Project 2 - Web Technologies Instructor: Madina Saparbayeva 1. Introduction 1.1. Goal of the Project The goal of the project is to create your own website with backend. 1.2. Project Description This is the end-term course project where you need to create your website continuing your midterm project, but with backend and database. The main purpose of creating such a website is in showcasing your skills so that it will help you in your future professional or academic career. The work must be done by strictly following these technical requirements. Anything that is not described in this document is allowed and left to your discretion. 1.4. The Deadline The deadline for this course project: X May, 2022 at 23:59 There is no deadline extension, the stated deadline is rm and not changeable. Failure to submit your work before the deadline will result in getting zero points for this course activity. The table with your timeline see in the bottom of the le. 1.5. Group or Individual This decision of your formed group cannot be changed in nal project. 2. Requirements 2.1. Front-end The website that you develop must have a home page (index.html) and at least one additional page for individual and at least three additional pages for group with proper design and clickable links. 3.1. Database fi fi fi Database should cover all information saved from your users. Create your database structure (i.e. in, but you can use another platform). Also, in this class, we learn SQlite, but if you want use another SQL, go ahead. Screenshot of your database structure should be submitted as image. 2.2. Backend The backend should be implemented in golang. The all technologies from labs 7-10 must be presented. See criteria in the bottom of the le. 3.2. Queries In the backend, the all CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) queries should be implemented. You will change the data through POST from frontend. For example, there is a special form for update, and user enter data that he/she wants changes and submit to server. Consequently, the server changes and shows the updated information. 4. Other Requirements 4.1. Directory Structure It is mandatory to have the following directory structure of the project: where: endterm-project |__static |__html |__ index.html |__css |__ style.css |__js |__main.js |__ main.go |__ lib (if you have custom library) |__database.db |__ and so on. 4.2. Deployment You will bring your personal laptop to show me your server. I will not run your code on my laptop. Keep this on your mind. 4.3. Submission fi fi The course project is considered submitted if the corresponding project les are uploaded to the your repository on Github before the deadline stated above. Any changes to the repository after the deadline will not be accepted. 5. Evaluation Criteria 5.1. Grading Scheme The grading of the project will be done according to the following scheme. Note that there might be partial points for each criterion. Criterion Points Content (Lorem ipsum is not acceptable) 5 Static pages (your advanced midterm project) 10 Database has at least 3 tables 5 for each table x 3 = 15 CRUD forms 5 for each form x 4 = 20 Handler Function for each form 5 for each form x 4 = 20 ListenAndServe() 5 Template(“html/template”) for showing handled data 10 Directory Structure 5 Github Submission 10 Website is not working proper -5 TOTAL Timetable 👇 100 Timetable You will come strictly in the order SIS-2122 Day SIS-2123 Day Жания - Бейимбет 5 May Адиля 1 May Жулдыз 5 May Асель 1 May Сабина 5 May Нурқасым - Ерасыл 1 May Мадина 5 May Гүлназ 1 May Мәді 5 May Мерей - Ұлан 1 May Арман 5 May Нурислам - Алмас 1 May Абылай 5 May Қайсар - Жандос 1 May Санжар - Дархан 12 May Диас 3 May Камила 12 May Әділетхан - Заңғар 3 May Саят 12 May Нұрдәулет - Мейір 3 May Нурасыл 12 May Ерқанат - Нұртілеу 3 May Амина 12 May Аруна 3 May Ерасыл 12 May Дильназ - Айбек 3 May Асқар 12 May GOOD LUCK!