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Internship Report: Accounting Trainee's First Month

BP40008 LATIHAN INDUSTRI [2-2021/2022]
Month 1 Summary
Company : Ong & Wong Chartered Accountants, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Name : Mohd Daniel Aizat Bin Rusdi
Matrics Number: BB18110163
The trainee started the internship on 1st March 2022 ( Tuesday ) at Ong & Wong Chartered
Accountants in Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu. The main activities during the month can be
divided into three parts which are understanding the past year's audit file, doing 'testing', and
'preparing debtor documents'.
1. Understanding past year's audit files.
The audit manager, ms. W asked one of the auditors to explain briefly what the audit files are
about. The trainee was given a past audit file. There are several sections in the audit file such
as AP (Audit Program), CL (Current Liability), FA ( Financial Asset ), TA/PL (Trading
Account/Profit or loss), and many more. She briefly explained what each section is about.
2. Doing Testing for companies.
Doing testing is mainly in the section of TA/PL (Trading Account/ profit or loss account). The
testing is done by starting to refer on the general ledger and picking some items such as Sales.
Then, the trainee will look at the reference cited from the general ledger. The reference will
lead to the supporting documents such as the Purchase ledger, Sales ledger, or Payroll. The
trainee will find the supporting documents and record them on a working paper. In one month,
the trainee has done testing for more than 5 companies.
3. Preparing debtor documents.
The trainee basically only needs to copy (photostat) all of the supporting documents for the
debtor. These supporting documents will be passed to Ong & Wong Chartered Accountants
auditor to continue doing the audit.
Next, there are 2 things that the trainee learnt from the first month of being part of Ong &
Wong Chartered Accountants how the trainee needs to utilize my time to finish the work and
dare to ask questions.
1. The trainee realizes if the trainee is wasting the time, it will affect others' work. So, the
trainee needs to do it as well as he can and as fast as possible. However, there should
be no room for mistakes so he also needs to be focused on doing the testing especially.
2. The trainee also realizes how different companies come with different styles of testing.
The basis of testing is the same but how it is executed is different because different
companies have different preferred styles. So, the trainee needs to ask questions,
especially for some items such as insurance. Insurance needs new additional ways how
to do the testing. The trainee needs to calculate the prepayment of the premium since
companies tend to complete paying the insurance premium even if it consists of next
year's assessment or period.
(433 Words)