Uploaded by Vanz Ferioli


Don't be a Victim of Wire Fraud
Tips and Best Practices
1. E-Mail: Be very suspicious if you receive an email containing wire instructions or a change
in wire instructions, even if it looks like it came from our office. Our firm's practice is to use
a secure portal for you to access our wire instructions safely and securely. E-mail can be
very easily spoofed or copied to look genuine. Be wary of any wiring instructions that look
like they have been cut and pasted into a plain document.
2. Call/Verify: Confirm/verify all wire instructions by telephone before transferring funds.
Use the phone number from the Berlin Patten Ebling website at www.berlinpatten.com or a
business card.
3. Be Suspicious: Berlin Patten Ebling will never send wire instructions via unsecured email
(unless specifically directed by you to do so, and only when you are on the phone with us as
we transmit the instructions via email). We will NEVER change wire instructions and
payment information mid-transaction.
4. Confirm it all: If the name on the bank account is not Berlin Patten Ebling, it is not valid.
Ask your bank to confirm not just the account number but also the name on the account
before sending a wire.
5. Verify immediately: You should call Berlin Patten Ebling to validate that the funds were
received. Detecting that you sent the money to the wrong account within 24 hours gives you
Lakewood Ranch
St Petersburg
the best chance of recovering your money.
6. Forward, don't reply: When responding to an email, hit forward instead of reply and
then start typing in the person's email address. Criminals use email address that are very
similar to the one for a company (e.g., marysmith@webmail.com vs
marysmith@vvebmail.com. By typing in email addresses you will make it easier to discover
if a fraudster is after you.
7. Be Cautious: You are wiring substantial sums of money. Do not take anything for
granted and verify every step you take to insure that you are sending the money to the right
P 941-954-9991