27/08/2022 Safety Engineering Management 1 27/08/2022 Outline! • Accident Theory • Importance of OSH • Global Occupational Safety and Health • Occupational Safety and Health Situation in the Philippines ACCIDENT THEORY Domino Theory Human Factor Theory Accident/Incident Theory Epidemiological Theory Systems Theory Energy Release Theory Behavior Theory 4 2 27/08/2022 DOMINO THEORY Proposed by H. W. Heinrich First scientific approach to Accident/Prevention (1932) Each factor is dependent on the preceding factor DOMINO THEORY: CORRECTIVE ACTION (3ES) Engineering ▪Design ▪Process change Education ▪Training Enforcement ▪Compliance 3 27/08/2022 HUMAN FACTORS THEORY The human factors theory of accident causation attributes accidents to a chain of events ultimately caused by human error. 1. Overload 2. Inappropriate response 3. Inappropriate activities. ACCIDENT/INCIDENT THEORY The accident/incident theory of accident causation is an extension of the human factors theory. It introduces such new elements as ergonomic traps, decision to error and systems failures. 4 27/08/2022 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL THEORY Relationship between environmental factors and disease. Two Key Components 1. Predisposition characteristics 2. Situational Characteristics SYSTEMS THEORY an accident might occur as a system with three components: person (host), machine (agency), and environment. 5 27/08/2022 ENERGY RELEASE THEORY The theory states that various techniques can be employed to reduce accidents including ▪ preventing the buildup of energy ▪ reducing the initial amount of energy ▪ preventing the release of energy ▪ carefully controlling the release of energy ▪ and separating the energy being released from the living or nonliving object. BEHAVIOR THEORY Behavior-based safety (BBS) Most prominent proponent is E. Scott Geller, a senior partner of Safety Performance Solutions, Inc. and a professor of psychology 7 Principles 1. Intervention 2. Identification of external factors 3. Motivation 4. Focus 5. Application 6. Integration 7. Planned interventions 6 27/08/2022 an [unplanned, unforeseen] - unexpected, unwanted, EVENT that interrupts or disrupts the normal and orderly progress of any activity which may result in injury (minor, serious or fatal) to people and/or damage or destruction of property that result to losses; or their combination. 13 UNDERSTANDING ACCIDENT CAUSES • Presence of defective tools/equipment/ materials • Congestion of restricted body movement • Inadequate warning system • Presence of fire/explosion hazards • Poor housekeeping/disorder • With noise/radiation exposure • Exposure to extremes of Temperature/ventilation • Inadequate guards/barriers Unsafe Conditions 7 27/08/2022 UNDERSTANDING ACCIDENT CAUSES Unsafe Act 16 8 27/08/2022 UNSAFE CONDITIONS UNSAFE ACT Most difficult to address Best prevented by developing a “safety culture” 9 27/08/2022 • Safety must be a way of life. • Loss avoidance • Safety is required by LAW. 19 WHAT IS OCCUPATIONAL SAFET Y AND HEALTH? Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work. 10 27/08/2022 WHY IS OCCUPATIONAL SAFET Y AND HEALTH IMPORTANT? It protects the well being of employees, visitors and customers. What is Global Occupational Safety and Health? • Global Occupational Safety and Health • Wider approach (international level) • Public health • Prevention of illnesses • Prevention of injuries • Directly related to internationalized dynamics of the global economy 11 27/08/2022 What is the Status of Global Occupational Safety and Health? • OHS infrastructures and systematic preventive approaches is extremely slow. • Working conditions for the majority of the world’s workers do not meet the minimum standards and guidelines set by the WHO and ILO Status of Global Occupational Safety • According to World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) • Only 24 countries have ratified the ILO Employment Injury Benefits Convention (no.121) • Compensation should be paid for occupational diseases • Only 31 countries have ratified the Convention on Occupational Health Services (no.161) – the implementation of OHS system WORKERS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES WORKERS IN INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES 10% 50% 50% 90% 12 27/08/2022 History of Occupational Safety and Health in the Philippines First Step Additional Act First Legislation Introduction of OSH in the PH wherein establishments rendered medical services to their workers. Workmen’s Compensation Act No. 3428; provide payment for illness, in addition to injury or death due to employment. Commonwealth Act No. 104; promotion of OSH in the workplace. Known as the First Industrial Safety Law. 1903 1908 1927 1933 Act and Bureau Change of Name Employer’s Liability Act; compensate injured workers while performing their job. Bureau of Labor was created. Bureau of Labor was named Department of Labor on December 8, 1933. 1936 History of Occupational Safety and Health in the Philippines Additional Act Enactment Organization Commonwealth Act No. 696; safety in the installation and operation of boilers and pressure vessels. Republic Act No. 1054: Free Emergency Medical and Dental Treatment Act; treatment to laborers and medical personnel employment. Safety Organization of the Philippines, Inc. was organized to disseminate safety principles in industries and other workplaces. 1945 1948 1954 1957 Membership Established Philippines became a member of International Labor Organization (ILO). Bureau of Labor Standards was created. 1959 13 27/08/2022 History of Occupational Safety and Health in the Philippines Proclamation Accreditation Committee Proclamation No. 115A; declaring the year and every year thereafter as Safety and Accident Prevention Year. Bureau of Labor Statistics accredit Safety Training Organizations to conduct OSH training. National Tripartite Committee was created to continue and improve OSH standards. 1967 1974 1975 1977 Amendment Process Approval of the Presidential Decree 442: Labor Code of the Philippines. Tripartite consultation was organized to study OSH standards. 1978 14 27/08/2022 History of Occupational Safety and Health in the Philippines Change of Name Established Consultation Bureau of Labor Standards was renamed as Bureau of Working Conditions. Occupational Safety and Health Center was created. First in Southeast Asia. Tripartite consultation of Rule 1030: Training of Personnel in Occupational Safety and Health. 1982 1984 1988 1989 Consultation Revision A forum was held to amend OSHS Rule 1410: Construction Safety. First major revision of OSH Standards. 1996 History of Occupational Safety and Health in the Philippines Council and Legal Guidelines Gathering and Order Bureau of Labor Standards was renamed as Bureau of Working Conditions. Issued DO 13 and MC No. 02, Series of 1998. MC No. 01, Series of 2000 and MC no. 02, Series of 2000 was issued. First meeting of DOLEBWC Accredited Safety Training and Testing Organizations. Issued DO 53-03, Series of 2003. 1998 1999 2000 2001 First Convention Amendments Assembly of Accredited Safety Professionals. Association of Safety Practitioners of the PH, Inc. was organized. Rule 1030, 1160, 1170, 1180 were amended. 2002 15 27/08/2022 History of Occupational Safety and Health in the Philippines Change of Name Association of Safety and Health Training Organizations of the PH Inc. from ATOP, Inc. Accreditation No.: 1030-011618-0037 2003 2004 Guidelines DO 57-04, Series of 2004 was issued. What is the Occupational Safety and Health Situation in the PH? • Effective OSH programs remain extremely limited! 16 27/08/2022 Points to strengthen Occupational Safety and Health in the PH Regulating OSH will remain weak (problems) Industries must recognize the beneficial impact of OSH Collective Bargaining Agreements must include OSH OSHS enforcement in sectors of small-scale enterprises, contractual, and informal labor sector • OSHS for migrants • • • • Remember… Safety First! 17 27/08/2022 18