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AD0-E716 Adobe Commerce Developer Expert Dumps Questions

Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
1. An Adobe Commerce developer has added an iframe and included a
JavaScript library from an external domain to the website. After that,
they found the following error in the console: Refused to frame [URL]
because it violates the Content Security Policy directive.
In order to fix this error, what would be the correct policy ids to add to
the csp_whitelist.xml file?
A. frame-src and script-src
B. default-src and object-src
C. frame-ancestors and connect-src
Answer: C
Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
2. An Adobe Commerce developer adds a new extension attribute to add an
array of values to the invoices that are fetched through the APIs.
After a while, their technical manager reviews their work and notices something
wrong with the extension_attributes. xml file that the developer created in their
module: What is the problem with this xml snippet?
A. The extension attribute references the wrong interface, it should have
referenced the Magento\saies\Api\data\invoiceinterface.
B. The extension attribute references the repository instead of the interface it
implements (Magento\saies\Api\invoiceRepositorymterface).
C. The type is wrong, string [] should be replaced with array.
Answer: B
Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
3. An Adobe Commerce developer is being tasked with creating a new
cron job to run a method that has already been written.
What are the minimally required steps to accomplish this?
A. Create a crontab.xmi file and a new system configuration in
system.xmi for the schedule.
B. Create crontab.xmi and cron_groups.xmi files to assign the new job
to a cron group.
C. Create a crontab.xmi file and set a schedule for the new cron job.
Answer: C
Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
4. An Adobe Commerce developer is asked to create a new payment method
for their project. This project has administrators who use the backend to
manage customer information and occasionally place orders. When testing the
new payment method on the frontend everything worked as expected, however,
the payment method is missing in the admin.
What is a possible reason for this?
A. In the module di.xml, there were no default 3DS verification types configured
as a VirtualType.
B. In the module config.xmi, the boolean value for can_capture was set to false.
C. In the module config.xmi, the node can_use_internal was not set to true.
Answer: C
Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
5. An Adobe Commerce developer has been tasked with applying a pricing
adjustment to products on the website. The adjustments come from a database
table. In this case, catalog price rules do not work. They created a plugin for
getPrice on the price model, but the layered navigation is still displaying the old
How can this be resolved?
A. Create an implementation for
\Magento\Catalog\Hodel\Product\PriceModifierlnterf ace.
B. Create an after plugin On \Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\BasePriceInterface::
C. Create a plugin for\Magento\Catalog\Model\Indexer\Product\Price::executeRow.
Answer: C
Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
6. An Adobe Commerce developer has created a before plugin for the
save() function within the Magento\Framework\App\cache\Proxy class.
The purpose of this plugin is to add a prefix on all cache identifiers
that fulfill certain criteria.
Why is the plugin not executing as expected?
A. Another around plugin defined for the same function does not call
the callable.
B. Cache identifiers are immutable and cannot be changed.
C. The target ClaSS implements
Answer: C
Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
7. An Adobe Commerce developer has installed a module from a third-party vendor. This
module fires a custom event named third_party_event_after and also defines an observer
named third_party_event_after_observer that listens to that event. The developer wants to
listen to this custom event in their own module but wants to execute their observer's logic
after the third_party_event_after_observer observer has finished executing.
What would the developer do to ensure their observer runs after the observer defined by
the third-party module?
A. Ensure the third-party module is listed in the <sequence> node of the developer's
module.xmi file.
B. Set the sort order of the new observer to be less than that of the third-party vendor's
C. This is not possible as observers listening to the same event may be invoked in any order.
Answer: B
Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
8. An Adobe Commerce developer is about to deploy a critical feature
to their Adobe Commerce Cloud (Pro Plan) production. They want to
create a snapshot in order to be able to rollback if there is an issue
with the feature.
How would they create the snapshot?
A. Use the dedicated button on Project Web Interface.
B. Use the Cloud CLI for Commerce dedicated command.
C. Create a ticket to Adobe Commerce Cloud support.
Answer: A
Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
9. An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked with adding custom data to orders fetched
from the API. While keeping best practices in mind, how would the developer achieve this?
A. Create an extension attribute on Nagento\sales\Api\E)ata\orderinterface and an after
plugin on Magento\Sales\Model\Order: :getExtensionAttributes() to add the custom data.
B. Create an extension attribute On Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface and an after
plugin On Magento\Sales\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface On geto and getListo to add the
custom data.
C. Create a before plugin on Magento\sales\model\ResourceModel\order\collection: :load
and alter the query to fetch the additional data. Data will then be automatically added to
the items fetched from the API.
Answer: B
Adobe AD0-E716 Dumps
10. An Adobe Commerce Developer wishes to add an action to a pre-existing
route, but does not wish to interfere with the functionality of the actions from
the original route.
What must the developer do to ensure that their action works without any side
effects in the original module?
A. In the route declaration, use the before or after parameters to load their
module in before or after the original module.
B. Inject the new action into the standard router constructor's $actiomist
C. Add the action into to the controllers/front_name/ in My.Module, Magento
will automatically detect and use it.
Answer: A