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PL 300 Study Notes: Leadership & Development

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1. Leadership
1) interpersonal influence process
2) involving energy
3) directed at achievement of shared purpose or goals
4) within a social unit
2. leader development
1) who you are as a person
2) who you know
3) what you do
3. Kegan's develop- 0) Incorporative mind
mental stages
1) Impulsive mind
2) Instrumental mind
3) Socialized mind
4) Incorporative mind
5) Self-transforming mind
4. Incorporative
mind (0)
Stage: 0
subject: reflexes
object: none
features: incorporation
5. Impulsive mind
Stage: 1
subject: impulses
object: reflexes
features: single perspective
6. instrumental
Stage: 2
subject: needs
object: Impulses
features: multiple perspectives (seen one at a time)
7. Socialized mind Stage: 3
subject: Mutuality
object: needs
features: multiple perspectives simultaneously
8. Incorporative
mind (4)
Stage: 4
subject: system of values
object: mutuality
features: personal perspectives
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9. self-transforming mind
Stage: 5
subject: Universality
object: system of values
features: perspective is convenience
10. Big five personal- Openness
11. Army leadership to better a collective unit
"the process of influencing people by providing purpose,
direction and motivation while operating to accomplish the
mission and improve the organization." (FM 6-22)
12. genetic inheritance
what you're born with and how you react to it
13. leadership
inspiring and motivating people to get the job done
improve the organization
14. traits of a leader integrity, confidence, competence
15. character
the set of personal strengths and virtues that enable people to understand, decide, and do what is right to benefit
individuals, organizations and the world around them
16. good character
one person doing what is right, correct or virtuous for
others and themselves. rational, non-selfish, fundamental
to leadership
17. six moral values 1) wisdom and knowledge
2) courage
3) humanity
4) justice
5) temperance
6) transcendence
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18. three virtues for 1) teamwork
2) personal hierarchy of strengths
3) stress helps growth
19. authenticity
patterns of behavior, consistent with an individuals
self-concept, core values, beliefs and personality traits in
all situations and roles
1) self-awareness
2) agentic mindset
3) self-regulation
4) people orientation
5) leader of character
20. authentic leader- individual's pattern of behavior authentic and consistent in
a organizations philosophy's and values
21. trust
rooted in a person's competence, character and core
22. self-awareness
know yourself
be reflective and grow
23. agentic mindset growth comes from personal responsibility
open and learning mindset
24. self-regulation
control thoughts, feeling and behavior
understand emotions and ability to express
25. people orientation
positive relationships with others honesty and love
26. authentic leader- leadership changes with time and experiences
27. identity
integrates a person's self-knowledge, values, purpose,
passions, major goals, strengths, traits, experiences, sub
identities into a coherent view of yourself
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28. social perception a willingness to consider that some of their perceptions of
others are inaccurate
29. self-perception
a willingness to consider that some of their perceptions of
others are inaccurate
30. social cognition theoretical perspective that examines how individuals actively interpret, analyze, remember and use information
31. schema
organized set of beliefs or theories created from experience
32. scripts
schema about procedural events
33. stereotypes
the belief that an individual possesses certain characteristics based on group membership
34. attribution
forming impressions based on behavior
35. internal attribution
subordinates attributes behavior to personal characteristics
36. external attribu- subordinates attribute behavior to situation
37. fundamental attribution error
underestimation of situational factors underlying other's
38. actor-observer
individual tendency to interpret their own behavior relative
to others and emphasizes external causes
other people affect your actions: is it really your fault?
39. confirmation
tendency to seek and interpret information to verify preexisting beliefs
40. false consensus tendency for people to overestimate the extent which otheffect
ers share their opinions, attributes and behaviors
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process where an individual's preexisting expectations
about others cause them to behave in a way that confirms
the assumptions
42. self-esteem
degree which individuals believe that they have good qualities and are worthy of respect
43. self-efficacy
people's judgments for their capabilities to organize and
execute courses of action
required to attain designated types of performances
44. locus of control
behavior plays a large role in outcomes
45. self-enhancement
seek and interpret information that reflects positively on
46. self-assessment objective gathering of self-relevant information
47. self-serving bias tendency to attribute success to personal factors and to
attribute failure to external factors
48. implicit leadership theory
refers to individuals' beliefs about effective leadership as
opposed to what it really is
49. biased feedback receiving false feedback for various reasons
50. self-verication
desire to have one's own beliefs about oneself confirmed
51. rational decision prescriptive theory, understand how misperceptions, intumaking
ition and prior experience play a role
1) understand the problem
2) generate alternative solutions
3) test competing solutions
4) implement solution
52. naturalistic deci- intuitive expertise
sion making
1) time stress
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2) high stakes
3) multiple personnel
4) dynamic settings
5) uncertainty
6) organizational techniques
7) uncertain goals
no single procedure, assessment, mental imagery, dynamic
53. recognition
stage 1: experience
primed decision stage 2: recognize
stage 3: decide and implement
54. emotional intelli- a subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to
monitor one's own and other's feelings and emotions to
isolate them and guide reactions to them.
55. Ability-based
a four-branch model that states that emotional intelligence
can be developed over time and through training
56. mixed model
is a conglomeration of traits, characteristics and compeemotional intelli- tencies and/ or self-perceptions
57. intrapersonal
understanding oneself
58. interpersonal
understanding others
59. adaptive coping psychological and physical capacity to bounce back from
life's stressors repeatedly to thrive in an era of high operational tempo