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Digital World Scope Sequence

will learn
scope &
will learn
scope &
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
scope &
SKILLS The student will be able to:
1. Dinosaurs and
The evolution of computers.
Understand through pictures how the need of calculation
was created and how modern computers became reality.
2. He/she are
every where
What a computing machine is.
Recognize different devices that are electronic devices or
3. T
he computer
The typical parts of a computer.
Recognize the most common parts of a computer
(speakers, monitor, printer)
4. C
lick and type
How to use the two basic input
devices. The mouse and the
keyboard. Other input devices.
Use the primary and secondary mouse buttons.
Type numbers and characters. • Understand that a
keyboard can be found in various devices and in various
states (virtual keyboard etc.). • Recognize other input
devices (Voice command, touch screens, Gesture Devices).
MODULE ❷ Let’s
1. M
y desktop
What a computer desktop is.
Recognize the basic parts and icons of a desktop.
2. S
tart a program
To handle a window
Start a program from his shortcut icon. • Minimize,
maximize and close a window.
3. T
ext and
To recognize the most common
file icons.
Know what type of files are stored in a computer.
4. M
y workspace
To keep his/her workspace and
computer clean. • To sit in a
correct posture in front of a
Have a healthy behavior when he/she works with
computers. • Do all the necessary things to protect
himself/herself and his/her computers from harm.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
MODULE ❸ Let’s
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
SKILLS The student will be able to:
1. T
he Notepad
To open a simple typing
Open the Notepad. • Save and open his text files.
2. L etter and
To use the keyboard.
Become familiar with the keyboard. • Let spaces between
the words. • Type words in notepad screen.
Use Back Space and Enter. • Use the Caps Lock.
3. M
ove around
To move the cursor throughout
a text.
Use the arrows keys. • Use the delete.
4. S
elect and
change a word
To select and make basic
formatting to a text.
Select text with his/her keyboard or mouse. • Delete a
word. • Change the font size of a word.
MODULE ❹ Let’s
1. T
he Internet
What the Internet is and how to
surf with safety.
Understand how Internet works. • Know the possibilities
of Internet. • Know the dangers of Internet and what rules
must follow to protect himself/herself.
2. Communicate
The ways to communicate with
his/her friends via Internet.
Know what an email is. • Understand that he/she can
transfer files. • Understand that he/she can send Instant
Messages (Chat).
3. H
ave fun
Some activities his/her can do
with Internet.
Visit a website. • Play with different programs and games.
4. Learn
How to use Internet to gather
information about a subject.
Find information using a search engine and visiting
© Binary Logic SA 2015.
2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
scope &
SKILLS The student will be able to:
use the computer
1. M
y computer
The parts of the Central Unit and
the peripheral devices.
Know the usage of peripheral devices. • Recognize the
main parts of the Central Unit such as ram, processor, hard
disk, and motherboard. • Know the usage of the main
parts of the Central Unit.
2. M
y desktop
To work with the desktop.
Change the desktop background.
3. M
ouse and
The usages of the mouse and
keyboard. How the cursor
changes according to the action
he/she do.
Understand what click and right-click do. • Recognize the
different cursor icons.
4. M
y work space
How to protect himself/herself
and his/her work space.
Keep his/her working environment clean. • Protect his/her
health and avoid the dangers.
MODULE ❷ Let’s
1. L et's start
To use a simple drawing
Recognize the main tools in Paint.
2. W
orking with
To draw and edit basic shapes.
Add color in a shape. • Change the width of a line. • Select,
move and delete a shape.
3. C
opy and paste
What is copy command in a
computer program.
Copy a shape in Paint.
4. S
ave my picture
What is save command in a
computer program.
Save and open his/her drawings.
type a letter
1. S
tart typing
How to do basic editing in a
Open a word processor like the WordPad. • Type some
text. • Select some text with his/her mouse or keyboard. •
Copy, cut, paste and delete text.
2. C
hange the font
How to add basic formatting in
a text.
Change the font, font size and text color.
3. Insert pictures
How to insert drawings and
Insert a picture from file. • Insert a drawing from Paint. •
Change the size of a picture.
4. S
ave and print
How to save and print a
Save a file to a specific folder. • Print a file.
© Binary Logic SA 2017.
2015. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
SKILLS The student will be able to:
visit the world
1. H
ow to surf
How to be safe while surfing
on the Internet. What a virus
is and how to protect his/her
Protect his/her personal data by using nicknames. • Keep
his/her computer safe from viruses.
2. T
he web page
How to visit a web page.
Open a web browser. • To scroll up and down a web page. •
Know what hyperlink is and how to use it.
3. Educational
Expand his/her knowledge
through the Internet.
Play and learn by visiting educational websites.
4. C
opy from the
How to take information from
a web page.
Copy text from a web site. • Copy pictures from the web. •
Save pictures from the web.
have friends
1. My email
To communicate with others via
Know the advantages of using email. • Recognize an email
2. Send a message
To create and send an email.
Open an email program. • Create a new email message. •
Fill in the proper fields before sending an email.
3. Read and reply
How to read and reply to an
email message.
Know when an inbox message is unread. • Read an email
message. • Reply to an email message. • Delete an email
4. Email rules
How to write a proper email. •
What types of harmful emails
Understand why he/she has to fill in all the fields. • Know
what emails he/she should avoid reading.
© Binary Logic SA 2015. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
scope &
SKILLS The student will be able to:
1. Store
With what devices he/she can
store files and folders.
Recognize storage devices, such as USB flash memory, disk
drive, CD / DVD, memory card. • Know the basic features
of each device.
2. P
Which devices he/she are going
to use for printing a file. •
Understand what kinds of printers there are, such as inkjet,
laser, plotter, thermal, dot matrix. • Know the basic features
of each printer.
3. Capture
How he/she can capture his/her
voice or his/her image and store
it in his/her computer.
Know what capture devices there are, such as microphone,
web camera, digital camera, video camera. • Know the
basic features of each capture device.
4. Interact
How he/she can interact with
his/her computer.
Know what type of devices he/she need to interact
with his/her computer. • Know what is a touchpad, a
touchscreen, a track ball, a joystick.
1. W
hat is a file?
To understand the icons on his/
her desktop.
Understand what a file and a folder is. • Know what a
filename and an extension is. • Open, delete and transfer a
file. • Check the file size.
2. O
rganize my
To organize his/her files into
folders and subfolders.
Create folders and subfolders to save his/her files. •
Rename a folder. • Put a folder inside another folder
(subfolder). • Move or copy a folder.
3. S
earch and find
To search for files and folders.
Find a file or a folder using the Windows button or
Windows Explorer. • Make a search using filters like “date
modified” and “size.”
4. S
tart a program
To start programs in Microsoft
Open a program, like the Calculator, using the Windows
button, Task bar or its shortcut icon. • Use the help of
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
SKILLS The student will be able to:
first article
1. W
ork with text
How to format or find part of a
text, undo an action and change
the size of a document on
Modify part of a text to Bold, Italic or Underline. • Add
highlight in some parts of his/her text. • Change the
Highlight color. • Find part of a text. • Undo an action. •
Change the size of the document on screen (zoom in and
2. G
ive a title
How to format the title of a
Change the font and the font size. • Change the
3. M
ake a list
To make lists.
Create lists with bullets and numbers. • Insert a symbol.
4. C
heck and save
To correct spelling or grammar
Check for spelling or grammar mistakes. • Correct spelling
or grammar mistakes. • Save his/her document.
wired world
1. S
earch for
How to search the web for
Access the Internet using a web browser. • Know which the
options of the Address bar are. • Search on the Internet
using a search engine.
2. Knowledge
treasure sites
How to use online
Search for information by visiting virtual libraries and
dictionaries. • Copy information. • Respect the work of
3. B
e polite
What are the rules which he/she
must follow when he/she use
the Internet.
Behave properly while using communication tools like
email, blogs, chat rooms, etc. •
4. S
afety online
How to protect himself/herself
and his/her computer from the
dangers of the Internet.
Know what a virus is and how to protect himself/herself
and his/her computer. • Dangers of the web.
first presentation
1. A
ll about slides
How to create and personalize a
Open a presentation program. • Add new slides to a
presentation. • Change the theme of the slides. • Open an
existed presentation.
2. Insert text
How to use text to express his/
her ideas.
Insert text to a slide. • Insert WordArt to a slide. • Format
the text.
3. Insert pictures
How to insert pictures to make
interesting presentations.
Insert a ClipArt. • Insert a picture from a file. • Apply a
picture style. • Resize, move and rotate objects in slides.
4. P
resenting is
How to create and give the
perfect presentation.
Run a presentation. • Arrange slides properly. • Mark
the highlights during a presentation. • Give a cool
presentation on specific topic.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❶ Learning
scope &
SKILLS The student will be able to:
the basics
1. M
y desktop
How to work faster with
Create a shortcut in the same location with the original
item. • Create a shortcut directly on the desktop. • Delete
a shortcut.
2. F iles and folders
How to compress files and
folders. • How to view more
information about files.
Compress files and folders. • Rename a file or a folder.
• Extract a file from a compressed folder. • Change the
appearance of list of files. • Use the Recycle Bin to delete files.
3. C
ontrol panel
How to change basic computer
Change the date and time. • Change the screen settings. •
Personalize the desktop. • Change the system sounds.
4. P
rotect my
How to protect his/her computer
from malware
Check his/her computer for virus using an antivirus program.
• Update an antivirus program and the operating system.
MODULE ❷ Working
with text
1. F ormat a
How to create a document that
is easy to read and eye catching
Change the alignment of a text. • Change the paragraph
indentation. • Change the distance between lines and
paragraphs. • Add borders and shading.
2. Images Advanced
How to use images in his/her
document in order to make it
more attractive
Insert a picture from a file or from ClipArt in a document. •
Format the picture. • Change the position of the picture.
3. S
pelling and
grammar check
How to correct mistakes and use
the Thesaurus
Check for spelling, grammar and syntax errors. • Find
synonyms using Thesaurus.
4. P
How to put his/her document on
Preview the document before printing. • Change the print
settings. • Print a document on a personal or network printer.
MODULE ❸ Communicating
1. M
y friends
How to manage his/her contacts
Add a contact in the Address Book. • Group contacts into
categories. • Add the recipient using the Address Book.
2. F orward an
How to send a message he/she
received to another email address.
• How to send the same message
to more than one person.
Forward an incoming email message. • Send the same
email to more than one person. • Use Cc or Bcc.
3. S
end a file
How to send a photo, video or
document via email
Send a message with an attachment. • Receive email
messages with attachments.
4. E
mail tips
How to write a proper email
Spell check email messages. • Write emails being polite.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❹ Working
SKILLS The student will be able to:
with media
1. C
reate a sound
How to record sound on his/her
Record and save his/her own sound clips. • Play sound
clips using Windows Media Player.
2. V
iew images
and videos
How to view images and watch
View images using Windows Live Photo Gallery. • Watch
videos using Windows Media Player.
3. F ix a photo
How to edit his/her photos
Fix red eyes on photos. • Retouch photos. • Rotate photos.
• Crop photos.
4. A
pply photo
How to make photos look better
Apply an effect to a photo. • Change the color or exposure
of a photo.
MODULE ❺ Presenting
his/her ideas
1. T
ransitions and
How to make his/her
presentation exciting
Add transition effects to slides. • Add animation effects.
2. S
et the timing
How to animate a slide
Set the timing for an animation.
3. Insert a sound
or video clip
How to use videos and sound
Insert audio clips. • Change the audio clip icon. • Insert
video clips.
4. T
ransfer data
across apps
How to move information
between programs
Transfer data across different programs.
MODULE ❻ Working
with numbers
1. W
hat is a
How to create a spreadsheet.
Understand the use of a spreadsheet.
2. R
ow - Column
- Cell
How to organize information
Work with rows, columns and cells.
3. Insert numbers
and text
How to insert numbers and text
in a spreadsheet
Insert text and numbers in cells.
4. Simple
How to make simple calculations
Make simple calculations with cells.
© Binary Logic SA 2015. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❶ Creating
scope &
SKILLS The student will be able to:
a document
1. Advanced
How to add more space in the
Change the character spacing. • Create a line or a
paragraph. • Show and hide non-printable characters.
2. S
earch and
How to find a word or phrase
anywhere in the document
quickly. • How to replace a word
or phrase with a few clicks.
Find a word or phrase in the document. • Replace a word
or phrase in the document.
3. W
orking with
How to work with tables.
Create a table. • Apply a style to the table. • Insert shading
or border. • Insert rows or columns. • Delete rows or
4. D
ocument views
How to change the view of the
Change the view of a document according to its use. •
Zoom in and out his/her documents.
MODULE ❷ Producing
1. U
se capture
How to get images from a
scanner or camera.
Scan a photo or drawing. • Save images and videos from
capture devices. • Compare the size of different files. •
Recognize the basic file extensions.
2. C
reate and edit
a sound clip
How to edit sound recordings.
Play a specific part of a sound clip. • Add and delete parts
of a sound recording. • Change the speed and pitch of a
sound recording. • Mix sounds.
3. F ind and use
How to find and use images and
videos from the Internet.
Search for images and videos on the Internet. • Download
and save images and videos.
4. C
reate an
animated story
How to create a simple
slideshow with music.
Add videos and photos. • Add a Transition effect. • Apply a
Pan and Zoom effect. • Add music. • Add titles. • Save and
share the movie.
MODULE ❸ Using
communication tools
1. Internet and the
What a network is and why he/
she needs it.
Understand what a network is. • Recognize its categories. •
Use search engines. • Access a website easily by adding it to
his/her Favorites list. • Define words and find synonyms. •
Translate a word, phrase or text. • Calculate math equations.
2. Communication
How to communicate with
friends through the Internet.
Use instant messaging programs. • Use video conference
3. S
haring his/her
How to exchange photos, music
and videos via the Internet.
Share files through the Internet with Skydrive.
4. B
e secure online
How to be safe online.
Create safe passwords for his/her accounts.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❹ Formatting
SKILLS The student will be able to:
1. F ormat a cell
How to format information.
Change the width of a column. • Change the row height. •
Merge cells. • Wrap text. • Insert columns and rows. • Align
text and numbers. • Delete rows.
2. Make
How to make calculations.
Make calculations using the Sum, Average, Max and Min
functions. • Use the Auto Fill tool. • Format Decimals
3. C
reate a graph
How to create a graph to
present some information.
Insert a chart. • Recognize the parts of a graph.
4. P
rint a sheet
How to print information.
Adjust margins. • Change the orientation of a sheet. • Print
a spreadsheet.
MODULE ❺ Collecting
1. G
ather data
The use of databases in his/her
everyday life.
Understand what data is. • Categorize types of data.
2. Introduction to
What a database is.
Understand what a table, a record and a field is.
3. C
reate a
How to organize information in
a database. • What a record is.
Create a database table. • Insert records in a table. • Select
records from a database table.
4. S
ort and print
How to manage his/her data by
sorting and selecting. • How to
print his/her database.
Sort a database table. • Choose to display only specific
records. • Print a table.
give commands
1. L OGO and the
How the computer can do
Understand that he/she has to give commands to a
computer in order for it to work.
2. Move the turtle
To give commands with LOGO.
Open the LOGO program. • Use commands to move the
3. Draw a shape
More commands in LOGO.
Draw a triangle. • Draw a square. • Repeat a group of
4. Let’s have fun!
Combine and give complex
Draw a star. • Draw a house. • Draw a tree.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❶ Computer
1. T
he first
2. T
ransistors and
3. T
he use of
4. A
scope &
SKILLS The student will be able to:
Which the five generations of
computers are. • The different
types of technology used in
each computer generation. •
Recognize that computers today
are a product that developed
over the years
MODULE ❷ Processing
Name the most important stages in computer
development. • Recognize the technology that
characterizes each computer generation. • Evaluate the
different generations of computers based on the size,
speed, reliability, power consumption and cost.
and storage
1. B
asic computer
About basic computer
Name and explain the basic functions of a computer.
2. P
How computer process data.
Explain the concepts of “data” and “information. • Explain
the role of CPU.
3. M
ain memory
How computers store data. •
About the different functions of
each type of main memory.
Name and explain the role of RAM/ROM.
4. Secondary
About the features and functions
of the basic secondary storage
Name and explain the use of basic peripheral storage
devices. • Compare the capacity of two or more storage
MODULE ❸ Designing
a document
1. P
How to present information with
Insert and change SmartArt graphics. • Insert shapes.
2. C
olumns and
How to use columns to make
his/her text easier to read.
Use more than one columns in a text. • Indent the
paragraphs of a text in a specific way.
3. H
eaders and
How to use Headers and Footers
Add a header and footer. • Add the date to the footer. •
Add symbols.
4. T
he final touch
How to use a page lahe/shet
with a cover and page numbers.
• How to make the document
looks professional.
Add a cover page. • Apply a style to a paragraph. • Insert
page break.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❹ Building
SKILLS The student will be able to:
a website
1. W
hat is a web
What a web page is.
Recognize the parts of a web page
2. D
esign a web
How to design a web page.
Make a website. • Add text and photos. • Hide the banner.
• Add hyperlinks.
3. A
dd more pages
Add content to web pages.
Add a new web page. • Insert widgets
4. P
ublishing the
web page
How to publish his/her website.
Add a Twitter widget to a web page. • Publish the website.
MODULE ❺ Analyzing
1. More
How to make calculations with
multiple cells.
Use parentheses in calculations. • Make calculations. •
Make calculations with percentages.
2. Functions
How to use functions .
3. References
How to protect his/her data
from accidental changes.
Understand the different types of References. • Lock
cells when using them in formulas. • Use the Autofill tool
in locked cells. • Recognize the different types of Error
4. M
ore charts
How to create more charts
Create a line chart. • Choose the design options of a chart.
• Create a pie chart
MODULE ❻ Handling
1. Structured
What structured information is. •
How to create a database. • How
to create a database table.
Understand how a database works. • Create a database. •
Create and save tables in a database.
2. U
se a data entry
How to create and edit a data
entry form.
Create a form using Wizard. • Insert records to a table. •
Delete a record. • Change the design of the form. • Add
labels. • Create a Combo Box.
3. F ilter the data
How to create a query. • How to
filter data.
Create a query using Wizard. • Sort and filter data.
4. C
reate a report
How to create and edit a report.
Create and edit a report using Wizard. • Group data.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❶ Learning
scope &
SKILLS The student will be able to:
the basics
1. Computers
and devices
What a computer is. • The parts
of a computer. • To identify
peripheral and storage devices.
Recognize the different types of computers and peripheral
devices. • Use the keyboard and mouse.
2. The operating
What an operating system is and
why the computer needs it.
Log on and to Microsoft Windows. • Work on desktop. •
Use the Start button. • Shut down the computer. • Start a
program. • Save a document in a folder. • Open a document
from a folder.
3. H
ints and tips
How he/she can use an operating
system and how to change basic
settings. • What files and folders
are and how he/she can use them.
Unlock and move the taskbar. • Change the size of the icons.
• Work with multiple windows. • Use the Task Manager. •
Remove an external storage device. • Use Windows help. •
Access a file’s properties.
4. Introduction to
How he/she can use the operating
system MS-DOS.
Use MS-DOS. • Work with directories. • Manage files.
5. M
ore MS-DOS
Which are the most common MSDOS commands.
Use the most common MS-DOS commands.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
MODULE ❷ Creating
a document
1. F ormatting text
What the environment of
Microsoft Word is like. • How to
create a document that is easy to
Use Microsoft Word. • Use the keyboard properly. • Save, Open,
and Create a new document. • Format text and paragraphs. •
Apply bullets and numbering. • Align text. • Apply paragraph
indentation, line spacing, borders and shading.
2. Advanced font
How to write texts in different
Use advanced paragraph formatting options. • Apply a
custom paragraph border and a page border. • Apply
character spacing.
3. Images and
How to use images in his/her
document in order to make it
interesting and attractive.
Insert a ClipArt, a shape or a picture. • Modify a picture or a
shape. • Change the position of a picture in a text.
4. Working with
How to insert and format tables.
Create a table. • Format a table. • Insert or delete rows or
columns in a table. • Align the text in a cell. • Change the
direction of a text.
5. C
heck and print
How to correct his/her mistakes.
Check his/her document for spelling and grammar mistakes.
• Use Thesaurus to find synonyms. • Find or replace a word. •
Change a document’s views. • Print a document.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❸ Getting
SKILLS The student will be able to:
What the Internet is. • How to use
it to gather information.
Use a web browser. • Visit a website. • Search the web for
information. • Add a website to his/her Favorites list. •
Change the home page.
2. Use online
How he/she can expand his/her
knowledge through the Internet.
Use wikis. • Search the web for images and videos. • Copy
a text or an image from the Internet. • Download sounds
from the web. • Find word definitions and synonyms on the
web. • Translate text in another language. • Calculate math
equations on the web.
3. Send
and receive
How to send an electronic letter
to his/her friends. • How to send
photos and other files to his/her
Start Windows Live Mail. • Create and send a new email
message. • Attach a file to an email. • Reply or Forward an
email message. • Use Cc and Bcc. • Create a photo album. •
Check his/her messages for mistakes.
4. Organizing email
How to manage his/her contacts
and his/her calendar. • How to
send the same message to more
than one user.
Create contact categories. • Add new contacts. • Organize
his/her messages into folders. • Find an email. • Put a flag. •
Apply watch. • Use the Calendar to track appointments and
5. B
e safe online
The safety rules for Internet and
Understand what malware is. • Recognize the different types
of malware. • Use an antivirus program. • Update an antivirus
program and the operating system. • Turn on the Windows
Firewall.Create a strong password.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
1. S
urfing the web
MODULE ❹ Working
with numbers
1. R
ows and
How to create a spreadsheet. •
How to organize information.
Understand what a spreadsheet is. • Create a spreadsheet. •
Work with rows, columns and cells. • Insert text and numbers
into cells.
2. Advanced
How to format information.
Apply a currency format. • Apply the Date or Time. • Merge
cells, wrap the text and align it. • Apply borders and colors. •
Insert and format an image.
3. Simple
How to make simple calculations.
Make simple calculations with cells. • Use Autofill. • Use the
Sum, Average, Min and Max functions.
4. L ogical functions
How to apply criteria to functions
and extract various results.
Use spreadsheet formulas. • Insert an IF function. • Make
calculations with IF.
5. C
reate a chart
How to create a graph to present
Create graphs. • Format a graph.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❺ Presenting
SKILLS The student will be able to:
his/her ideas
1. S
lides, text and
How to make his/her presentation
exciting. • How he/she can group
the things he/she want to show
into slides.
Use Microsoft PowerPoint. • Insert different types of slides.
• Type and format text. • Insert images. • Add headers and
footers. • Apply Themes. • Change Views.
2. T
ransitions and
How to anime a slide. • How to
move from one slide to another
with a cool transition.
Use slide transitions. • Use animations in a presentation. • Set
the timing.
3. S
ound and video
How to use videos and sounds.
Import audio and video. • Use the Playback tab.
4. C
harts and
How he/she can present
information with images, graphs
and charts.
Insert and edit a SmartArt. • Add a chart. • Format the chart.
5. T
ips and tricks
How to make his/her presentation
more interesting.
Use some tips and techniques to make his/her presentation
more appealing.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
© Binary Logic SA 2017.
2015. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope &
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❶ Collecting
SKILLS The student will be able to:
1. Introduction to
What the meaning of collecting
information is. • How to gather
information. • How to import data
onto a database.
Understand what a database is. • Organize his/her
information into tables. • Create a database. • Format a
database as table.
2. F ilter and sort
How to extract certain information
from a database.
Apply a filter. • Sort data. • Apply a multi-level sorting. • Use a
custom filter.
3. K
eys and
How to identify certain
information in a database. • How
to relate different data.
Understand the use of the primary key and ID field. •
Understand the importance of table relationships. • Identify
the one-to-one and one-to-many relationships.
4. Contact
What the meaning of personal
information is. • How to extract
data that contain personal
Export and import personal information from his/her
5. L ab data
How to use databases in labs and
Understand what a data logger is. • Use a data logger for lab
experiments. • Import captured data from a data logger to
Microsoft Excel for data analysis.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
MODULE ❷ Designing
a document
1. T
abs and
How to align simple words on a
line or place them one below the
other. • How to create newspaper
Use tabs. • Edit tab settings. • Set multiple tabs on a text line.
• Use columns to break long text. • Insert columns. • Change
column settings.
2. H
eaders and
How to put repeated titles at
the beginning and the end of
the page. • How to use page
numbers. • How to “stamp” his/her
document with date and time.
Insert headers and footers. • Change the settings of the
headers and footers. • Apply page numbering. • Insert date
and time. • Use section, column and page breaks. • Work with
hidden characters.
3. H
How to publish his/her document
on the Internet or in a global
Save his/her document in PDF and HTML formats. • Change
the page’s background color.
4. M
ail merge
How to create a single document
for many persons.
Use mail merge for letters and envelopes.
5. A
dvanced topics
How to use symbols or
mathematical equations. • How to
gather his/her sources for his/her
project or use explanation notes
at the end of the page.
Insert symbols, mathematical equations, citations and
footnotes. • Change the footnote numbering.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❸ Programming
SKILLS The student will be able to:
the computer
1. W
hat is a
What a program really is. • What
an algorithm is. • How to design
a program. • How to describe a
solution to a problem.
Understand how computers work. • Create a simple
algorithm. • Draw a flowchart. • Describe solution steps in
2. F irst steps
The basic features on GW-BASIC.
Work with the GW-BASIC environment. • Asign numeric and
string variables. • Assign arrays. • Understand the use of the
equal sign.
3. V
ariables and
How to write his/her first program.
Use GW-Basic to write small programs. • Use simple
commands for input and output data. • Add comments in his/
her programs. • Do simple calculations.
4. C
onditions and
How to describe decisions in code.
Give simple commands. • Use special symbols in
programming. • Use conditions and loops.
5. F unctions and
How to use existing code.
Use functions and subroutines. • Find information on system
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
MODULE ❹ Communicating
1. Networking
How networks and the Internet
Understand what a network is and distinguish the different
types of networks. • Understand the Client/Server model.
• Understand the basic communication protocols and
bandwidth. • Understand how the Internet works.
2. W
hat is a blog?
What a blog is. • How to create
his/her personal website and
publish his/her thoughts and
Understand the use of a blog. • Write about his/her ideas
following the blogosphere rules. • Create his/her own blog.
• Edit his/her profile. • Post and update articles. • Make
comments on other people’s posts. • Insert an image or a link
to a post.
3. S
ocial Media
How to use websites to
communicate with his/her friends
and learn his/her news.
Use Facebook and Twitter to keep in touch with his/her
friends. • Make a friend request. • Chat with a friend. • Share
photos. • Upload a video or a photo album. • Set privacy
restrictions. • Post tweets with photos. • Follow rules when
4. Communications
How to use his/her computer and
the Internet to communicate with
Use Skype to make calls and video calls. • Add contacts. •
Share and accept files. • Send instant messages. • Make calls
and video calls. • Call a phone number.
5. Digital citizenship
To respect other people’s
personality and work.
Behave like a perfect digital citizen. • Understand what
personal data is. • Understand what copyright and intellectual
property is. • Understand the different software licenses.
© Binary Logic SA 2017. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
6. P
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
SKILLS The student will be able to:
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
MODULE ❺ Analyzing
1. Complex
How to make complex calculations
Understand priorities in calculations. • Work with powers and
2. Functions
How to use Excel’s functions for
faster calculations. • How to work
with logical functions.
and SUBSTITUTE functions. • Use a multiple IF function. •
Combine multiple IF with the AVERAGE function. • Use the
AND, OR and COUNTIF functions. • Combine multiple IF with
the And function.
3. References
How to work with references.
• How to avoid mistakes in
Use relative and absolute references. • Create and copy
formulas using references. • Understand the use of row
absolute and column absolute references. • Understand and
correct error messages.
4. A
dvanced charts
How to present information
with charts. • How to emphasize
information by formatting.
Identify the different types of charts. • Add a chart. • Format
different types of charts. • Create and modify mini charts. •
Apply conditional formatting to cells.
5. Import and
export data
How to exchange data with other
Import data as a TXT or CSV file. • Convert text to a table and
vice versa. • Export data from Microsoft Excel to a TXT or CSV
file. • Understand the CSV data file format.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
© Binary Logic SA 2015. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
MODULE ❶ Multimedia
scope &
SKILLS The student will be able to:
1. Storyboarding
What he/she need to do before
he/she start shooting a movie.
Understand the terms script, découpage and storyboarding.
2. C
apture and edit
The various types of media files
for the Internet and his/her
computer. • How to import photos
and videos to his/her computer.
Use different types of media files for specific purposes.
• Know basic image, video and sound formats. • Understand
compression and codecs. • Copy his/her video clips onto his/
her computer.
3. R
ecord your
How to record his/her voice.
• How to work with music and
Record his/her voice. • Mix sounds. • Edit a sound clip and
apply effects.
4. F ix photos and
add effects
How to correct photos that he/she
View images and videos. • Edit photos or other images and
correct them. • Fix red eyes. • Retouch a photo. • Rotate, crop,
straighten a photo. • Remove “noise” from a photo. • Use Fine
tune. • Apply photo effects.
5. C
reate an
animated story
How to create a short animated
story or movie.
Use a video editing program to create a movie. • Add videos
and images to the timeline. • Adjust the duration of a video
clip. • Trim a video clip. • Add transitions. • Apply pan and
zoom effects. • Add sound. • Apply visual effects. • Add titles.
• Export the movie as a video file.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
1. Advanced
How to set up a small home
Identify all the equipment he/she need to set up a network.
• Understand the need of wireless security. • Identify the
different types of ports, cables and connectors.
2. S
ervers and
How to store or share his/her files
in a small network. • How to keep
his/her files safe.
Understand what a file server and a RAID storage box are.
• Understand the use of media players and media servers.
• Handle properly external storage devices. • Make backup
files on his/her servers. • Protect the machines and data.
What the most common network
problems are and how he/she can
solve them.
Deal with different problems that he/she may encounter,
concerning the: computer, keyboard, mouse, sound, and
screen. • Avoid the problems above by properly handling
the equipment. • Deal with different problems that you may
encounter, concerning the: hard disk drive, printer, network,
3. I’m an IT
© Binary Logic SA 2015. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
SKILLS The student will be able to:
4. D
ata and
network security
How to protect his/her network
and his/her files from any external
Set up passwords for Windows users and connect with high
security protocols. • Identify malware and virus problems.
5. C
loud storage
How he/she can save his/her files
on the cloud.
Understand what cloud storage is. • Use specific cloud
storage services, such as Dropbox. • Use cloud programs to
manage his/her files. • Share a file as a link. • Share a folder
for collaboration.
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
MODULE ❸ Documents
for a purpose
1. T
ext documents
How to use Microsoft Word to
create predefined documents. •
How to create contents for his/
her projects. • How to create
numbered and bullet lists.
Create a CV or use any other template. • Apply headings.
• Create a Table of Contents. • Update the Table of Contents.
• Apply bullet lists to text. • Modify the bullet settings.
• Convert text to a numbered list. • Modify the numbering
settings. • Create a multilevel list.
2. Spreadsheets
How to use templates. • How to
print a range of cells that he/she
have selected. • How to analyze
data with pivot tables.
Create a workbook spreadsheet using a template. • Set a
print area. • Set a background picture to the table. • Use
freeze panes. • Create a Pivot Table for data analysis. • Extract
statistical results.
3. P
How to create big presentations
and use part of them to show
specific subjects. • How to make
his/her presentations suitable for
View a slide show. • Create a custom presentation. • Set
custom options for the slide show. • Package his/her
presentation for a CD.
4. P
roject 1 –
How to create a leaflet for a
Design a specific leaflet.
5. P
roject 2 – Labels
How to create labels for a product.
Design specific labels.
6. P
roject 3 –
Market research
How to conduct a research and
gather data.
Make a research, collect information, analyze them with
Microsoft Excel and present them with Microsoft PowerPoint.
© Binary Logic SA 2015. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
scope & sequence
OBJECTIVES The student will learn:
SKILLS The student will be able to:
is fun
1. D
esign your
How to create his/her own
website. • How to add more
content. • How to put the final
touches. • How to publish his/her
Design and create a custom website through a template.
• Customize the background of his/her site. • Edit the text
and images. • Add more pages to his/her website. • Set the
navigation among the pages. • Add hyperlinks to other web
resources. • Publish the website on the web.
2. S
cience projects
How to conduct an experiment. •
How to analyze the data. • How to
present the experiment findings.
Make various experiments and record different results. • Use
a spreadsheet to analyze the experiment data. • Present the
experiment results through reports and slide presentations.
3. Robotics
What a robot is. • How to build
and program a robot.
Use Lego Mindstorms NXT to build a simple robot. • Program
the robot using simple commands.
4. D
esign your own
How to design his/her own video
Design and program a video game.
5. B
uild your own
radio station
How to build a web radio station.
Build an Internet radio station. • Broadcast live or recorded
6. P
Cross-curricular, team project to consolidate the module’s objectives.
© Binary Logic SA 2015. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
will learn
scope &