Load Assumption for Dubai Villa 10.08.2023 To determine load assumption was used Dubai Building Code Part K: Villas and latest American codes. 1. Dead Load; The self-weight of the structural steel elements (mullions, transoms, etc.) is automatically generated by the finite element program by considering a specific weight of 78,5kN/m³. Reinforced Concreate weight = 2500 kg/m3 2. Super Dead Load; SDL = 4.15 kN/m2 SDL Extra internal drywall partitions suspended services with ceiling finishes suspended services without ceiling finishes Installation, suspended ceiling load (kg/m²) Wall load (kg/m²) Sabit Yükler (kg/m²) Döşeme Üzerine Gelen Sabit Yayılı Yük (t/m) + + + + + 190 75 50 30 50 50 kg/m² kg/m² kg/m² kg/m² kg/m² kg/m² 415 kg/m² 4,15 kN/m² Load Assumption for Dubai Villa 3. Live Load; LL= 3 kN/m2 Dubai Building Code ASCE 7-16 10.08.2023 Load Assumption for Dubai Villa 4. Seismic Design Parameters; Dubai Building Code Earthquake parameters according to TBDY same as ASCE7-10 10.08.2023 Load Assumption for Dubai Villa 10.08.2023 5. Wind Load; Wind load assumptions are based on the Dubai Building Code (Section K. Wind pressures) Y yönü X yönü