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Jimi's Hospital Care Plan: Suicide, Seizure, Depression, Anxiety

ST: Jimi will remain safe and free from self-harm within the next 5 days of his hospital stay
LT: Jimi will identify precipitating events and motivations; communicate understanding and
acceptance of feelings and life situation to help cope with suicidal ideation within the next 10
days of his hospital stay by 9/6/22
ST: Jimi will identify lifestyle factors that increase his risk for seizure activities by 9/1/22
LT: Jimi will remain free from injury in the event of a seizure during this admission by
ST: Jimi mood, feelings of sadness, and other symptoms of depression will improve as
exhibited by him not socially isolating and participating in unit activities daily for 5
consecutive days by 9/1/22
LT: Jimi mood, hopelessness, and other symptoms of depression will improve as
evidenced by his ability to identify protective factors and successfully participate with
safety planning by 9/6/22
ST: Jimi will show a decrease in anxiety AEB report anxiety level no greater than 3/10
during each shift by 9/1/22
LT: Jimi will identify 3 factors that increase his anxiety and apply one positive coping skill
to use when anxiety increases by 9/6/22
ST: Jimi will verbalize understanding to signs and symptoms of infection by 9/1/22
LT: Jimi will be free from sign and symptoms of infection during this admission by
ST: Jimi will request PRN pain medications as needed to control pain level <1/10 on this
shift by 9/1/22
LT: Jimi will maintain pain level at <1/10, discuss pharmacologic and nonpharmacological measures during this hospitalization by 9/6/22
Patient Daily Goal
ST: Jimi and/or his representative will communicate an understanding of his daily goal by
LT: Jimi will communicate an understanding of daily goal every day within the next 10 days of
hospitalization by 9/6/22
Patient Specific Goals:
ST: Jimi will be cooperative in making a specific goal during his initial assessment that he would
like to achieve while receiving treatment during this admission by 9/1/22
LT: Jimi will demonstrate optimal use specific coping skills to control his life stressors AEB
verbalizing his progress throughout this hospitalization by 9/6/22
Plan of Care Review:
ST: Jimi will cooperate with reviewing and signing the initial treatment plan of care upon
admission by 9/1/22
LT: Jimi will be compliant with his treatment plan each shift during admission by 9/6/22
ST: Jimi will request PRN sleep medications as needed and utilize 3 relaxation techniques (e.g.,
music, progressive muscle relaxation, aromatherapy, meditation, mindfulness) to promote sleep
within the next 3 days of hospitalization by 9/1/22
LT: Jimi will have at least 7 hours of sleep nightly within the next 10 days of hospitalization by
Thought Process
ST: Jimi will display an increase in thought process AEB compliance with medication by
LT: Jimi will demonstrate an improved thought process AEB having the ability to interact
with peers and staff without expressing delusions or hallucinations by 9/6/22