D using the Orientation in 2D button This makes it easier to determine the model's orientation. Display from side Display from behind front view Each symbol always shows the model’s origin! Display Model Orientation in 3D For selected models on the panel sheet the model’s origin and coordinate system for the 3D orientation can be displayed using the Orientation in 3D pushbutton . Display 2D Graphics in 3D Two-dimensional graphics can also be displayed in 3D using the Graphic from 2D in 3D pushbutton 3D display without 2D graphics 3D display with 2D graphics Display STEP Models in 3D It's possible to switch the display of normal E3 models to STEP models. Therefore, the corresponding STEP model must be assigned to the model in the database. Button is OFF Button is ON Pivot or Tilt Models Models, e.g. side walls of a panel, can be pivoted or tilted in the 2D and 3D views using the following new commands when placing or moving. Pivot backwards (shift + arrow key up) Pivot right (shift + arrow key right) Pivot forwards (shift + arrow key down) Pivot left (shift + arrow key left) This functionality affects the currently selected model as well as all models attached to it. : a side wall is pivoted to the left