FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK 2023 TERM 1(Week 1-10) SUB-STRAND SIX: CO – OPERATION AND CONFLICTS: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION/REGIONAL ORGANISATION WHAT STUDENTS ARE TO KNOW WHAT STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO DO Skill Level Weeks Skills in History To know basic skills on History A. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION (Week 2 – 4) LEAGUE OF NATIONS Backgrounds/Origins Origin Aims / Objectives ii. iii. iv. 1 Identify key events and key figures leading to the establishment of the League of Nations. State the date the League of Nations came into effect. Explain what the Paris Peace Conference was about. Describe the outcomes of the Paris Peace Conference. Teaching Resources Book Source - Skills in History by the Ministry of Education Brainstorm Discussions 1 Leadership Profiling Historical Notes 1 3 Discussions on Conferences 2 Fact Sheets Web source v. vi. vii. Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles Introduction Syllabus and Structure What is history and why we study it. Primary and Secondary Source, Causes and Motives and Skills on evaluating Oral Sources i. Teaching Strategies/Assessment Tools viii. ix. x. Explain what the Treaty of Versailles was about and its main purpose. Identify who were the main parties directly involved with the Treaty of Versailles. Describe the reaction of parties involved in the Treaty of Versailles. Explain the significance of the Treaty of Versailles in relation to the establishment of the League of Nations. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the establishment of the Treaty of Versailles. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the 3 Open Ended Questions 1 2 3 Text and Cartoon Interpretations Book-Source 2-4 4 3 FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 1 Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles. I. 2. Structure of the League of Nations II. Main Branches/Membership III. IV. Functions 3. V. I. Achievements / Failures II. III. IV. V. VI. I. Identify the main branches within the League of Nations. Describe the functions of the various branches within the League of Nations. Name the members in the various branches within the League of Nations. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the structure of the League of Nations. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the functions of the branches within the League of Nations. Identify the achievements of the League of Nations during the inter-war period between World War 1 and World War 2. Describe events related to the failures of the League of Nations in upholding its aims and purposes. Explain reasons for the failures of the League of Nations in upholding its aims and purposes. . Evaluate the effectiveness of the League of Nations as an international organization in relation to its achievements and failures. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the achievements of the League of Nations. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the failures of the League of Nations. 1 Mapping World Map Web Resource 2 Peer Research/instruction 1 Documentary 4 Power-point presentations Essay writing 3 2 2 Group work on Achievements and Failure of League of Nations Historical Notes 3 Flash Cards 4 Interpretations of Source and Cartoon Documentary 4 Web-source Quiz 3 VII. B. UNITED NATIONS I. Identify key events and key figures leading to the establishment of the United Nations. 1 3 FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 Discussions on UN and it’s functions 2 II. Backgrounds/Origins III. IV. Origin Aims / Objectives V. VI. 2. I. Structure of the United I Nations II. III. IV. Main Branches/Organs Memberships Functions Achievements V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Explain the significance of the Dumbarton Oak Conference in 1944 to the establishment of the United Nations. State the date the United Nations officially came into effect. Explain the aims and purposes in which the establishment of the United Nations was based upon. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the establishment of the United Nations. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the aims and objectives of the United Nations. Identify the different branches/organs of the United Nations. Name the member countries in the different branches/organs within the United Nations. Describe the criteria needed in order to be a member in the United Nations. Describe the functions of the different branches/organs of the United Nations. Identify the members within the various branches/Organs of the United Nations. Formulate propositions to investigate historical knowledge and understanding related to the United Nation’s branches/organs and its functions. Analyze the different perspectives of individuals and groups in the past about the functions of the United Nations. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the branches/Organs of the United Nations. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the functions/achievements of the United Nations. FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 Resource Book - World History 1 3 Essay writing Web-source - Documentaries 4 3 1 1 5 – 7 Lecture on Structure of Historical Notes UN 2 2 Presentations on Functions Web-source and book source 1 4 Quiz 3 4 3 COMMON TEST 1 3 TERM 2 (Week 11 – 20) I. C. COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS II. (Week 8 – 10) III. 2. Backgrounds/Origin s IV. Origin Aims / Objectives V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 2. STRUCTURE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF I. II. NATIONS III. Structure of the Commonwealth. Branches/Organs. IV. Identify key events and key figures leading to the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations. Describe the aims/objectives of the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations. Explain the relationship between the aims/objectives of the Commonwealth of Nations to the Singapore Declaration of 1971. Explain the relationship of the Imperial Conference of 1911 to the origin of the Commonwealth of Nations. State the date the Commonwealth of Nations was officially established. Construct a timeline related to the events leading to the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations. Formulate propositions to investigate historical knowledge and understanding related to the origin of the Commonwealth of Nations. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the origin of the Commonwealth of Nations. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the origin of the Commonwealth of Nations. Name the head of the Commonwealth of Nations. Identify the different branches/organs of the Commonwealth of Nations. Describe the functions of the different branches/organs of the Commonwealth of Nations. Describe the criteria needed in order to be a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 1 Research on Commonwealth of Nations 2 Web-source 3 11 - 12 3 Presentation on Powerpoint 1 3 Book Source Construct Timeline 4 4 Quiz 3 1 1 2 Group Discussions on Commonwealth Nations, branches and functions Web-source 2 Historical Notes 4 V. Membership. VI. VII. Functions. VIII. IX. X. REGIONAL COOPERATION I. II. III. 1.PACIFIC COMMUNITY (formerly South Pacific Commission – SPC) IV. (Week 11 – 13) V. VI. Origin/Backgrounds: -Origin/Backgrounds VII. Explain the relationship between the Balfour Declaration in the 1926 Imperial Conference and the criteria for membership. Identify the members within the various branches/Organs of the United Nations. Formulate propositions to investigate historical knowledge and understanding related to the Commonwealth of Nations structure. Analyze the different perspectives of individuals and groups in the past about the functions of the Commonwealth of Nations. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the structure of the Commonwealth of Nations. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the functions of the Commonwealth of Nations. Describe events leading to the establishment of the Pacific Community. Identify the original members of the Pacific Community. Construct a timeline related to the events leading to the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations. Describe the aims/objectives for the establishment of the Pacific Community. Explain reasons behind for the changing of the South Pacific Commission to be called 3 E.A the Pacific Community. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the 4 E.A origin of the Pacific Community. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the aims/objectives of the Pacific Community. 3 1 4 Memorandum/Briefing 3 4 3 2 Lecture on PC or SPC Historical Notes 1 3 2 3 Timeline Exercise 4 3 Book-source Open-Ended Questions -Aims/Objectives Organizational Structure I. II. Identify the different branches/organs of the Pacific Community. Describe the nature of the Pacific Community’s function as a regional organization. FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 1 13- 14 2 Group work on Achievements 5 -Structure/Members III. IV. -Functions V. VI. -Achievements VII. VIII. IX. 2. PACIFIC ISLAND FORUM (formerly South Pacific Forum) II. (Week 14 – 16) III. I. IV. Origin/Backgrounds: -Aims/Objectives Organizational Structure V. VI. I. II. Describe the functions of the different branches/organs of the Pacific Community. Explain the effectiveness of the Pacific Community’s involvement in Pacific affairs. Identify events related to the functions of the Pacific Community in upholding its aims and objectives. Explain the advantages member countries gain from the Pacific Community in terms of its aims and objectives. Using named examples as evidence to analyze the effectiveness of the Pacific Community in Pacific islands developments. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the functions of the Pacific Community. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the achievements of the Pacific Community. 2 Describe events leading to the establishment of the Pacific Islands Forum. Construct a timeline related to the events leading to the establishment of the Pacific Islands Forum. Describe the aims/objectives for the establishment of the Pacific Islands Forum. Explain reasons behind for the changing of the South Pacific Forum to be called the Pacific Island Forum. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the origin of the Pacific Island Forum. Interpret texts or visual sources to correctly explain characters and events related to the aims/objectives of the Pacific Islands Forum. 2 Identify the different branches within the Pacific Islands Forum. Describe the functions of each branches. 1 3 Web Source 1 3 Reflective Paper 3 4 3 Construct Timeline 3 2 3 4 Cartoon and text interpretation 3 Web-source 15 -16 Essay Writing 2 3 FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 Book Source Compare and contrast advantages of Historical Notes 6 Structure/Members Branches Functions III. IV. V. VI. Achievements Using named examples as evidence to analyze the effectiveness of the Pacific Islands Forum in Pacific islands developments. Identify events related to the functions of the Pacific Islands Forum in upholding its aims and objectives. Explain the advantages member countries gain from the Pacific Island Forum in terms of its aims and objectives. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the functions of the Pacific Island Forum. members and not members 1 3 4 Quiz REVISION FOR MID-YEAR EXAM (WEEK 17 – 18) MID-YEAR EXAM FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 7 TERM 3 (Week 21 – 30) SUB-STRAND 2: LEADERSHIP: KING GEORGE TUPOU 1 (1797 – 1893) I. 1. TUPOU 1: Early life and Backgrounds II. III. IV. Genealogy and Parentage V. VI. Early childhood VII. 2. FOUNDATION OF THE NEW KINGDOM 1820 - 1845 I. II. III. IV. - Battles: Unification of Tonga. - Christian/Missionar y influences. - Code of Laws (Vava’u Code 1839) V. VI. Describe Tupou 1’s family backgrounds and early childhood. Identify the names Tupou 1’s was known by. Describe the genealogy background of Tupou 1 Explain the link between Tupou 1’s genealogy background and Tu’i Kanokupolu title. Use historical terms and concepts in appropriate context to demonstrate understanding of Tupou 1’s biography. Evaluate texts or cartoons to identify a character or events related to Tupou 1’s early life and backgrounds. Interpret texts or visual sources to explain character or events related to Tupou 1’s early life and backgrounds. Name the major battles that Tupou 1 was involved in. Explain the purpose/aims for those battles. Identify who were Tupou 1’s rivals/opponents and the reasons for their involvements. Describe the outcomes of those battles in relation to Tupou 1’s becoming the Tu’i Kanokupolu. Construct a timeline on events regarding the Tupou 1’s major battles in Tonga during the period 1820 – 1845. Explain the roles the missionaries took part in Tupou 1’s visions and aims for Tonga. FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 2 Introduce syllabus and structure 1 Historical Notes 2 3 4 Open-Ended Questions 4 21-23 Tukutukulaumea 3 1 3 Group Discussions 3 2 Fact Sheets Construct timeline 3 3 Dialogue Simulations 8 - Kingship (Tu’i Kanokupolu) VII. VIII. IX. X. I. List the missionaries that were involved in shaping Tupou 1’s destiny as a leader for the whole of Tonga. Describe events as evidence of the influences of missionaries in Tupou 1’s decisions and visions as a leader. Explain the link between the missionary’s influence and the first Code of laws for Tonga. (Vava’u Code) Evaluate texts or cartoons to identify related characters or events related to Tupou 1’s unification of Tonga. 2 Web-Source Fact Sheets 2 3 Essay Writing 4 Notes on Political changes in Tonga INDEPENDENCE Describe events related to threats on Tonga’s unity and independence. (1845-1875) � External(foreign) 2 � International 2 Identify/Name characters or events related to the threats to Tupou 1’s strive to Tonga’s unity and independence. Describe the outcomes of these events related to Tupou 1’s leadership. Discuss the influences of missionaries in Tupou 1’s quest for a unified and independent Tonga. Describe events as evidences of how missionaries Christian teachings influenced Tupou 1’s role as a leader. Explain what the Emancipation Edict of 1862 was all about. Discuss the significance of the Emancipation Edict of 1862 to the: People of Tonga Tupou 1’s role as a Leader Describe events related to the Constitution of Tonga being created and implemented in 1875. 1 Describe the nature of Education, Religion and Government in Tonga before Tupou 1. 2 3. QUEST FOR UNITY AND External and Internal threats for Tonga’s security and independence. II. III. Influences of missionaries. (Rev.Shirley Baker) IV. V. VI. Emancipation Edict (1862). Constitution of Tonga (1875). VII. VIII. IX. X. I. FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 Tukutukulaumea Peer Discussion 2 3 Interview Historical Interpretations Compare and Contrast Web-source 2 3 Memorandum/briefing 4 4 2 1 Reflective Paper 9 4. TUPOU 1’S INFLUENCES ON EDUCATION, RELIGION AND GOVERNMENT - Achievements and Changes II. Explain the influences of Tupou 1’s leadership on: -Education -Religion -Government III. V. VI. Book Source Identify the obstacles facing these changes. -Education -Religion -Government IV. To discuss challenges and changes 3 3 3 Evaluate the significance of these changes to Tonga today. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters or events related to Tupou 1’s achievements and changes to Tonga. Interpret texts or visual sources related to Tupou 1’s achievements and changes to Tonga. 1 1 1 Essay Writing 4 4 Text Interpretations 3 Quiz SUB-STRAND 3: RELIGION AND BELIEFS – CHRISTIANITY IN TONGA WHAT STUDENTS ARE TO KNOW WHAT STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO DO i. ii. Define the term “WORLDVIEW” Define the following types of worldviews: 1 -Idealism 1 -Realism 1 -Pragmatism 1 -Existentialism 1 1. TYPES OF VIEWS AND BELIEFS Nature of religion in Tonga prior to the introduction of Christianity. Skill Level FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 Weeks Teaching Strategies Understanding Key Terms Teaching Resources Resource Books - Ko e Talafungani – Aioema Atiola - Koe Histolia ‘o e Siasi ‘i Tonga 1773 – 1924 by Rev Dr Alfred Harold Wood 10 Types of views and beliefs regarding religion in Tonga before Christianity iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. 2. Describe the relationship between worldview and belief. Describe the different types of worldviews or beliefs that existed in Tonga before Christianity, as according to historical sources. Explain the effects of these worldviews or beliefs on the way of life in Tonga before Christianity. Compare evidence from different types of sources on views and beliefs existed in Tonga Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the type of views and beliefs in Tonga before Christianity. Interpret texts or visual sources to explain characters or events related to the type of views and beliefs in Tonga before Christianity. I. CHRISTIANITY: The New Religion Transformation of the traditional Tongan world and the spread of Christianity. Reasons/Aims for the introduction of Christianity into Tonga. - Means of spreading Christianity in Tonga. - Obstacles for spreading Christianity in Tonga. State the year in which Christianity first reached Tonga. II. List the groups of missionaries that arrived into Tonga and the years in which they arrived. III. Explain the aims/reasons used for the introduction of Christianity into Tonga. IV. Describe how the aims or purposes of spreading Christianity in Tonga were put into effect. V. Describe the significant events (challenges) around the arrival of the first missionaries into Tonga. VI. Identify key characters or events related to the transformation of the Tongan society and the spread of Christianity. VII. Describe the reaction of the people of Tonga to the transformation and the spread of Christianity. VIII.Provide evidences related to people’s reaction to the transformation and the spread of Christianity. IX. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly identify characters and events related to the transformation and spread of Christianity in Tonga. FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 2 Dictionary 2 3 24-26 Talk it Out 3 4 3 Text/Cartoon Interpretations 1 Discussions 2 3 Simulation exercise Resource Book Analysis on effectiveness through discussions and debate Web-source 2 2 1 2 3 Quiz 4 11 X. Interpret texts or visual sources to explain characters or events related to the transformation of the Tongan society and the spread of Christianity I. II. III. CHRISTIANITY: As an agent of IV. V. Change in the Tongan Society VI. Influences of Christianity on the Tongan society: VII. - People - Education Describe the influences Christianity has on a. People b. Education ii.Provide examples of the influences of Christianity has on society related to: a. People b. Education Identify the causes that has influenced the changes that Christianity has on the Tongan society. Analyse evidence from different types of sources to the changes that Christianity has brought into the Tongan society. Describe the effects of the changes that Christianity has brought into the Tongan society. Explain the advantages/disadvantages of the changes that Christianity has brought into the Tongan society. Evaluate a given cartoon or text to correctly explain characters and events related to the transformation and spread of Christianity in Tonga. 3 Power-point presentation on major colonial powers 2 2 Online Articles 3 3 4 Corners 1 3 2 3 Class Debate 4 REVISION - COMMON TEST 2 27-28 Past exam Papers TERM 4 REVISION and Drill Past Exam Papers FINAL EXAM FORM 5 HISTORY SCHEME OF WORK, 2023 12