Step 00 Table of Contents 1. Introduction on Nonlinear Analysis 2. Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis 3. Nonlinear Geometry 4. Nonlinear material(1)-Elastoplasticity 5. Nonlinear material(2)-Hyperelasticity 6. Nonlinear Contacts 7. Conclusion and advice for a better use of Nonlinear Analysis Nonlinear Static Analysis 1 Step Nonlinear Static Analysis 2 Step Introduction on Nonlinear Analysis Nonlinear Static Analysis 3 Step 01 What is Nonlinear Analysis ? Most of the physical phenomena are nonlinear When nonlineary can be neglected, Analysis can be performed using linear Analysis (more effective) When nonlineary cannot be neglected, Nonlinear analysis should be performed What is it??? Nonlinear Static Analysis 4 Step 02 What is Nonlinear Analysis ? 3 causes of Nonlinearity Geometric Nonlinearity Material Nonlinearity When an object is subjected When the relation between When the contact of an to excessive deformation or Stress and Strain isn’t elastic, object with another is the load direction Nonlinear Elasto-Plastic changing. ischanging Theory has to be used. Contact Nonlinearity Nonlinear Static Analysis 5 Step 03 What is Nonlinear Analysis ? What is linear Analysis? F K Following Hook’s Law Linear relation F=Kδ K δ u(=δ) Result of linear analysis? F A force of 1kg create a deformation of 1mm A force of 10kg create a deformation of 10mm As K is always constant, F value can be obtained easily When Stiffness is constant, Hook’s Law can be linearized. In most structures, Constant Stiffness is taken as an assumption. Why?? Nonlinear Static Analysis 6 Step 04 Linear Analysis VS Nonlinear Analysis What is Nonlinear Analysis? F F K3 K K2 K=Constant (a) Linear Analysis K≠Constant K1 u (b) Nonlinear Analysis u When Load increases, stiffness changes. The relation Load-displacement is a nonlinear function. In linear Analysis, K is constant, and so displacement U can be obtained simply if Load F is known. In other words, if the slope of the curve is known, behavior of the solid can be determined with only one calculation. In Nonlinear Analysis, the slope of the curve is always changing, thus a new calculation with updated slope value and several calculation steps are required. Nonlinear Static Analysis 7 Step 05 Linear Analysis VS Nonlinear Analysis Nonlinear Analysis Examples Nonlinear Static Analysis 8 Step 06 Reasons to use Nonlinear Analysis In which circumstances is nonlinear analysis required? When more accurate data are necessary When position where contact happens is changing When large deformation is susceptible to happen When stress level approaches yielding point of material In order to determine precisely buckling load When an unusual big displacement is observed When hyperelastic material like rubber is used When deformation gradually increases due to a constant load which is applied for a long time Nonlinear Static Analysis 9 Step 07 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Numerical Analysis Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Linear Analysis F In linear analysis, response of a structure submitted to a Linear load can be determined using the linear equation F=KU. Nonlinear Nonlinear Analysis F=H(U) is not a linear equation, so F≠KU In nonlinear analysis, the load can be divided in several load steps and the equation ΔF=[Kx][ΔU] can be used for each load step to find displacement. u When applying a load in nonlinear analysis, this load can de divided in smaller load steps and then displacement can be calculated with several iterations. Nonlinear Static Analysis 10 Step 08 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Numerical Analysis Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Incremental Method F Newton-Raphson F error occurs ΔF ΔF ΔF ΔF Improvement ΔF u Error is reduced by a supplementary iteration at each load step ΔF u Stiffness is updated at each load step. Stiffness is updated at each load step. Problem: error accumulated at each load step Error is reduced by adding an internal stiffness will create some big error at the end of the iteration for each load step. analysis. Nonlinear Static Analysis 11 Step 09 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Newton-Raphson Method F [KT][ΔU] = {F1} - {FIx} iteration In linear analysis, when F(Ext load) = F(Int load) and F2 solution can be found (convergence) then it verify the equation F=KU. In nonlinear analysis, when {F1}-{FIx} is comprised ΔF between a certain error tolerance, solution can F1 ΔF FIx be determined and load step converge. error error error There are three convergence criteria based on Load, displacement and work. Error is reduced progressively F Load displacement u surface = work u Nonlinear Static Analysis 12 Step 10 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Convergence Criteria / Error Tolerance F Usually, two convergence criteria are combined together to obtain satisfying ②Load results. ①displacement ① displacement+③work or ② load + ③ work (used a lot in practice) Usually, displacement criteria is used for systems which are not very sensible to Surface = ③Work F load variation. Use of load criteria u Use of displacement criteria ΔF In this case, tolerance criteria is converging with ΔF, but is not regarding to Δu. Δu u Nonlinear Static Analysis 13 Step 11 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Numerical Analysis Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Full Newton - Raphson Modified Newton - Raphson Initial Stiffness Method F F F u u u Update stiffness each time Update Stiffness at each Load step Keep value of initial Stiffness It takes time to calculate stiffness Number of increments is increased Number of increments is increased If there is no convergence problem, If there is no convergence problem, this this method is faster than simple method is faster than simple Newton- Newton-Raphson Raphson In midas NFX, results can be obtained using any of these iterative methods Nonlinear Static Analysis 14 Step 12 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis What is Buckling? All the structures have a stable equilibrium state. When a load is applied and it create a large deformation of the structure, it is said to be in an unstable equilibrium state. Such instability is not due to the material but to the geometrical shape of the structure. By performing buckling analysis, it is possible to determine the buckling load (Maximum Load at which buckling will occur) and the buckling Mode (Deformed Shape due to buckling) of the structure. Axial Load When a structure is submitted to an external load, the equilibrium state external load= Neutral equilibrium F state internal load simply doesn’t apply. Structure is said to be in a stable equilibrium state. Buckling Load(Fcr) Unstable equilibrium state u Stable equilibrium state Linear Buckling Analysis vs Nonlinear buckling Analysis? Nonlinear Static Analysis 15 Step 13 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Linear Buckling VS Nonlinear Buckling F Limitations of Linear Buckling Analysis Linear Buckling It can be dangerous if buckling load is overestimated. Nonlinear Buckling It cannot determine behavior after buckling Material is supposed elastic and so nonlinear material Real structure behavior u Advantage of Nonlinear Buckling Analysis ※ In case of nonlinear buckling F behavior is not considered. Possibility to calculate the real buckling load. From this point, tangential stiffness is either 0 or negative -> No convergence Nonlinear material behavior can be considered. The use of Newton-Raphson Method to estimate structural behavior Snap-through after buckling is very difficult. In this case, another method has to be used. Arc-length, Displacement control Method u Nonlinear Static Analysis 16 Step 14 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Arc-length Method F F ΔP u u Calculation of results of a load step could be negative or null Stiffness . Usually used when Nonlinear Buckling occurs in snap-through shape. midas NFX provides Crisfield(CRIS), Riks(RIKS), Modified Riks(MRIKS) Methods. Nonlinear Static Analysis 17 Step 15 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Arc-length Method • Max No. of Increments In function of the nonlinearity, Arc-Length Method can converge faster than the number of increments, but it can also diverge. In order to account for this case, sufficient number of increments has to be set. • Load contribution scale factor When load contribution Scale Factor is “1”, Load and displacement are unknown. When it is equal to “0”, only displacement is unknown. Default parameter is “0”. Nonlinear Static Analysis 18 Step 16 Numerical Analysis s Methodology of Nonlinear Analysis Displacement Control Method In most of the problems, structural behavior is determined using Load control. In case of Nonlinear Buckling, it is difficult to determine the load after buckling, so it is better to use displacement control. Applied Load (Buckling load) can be determined by the constraint force. Force (Constraint) Imposed displacement 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 Constraint 50 100 150 200 250 300 Displacement Nonlinear Static Analysis 19 Step Nonlinear Static Analysis 20 Step Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Nonlinear Static Analysis 21 Step 01 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Analysis Procedure Linear Analysis Procedure Nonlinear Analysis procedure Preparation of Geometric Model Preparation of Geometric Model Material Assignment Material Assignment Apply Element Properties Apply Element Properties Mesh Preparation Mesh Preparation Assignment of Boundary Conditions Assignment of Boundary Conditions Insert Loading Condition Insert Loading Condition Create Analysis Case and Perform Analysis Create Analysis Case and Perform Analysis Verify the Results Verify the Results Material Nonlinearity Assignment Nonlinear Contact Assignment Activate Geometric Nonlinearity Option As the process of linear and nonlinear Analysis are the same, it is a good idea to Train first by performing linear analysis Nonlinear Static Analysis 22 Step 02 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Analysis Option In nonlinear analysis, different methods have to be used in order to find a different solution from linear analysis. After creating the analysis case, diverse options can be selected. 1. Method to Create Analysis Case 2. Support Geometric Nonlinearity 3. Number of Increments, set convergence criteria 4. Intermediate Output Request 5. Advanced Nonlinear Parameters 6. Use of Subcases 7. Use of Restart feature Nonlinear Analysis Options Nonlinear Static Analysis 23 Step 03 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Method to Create Analysis Case Analysis & Results >> Analysis case >> General 1 or 2 1 Nonlinear Static Analysis 24 Step 04 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Method to Consider Geometric Nonlinearity 2 Check it to consider Geometric Nonlinearity 1 Click on Nonlinear Static (Required) and select Subcase control button When it is not obvious to consider large deformation, the best way is to check it first and then evaluate the deformation results. Nonlinear Static Analysis 25 Step 05 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Number of Increments, Convergence Criteria Settings F • Determine number of increments (number of ΔF) ΔF ΔF ΔF Ex) For a Load of 100N divided in 20 increments, Load will be 5N for each step. Select a maximum of 2 convergence criteria Usually Load + Work Convergence criteria are used • Usually, displacement criteria is used for systems which are not very sensible to load variation. • • With 3 Convergence Criteria, Convergence is quite difficult to obtain. With 1 convergence criteria, Convergence is easy but it is difficult to obtain rational results. u F Load Disp. Surface = Work u Nonlinear Static Analysis 26 Step 06 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Intermediate Output Request F ΔF/2 = bisecting Increment ΔF = Load Step Bisecting increment: When it cannot converge in one increment, the increment is divided in 2 and calculation is performed on each. u • Every Increment : Output of all increments results (including bisected increments). • Every Non-bisecting Increment : Output of all increments results except bisected increments. • Last Increment : Export only the result from the last increment. • Every N Non-bisecting Increment : Export the results every N Load step. Nonlinear analysis doesn’t provide only 1 result like linear analysis but provide a result for every increment (even for bisected increments). In order to set the appropriate output request , Intermediate output request has to be chosen in the analysis control window. Nonlinear Static Analysis 27 Step 07 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Advance Nonlinear Parameters - 1 If you Check off “Use Default Settings”, you can set manually the parameters for the Stiffness update scheme Stiffness update scheme can be changed. If you use default settings, Midas NFX will choose automatically the method to use to update the stiffness. SEMI : Stiffness Update is done after 1 iteration to take account of new load on each load increment. ITER : Stiffness will be updated for each step. Number of iterations before Stiffness Update = 1 : NewtonRaphson is performed. Number of iterations before Stiffness Update = Max No. of Iterations per Increment : Newton-Raphson is performed. Number of iterations before Stiffness Update > Max No. of Iterations per Increment : Stiffness is not updated When Bisection happens, it is due to the fact that either real Number of iteration per increment is higher than the Max No. of Iterations per Increment or it is because solution diverges. The default setting is "5 times". Nonlinear Static Analysis 28 Step 08 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Advance Nonlinear Parameters - 2 • Terminate Analysis on failed convergence When convergence fail, analysis will be terminated. If this option is not checked, analysis will continue even if it doesn't converge. • Max No. of iterations per increment It sets the maximum number of iterations at each increment. If it doesn’t converge after this number of increments, the load step will be bisected and analysis will be performed again. Ex: if 10N Load doesn’t converge, analysis will be performed again on a 5N bisected load step. • Max. Bisection Level It sets the maximum number of bisection possible of 1 load step. Ex) If the Maximum bisection level is 5, a load step of 10N can be divided 5 times : 5N, 2.5N, 1.25N, 0.625N, 0.3125N • Enable Line Search If the solution of the nonlinear analysis has the particularity to converge with some oscillations, line search method can help to get convergence. Nonlinear Static Analysis 29 Step 09 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Method to use Subcases (Load Step) -1 Subcases are sets composed of Loads and boundary conditions applied to the Analysis problem. Each Analysis Subcase results are linked with the results of the previous Subcase. Analysis & Results >> Analysis Case >> General Subcase Setting • Boundary conditions, Loads and Contacts can be [ << ] : Inactivate all the Sets assigned to each Subcases by Drag-and-Drop. [ >> ] : Activate all conditions for all sets in all subcases. Subcase Control/Subcase Output Results have to be defined for each Subcase. Nonlinear Static Analysis 30 Step 10 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Method to use Subcases (Load Step) -2 F Load2 Subcase ② Load1 Subcase ① Subcase ③ Time (case) Subcase① : Load1 Applied Subcase② : Load 2 is applied in addition to Load1 Subcase③ : All the Loads are removed Nonlinear Static Analysis 31 Step 11 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Method to use Subcases (Load Step) -3 Example1 1 2 Example2 1 2 Nonlinear Static Analysis 32 Step 12 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Method to use Restart feature-1 When the solution of the nonlinear analysis is submitted to highly nonlinear environment, convergence becomes difficult and it may happen that the analysis stop before the end. In this case, convergence can be obtained by changing the analysis parameters (number of increments, convergence criteria,…), but analysis has to be performed again and it can be a very time-consuming process. Use of restart function to begin the analysis again from the point where it stopped Nonlinear Static Analysis 33 Step 13 Presentation of procedure and options in Nonlinear Analysis Method to use Restart feature-2 1 2 4 5 3 6 During this 3 subcases, if analysis didn’t converge after the 2nd subcase, analysis 4 have to be run only from the 2nd subcase. If 3 subcases exists, 3 restart files will be created. Nonlinear Static Analysis 34 Step 14 Analysis method of Nonlinear Analysis Results Equivalent Stress Uncheck Nodal Average to see Equivalent stress results. Right click 5 1 2 3 Check SOLID STRS Equivalent stress 4 When a nonlinear analysis using Material nonlinearity is performed (Hyper elastic model), Equivalent stresses must be checked. When material nonlinearity is not considered, von-mises stresses have to be checked. Nonlinear Static Analysis 35 Step 15 Analysis method of Nonlinear Analysis Results Effective Plastic Strain 3 Right click 1 2 4 Check SOLID STRS EFFECTIVE PLASTIC 4 When equivalent stresses are superior to the yield strength of the material, effective plastic strain are created. Nonlinear Static Analysis 36 Step Geometric Nonlinearity Nonlinear Static Analysis 37 Step 01 Geometric Nonlinearity Geometric Nonlinearity Occurrence of large displacement/large rotation in the structure Occurrence of large strains Excessive deformation increases, regardless of the material properties and the stiffness changes Dynamic loads can be applied (direction of the load is changing in function of the structural deformation) M linear M nonlinear Nonlinear Static Analysis 38 Step 02 Analysis Theory of Geometric Nonlinearity Large Displacement/ Large Rotation When the load applied to a structure create some large deformation or rotation, the stiffness of the Structure changes. If the elements rotate, the stiffness of the total structure changes. Supposing two Mesh sets submitted to different axial loads: Horizontal stiffness (a) (b) horizontal and vertical stiffness * Usually, when Geometric nonlinearity is considered, it means that large deformation, large rotation and large strain are present, but it is important to note that large deformation/rotation don’t always create large strain! Large displacement Large rotation ex) Large Strain Nonlinear Static Analysis 39 Step 03 Analysis Theory of Geometric Nonlinearity Large Strain When an object submitted to loads is deformed and when the surface or the area of the elements change too much, the stiffness of the object will also change. In the examples below, the stiffness along the axial load will progressively change: (a) (b) When Material Nonlinearity is considered, usually large displacement is also present. This is why it is better to consider the geometric linearity each time stress-strain curve is nonlinear. Nonlinear Static Analysis 40 Step 04 Analysis Theory of Geometric Nonlinearity Follower force Definition: Force which can change direction and application position according to structural deformation. * Why is Follower force nonlinear ? The force direction determines structure’s deformation Then, the structure deformation determines force direction Thrust Force=W (a) (b) Nonlinear Static Analysis 41 Step 05 Analysis Theory of Geometric Nonlinearity Follower force Apply follower load in midas NFX: 1 2 ※ Starting node Direction of the load kept. 3 4 Nonlinear Static Analysis 42 Step 06 Geometric Nonlinearity Analysis method for geometric nonlinearity When the mesh deformation is too large, some error can happen, this is why it is better to think about the mesh size according to the deformation. Analysis convergence is more easy for 1st order element rather than for 2nd order element. If the solution of the nonlinear analysis has the particularity to converge with some oscillations, line search method can help to get convergence. Nonlinear Static Analysis 43 Step Nonlinear Static Analysis 44 Step Material Nonlinearity(1) – Elastoplasticity Nonlinear Static Analysis 45 Step 01 Material Nonlinearity Material Nonlinearity In linear Analysis, Deformation of material is considered elastic In order to consider plastic deformation of materials, Nonlinear analysis with nonlinear material have to be used. Types of nonlinear material models s s s sY E e Elasto-plastic model e Hyperelastic (Nonlinear elastic) model Creep model time It is important to select the right material model Nonlinear Static Analysis 46 Step 02 Elastoplastic model Properties of Elasto Plastic Model σ Uniaxial tensile test stress-strain graph Ultima te stress Yield stress rupture Have to Consider the characteristics due to cyclic loading(Stress-strain behavior under repeated loading alters the properties of the material) Loading Unloading Elastic Module perfect deformati Necking on plasticity hardening ε * If there is no cyclic loading, is it necessary to consider the hardening model? Nonlinear Static Analysis 47 Step 03 Elastoplastic model– Yield criterion Yield criterion TRESCA Model (maximum shear stress theory) Von-Mises Model (Torsional energy theory) maximum shear stress > Simple tensile test yield value /2 Tri-axial Stress State shape deformation energy > deformation energy of Simple tensile test yield value Nonlinear Static Analysis 48 Step 04 Elastoplastic model– Yield criterion Shape deformation energy In triaxial stress state, the cause of yielding is the torsion which causes shape deformation, it is not the isotropic volumetric pressure. y y x z = y x z Tri-axial stress state Isotropic volumetric pressure Doesn’t cause yielding + x z Shape deformation occurring due to torsion Cause yielding Nonlinear Static Analysis 49 Step 05 Elastoplastic model– Hardening model Hardening model Isotropic hardening model Kinematic hardening model σ σ sY 2sY ε ε sY Yield stress increase of the same ration for tension and compression Yield stress domain is constant Plastic deformation moves along with the center of yield stress domain Nonlinear Static Analysis 50 Step 06 Elastoplastic model– Hardening model 3D stress hardening model Hardening model for 3D stress state stress domain is represented by a surface Isotropic Hardening model σ2 Kinematic Hardening model σ2 σ1 Initial yield surface Surface of the stress domain increases σ1 Initial yield surface Center of stress domain surface moves (surface area is maintained) Nonlinear Static Analysis 51 Step 07 Elastoplastic model– Hardening model Bauschinger effect The Bauschinger effect refers to a property of materials where the material's stress/strain characteristics ch ange as a result of the microscopic stress distribution of the material. For example, an increase in tensile yi eld strength occurs at the expense of compressive yield strength. Isotropic Hardening model and Kinematic hardening model are inaccurate, so we use a combination of the 2 models center can move and yield surface increase at the same time σ2 σ σ1 ε Initial yield surface Nonlinear Static Analysis 52 Step 08 Stress-strain curve input method Engineering stress VS True stress Materials stress-strain curve Obtained through tensile tests does not take into account the changes in the area. (engineering stress- nominal strain curve) It is better to replace the input by the true stress – true strain curve which considers the change in surface. L0 ΔL Undeformed A0 L Deformed True stress, True Strain calculation equations: A * this equation is valid only for 1D problem Nonlinear Static Analysis 53 Step 09 Stress-strain curve input method Engineering stress VS True stress Plastic Strain Total Strain ( e True ln(1 e eng ) Eng. Strain (mm/mm) Eng. Stress (MPa) True Strain (mm/mm) True Stress (MPa) 0.00000 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00112 264.70 0.00112 0.00400 264.70 0.00837 Yield Stress ) Young ' s Modulus Plastic Strain (mm/mm) True Stress (MPa) 265.00 0.00000 265.00 0.00399 265.76 0.00287 265.76 276.14 0.00834 278.45 0.00722 278.45 0.01811 332.96 0.01795 338.99 0.01683 338.99 0.03170 383.16 0.03121 395.31 0.03009 395.31 0.04574 414.51 0.04472 433.47 0.04361 433.47 0.06505 439.14 0.06302 467.71 0.06190 467.71 0.08273 451.17 0.07949 488.50 0.07837 488.50 0.10447 458.31 0.09937 506.19 0.09825 506.19 0.12521 460.50 0.11797 518.16 0.11685 518.16 s True s eng (1 e eng ) Nonlinear Static Analysis 54 Step 10 Stress-strain curve input method Perfectly Plastic Model Inclination of the curve in plastic range is 0. Beginning of plastic deformation is defined by Yield Stress σ ε Perfectly Plastic Model Nonlinear Static Analysis 55 Step 11 Stress-strain curve input method Bi-Linear Model Inclination of the curve in plastic range is defined by a linear curve. Plastic Hardening Curve is defined by stressstrain plastic hardening function. σ ε Bi-linear Model Nonlinear Static Analysis 56 Step 12 Stress-strain curve input method Stress –strain function, Plastic Hardening function Stress-Strain function Plastic Hardening function (Defined as the plastic part only of the stress –strain curve) In the first line, stress and strain are null. In the second line, Elastic strain and yield stress are entered. In the third line, Plastic strain and Plastic stress are entered In the first line, enter 0 for the strain and yield stress. In the second line, enter the plastic strain and plastic stress. * Value of the strain should be calculated correctly form the yield point, which is the starting point of the curve. Nonlinear Static Analysis 57 Step 13 Stress-strain curve input method Multi-Linear Model Hardening interval of the curve is composed of several segments. Curve is defined from real test data from experiment σ ε Multi-linear Model Copy and Paste from Excel Nonlinear Static Analysis 58 Step Material Nonlinearity(2) – Hyper Elasticity Nonlinear Static Analysis 59 Step 01 Properties of Rubber materials Rubber Material Incompressibility appears because of the complex link between multiple polymer chains. Differently from metallic materials, rubber materials can be submitted to large deformation due to nonlinear elastic forces. Because of their elastic resilience and vibration damping properties, rubber materials are energyabsorbent, excellent dust removal, dust-proof and soundproof. Physical properties of rubber material hyperelasticity viscoelasticity Strain energy function, W Creep effect ε Tertiary Creep Primary Creep Steady State Creep time What is viscoelasticity? Phenomenon in which the physical properties of the material depend on Hysteresis effect Vibration damping the time. Nonlinear Static Analysis 60 Step 02 Hyper elastic models What is an Hyper elastic material? Material loaded and submitted to a deformation of 500% can recover its original shape after unloading. As a nonlinear material, nonlinear analysis have to be used, but principle of superposition can still be used as for linear analysis. s s Elasticity K e Permanent deformation e Nonlinear Static Analysis 61 Step 03 Hyper elastic models What are the properties of Hyper elastic materials? Stress can be derivated from the strain energy density function. Stress can be assumed from integration of the strain. Midas NFX provide Mooney-Rivlin, Polynomial, Ogden, Blatz-Ko models of the strain energy density function W. The best way to approximate the strain energy density function is to use stress-strain experimental data. s Real Behavior Strain energy density function used in midas NFX e Nonlinear Static Analysis 62 Step 04 Theory of hyper elastic models Strain energy density function (W) Polynominal Na Shape deformation Volumetric change i+j=1 Nd i=1 , ( Aij ,Di : Material constants) More higher-order model can better express the stress-strain experimental data but requires more material constants Mooney-Rivlin Model W( J1 , J2 , J3 ) = A10(J1 – 3) + A01(J2 – 3) + D(J3 – 1)2 It is the case of Na=1 in the polynomial equation. It is the most widely used model. (the model is rather convenient than accurate) Nonlinear Static Analysis 63 Step 05 Theory of hyper elastic models Strain energy (W) Ogden Model Na i+j=1 μi αi Nd i=1 , ( αi, μi ,Di : Material constants) It is difficult to express clearly the behavior of the material by using energy function expressed with principal strains (J1,J2,J3). Material constants are not directly expressing the physical properties of the material, whole function is expressing it. Blatz-Ko Model μ 2 I2 I3 For the foam materials in which incompressible nature is not strong, the material constants are reduced to the initial shear stiffness μ only. Nonlinear Static Analysis 64 Step 06 Theory of hyper elastic models Strain energy density function (W) Definitions ( J1 , J2 , J3 ) * J1 , J2 , J3 = 1,2,3 axis strain invariants L1 λ1L1 λ2L2 L2 λ3L3 L3 Undeformed Deformed λ1 · λ2 · λ3 = 1 incompressible J1 = λ12 + λ22 + λ32 J2 = λ12 · λ22 + λ22 · λ32 + λ32 · λ12 J3 = λ12 · λ22 · λ32 Nonlinear Static Analysis 65 Step 07 Hyper elastic Material Assignment Calculation of material constants For Hyper –elastic material, a range of test have to be performed to obtain all material constants (for elasto-plastic materials, only uni-axial tensile test is necessary). 1. Uni-axial tensile test 2. Bi-axial tensile test 3. Simple shear test 4. Pure shear test 5. Volume change test Eng. stress / Eng. strain measured through the following experiment Use the least squares method to determine the material constants. Nonlinear Static Analysis 66 Step 08 Hyper elastic Material Assignment Calculation of material constants ※ 시편 길이비 10:1 Uni-axial tensile test Simple shear test Bi-axial tensile test– can be replaced by Pure shear test– pure shear stress calculation is simple compression experiment achieved using tensile experiment results and rotation at 45˚ Volume change test– 취구는 크게 만들고 재료는 작은 재료를 넣는 압축력은 강성이 크기때문에 취구의 연성이 결과에 반 Nonlinear Static Analysis 67 Step 09 Hyper elastic Material Assignment Calculation of material constants using stress-strain data-1 ④ Select the type of experiment ① Select Hyper Elastic Tab ⑥ Click Add ⑤ Enter experiment data ② Assign Model Type ⑦ enter Poisson's ratio or volumetric deformation experimental data ⑨ Click Add ⑧ Select Type and order of calculation ③ Click Evaluate experimental data ⑨ Click Fit to Test Data… Nonlinear Static Analysis 68 Step 10 Hyper elastic Material Assignment Calculation of material constants using stress-strain data-2 ⑩ Click on close after verifying stability limit information of the material Nonlinear Static Analysis 69 Step 11 Hyper elastic Material Assignment Calculation of material constants using stress-strain data-3 shape deformation material constants calculated Mooney-Rivlin Model W = A10( J1 – 3) + A01( J2 - 3 ) + D( J3 – 1 )2 Volume change material constant calculated ⑪ Click Save and close ⑪ Click OK Nonlinear Static Analysis 70 Step 12 Phenomenon that cannot be expressed with Hyper elastic material Hysteresis Effect When a rubber material composed of complex chains of polymers is loaded and unload some loss of energy due to friction can occur. Rubber molecular structure s loading Theory unloading Real shape Energy loss e Stress softening (Mullin`s effect) : Phenomenon which describe the stabilization of the stress-strain curve from the initial shape to a stabilized shape after several cyclic loading. Nonlinear Static Analysis 71 Step 13 Phenomenon that cannot be expressed with Hyper elastic material Precautions to take for Hyper elastic Analysis ① Local slope can have a negative value, so the low order model is more stable. s Low order model After Curve fitting, if such case happen, it is High order model better to consider the low-order model (If presence of a negative slope in the curve) e ② For Elasto plastic material, Von Mises stresses are usually investigated, whereas for Hyper elastic materials, compressive stresses only are investigated. A10 ,A01 << D1 , WD << WH In other words, stresses which are causing shape deformation are relatively smaller than stresses causing volume change. ③ For complex rubber hyper-elastic materials , only nonlinear elasticity is considered ( Viscosity and Hysteresis are not included) Nonlinear Static Analysis 72 Step Contact Nonlinearity Nonlinear Static Analysis 73 Step 01 Contact Nonlinearity What is the reason to use contacts? Load application Load influence sent and received through the nodal points are connected to adjacent elements. In other words, if the nodes are not connected together, they cannot transfer the effect of loads. Most of the time, real models are composed of more than 2 bodies and it is quite difficult to connect the nodes. How to do ? Nonlinear Static Analysis 74 Step 02 Outline of Contact Nonlinearity Why is contact necessary? No contact Penetration occurs between the elements No mutual influence because the nodes are not connected Contact Elements in contact Contact creation Nonlinear Static Analysis 75 Step 03 Outline of Contact Nonlinearity What makes Nonlinearity phenomenon? 100N...200N...500N 1. Contact boundary and contact stresses cannot be guessed in advance. Research of the contact boundary is a part of the analysis process. As the degree of the contact stress or the contact area depends on the size of the load, the stiffness value change nonlinearly. Contact Stress Contact Force 2. Rapid changes occur in the contact force Before the body touch each other contact force is null and rapidly increases at the moment when the contact occurs. Penetration Nonlinear Static Analysis 76 Step 04 Contact Nonlinearity Classification according to the contact surface properties Flexible-flexible contact Body 1 and Body 2 have similar stiffness values and can all change shape. Body 1 Body 2 Most general condition of contact Flexible-Rigid contact When the stiffness of one of the body is much greater than the other, this body can be defined as rigid. Stiffness matrix cannot be calculated numerically. ex) 107 107 Steel 1 1 In this situation, considering this body as rigid can help to reach convergence. Ex) Iron (rigid) in contact with rubber (flexible). Rubber Nonlinear Static Analysis 77 Step 05 The penalty method The penalty method When contact happens between 2 bodies, a small penetration first occurs, then some springs are created to link nodes which are violating contact condition and surface of contact. A load (F=KΔδ) is then applied in the opposite direction to reduce progressively the penetration. This is the process described below: 1. Research of nodes/segments which infringe the contact condition . Load application Body 1 spring Potential contact nodes Penetration (Δδ) Body 2 Nodes violating contact condition 2. Input a contact force to the nodes/segments which infringe the contact condition. Contact force (Pushing out force) Nonlinear Static Analysis 78 Step 06 The Penalty Method Contact Pair - Master, Slave Contact constraints Nodes from Slave contact are not able to penetrate Master contact surface. Nodes from Master contact are able to penetrate Slave contact surface. For dense mesh, there is no real difference, but for coarse mesh, a big difference can happen in function of Master-slave choice. Selection of principal contact face (Master) and intermediate nodes (Slave) Rigid surface is usually set as Master surface. Convex surface is usually set as Slave surface. Surface mesh more densely is usually set as Slave surface. Master Slave Slave Master Nonlinear Static Analysis 79 Step 07 Contact Force Contact Force ? When penetration occurs, an external pushing force is applied. This force is called Contact Force. The larger the penetration, the bigger is the contact force. Contact Force (spring in compression) FC Kn g Penalty parameter (Kn) : Contact Stiffness - Dependent on the stiffness of the material - The larger is Kn, the smaller is the penetration (in order to obtain same contact force) g<0 FC Nonlinear Static Analysis 80 Step 08 Contact Force Contact Stiffness Parameter Contact stiffness is expressed as the product of a constant and the material stiffness. Kn SF E SF 1.0 Elastic module of flexible body With high contact stiffness, solution will be more accurate. A high contact stiffness is used to limit penetration. As we use a high contact stiffness, the model is submitted to vibrations and it may cause a convergence problem. Load Contac t Force < when relatively high contact stiffness is applied, it causes vibrations in the model> Nonlinear Static Analysis 81 Step 09 Contact Force Friction Force Friction force mFC Body 1 Friction force doesn’t increase Cause shear stress Friction force Kt Relative displacement Stick region, Just before slipping happens a small elastic deformation happen. If the load is released in this region, it will come back to the initial state. Slip region, Kt·s doesn’t exist, only μFc is applied Contact force Ff Kt s FC Stick (Kt: Tangent Slip stiffness) In other words, the tangential stiffness determines the status of the Stick There is a relation with the shear strength of the material. If Kt is high, the behavior of the contact surface is almost rigid. Friction force mFC Kt Relative displacement If Kt is small, the relative displacement depends linearly of the friction force. Nonlinear Static Analysis 82 Step 10 Contact Force Horizontal Stiffness Expressed as the product of a constant and the material stiffness. Kt SF E SF 0.5 Elastic module of flexible body Nonlinear Static Analysis 83 Step 11 Types of contact Types of contact Vertical Behavior Horizontal Behavior Welded Contact No separation No separation Linear Contact Sliding Contact No separation Sliding occurs Contact Rough Contact Separation No Sliding General Contact Separation Sliding occurs (Friction) Noninear Contact *Linear contact can be applied in nonlinear analysis,, but nonlinear contacts can not be used in Linear Analysis. *If friction is used, shear stress will happen before sliding in movement direction. Normal Behavior Shear Behavior Nonlinear Static Analysis 84 Step 12 Types of contact Types of contact Surface – Surface Contact User don’t need to define separately Master contact and Slave contact surfaces, because contact occurs indifferently in the 2 directions. It is perfect when sliding and friction in multiple directions are considered. Surface – node Contact In the case when contact occurs between nodes of slave contact surface and Master surface, nodes of the slave contact surface will always penetrate the Master contact surface. If unreasonable Slave and Master contact surface are chosen, it can results in incorrect results or in convergence error. In other words, Slave and Master contact surfaces have to be chosen well, with good understanding of the penalty method defined in the previous slides. In the penalty Method… Master contact surface is usually chosen as the surface flat or with relatively high stiffness, whereas, Slave contact surface is usually chosen as the surface convex or with relatively low stiffness. Moreover, Surface meshed more densely has to be defined as the slave surface. Nonlinear Static Analysis 85 Step 13 Method of contact creation Auto Contact When contact is found within the scope of the search, contact is automatically defined. When search distance is set to “Auto”, search distance is determined in function of the mesh size. The Master contact surface and the slave contact area are determined randomly. ex) when search distance is set to 20mm Contact surface is search between meshes within 20mm of distance. If an excessively large Searching Distance is used, meshes which are not in contact will be included in the contact, so an appropriate Searching Distance should be used. Nonlinear Static Analysis 86 Step 14 Method of contact creation Manual Contact Master contact and Slave contact surfaces are defined manually. By selecting only the areas where contact is expected to happen, duration of analysis can be reduced. Expected area of contact Nonlinear Static Analysis 87 Step 15 Method of contact creation Self Contact When contact occur between external surface of elements of one mesh set, self-contact is used. Self contact is efficient when contact points are numerous and when it is difficult to estimate the contact points. Nonlinear Static Analysis 88 Step 16 Contact Algorithm Contact Parameters Contact tolerance Constant value used for the calculation of the contact search distance. (For welded contact and bi-linear sliding contact, contact happen when Master and Slave contact surfaces are within defined search distance. In case of general contact or rough contact, contact happens when Master and Slave contact surfaces arrive within the search distance). Master Contact Extension Ratio Contact surface search distance is defined as the product of Master contact surface mesh size and this value. Defaults value is 0.005 and can be modified to increase or decrease the contact search area Remove Initial Penetration by Adjusting Slave Nodes At the beginning of the analysis, if the slave contact nodes are already penetrating the master contact surface, position of the slave nodes is changed in order to suppress automatically the penetration. Structural Nonlinear Analysis without Geometric NonlinearityMax. Search Distance When Geometric Nonlinearity is not considered, this option defines the search distance from the Master contact surface to find the slave contact surface. • Normal Failure force: When using breaking weld contact, contact will be separated if the contact force is superior to the Normal Failure Force. • Shear Failure Force: When using breaking weld contact, contact will be separated if the shear contact force is superior to the Shear Failure Force. Nonlinear Static Analysis 89 Step Nonlinear Static Analysis 90 Step Conclusion and advice for a better use of Nonlinear Analysis Nonlinear Static Analysis 91 Step 01 Conclusion and advice for a better use of Nonlinear Analysis Principal useful tips ① Perform Linear Analysis Case before running Nonlinear Analysis By performing linear analysis, you can judge whether or not to perform Nonlinear Analysis (depending on the deformation). If stresses or displacement are too large in linear analysis, design of the product has to be reviewed. By performing linear analysis, areas where large stresses or deformation happen can be estimated and smaller mesh can be refined in these areas. By performing linear analysis, areas where contacts happen can be estimated in order to create the most appropriate and effective contact surfaces. ② Parameter settings required for Nonlinear Analysis Load increments are one of the most important of the parameter settings. It cannot work properly for example if the plastic state is reached since the first increment. Increment number has to be set in order to get reasonable results (It is still possible to get difficult convergence) Convergence criteria selection, Geometric nonlinearity option, Line search Method, Subcase activation, Contact parameters Use of Restart feature(Convergence-related parameters can be applied and adjusting to save a lot of time) Understand the principle of special nonlinear analysis (geometry, contact, material) Ex 1) Choice of hyper elastic material to estimate properties of rubber materials Ex 2) Use of Arc-length method for nonlinear buckling analysis Nonlinear Static Analysis 92 Step 02 Conclusion and advice for a better use of Nonlinear Analysis Principal useful tips ③ Finite element modelling for nonlinear analysis With appropriate modelling, analysis speed and convergence will increase substantially. Nonlinear analysis consumes a lot of time if we compare with linear analysis and a simplification of the model is also necessary. In order to create the best model for Nonlinear analysis, the points below have to be considered: 1) Use symmetry condition when possible Cannot be used for nonlinear buckling analysis or dynamic analysis 2) Use Beam, shell, or flat idealized elements when possible 3) Minimize the use of nonlinear material model Use nonlinear material model only for element which are subjected to plastic deformation 4) Create dense and smooth mesh in areas of high strain Make even denser mesh in areas of contact 5) Evaluate the zones where large deformation will happen and make appropriate mesh to fit deformed shape. When possible, use rotation or extraction feature to create Hexa or Penta element meshes Results will be much more accurate than tetrahedral elements. Pay attention to the Mesh quality (Aspect Ratio, Skew Angle) , because it can create convergence problems in bad mesh quality areas. Simplify the fillets and holes which are not important for your analysis Nonlinear Static Analysis 93