11/24/22, 9:28 PM CROSSWORD PUZZLE CROSSWORD PUZZLE 21CSS101J / PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING - UNIT I 31:36 Correct! Well done. Your score is 99%. Across: 16: Value of i is decremented before assigning it to variable i PREDECREME Enter Down: 16: An artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms 1 I Enter N C R E M E N T A N 2D D E C R E M E N T O P E R A T O R S N E 3 C O N D T I T I O N A L S T A T EM E N TS E N 4 S I N G L E L I N E C OMME N T R 5 P U T S S R M 6 L O W L E V E L L A NGUAGE E T C 7 F O R M A L PAR A ME T E R S E R L 9 8 U N 10 B P O S T F I X E X P R E S S I ON E S L T X 11 G L O B A L V AR I A B L E S I 12 C O M M A OPE R A T OR 13 F R 14 15 F L O A T POS T I N C R EM E N T O W C file:///C:/Users/Dell/Downloads/PPS_UNIT I.htm T 16 P R EDE C REMEN T S H 1/3 11/24/22, 9:28 PM CROSSWORD PUZZLE 17 H I D E N T I F I ERS A U E 18 P R O C E D U RAL T O 19 C O NST A N T S 20 G O 21 H E A D E RF I L E T 22 A E C R H R A 23 P R O G R A M W Check Across: Down: 1. Unary operators that add or subtract one from their operand. 3. if else & nested if 4. Represented by double slash \\ 5. A function only permits you to print a string only to your screen. 6. language which difficult to understand and readability is questionable 7. The variable as found in the function definition 10. Operator is used after operands 11. Variable that can be accessed by any Function 12. Special operators which seperates the declaration of multiple variables. 14. Data type used for decimal. 15. Value of i is incremented after assigning it to variable i 16. Value of i is decremented before assigning it to variable i 17. Names given to different entities such as constants, variables, structures, functions 18. C is _______ type of programming language. 19. Value does not change during execution. 1. A computer program that directly executes instructions written in programming or scripting language 2. Father of c programming 8. C language was invented to develop which Operating System. 9. laboratories that developed c language 13. A graphical representation of an algorithm. 16. An artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms 20. A function in C programming language that reads a single character from the standard input 22. indicates the flow of algorithm file:///C:/Users/Dell/Downloads/PPS_UNIT I.htm 2/3 11/24/22, 9:28 PM CROSSWORD PUZZLE 21. #include 23. Set of instructions that instructs the computer to do a task file:///C:/Users/Dell/Downloads/PPS_UNIT I.htm 3/3