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IIT Tech Ambit Orientation & Recruitment

IIT Tech
What is Ambit?
We're a pan-IIT Tech Journal, currently spanning across 7 IITs - Delhi, KGP,
Kanpur, Bombay, Guwahati, BHU and Gandhinagar, and growing.
Also, there are four verticals in Ambit - Editorial, Design, Tech and Growth.
(Currently, we're trying to recruit for the first two verticals. Yay, you guys!)
What do we do?
We write. There's no fixed boundaries on what we cover - as long as it
relates to the growing horizon of technology and science, and hopefully to
IITs as well - via student, alumni, professor, fests, and so on. (More on this
Chief Eds
(aka, your group admins!)
Design Heads
(also aka, your group admins, but cooler)
a magazine 101
Writers select a topic by themselves or pick one from the Idea
Bank that gets bigger and bigger each month.
They conduct interviews, research, whatever's required - and write
their articles.
They upload their article as drafts on our top secret internal
We edit the articles (and judge grammatical errors for fun!)
The designers take over at this point, and ensure the articles are
aesthetic(TM) and publish-ready.
Ta-da! The monthly issue is out and we all get to brag on social
Sometimes, pieces are also published as stand-alone posts on the
Ambit website!
Time to check out the website!
Take a little tour, we'll wait :)
What can you
write about?
Contrary to first impressions, this isn't always nerd central. We
cover a wide variety of topics, from super technical research to
the latest in entrepreneurship, to spying on your neighbor with a
wildly successful blog. [Yes, that is an actual article by Mahima.
Yes, it is amazing.]
So feel free to write about whichever field you wish to cover, refer
to the Tech Ambit site for ideas and references, or refer to the
Bank. And we're always here to vet and help shape your ideas.
What about
Designers are an extremely important pillar of Ambit. To keep the
magazine going, we need an active and enthusiastic team of
dedicated designers!
There's two kinds of things you'll be expected to design - the
magazine and the posts on the website/social media. Once you get a
hang of it, it's not very hard or time-consuming work, but there's
plenty of scope for innovation and experimentation - as long as your
design heads sign off on it, of course.
What we expect
from you.
We're a simple editorial board. We ask for simple things.
Articles: Ideally, we want one article from you every month.
However, we're extremely considerate of minors, majors, intern
seasons and whathaveyou - as it usually tends to work out because
we have editors spanning a large number of IITs.
The articles must be well-researched, relevant, and fully finished
from your end before uploading on Ghost. We're here to help,
whether you need guidance in writing or research or getting an
interview with somebody - but we're not here to nitpick. We're
proud of the freedom we give our writers. But basically, just stay in
touch and let us know if you face any hurdles and we're sure we
can help.
Each designer is expected to work on at least one piece per month
- and back to the reason we keep calling it manageable workload is
because this process usually takes a maximum of 2-3 days. You'll
be expected to stay in touch with your design heads at all times
and agreeable to their edits and suggestions - as well as proactive
in holding communication with editors as well, since their vision of
the article often helps shape the design.
The designs are expected to be clean, unrepetitive, attentively
done and submitted on time. Again, any troubles in ideation or
implementation? Your design heads have got your backs.
What do you get
out of it?
(Now is *probably* the time to really focus, in case you've drifted
You get to end this tenure with the POR of an inter-IIT
editor/designer, which promises to shine on your CV regardless
of what you wish to pursue.
Better technical writing skills! After all, nothing makes perfect
like practice. And this helps in your cover letters, term papers
and much more. Plus, verified credentials for these technical
writing skills for future endeavors.
Designers get a variety of experience, exposure, and a chance
to learn from your design heads and fellow designers! You get
to grow as a designer in a multitude of ways and build up your
portfolio while doing it.
Connections with editors and Ambit members from different
IITs - as well as an opportunity to connect with eminent
personalities in the technological landscape, interact one-onone, and take these relationships forward as well. (For example,
our previous chief ed scored an intern at a highly prestigious
startup after interviewing its founder - Casual Flex.)
Cringe icebreaker
game time
Because, yes. We do just want to be liked.
The rules are simple. We'll give you details on 3
topics, much as you will get information for each
article. You have to come up with a punny caption or
a short, attention grabbing one liner on it. Yell it out
or type your answers in the chat!
Happy writing!
Case 1
brain organoid (lab grown brain model)
given electric signals to gauge distance and
taught to play Pong
arguments if the organoid is truly sentient.
Dr Kagan, team head, says: ''It is able to take
in information from an external source,
process it and then respond to it in real
may be used to treat neurodegenerative
diseases (eg Alzheimer's) in the future
Case 2
Diedinhouse.com is a startup which tells you if a
murder/suicide/ other violent death occurred in
your house before you bought it.
Founder was sold a house that had witnessed
death and discovered that laws don't always
require estate agents to disclose this information.
So now, for ~$12 his startup tells you whether
someone died in yours.
Case 3
NSS, IIT Delhi organized an animal safety drive
recently that was attended massively by people.
This involved some new approaches by veterinary
experts for the first aid and safe nutrition of
Genuine positive impacts of this awareness
workshop can be seen in the area now and the
central government is taking an interest as well.
THE END (what happens now?)
Interested in joining? Well, good news.
Stay tuned with the whatsapp group for the first round of tasks which will be released
tonight. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to any of the group admins!
Help us spread the word!
Follow Ambit on social media!
INSTAGRAM, and stay in touch with the WEBSITE! (For that sweet, sweet additional info rizz)
We need your help in effective recruitment drives across colleges. If you liked Ambit, share it
with your friends - and maybe you'll even get recruited together! The more, the merrier, right?
(While we answer them, feel free to
scan, check us out, and follow)