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Role Playing Game in Maternal Health Grp 4

Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Role-Playing Game in Maternal Health: Creating
a Learning Strategy Tool Designed to Enhance
Learning Experiences
A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
the College of Nursing
Legarda, Manila
In partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Acoba, Amber Faith B.
Erlano, Carl Ashleigh G.
Enojo, Ma. Rowena E.
Guillermo, Angelika E.
Malangis, Patricia Vea Mae D.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
JANUARY 15, 2023
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Title Page…………………………………………………………..
Certificate of Originality…………………………………………...
Approval Sheet…………………………………………………….
Table of contents…………………………………………………
Background of the study………………………………………….
Statement of the problem ………………………………………..
Hypotheses ………………………………………………………..
Theoretical Framework……………………………………………
Research paradigm………………………………………………..
Significance of the study………………………………………….
Scope and limitations……………………………………………..
Definition of terms…………………………………………………
Human Immunodeficiency Virus…………………………………
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome…………………………
HIV/AIDS Awareness Program for School and University……
Religion and HIV/AIDS Awareness……………………………..
Age and HIV/AIDS awareness…………………………………..
Gender and HIV/AIDS Awareness………………………………
Research design…………………………………………………..
Research Local……………………………………………………
Sampling technique………………………………………………
Research instrumentation………………………………………..
Data gathering procedure………………………………………..
Statistical treatment of data………………………………………
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Summary of Findings
Curriculum Vitae
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College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of
the problem, the definition of terms, scope and delimitations, theoretical
framework, and conceptual framework.
It is given that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth
an unprecedented decline in the actual learning and knowledge retention of
students as they begin to rely on digital materials to keep up with their online
classes. Learners from different demographics have different learning
strategies, and not everyone is capable enough in catching up to the current
learning strategies being implemented in the online set-up. But this crisis in
education has been already set even before the pandemic occurred. In
2018, the Philippines notably applied for PISA for the first time with goals to
globalize the quality education in the country. The results showed that
Filipinos fall in the bottom ranks during the assessment in different subjects
such as literacy, mathematics, and science. During the pandemic, the rate
of learning poverty peaked at 91% mid-2022, placing bottom on the list of
Asian countries who currently have learning poverty.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
The years-long courses of those who are in the health-allied field are
dependent on related learning experiences, or being able to experience and
observe first-hand about what happens in a clinical setting. Doctors, nurses,
and other health professionals were trained through work-integrated
learning, which were done in person through lecturer-learner and peer
interactions. This promotes better engagement, and improves the overall
learning experience for the student. However, the pandemic has brought
global restrictions in in-person learning, thus greatly affecting those who
require a work-integrated type of learning. Every university has transitioned
to distance learning, which revolved mostly around the online classes. It was
a reliable solution to continue learning for everyone, but not many people
were able to access the same quality of learning as others. In the case of
health-allied students, the online set-up wasn’t easy at all. Concepts couldn’t
be appreciated enough compared to actual in-person learning. Learners
slowly lose interest and get burnt out. Some concepts were deemed
complicated especially since they were introduced and discussed
theoretically. This causes mental challenges to the learner as they try to
keep themselves motivated and eager to learn. It is important for lecturers
to understand their learners better as this is the first step in creating a
learning environment best suitable for them.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Games have been an interesting form of entertainment and leisure. Back
then, digital games were considered a distraction, an obstacle that could
hinder the studies of students and reach the goals of an individual. They’re
deemed as unnecessary activities that deviate a person from things that
matter more - like homeworks, household chores, and work. Today,
however, almost everyone has experienced playing digital games or utilizing
this kind of technology for various purposes. In 2020, there was a recorded
surge of increase in global video gaming sales, revenue, and time
consumption, which reached an all-time high. As of 2022, there’s
approximately 3.09 billion people who game worldwide (Howarth, 2022),
with casual gamers taking up 63%. The demographics of this population
involves people who are age 16-39 years old. Now, games are not just purely
for entertainment, rather they’re now designed for so many functions such
as integrating educational information within it.
With the data and information gathered, the researchers have come
up with a solution to overcome the educational struggles of health-allied
students, specifically to the nursing students who are taking up maternal
care. This is to develop a fun and engaging educational role-playing game,
where students can learn and enjoy learning at the same time.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Statement of the Problem
The study aims to develop a Role playing game that is made
specifically for 2nd year nursing students of Arellano University – Juan
Sumulong Campus who is currently taking Maternal health subject.
In connection with this problem, the researcher will seek answers to the
following questions:
What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of:
What are the preferred learning methods of the 2nd year Nursing
Are 2nd year nursing students able to learn maternal health nursing
What are the challenges that the respondents faced during the
simulation of the game?
Has the Gamified learning strategy proposed by the researchers
created a positive impact on the performance of 2nd year nursing
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Game and Mechanics
Game Progression
The game consists of five levels, the first level mainly focuses on the basic
concepts of normal pregnancy such as the topic from prenatal to antenatal care. The
player should finish this concept first before being able to unlock the next level
which is about normal pregnancy. Third level will be more the concepts of normal
delivery of the baby (Unang Yakap). The fourth level will be more on advancing to
more complex topics in maternal health; the care of high risk mothers such as
identifying the following risk factors to be able to classify if a mother is a high-risk
client. The fifth level would focus on a specific case about high risk pregnancy
known as the Placenta Previa.
In every level, the player will choose the right intervention and answer to be
able to provide the right patient-centered care to the mother. Once the player finishes
every level, he will be rewarded with new features of his character such as hat, pin,
and new set of scrubs. With these reward systems, the player will be motivated to
complete the following cases provided in the game.
Story, Setting, and Character
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Story and Narrative - Pat
The hospital (insert name, wala pa akong maisip) needs a hardworking and
curious student nurse. ___ hospital focuses on providing care for mothers as they
are specialized in unveiling the journey of pregnancy for that is vital to be able to
become a nurse. Since the pandemic happened, the hospital closed its doors for
student nurses, forcing them to learn online. Fortunately, after two long years of
waiting, __ hospital finally opens its doors to share the adventure and wonders of
pregnancy to student nurses, allowing them to encounter different cases starting
from normal to high-risk pregnancy. The hospital will grant a reward to the student
nurses whenever they successfully accomplish a case without harming the patient.
Maternal saga is a battlefield inside that is why, the instructors inside are aiming to
broaden the kills. After completing the cases in the game, players will be more
equipped and ready in the Maternal unit.
Character ● Patient: a person who is receiving medical attention or who, as
needed, is taken care of by a specific doctor.
● Clinical Instructors : Clinical instructors evaluate each nursing
student's capability and areas for growth to determine how to modify
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
the teaching style as necessary. They deliver lectures in classrooms
and medical facilities, checking the students' comprehension by
having them carry out real-world clinical tasks and medical
interventions under their supervision.
● Companion: They are the one who accompanies and provides
psychological support to the patient. Most companions are family
members and/or loved ones.
● Nursing students: a student at a hospital or nursing school
pursuing their nursing education
● Start/Play - A button to initiate the start of the game.
● Music On/Off - A toggle to control the audio of the game, allowing players
to turn the music on or off.
● Pause - A button to pause the game and allow players to resume play at
a later time.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
● Quit - A button that will allow players to exit and close the game.
● Patient Status - A visual display of the patient's current health status,
including vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels.
● Inventory - A visual display of the medical equipment and supplies
available to the player, such as syringes, bandages, and medications.
● Procedure Menu - A visual menu displaying available procedures or
treatments for the patient, allowing players to select and perform
● Medical Records - A visual display of the patient's medical history, test
results, and other relevant information.
● Room Map - A visual map of the hospital, showing the player's current
location and available rooms to navigate to.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Description of story
Maternal Saga: Journey of Life is a 2D game that is intended for educational
purposes in which the player has the independence to control and customize
characters in the game, allowing the player to carefully select the proper intervention
in each case encountered in the game that will lead to patient-centered care for the
mother and the baby. Be cautious and rational in choosing the answer using the
"click-button" on mobile phones, or the patient might be in danger. The game
initially consists of five levels, starting from normal pregnancy to high-risk
pregnancy, that will challenge the theoretical knowledge of the player in maternal
health. Game elements are characters such as the main player, nurses, and patients,
and the background is designed using the role-playing game maker and is inspired
by the local hospitals in the country. The sound effects are obtained through the use
of YouTube, which offers a free trial of music. Maternal Saga: Journey of Life was
purchased online at Role-Playing Game Maker. The game development is solely for
educational purposes; however, if given enough budget, the researcher would like
to incorporate more maternal cases to help the students in health-allied courses,
specifically nursing and midwifery.
Significance of the Study
By conducting this research, the student’s level of competency
and experienced based learning will definitely improve specifically on
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Maternal health nursing. The researchers have a clear vision that through
the use of Role-Playing Games will enable an easier retention of theoretical
learning and applied skills through the use of different cases made
accessible on the game proposed by the researchers. Hence, the study will
be beneficial to the following areas:
To the student who are in Health-Allied Field
The researchers aim to develop a gamified enhancement tool in order
to improve knowledge retention and learning that involves medical topics,
specifically those students who are currently taking maternal health nursing.
By developing a role-playing game related to the skills involved in the said
subject. Students can easily retain the concepts and skills application
through the use of different maternal cases in the game.
To clinical instructors
The researchers aim to introduce a new learning method for clinical
instructors that potentially captures the interest of the students, and at the
same time, is beneficial for them for a reason that the students will be able
to explore the game in advance, Hence, the students can explore and
discover new concepts in maternal health ahead of time.
To non-medical individuals
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
The research may serve as a guide for non-medical individuals in terms of
developing soft-wares that may help in education. It may also promote health
awareness especially to casual gamers. In addition, this will also encourage
more learners from non-medical fields to explore the science and wonders
of maternal health. With the use of the theoretical concepts and skills
presented in the game, these casual games might be able to use it in case
of emergency.
Null hypothesis
There is no significant change when students utilize role-playing games to
learn and retain maternal health skills and concepts.
Alternative Hypothesis
There is a significant change when students utilize role-playing games to
learn and retain maternal health skills and concepts.
Conceptual Framework
The researchers used the Input-Output (IPO) Model to present the
conceptual framework. It is a useful graph that lists the inputs, outputs, and steps
needed to convert inputs into outputs. The inputs indicate the flow of data and
materials into the operation from the outside. The processing stage covers all tasks
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
required to accomplish a transformation of the inputs. The data and materials that
come out of the transformation process are the outputs.
Data is gathered through Simple Random Sampling technique from selected 2nd
year students of Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus - College of Nursing.
The researchers examine the participants’ knowledge gains through playing a roleplaying game created by the research team within the framework of this research
purpose. A knowledge assessment of learning is necessary to measure an
educational experience. It is to create and test a learning enhancement tool for
medical students, see if it improves their learning engagement, and determine its
The researchers are able to create a Role-playing Game suitable for medical and
non-medical students. The usefulness of the game was also evaluated by the
researchers via pre-test and post-test when players utilize it to gain knowledge and
improve skills about maternal health.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
The Role-playing
Game as an
effective learning
strategy tool to
enhance and retain
Maternal Health
knowledge and
1. What is the
demographic profile of
the students in terms of:
b. Gender
2. What are the
preferred learning
methods of the 2nd year
Nursing students?
3. Are 2nd year
nursing students able to
learn maternal health
nursing easily?
4. What are the
challenges that the
respondents faced
during the simulation of
the game?
Developing of Concept
The Role-playing
Game is an
effective learning
strategy tool to
enhance and
retain Maternal
knowledge and
Prenatal to
Antenatal care,
Fundus presentation
Normal Delivery
History taking,
DM, Hypertension
Placenta Previa
Game Development
of characters,
Game designing)
Letter of Approval from
the Dean of CoN
Research Design
Sampling Method
Random Technique
Pre-test ad
5. Has the Gamified
learning strategy
proposed by the
researchers created a
positive impact on the
performance of 2nd year
nursing students?
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Scope and Limitation
The research titled Role-Playing Game in Maternal Health: Creating
A Learning Strategy Tool Designed to Enhance Learning Experiences will
be conducted for a duration of 2 semesters at Arellano University - Juan
Sumulong campus. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a roleplaying game as an enhancement tool for maternal health education for
nursing students of the said institution as well as other health allied
The research will focus on determining the impact of the game on the
students' engagement and understanding of the material, as well as their
ability to apply their learning in simulated scenarios. The findings of this
research will be used to inform the development and implementation of the
role-playing game as a tool for maternal health education, and to identify
areas for improvement.
This research is not intended to change the school's current teaching
methods, but rather to supplement them with a new and innovative approach
to learning that can enhance the students' understanding and skills in
maternal health.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Definition of Terms
2D game - a type of video game that uses two-dimensional graphics and visual
representation, where the elements and characters are limited to two dimensions
(height and width).
Export -
The export refers to the final output of the game, which is the game itself.
This term is commonly used in software development and refers to the final product that is
delivered to the end-user. In the context of a role-playing game, the export would refer to
the finished game that is ready to be played.
Gamification - adding game mechanics into nongame environments, like a
website, online community, learning management system or business' intranet to
increase participation.
In-game: The term "in-game" refers to elements found inside the game, such as
characters, items, and environments. This term is used to distinguish between
elements that are part of the game world, and elements that are external to it.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Instructional material - also known as teaching/learning materials, are any
collection of materials including animate and inanimate objects and human and
non-human resources that a teacher may use in teaching and learning situations to
help achieve desired learning objectives
Multi-platform - The term "multi-platform" refers to a game that can be played
on multiple devices, such as PC, game consoles, and mobile devices.
NPC - Non-Playable Character, which are computer-controlled characters within
the game that interact with the player. NPCs can be found in various forms in roleplaying games, such as shopkeepers, quest-givers, and enemies.
Role-playing game - sometimes spelled roleplaying game, RPG) is a game in
which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting.
Spawn - The term "spawn" refers to the start or generation of a character
within the game. This term is often used in the context of video games to
describe the process of creating a new character or object within the game
Sprite - The term "sprite" is commonly used in video game development and
refers to a two-dimensional image that is used to represent a character or
object in the game.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Review of Related Literature
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College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
This chapter presents the various literature and studies which are
relevant to the present study in order to amplify the researcher’s
understanding of the study.
Gamification is considered to engage learners as an educational
method by positively affecting the learning process. It has been proven by
researchers as creative teaching-learning strategies to improve student
learning outcomes. Games have been found to help students learn more
deeply by giving them adaptive challenges, low-stakes failures, curiosity,
self-expression, discovery, instant feedback, clear goals, player control,
immersion, and competition.
Additionally, nursing faculty struggle to develop engaging, studentcentered learning environments. With the rise of "digital" nursing students'
kinesthetic/tactile learning preferences, gamification in nursing education is
becoming a viable teaching strategy. Given that the current generation is
fully engaged with all things digital, gamification may encourage explicit
behaviors like boosting motivation and engagement. Because the game
creates a real-world context in which nursing students can learn, it offers a
favorable learning environment. As cited by Woolwine, Romp, & Jackson
(2019), gamification as an approach to teaching has been related to
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
enhanced internal and external motivation as well as student knowledge
Gamification was used in a Health Informatics course for
undergraduate nursing students by Castro and Gonçalves (2018). The
program was designed in a virtual learning environment, and students were
required to complete case studies, answer multiple-choice questions, and
participate in class discussions. in forums, and play games like crossword
puzzles. Students indicated on the course evaluation that they were overall
satisfied with the course at the end. Students also provided feedback on the
class evaluation was “productive and fun” and “provocative and will probably
keep students interested” (Castro & Gonçalves, 2018).
According to Sarker, Kanuka, Norris, Raymond, Yonge, & Davidson
(2021), games offer an excellent learning environment because it provide a
realistic setting in which nursing students may learn. It is evident that the
nursing fied has begun to investigate aspects of gamification in the nursing
work environment, such as the potential relationship with motivation, the
utilization of technology, and the possible impact on learning outcomes.
Moreover, Castro & Goncalves (2017), considered gamification an
interesting and innovative approach. It is believed that gamification has the
potential to improve education on taking part in and considering prevailing
teaching strategies for nurses.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Gamification has also been used in a hospital setting to reduce
hospital catheter-associated urinary tract infection rates through a mobile
technology platform (MTP) using gamification elements, including feedback,
leaderboard, points, and prize which is created by O’Neill, Robb, Kennedy,
Bhattacharya, Dominic, & Murphy (2018). Nurses used the MTP to complete
modules, review resources, participate in discussion boards, and take a
quiz; as a result, their knowledge improved, and the workforce engagement
has increased. (O’Neill et al., 2018)
Gamification and Online Learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning emerged as a great
tool for student education. According to studies, In terms of online study
concerns, the majority of participants were unable to keep a regular time
schedule, had connection difficulties, had less student and teacher
engagement, and had insufficient access to learning material, etc. As a
result, educators have been creating new teaching techniques to address
the issues that online learning has brought about.
Gamification has been identified as a possible solution to the COVID19-related educational issues, as it is an effective user engagement method
with the potential to improve online education. This method involves the use
of game mechanics such as badges, points, leaderboards, virtual
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
currencies, and others in contexts other game mechanics. The effects of
gamification in online educational settings have been the matter of several
thorough literature reviews and it shows that it increases student motivation
and participation by promoting content acquisition and comprehension and
critical thinking skills.
In addition, a lot of activities are now being carried out without faceto-face interaction because of COVID-19. As a result, online learning has
significantly increased the level of fatigue that students feel, therefore,
gamification can be used as a method to lighten the load on students.
According to Park and Kim (2021), gamification helps students focus by
minimizing the stress they face associated with their online course.
Furthermore, based on their findings of their study, gamified online learning
programs help learners better understand academic material while also
motivating them and enhancing their self-efficacy, self-determination, career
motivation, and grade motivation.
Moreover, a study by Alabbasi (2018) that examined instructors'
perceptions on the use of gamification methods in online learning has
revealed that teachers had a favorable perception of introducing gamification
into online learning. In particular, the study found that it makes people more
attentive and curious about exploring different parts of the learning
management system. Additionally, it raises students' levels of satisfaction
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College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
and their desire to go above and beyond what the course requires.
Educators believe that using online courses with increased levels of difficulty
raises students' competency. Having a sense of competence makes learning
enjoyable, increases students' level of engagement in the material, and
discussions. However, some think that gamified learning demotivates
students because of its competitive nature. In their opinion, game elements
also cause antisocial behavior, which heightens anxiety and impairs
learning. Despite the fact that only a small portion of study participants
mention this finding, it is evident that gamification has negative effects and
it doesn't just promote good learning outcomes. (Alabbasi, 2018).
On the other hand, student’s perspective towards using gamification
techniques in online learning has also been assessed by Alabbasi (2018).
The findings indicated that graduate students had a favorable opinion of the
use of gamification tools in online learning. Students need learning systems
that are effort-demanding, challenging, and sophisticated and that improve
competency, recall memory, concentration, attention, commitment, and
social interaction.
Role-Playing Game
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
A role-playing game is a video game genre where the player
manages acting out the roles of a character who is immersed in an imaginary
world. Besides playing this for entertainment and fun, it can also be a method
of developing and acquiring different skills and knowledge. With the use of
role play simulation, students can be transformed from passive to active
learners. Active learning techniques assist students in developing theories,
recognizing concepts and putting knowledge to use, rather than just being
"spoon-fed" facts and figures.
Role-playing games can be used as an instructional approach to
encourage development of autonomy and critical-reflexive thinking among
undergraduate nursing students (Soares, Gazzinelli, Souza, & Araujo,
2017). In the study report of Soares et. al, the researchers used a game,
"The Order of Ores", created in the School of Nursing of the Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais, wherein the player experience crisis situations in
each of the game's four contexts: primary care, hospital care, management,
and education.
According to Soares et al. (2017), the game encourages the process
of becoming more familiar with active engagement in the educational
process, self-reflection, and reflection on the training and the potential for
future professional practice. It is proven that a role-playing game allows
students to test, simulate, and (create fictitious scenarios by offering the
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
metaphorical experience of problem-situations that are part of the nurse's
professional routine, encouraging the development of autonomy and criticalreflexive thinking in relation to the training and the future practice of nursing.
On the other hand, a cited work of Young (2018) demonstrated how a roleplaying simulation game can encourage collaboration, system thinking, and
data-driven decision making. Young (2018) highlighted how students
improved reflective thinking through simulation gaming, specifically how they
adopted diverse viewpoints to evaluate the simulation game's objective at
Role-playing games may be used by nurse educators in academic
and healthcare settings to put the fundamental abilities of nurse
professionals to practice. Its impact on nursing practice, as well as
educational institutions, and healthcare organizations are very interested in
patient care outcomes since it has been demonstrated that it improves
patient outcomes, and one can expect gamification to be applied to a larger
variety of users and settings. Its application fosters learning, self-efficacy,
and confidence in clinical settings as well as aid students in developing their
clinical practice, empathy, critical thinking, and patient safety skills.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
The study included the descriptive research design to gather,
analyze, and present facts and data pertaining to the nature and state of this
particular study. It uses a quantitative and qualitative research approach to
get the necessary data. Data are gathered through pre-test and post-test
questionnaires. The phases of these questionnaires include various word
problems regarding Maternal Health. Having followed, a survey form will be
distributed to measure the participants' level of satisfaction with the
generated game. Quantitative approach was also used to determine the
frequency based on the tallied data and computed percentage of each
The selected population are the 2nd year Nursing Students of
Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus. The researchers selected the
respondents based on Simple Random sampling. Simple random sampling
is a type of probability sampling wherein the researcher chooses a portion
of subjects at random from a population. It depends on utilizing a method of
selection that gives each candidate an equal opportunity to be chosen,
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
giving each candidate the same probability of being selected. This method
is used to yield unbiased examples.
At least 25 students from each section of the second-year College of
Nursing for a total of 75 students will participate in the study. The
respondents must be currently taking maternal subjects and readily
accessible to researchers.
The researchers will adapt a pre-test & post-test assessment which
will help evaluate the participants’ performance after testing the educational
game. It will contain questions in the field of Maternal Health, which
comprises both normal and high-risk pregnancies. It will also contain basic
questions in assessing pregnant women and newly-born infants. The pretest assessment is a 10-item quiz that will evaluate their general knowledge
about the said course. The post-test is a 20-item quiz that will focus on the
information gained from the game mixed with the general knowledge
assessment in the pre-test phase. Both pre-test and post-test assessments
will be in multiple choice form.
Additionally, respondents will each be given a survey questionnaire
containing demographic and close-ended questions to gather the
respondents’ answers that will result in quantifiable data. These survey
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
questionnaires will be given after the assessments to determine the
participants’ satisfaction rate towards the developed game. The researchers
will use a Likert Scale for this, along with a series of close-ended questions
containing inquiries about the participants’ learning methods and if the game
has affected it.
For the purpose of the research, the data gathering procedure was
divided into two phases to provide emphasis on the process that the
researchers conducted to be able to proceed with the study.
Phase I
The first phase of the research process consisted of gaining approval
from the Dean of Nursing and class advisers from both sections of 2nd year
students through the creation of a letter to allow the group of researchers to
conduct a survey and simulation in relation to the gamification of lessons on
Maternal Health Nursing.
Phase II
The second phase of the data gathering focuses on the actual
process that the researchers conducted. After obtaining approval from the
Dean of Nursing and the respective class advisers, the researchers provided
a pre-test and post-test about maternal health. The pre-test consists of a 25-
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
item exam, while the post-test consists of a 50-item exam that covers topics
about normal pregnancy such as trends in maternal and child health and
prenatal and postnatal care. The data collection was done within a period of
two weeks for all selected participants in the study. With the assistance of a
professional statistician, the researchers immediately tabulated and
interpreted the results. With that, the results were properly interpreted, and
the desired conclusions were given at the end of the paper.
The data collected in this study were organized and classified based
on the research design and problems formulated. The data were coded,
tallied and tabulated to facilitate the presentation and interpretation of the
results using the following:
1. Percentage
This will employ to determine the frequency counts and percentage
distribution of personal related variables of the respondents
Formula: % = Fx / N * 100
% is the percentage
F is the frequency
N is the total number of respondents
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
100 is a constant value
2. Average Weighted Mean
This will be used to determine the assessment of the respondents with
regards to their personal profiles
Formula: X = Fx / N
X is the weighted mean
F is the frequency
x is the weight of each item
N is the number of cases
3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
This will be helpful in making comparison of two or more means which
enables a researcher to draw various results and predictions about two or
more sets of data.
Steps in ANOVA
First step is to compute the total sum of the squares.
Second step is to compute the squares between columns.
The third step is to compute the sum of squares within the column.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
To complete the ANOVA table, calculate the mean of the sum of
Game Development Method
The game was built in RPG Maker MV, a beginner-friendly software used for the
development of games in a RPG environment. The software was uniquely designed
to export its games in a multi-platform setting - users can save it as a mobile game,
a software application, or an online website game similar to sites like Y8 and Club
Opening Menu
The player starts with the title screen, where players can start a new save file or load
their last saved file. An option to tweak in-game sound effects and music can also
be done in the Options menu. Upon creating a new save state, users can choose their
own name and gender, but cannot make changes to their sprite’s appearance and
The game was composed of three (3) main rooms - Dormitory, Nurse’s Floor, and
Emergency Room. The dormitory serves as a spawn point for the player. The player
can interact with specific objects in-game that may serve as additional information
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
regarding the subject. The Nurse’s Floor will be filled with colleagues who will give
you advices, tips, and fun facts about maternal health nursing. In this map, the player
will encounter NPCs that were based from AUCN’s faculty members. The
Emergency Room is where the cases per level will occur. Most of the gameplay that
involves learning will be set in this room.
Reward System
Each time a player completes a level, they will gain two (2) tickets which will serve
as a key to unlock hints and get some tips for questions that cannot be answered by
the player. The players who will successfully complete the level without using the
tickets will have more advantage, because the higher the level gets, the more tickets
are required to obtain a hint.
Letter of Intent to Conduct Study
Program Chair, College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Manila Tel. 734-73272 to 79
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Dear Ma’am:
A pleasant day!
We are the 3rd year nursing students of Arellano University - Legarda Campus,
Manila. We are currently taking the subject Nursing Research 2, and we would like
to ask for permission to conduct our research entitled “Role-Playing Game in
Maternal Health: Creating A Learning Strategy Tool Designed to Enhance
Learning Experiences.” This study will use a descriptive-qualitative-quantitative
research design. The selected respondents will be the second year nursing
students of the same school who are taking the subject Care of Mother, Child, and
Adolescent (NCM 107) and Care of Mother and Child at Risk or With Problems
(NCM 109) to assess their knowledge retention and interest in learning the subject
with the RPG game output the researchers have made. This study will help aid the
faculty and school administration in identifying other ways to improve the education
of the students with the use of innovative ways.
With this, we are asking for permission to conduct this study to your students. Rest
assured that we will adhere to the school’s policies, rules, and regulations during
the conduct of the study to protect the rights of the research’s subjects.
Furthermore, we are very much willing to discuss more about our study at your
Thank you very much for your kind approval on this request.
Sincerely yours,
Patricia Vea Mae Malangis – Group Leader
Angelika E. Guillermo- Assistant Group Leader
Acoba, Amber Faith B.
Erlano, Carl Ashleigh G.
Enojo, Ma. Rowena E.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Noted by:
Research Adviser, Nursing Research 2
Approved by:
Program Chair, College of Nursing
Informed Consent Form
This informed consent is for the selected individual who were invited to participate
in the research entitled “Role-Playing Game in Maternal Health: Creating A
Learning Strategy Tool Designed to Enhance Learning Experiences”.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Malangis, Patricia Vea
Acoba, Amber Faith
Enojo, Ma. Rowena
Erlano, Carl Ashleigh
Guillermo, Angelika
3rd year Nursing Students, Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus
This Informed Consent Form has two parts:
1. Information sheet
2. Certificate of Consent Form
You will be given a copy of the Informed Consent Form.
Part 1: Information Sheet
We, Patricia Vea Mae Malangis, Amber Faith Acoba, Ma. Rowena Enojo,
Carl Ashleigh Erlano, and Angelika Guillermo, an enrolled 3rd year students at
Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus, pursuing the degree on Bachelor of
Science in Nursing and in the process of completing our requirements in Nursing
Research 2 entitled: ““Role-Playing Game in Maternal Health: Creating A Learning
Strategy Tool Designed to Enhance Learning Experiences”. We are going to give
you information and hope to formally invite you to participate in our study.
It's crucial that you are aware of the goals and procedures of the study
before deciding whether or not to take part. If there is anything unclear or if you
require more information, please do ask the researchers.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to develop and test a role-playing game as a
learning strategy tool for maternal health education. The game will be designed to
enhance learning experiences for students and healthcare professionals in
maternal health care.
Type of Research Intervention
This research study will involve your participation in answering questions
via survey forms which will be distributed with the use of google forms. The following
survey questions were given to evaluate the perception of the participants in the
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
role playing game. Before and after the simulation (playing the RPG) each
participant will have to answer a pre-test and post-test to assess their knowledge
regarding Care of Mother and Child, and Adolescents (well clients) and Care of
Mother and Child at Risk or with Problems.
Participant Selection
We are looking for second year nursing students of the same school who
are taking the subject Care of Mother, Child, and Adolescent (NCM 107) and Care
of Mother and Child at Risk or With Problems (NCM 109). You have been selected
to take part in the study.
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to play the roleplaying game and complete a survey after playing. The game will take
approximately 2 hours to complete and the survey will take approximately 20
minutes. The survey will ask you questions about your learning experience and
perception of the game as a learning strategy tool.
The said survey and simulation with the role playing game for Maternal
Health will last for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Risks and Benefits
There are no known risks associated with participating in this study. The
benefits of participating in this study include the opportunity to contribute to the
understanding of role-playing games as a learning strategy tool in maternal health
education and to help improve the learning experience for students and healthcare
The data collected in this study will be kept confidential and will be used
only for research purposes. The data will be stored securely and will not be shared
with any third parties. Your name and other identifying information will not be linked
to your survey responses.
Sharing the results
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
The researchers only have the full access of any information that you will
be providing. The results of the study will be shared to the institution as well as to
those who will greatly benefit once it has been analyzed and finalized.
Right to Refuse or Withdraw
You are not forced to take part in this study. You have the choice of
participating or not. You will have to sign a consent form if you choose to participate.
You have the right to withdraw your approval at any moment and without providing
a reason even after signing the consent form. The interaction you have, if any, with
the researcher will not be impacted if you decide to withdraw from this study. Your
data will either be returned to you or deleted if you drop out of the study before it is
done collecting it.
Who to contact
If you have any questions or concerns about this study, please contact the
researchers at
I have read and I understand the provided information and have had the opportunity
to ask questions. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free
to withdraw at any time, without giving a reason and without cost. I understand that
I will be given a copy of this consent form. I voluntarily agree to take part in this
Participant's signature ______________________________ Date __________
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Survey Questionnaire
I. Questions
Directions: Please indicate the level of agreement or disagreement with each of
these statements regarding your experience/knowledge about role playing game
as a learning strategy. Place an (/) mark in the box of your answer.
1.0 Demographic Items/Measurement
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Q1. What is your gender?
□ Female
□ Male
□ Other:
Q2. How old are you?
Strongly Disagree
2.0 Perceived Usefulness Items/Measurement
The use of role playing game as
a learning strategy in Maternal
Health II improves my learning
The use of role playing game as
a learning strategy increases my
learning outcome.
The use of role playing game
enhances my desire to produce
an excellent performance in
Maternal Health II.
3.0 Perceived Ease of Use Items
I find the online gamification
system to be flexible to use.
functionality and interface is clear
and understandable.
Interacting with the role playing
game system is not complicated
to use.
Overall, I believe that the role
playing game made for Maternal
Health II is easy to use.
4.0 Attitude Measurement
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
I think that utilization of role
playing game in Maternal Health
II and other major subjects in
Nursing is a better learning
I enjoy learning with role playing
game learning system.
I look forward to those aspects of
my learning that require the use
of online gamification system.
5.0 Skill Engagement Measurement
Role playing game in Maternal Health II will encourage me in:
Taking good notes during lecture
Listening carefully during lecture
Understanding the topics easily.
Reviewing the topics confidently.
Participating in recitations and
small-group discussions.
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008
Arellano University
College of Nursing
2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 1008