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Build Your Own Social Media Agency

Build Your Own Social Media
Working in social media is a great way to go, and you can make good money working from anywhere.
But if you want to go to the next level, there’s another option. In this course, we’ll discuss how you can
build your own Social Media Marketing Agency and take this to the moon!
Lesson 1 - The Fast Track to Social Media Millions
We’ve covered a lot in this training so far. You now know much more than most about finding highpaying jobs in social media. You have all the skills you need to get high-paying jobs and work with
fantastic clients.
You are already on track to enjoying both financial and time freedom. But why stop there? Why not go
the extra mile and make life-changing money? Sound crazy, but if you are ambitious, it’s possible. And
your new industry gives you the perfect opportunity to make this happen.
What’s the secret? It’s simple. Start your own Social Media Marketing Agency! Many ordinary people
like you have used this strategy to build successful businesses.
They didn’t need funds to invest or any special skills. They bootstrapped their way to prosperity with
hard work and enterprise. They started from zero and grew a business that made them wealthy. Better
still, other people do all the work while they enjoy the profit.
Does that sound like an appealing option to you? If it does, pay attention while we dive in and see what
this business model is all about.
Let’s start with the basics. What exactly is a Social Media Marketing Agency? It’s a small business
focused on helping companies promote their products using social media. Some agencies are oneperson operations, while others employ dozens of people.
Whether big or small, the agency takes the ‘social media problem’ off the client’s plate. The agency gets
on with winning business using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter—and all the rest.
Can you see how this can be a game-changing opportunity for you? Now that you have some experience
in social media marketing, you can start your own agency. You can work alone from home, then add
team members as you need them.
Within a few years, your business could grow from a home-grown startup to a successful enterprise. You
may end up with a company car, lots of perks, and an executive salary.
Of course, you will need to learn a few new skills along the way. As an agency owner, you are running
your own business. That means you must get good at managing clients, team members, paperwork, and
legal matters.
But don’t let that put you off because there is so much upside. As your team grows, you can delegate
more and more of the work. Your job will be to keep things running and count the profit!
You are free to start your own Social Media Marketing Agency anywhere, anytime. You can run the
whole enterprise from your laptop. You can even travel the world, growing your business as you go.
It’s a fantastic opportunity. So let’s dig in and find out how to make it work.
Lesson 2: Starting Your Own Agency
Here’s the good news. You already have all the skills you need to launch a Social Media Marketing
That’s because starting a small business is similar to setting up as a freelancer. We’ve already talked
about creating your resume and your LinkedIn profile. You know all about being professional and
delivering outstanding service to clients. Plus, you have all the skills needed to get results for your first
few clients.
Awesome! You are on your way. But you will need to do a few things differently now that you are
setting up a business.
Check the regulations in your area, and find out if you need a business license. Make sure you comply
with any rules covering businesses, from taxes to registration. This step is usually straightforward, but
it’s essential.
Next, you need to think about the services you will offer. These are sure to be related to social media
marketing, of course, but don’t try to do everything at once. Your best bet is to start in a targeted niche
where you can add lots of value.
Think about the clients you have worked with so far and what they loved about your services. Was there
was one platform you got superb results with? Did you love, say, making videos or creating ads? If you
are particularly good at one area of social media, focus on that initially.
This will make it easier for you to find clients—it’s always better to niche down. The more focused you
are, the more your offer will resonate with prospects. Later on, you can expand your business by adding
new services.
This will probably happen naturally. Once you are doing a great job in one area of social media, people
will ask you to help with others. You might start out offering basic services on Facebook and Instagram.
Then clients will want you to take on marketing for LinkedIn, YouTube, or Twitter. If you are doing an
excellent job for clients at a fair price, your business will grow fast.
Once you have decided which services to offer, you are almost ready. But before starting, you need a
business identity, and this is an important step. Your brand will be the foundation of your business for
many years to come. Aim for a name that will appeal to your clients and which reflects your values.
Then you will need to turn this concept into your corporate identity. That means getting a logo and a
website for your new business. Luckily, that’s easy to do because you can hire help at a low cost. An
excellent place to start is Fiverr. Here you will find many talented designers ready to help you out
without charging a fortune.
When that’s done, you are all set to start. But who will your clients be? That’s a big question, so give this
some thought.
You may want to work with local businesses, so you can pay a visit in person if necessary. The personal
touch can make a difference and gives you an advantage over rivals who are far away.
Or you may wish to work with more prominent companies, wherever they are in the world. Perhaps you
have knowledge of one particular niche, such as law or fashion. In that case, you could specialize in
helping companies in that niche. You can leverage your knowledge and contacts to get started, then
expand into other markets later.
The most important decision of all is committing to getting started. Many people dream of owning their
own business but never get around to it. If you take action and start right away, you will be putting
yourself on track for unstoppable success!
Lesson 3: How to Get Clients
So you’ve set out your shingle, and you are ready to build your Social Media Agency. That’s great. Well
But where will you find your clients? Many of the strategies we have discussed focus on finding jobs.
That’s different from finding clients for an agency, so you need another approach.
Don’t worry, though. You have plenty of options.
Reaching Out to Clients
Many people have built multi-million dollar businesses simply by sending out emails. Yes, it really can be
that easy!
Let’s say you want to work with dentists in your area. Start by Googling ‘dentist’ and your city name. Go
through the search results and check out the websites of every practice you can find. You will usually
find their email address on their contact page.
If you can’t see the email address, you can use an email-finding service, such as Hunter.io:
Enter the website address and click ‘Find email addresses.’ You will then see a list of all contacts found
for that practice.
Once you have a list of businesses, you are ready to start sending emails. You can use your regular email
account for this. But be careful not to send too many emails per day, or they will soon start going to
Write a personalized email for each recipient. This message can be short, needing no more than a few
Don’t try to sell your services in the email. At this stage, you just want to generate interest. Just ask if
the business owner is interested in attracting new customers. Of course, the answer to that question is
always ‘yes!’
This email strategy is very effective, but there are other options, too. Old-fashioned cold-calling by
phone can also work. We’ve already discussed how you can contact people on LinkedIn, and that
strategy will work for your agency, too.
You can build a profitable Social Media Marketing Agency using LinkedIn alone to find clients. The same
strategies we discussed earlier in this training will work just fine. The difference now is that you are
seeking a client, not a job. So in your messages, you should focus on the outcomes you can deliver.
Another proven way to pick up clients is through Facebook groups. Let’s say you want life coaches to
hire you. Go to Facebook Groups and search for groups relating to life coaching. Then join the ones with
the most members.
Once you are a member, you can start posting helpful content. Reply to questions with practical
answers, or post valuable content. You want to get noticed as a member who knows all about social
media marketing and who could be of genuine service. After a while, potential clients will start
messaging you with inquiries.
Better still, combine all the above strategies. Make a habit of sending ten emails and 10 LinkedIn
messages every day, plus contributing to the Facebook groups where you can. If you do this consistently,
the number of leads you get will snowball.
Follow up and arrange an appointment to discuss things further. You can do this on the phone, by video
chat, or in a face-to-face meeting. If the prospect is local, it’s a good idea to meet up in person if you
can. For people who are further away, a video call is the best way to go.
Winning the Deal
Once you’ve arranged a meeting with your prospect, it’s time to close the deal. When you talk, be sure
to emphasize all the benefits of working with you.
Explain how you will take the social media problem off their hands, freeing them to focus on running
their business. Talk about the new business you will bring in and how this will mean thousands of dollars
in revenue every month.
In other words, show the prospect how they will get a return on their investment. For every dollar they
spend on your services, they can expect to make $5 in extra revenue. Perhaps even more. Then it’s a nobrainer decision.
Lesson 4: How to Build Your 'A' Team
Growing a successful Social Media Marketing agency is all about building a team. Yet this is where so
many people trip up. They keep trying to do everything themselves, and that keeps the business small.
There’s only one of you, and you can only work so many hours a day. Running an agency is not about
selling your time by the hour. It’s about offering a complete service to clients—one that helps them
increase revenues.
So your priority is to learn to delegate. It’s tempting to think that no one else can do the job as well as
you, but that’s not true. Once you learn to trust others, you will find that working with a team is a
rewarding experience. Your team members will contribute ideas you would never have thought of, and
that’s a win-win for everyone.
Start small by hiring one assistant to help you. You already know the places to look. You’ve been using
Upwork, Freelancer, Guru, and other job sites to find work. Now you can use them to hire assistants,
Alternatively, you can use specialist sites for hiring remote workers, such
as OnlineJobs.ph or WeWorkRemotely. Another option is to use a classified ad site, such
as CraigsList or Gumtree.
Draw up a shortlist of the best candidates and check their credentials. If things look good, invite them to
short video interviews. You will usually find that one or two people stand out as being perfect for the
job. Once you have identified your preferred candidate, offer them a position on a trial basis. That gives
both of you a chance to see if this is going to work.
Hiring your first assistant is the hardest step. But once you discover you can delegate all the work to
someone else, you will want to hire more!
Lesson 5: Managing Growth
If you keep onboarding new clients and growing your team, you will soon be the proud owner of a
thriving social media agency. That’s fantastic, of course. But a successful business does need to be run
You may find yourself with clients and assistants based all over the world. How will you manage them
all? Luckily, there are lots of great tools available today to help you. Make the most of these, and you
will find it easy to keep things under control.
You can start by using free tools like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Canva is great for producing
images, and you can stay in touch using free chat apps like WhatsApp.
But as the business grows, you may want to upgrade to better tools. Slack is ideal for team
communication, while ToDoist is excellent for managing projects. As video conferencing has become
super popular, getting a Zoom or Google Meet subscription is a great idea. You will need to spend a little
money to make the most of these tools, but they make running a successful agency so much easier.
You will find your business much easier to run if you develop systems. Document each role in your
company and make training videos. That way, it will be easier to get new team members up to speed.
You will also need to think about managing money. The biggest reason why agencies fail is that they run
out of cash. Don’t let that happen to you. Work on your cash flow to keep money coming in faster than
it goes out.
Clients should pay monthly retainer fees at the start of the month. That way, you always have cash on
hand to pay your staff and cover other expenses. If a client becomes a slow payer, it’s time to cancel the
contract and find another company to replace them. There are many potential clients out there, so don’t
get stuck with a turkey that drags you down.
Putting money aside for taxes is essential, too. That may seem obvious, but it’s another primary reason
for business failure. Estimate how much tax you will need to pay, and put money aside regularly.
Running a fully-fledged Social Media Marketing Agency is a fun way to create wealth, but it takes work.
There’s a lot to learn, so be prepared to invest in your self-development.
Take some time to learn about entrepreneurship and strategies for achieving greater success. There are
lots of coaching programs and masterminds where you can level up your business skills.
It’s worth taking the time and trouble to do this because you are starting a business you can take to the
moon. Many regular folks have started an agency from their spare bedroom and built it into a multimillion dollar empire.
Get this right, and you will soon be the owner of a dream lifestyle business. You will be able to appoint a
management team to run the day-to-day business. All you will need to do is count the profit and enjoy
the good life!
We are just getting started in the era of the Social Media Marketing Agency. Who knows how far you
could take yours!
Lesson 6. Retire to the Beach!
Running a Social Media Marketing Agency is a great way to make a living. You will have interesting
clients, a rewarding profession, and a high income. But that’s not all. You will be building a valuable
asset, too.
As your profits grow, year by year, so will the value of your business. Social Media Marketing agencies
sell for up to seven times their annual profits. So the time may come when you are ready to cash in and
sell the agency.
To get the best deal, you need to prepare for the sale early on. Here are some of the factors that will
make your business more valuable and more saleable:
Ask your clients to sign annual contracts so that your agency has predictable revenue streams.
Keep costs under control and eliminate waste.
Look for high-value clients who will stay with you for many years
Hire good employees who deliver excellent service to clients
Keep your financial books in order and up to date
Show that the business is growing in both revenue and profits
Once your business is in good shape for the sale, hire a business broker or agent to help you find a
buyer. You will probably get a higher sale price this way, compared to doing things on your own. A good
broker will be able to line up many potential buyers, so you could end up with people fighting to buy
your business.
When you have a buyer who is chomping at the bit, hire a business lawyer to help you complete the
deal. There’s a lot of paperwork, and you need to be sure this is done right.
Yes, selling a business can be hard work. But once the deal is done, you will be free! You can retire to the
beach or do whatever you want with your life. No more work, worry, or stress. Just relax and enjoy the
rewards of your hard work—for the rest of your life!