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Movieholic Event Report & Flyer - The Northcap University

Report on "Movieholic" Organised by the
Puzzle club
The puzzle club of The Northcap University organised a fun event
“Movieholic” on 8th September, 2022.
The event was conducted in two rounds, with round 1 being Dum charades
and round 2 being a guessing challenge.
A total number of 25 teams registered for the event with each team
comprising of 3-4 members.
The team “siuuu” won the event.
The event was very well enjoyed by the participants and hence was successful.
Favourably good feedbacks were received from the participating teams and
Event flyer:
🎬 Movieholic 🎬
The Puzzle Club (Department of Applied Sciences) is back with an amazing and fun
event “ Movieholic ”
Participants can register themselves in a team. The event comprises of two rounds.
✨ 1st Round
πŸ“The theme of this round is Dum charades.
πŸ“The selected teams will be promoted to level 2.
✨ 2nd Round
πŸ“In this round you have to guess the movie through given emojis and dialogues.
πŸ“This round would be conducted as a buzzer round.
✨ Perks: E-CERTIFICATES to all the participants.
πŸ—’ Rules:
πŸ“Each team shall consist of 3-4 members.
πŸ“You have to name your team.
πŸ“Team leader can fill out the form on behalf of the entire team.
πŸ“There will be only one winning team.
πŸ“† DATE: 8th September 2022
πŸ•‘ TIME: 2:45 PM
πŸ–₯ Venue: The Northcap University
Please join whatsapp group for further information through the link πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Registration Link πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Student Coordinators:
Khushi (President) - 97294 72533
Shivam (Content Lead) - 99927 02604
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Aditya Sharma
Event Poster: