1. Determine the level of engagement on the Social Media Platforms of Senior High School Students: Table 1. Level of Engagement of Social Media Platforms of Grade 12 SHS at Students. Indicators 1. Spend more time using Social Media Platforms. 2. Can communicate with my friends and loved ones using this networking site. 3. Can get positive and negative thoughts on every situation that might have occurred while using it. 4. Use social media platforms for school purposes. Mean 3.92 Descriptive High Rating Very High 4.33 High 4.00 4.16 High 5. Use social media up-todate with news and current events. 6. Often use social media platforms for educational purposes. 7. Find educational content on social media platforms helpful. 8. Often interact with other users on social media platforms regarding educational content. 9. Social media sites are changing my habits in any way. 10. social media has helped me in my educational pursuits. 11. Social media sites improved my knowledge about a product, service, or organization and any educational purposes. 12. Have more friends on social networking sites as compared to real life. High 3.93 3.99 High 3.88 High High 3.65 3.80 3.81 High High High 3.83 3.68 High 13. Agree with the following statement: “Social media has helped me learn new things that I wouldn’t have learned otherwise.” 14. Agree with the following statement:” Social Media has improved my ability to retain and apply knowledge.” 15. Social networking sites are affecting the way I speak or write in my everyday life. Overall High 3.92 High 3.80 3.81 3.55 High High 2. Determine the level of learning outcomes of senior high school students. Table 2. Level of Learning Outcome of Grade 12 of SHS Students at DILTC. Year Level (GPA) Interpretation Lowest 86.00 Very Satisfactory Highest 95.00 Outstanding Overall 89.88 Very Satisfactory 3. Determine the significant relationship between the level of engagement on Social Media Platforms and learning outcomes of senior high school students: Table 3. Correlation Analysis between Engagement of Social Media Platform and Learning Outcome of Grade 12 SHS Students at DILTC. R-value Descriptio P-value n ESMP vs. LO 0.154 Very Low Interpretatio n 0.186 Not Significant Chapter 5 Summary This study aimed to determine the level of engagement on social media platforms and learning outcomes of Senior High school students who took face to face classes in Davao del Sur Institute Of Languages and Technological College Incorporated ( DILTC) for the school year 2022-2023 using the descriptive- correlational survey design. A total of 79 Senior High School whose in grade 12 and took face to face we’re taken as a respondents and answered the survey questionnaires conducted with in April to May 2023. Data gathered we’re collected, interpreted and analyzed using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. Results of the study showed that can communicate with my friends and loved ones using this networking sites was very high or mean of 4.33 and implies that social media platforms didn’t affect their learning outcomes beside it boast them to create a world wide communication. Like wise, there is no significant relationship between the level of engagement on social media platforms and learning outcomes of Senior High school students because of their outstanding performance in school the lowest learning outcome is 86.00 or very satisfactory; The highest learning outcome is 95.00 or outstanding level of performance; The overall learning of Grade 12 SHS students is 89.88 or very satisfactory achievements they’ve done on their Studies. Chapter 5 Conclusions Based on the statistical results of the study, the following conclusions we’re drawn: 1. Can communicate with my friends and loved ones using this networking sites gets a mean of 4.33 or Very High 2. The overall learning of Grade 12 SHS students is 89.88 or very satisfactory performance. 3. There is no significant relationship between Level of Engagement on social media platforms and learning outcomes of Senior High school students. Chapter 5 Recommendations In the lights of foregoing findings and conclusions ,the following are recommended: 1. We Suggest that future researchers interested in studying the relationship between level of engagement on social media platforms and learning outcomes of senior high school students should examine other factors that may have contributed to the findings. For instance, future studies can explore how the use of social media can influence student motivation, self-regulation, or collaboration with peers. 2. Additionally, it may be valuable to explore other potential benefits or drawbacks of social media use among high school students aside from online communication and learning outcomes. 3. To overcome challenges in conducting research studies, future researchers may consider establishing clear research objectives, identifying potential limitations and sources of bias in the research design, and incorporating diverse perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches. 4. Similar studies may be conducted integrating other variables affecting the performance of the Senior High school This may be conducted with wider scope and larger number of students . THANK YOU FOR LISTENING