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Benefits and Spiritual Rewards of Salah

The benefits and spiritual rewards of salah
The salah is a special form of worship that is the second most important pillar of
Islam after the shahada (testimony of faith). It is an obligatory form of prayer
performed five times a day that was revealed in the Holy Qur’an and taught to us by
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). There are many verses in the Holy Quran
in which Allah tells us about the importance of prayer. Here are two such verses:
o But those who hold fast to the Book and establish prayer – indeed, We will not allow
being lost the reward of the pious.
(Qur'an - Chapter 7, Verse 170)
o Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish
prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance
of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.
(Qur'an - Chapter 29, Verse 45)
The salah involves several physical movements – standing, bowing, prostrating, and
sitting. It also involves the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran in Arabic along
with several dua. The Muslims will face the direction of the Kaba, the Sacred House
of Allah in Makkah, whenever they perform their prayer. These physical movements,
recitations, and supplications are all done to show humility and submission to Allah.
The reason why Muslims pray at all relates to what Islam considers to be the
purpose of life – to worship Allah alone. Shortly after Muhammad became a Prophet,
the performance of salah (worship) was one of the first commandments given to him
by Allah. Allah Almighty tells us in the Holy Qur’an that mankind was only created for
one reason: to worship Him.
o And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me
(Qur'an - Chapter 51, Verse 56)
The salah is the second pillar of Islam and it is a critical part of a Muslim’s faith. One
of the biggest differences between a Muslim and a non-Muslim is the salah. Our
beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
o “Between a man and polytheism and disbelief, there stands his neglect of the
The daily prayers are performed at specific times, which are based on the position of
the sun in the sky. The first prayer, known as Fajr, is performed at dawn, followed by
Dhuhr (midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), and Isha (night). The purpose of
Salah is to establish a direct connection between the individual and Allah, seek
forgiveness for one’s sins, and seek guidance and blessings from Allah. Salah is not
only a means of worship but also a way of developing self-discipline, increasing
spirituality, and promoting unity and brotherhood among Muslims
Benefits of Salah (Prayers)
Salah, the Islamic prayer, holds numerous benefits for individuals who engage in it
regularly. Prayers that we perform have many benefits to our body, soul, and social
life. Following are some of the benefits that prayers bring us:
Prayer is the shield against evil deeds and bad habits. Allah Almighty says in the
Noble Quran:
“Verily, prayer restrains (oneself) from shameful and unjust deeds…”
(Quran, 29:45)
Prayer is the preferred means of invoking Allah Almighty. When a person
worships Allah he or she develops a connection with Him and any invocation
within that or after that connection is bound to be accepted by Allah more
compared to invocation done in any other circumstance.
Islamic equality shows through prayers. When Muslims offer prayer in the
congregation, rich and poor, high and low, all stand shoulder to shoulder. It is
the best scene of mankind’s equality in the religion Islam.
Prayer satisfies our spiritual needs to be in contact with our Creator. This gives
the soul peace and pleasure.
Those who pray five daily prayers become humble that Almighty Allah loved and
associated its success. Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran:
“Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers.”
(Quran, 23:1-2)
Muslims become pious and move on the righteous path. In this regard, prayer
has a great role to play as it promotes Taqwa or piety among believers.
An offering of Namaz 5 times during the day and night cleanses us of sins in a
similar way as washing multiple times during the day and night makes our body
clean of all rottenness and soil.
It is important to note that while Salah has numerous benefits, it is not a
substitute for medical care or a comprehensive approach to health. However,
the holistic nature of Salah, encompassing physical movements, mindfulness,
and spiritual connection, can contribute positively to one’s overall well-being.
Those who offer five daily prayers their heart strengthens with the faith of Allah
Performing prayers is a means of developing a connection with Allah Almighty
and when a Muslim does so five times a day, then the consequent relationship
is to naturally grow strong.
Prayer saves Muslims from Hellfire. The daily five prayers are a source of
comfort for Muslims.
By offering prayer, a Muslim’s misdeeds are forgiven, his good deeds
duplicated, and then gets closer to the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth.
Those who offer prayers daily can easily get rid of laziness. Salah daily can help
in overcoming laziness and promoting productivity. Salah involves physical
movements, such as standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting, which can help in
energizing the body and overcoming physical lethargy.
Salah involves a sense of discipline, punctuality, and commitment, which can
help in promoting self-discipline and overcoming laziness. By committing to
perform Salah regularly, the individual can establish a routine and develop a
sense of responsibility towards their spiritual obligations.
Salah (prayer) is believed to bring numerous blessings and the mercy of Allah
SWT (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) upon those who perform it with sincerity and
devotion. Salah is a direct form of communication and worship that allows
Muslims to connect with Allah and seek His guidance, forgiveness, and
By regularly performing Salah, individuals demonstrate their submission and
obedience to Allah, acknowledging His greatness and their reliance on Him. This
act of devotion and humility is highly regarded in Islam and is believed to attract
the blessings and mercy of Allah.
In the Quran, it is mentioned that Allah loves those who establish regular prayer
(Salah) (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:83). This indicates that through the consistent
practice of Salah, believers can earn the love and favor of Allah, which
encompasses His blessings, mercy, and protection.
Additionally, Salah is a means of purifying the soul and seeking forgiveness for
one’s sins. When a person performs Salah sincerely, repenting for their
wrongdoings, it is believed that Allah’s mercy is bestowed upon them, and their
sins are forgiven. This is a manifestation of Allah’s compassion and grace.
Salah is believed to be the nourishment for the soul, providing spiritual
sustenance and strengthening the relationship between the individual and Allah
SWT. Salah involves the remembrance of Allah, seeking His guidance and
forgiveness, and reciting verses from the Quran, which can have a profound
impact on the spiritual well-being of the individual.
Salah can also help in reducing stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, which
can contribute to harmful behaviors. By promoting a sense of peace,
contentment, and spiritual fulfillment, Salah can help in promoting positive
attitudes and behaviors, which can help in leading a healthy and fulfilling life.
Salah regularly is believed to protect the individual from harmful things and
promote self-discipline and self-control. By establishing a direct connection with
Allah and seeking His guidance and blessings through Salah, individual can
strengthen their faith and resist the temptations of harmful things such as
drugs, alcohol, and other harmful behaviors.
Performing Salah regularly is believed to have a positive impact on the heart,
both in a physical and spiritual sense. From a physical standpoint, Salah involves
physical movements, such as standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting, which
can contribute to the physical health of the heart. These movements can help in
improving blood circulation, reducing blood pressure, and strengthening the
muscles of the heart.
While Salah is not specifically designed to increase physical strength, it does
involve physical movements, These movements are done in a specific manner,
with a focus on proper posture and breathing, which can help in strengthening
the muscles, improving flexibility, and promoting blood circulation. Additionally,
the regular practice of Salah can help in developing discipline, which can
translate to other areas of life, including exercise and healthy habits.
Prayer brings on blessings from Allah SWT. Moreover, it is believed that Salah
brings numerous spiritual and worldly benefits, including peace of mind,
contentment, increased productivity, and protection from harm. By constantly
being in a state of remembrance of Allah through Salah, individuals can remain
mindful of their purpose in life and seek Allah’s guidance in all their endeavors.
Therefore, Salah is not only a means of worship but also a powerful tool for
seeking Allah’s blessings and achieving success in this life and the hereafter.
Salah keeps away the Shaitan. Performing Salah regularly is believed to keep
away the Shaitan and protect the individual from evil thoughts and actions. It is
mentioned in the Quran that “Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and
wrongdoing” (29:45), indicating that Salah has a purifying effect on the soul and
helps in warding off negative influences. Furthermore, the act of seeking refuge
from Shaitan before starting Salah is considered a means of protection from his
whisperings and temptations. By focusing on the remembrance of Allah and
reciting verses from the Quran during Salah, the individual can strengthen their
faith and resist the temptations of Shaitan.
Prayer ensures that we remember God in the best way our almighty Lord has let
us know that “Only in the remembrance of God do hearts find peace.” That is
because remembering the Lord that we love the most and mentioning His name
stills our troubled souls, expands our chests, and relaxes our hearts. The best
way to remember God is to perform a ritual prayer. Each prayer that we perform
reminds us our Lord. Thus, praying is a valuable gift that God had offered us. Our
beloved Prophet knew the value of this gift and seized every opportunity to
pray. He expressed the happiness and peace that he experienced in praying,
saying: “My happiness is in the prayers.”
Praying reminds us of the Day of Judgment and the here after There are many
things in the world that make us forgetful of the here after. People who forget
the here after, who do not think that they will render an account of their actions
would do anything for their own benefits. For this reason, there should be a
warner for people that reminds them of the hereafter. Prayers that are
performed consciously and carefully remind us of God, the hereafter, and the
Day of Judgment five times a day. As we remember the hereafter and the Day of
Judgment, we stay away from evil. We would not harm anyone or their property,
and would not be unfair to anyone.
Prayer purifies us from sins Prayer time is the time of meeting with our Creator.
As we pray, we know that we are in front of our Almighty Creator. If we
contemplated committing a sin, we would change our mind by thinking of
praying and being in front of God. By this, we would purify our hearts from evil
feelings and thoughts and other parts of our body such as our hands and
tongues from wrongdoings.
Praying improves our characters Praying is a good chance for us to realize our
wrongdoings and sins and ask for God’s forgiveness by repenting from them. By
means of praying, we ask our Creator’s pardon and forgiveness. We stand in
front of God five times a day, mindful that He knows of everything that we have
done, and we pay more attention to our acts. As such, we become well-behaved
human beings.
Prayer makes our day more fruitful and blessed When we regularly perform our
prayers, we schedule our day according to the prayer times. We even wake up
before sunrise and start our day earlier. When most (non-praying) people are
still asleep, we would be done with some of our tasks. By this, we take
advantage of our Prophet’s prayer: “My Lord! Let the early hours of my
Community be fruitful.” With the noon and late afternoon prayers that are
performed at the busiest hours of the day, we remember God and relax our
souls. We take a break with prayer, mentally relax and regain energy for our
work. With the Sunset and Night Prayers, we reflect on the day and go to bed
with the peace of performing our responsibilities.
Prayer gives us the habit of being clean When we make ablution in order to
perform a prayer, we clean parts of o u r body that get dirty the most in our daily
life. We pay attention to our body, our clothes, and the place we perform the
prayer to make sure they are clean. By making ablution a few times daily, we
clean our hands, face, and feet. We gain the habit of remaining clean.
It is important to note that the benefits of Salah are not limited to these points, and
individuals may experience additional personal and spiritual benefits based on their
devotion and sincerity. Salah is a comprehensive act of worship that encompasses
physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions, contributing to a holistic and fulfilling
Spiritual rewards of Salah
Following are the spiritual rewards of salah:
Almost every person in the modern world is involved in some basic worldly activity
like earning a living, going to school, eating, sleeping, and socializing. Naturally, we
forget Allah and the obligations due to Him. When we forget Allah, this life and its
worries become the central occupation of the human mind. Desires run wild. A
person begins to ‘chase his shadow’, something he can never catch. For many,
money becomes the sole goal of life. The more you make, the more you spend, the
more you want.
Remembrance of Allah, known as “Dhikr” in Arabic, is a fundamental practice in
Islam.Dhikr can take various forms, including:
Verbal Remembrance: This involves reciting specific words and phrases that
glorify and remember Allah, such as saying “SubhanAllah” (Glory be to Allah),
“Alhamdulillah” (Praise be to Allah), “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest), and
reciting the name of Allah, “Allah” itself.
Recitation of the Quran: Reciting and reflecting upon the verses of the Quran
is a powerful form of Dhikr. It is a means of connecting with the words of Allah,
seeking guidance, and contemplating His divine message.
Silent Remembrance: Dhikr can also be performed silently within one’s heart
and mind. This involves consciously remembering and acknowledging Allah’s
presence, expressing gratitude, seeking forgiveness, and seeking His guidance.
Prostration and Prayer: Engaging in regular Salah (prayer) is an act of
remembrance of Allah. Through the physical movements, recitation of verses, and
supplications in Salah, Muslims remember and worship Allah, deepening their
connection with Him.
The benefits of Dhikr include:
Increased mindfulness: Dhikr helps in keeping one’s mind focused on Allah
and His remembrance, thus increasing mindfulness and spiritual awareness.
Strengthened faith: Regular remembrance of Allah helps in strengthening
one’s faith and deepening the understanding of Allah’s presence and attributes.
Inner peace and tranquility: Dhikr brings about a sense of peace,
contentment, and tranquility by turning one’s heart and mind towards the Divine.
Protection from distractions: Engaging in Dhikr helps in keeping away
negative thoughts, distractions, and temptations, as the heart becomes more
attached to Allah.
Spiritual purification: Dhikr acts as a means of purifying the soul and seeking
forgiveness for sins, allowing individuals to strive towards spiritual growth and
Allah has set times to break regularly from the daily chores of life for a few minutes
and worship Him. First thing in the morning before we begin our day, in the middle
of the day, in the late afternoon, in the evening, and at night before we go to sleep.
When done with concentration and properly, it awakens and stimulates the soul. A
Muslim reminds himself that Allah is in charge of everything, he is Allah’s faithful
servant, and Allah’s pleasure is His aim. For a few minutes, five times a day, a Muslim
leaves this world and meets His Lord:
“And establish the prayers (salah) in order to remember Me.”(Quran 20:14)
The prayers (salah) also makes a person God-conscious. When a person prays five
times a day, he becomes accustomed to feeling the presence of God and develops
the sense that Allah is watching Him at all times. He is never hidden from Allah, even
when alone. A sense of God-consciousness keeps the heart suspended between fear
and hope. Fear of Allah keeps a Muslim away from the prohibited and encourages
him to do the obligatory; a mix of divine love and devout reverence that keeps him
religiously observant. Regular performance of the prayers increases one’s awareness
of Allah.
God-consciousness, often referred to as “Taqwa” in Arabic, is a central concept in
Islam. It is the awareness and consciousness of Allah’s presence, His knowledge of all
things, and the accountability that comes with it. Taqwa encompasses a deep sense
of reverence, fear, love, and mindfulness of Allah in one’s thoughts, actions, and
Taqwa is considered a fundamental aspect of a believer’s spiritual journey. It
involves living a life in accordance with the teachings of Islam, following the
commandments of Allah, and striving to avoid anything that displeases Him. It is
about being conscious of Allah’s presence at all times, seeking His pleasure, and
being aware of the consequences of one’s actions.Practicing Taqwa leads to
righteousness, piety, and a heightened sense of moral responsibility. It encourages
individuals to act with integrity, honesty, and justice in their interactions with others.
It also fosters self-reflection, self-control, and humility.
The concept of Taqwa is emphasized throughout the Quran, where it is regarded as a
means of attaining success and guidance in this life and the hereafter. It serves as a
guiding principle for Muslims to lead a balanced, mindful, and righteous life, seeking
Allah’s pleasure and striving for self-improvement.
To err is human, and even the most pious of Muslims sin and need to repent. We all
need to constantly ask for Allah’s forgiveness and try our best not to repeat our
mistakes. Without regular contact with Allah, a person is unlikely to feel guilty for his
sins and repent. Sometimes if a person has not asked Allah to forgive him in a long
time, he might become insensitive to sinning and may even forget that he fell into it,
thus not even seeking forgiveness for it. Certain prayers in the formal prayers (salah)
reminds the Muslim of his sins and makes him seek forgiveness for them This in turn
causes Muslims to feel guilty for their sins and seek repentance as soon as they are
committed. A Muslim learns to constantly seeks forgiveness for his sins and never
feels too distant from his loving Lord. The prayer places man directly before Allah
seeking pardon for his short-comings.
The process of seeking forgiveness in Islam involves several steps:
Recognizing and acknowledging the mistake: The first step is to recognize and
admit the wrongdoing or sin committed. This requires sincere introspection and selfawareness.
Feeling remorse and regret: Genuine remorse and regret for the wrongdoing
are essential for seeking forgiveness. Understanding the gravity of the action and its
impact is important in this step.
Repentance (Tawbah): Repentance is the act of turning back to Allah and
seeking His forgiveness. It involves a sincere intention to change one’s behavior, to
refrain from repeating the sin, and to make amends if necessary. Repentance should
be accompanied by genuine remorse and a commitment to righteousness.
Seeking forgiveness through prayer: Muslims are encouraged to turn to Allah
in prayer to seek forgiveness. This can be done through voluntary prayers, such as
the Duha prayer or the Night prayer (Tahajjud). During these prayers, individuals can
engage in supplication (du’a), seeking forgiveness from Allah for their past actions.
5 Making amends (if applicable): If the wrongdoing has affected others, seeking
forgiveness from them and making amends is also an important step. Islam
encourages individuals to seek forgiveness from those they have wronged,
apologize sincerely, and try to rectify any harm caused.
It is important to note that seeking forgiveness in Islam is not a one-time event, but
an ongoing process. Muslims are encouraged to seek forgiveness regularly, as it is
believed to purify the soul, strengthen the relationship with Allah, and attain His
mercy and forgiveness.
Messenger of Allah(PBUH) asked:
“What do you think if there was a river by the door of any one of you and he bathed
in it five times a day, would there be any trace of dirt left on him?”
They (his companions)(may Allah be pleased with them) said, “No trace of dirt would
be left on him.”
The Prophet (PBUH)said, “This is like the five daily prayers, through which Allah
erases sin.”
(Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)
The prayer has the capacity to catalyze change for the better in people’s life. The fact
that we give up whatever we are doing and line up behind a prayer leader (called
imam) five times a day in the mosque, or find room to pray in at work or school by
ourselves, instills discipline in life. People join the army to learn discipline and
everyone admires it. Similarly, the prayer trains us to go through specific motions
and utter special words at specific times. All the body parts are under control,
obeying and worshipping Allah, and if this discipline is broken, the prayer may have
to be repeated.
Islam recognizes that we are all different, so it allows flexibility in many cases. The
prayer leader (imam) should keep the prayer short. Women are not required to
attend the prayers in the mosque. A sick person may pray sitting, and if unable, he
may even pray laying down. The discipline learned in the prayer is to be acquired in
other aspects of one’s religious and mundane life as well. Just as we should not look
around when praying, we should control our eyes outside of the prayer not to fall on
forbidden objects. Just like we use our tongue to praise Allah, outside of the formal
prayers we should not let it backbite or lie. Just as our hands and feet perform
controlled motions, outside of the prayers we should not use them to steal, buy or
eat what is forbidden. We should not walk towards the forbidden, but away from it.
This is the essence of which Allah tells us:
“…Surely, the prayer (salah) prevents evil speech and bad deeds…” (Quran 29:45)
A very important ingredient of the prayer is the state of calmness and tranquility
coupled with humility achieved by deep concentration. Allah says in the Quran:
“Successful indeed are the believers, those who humble themselves in their
prayers.” (Quran 23:1-2)
The purpose of the prayer is not just to fulfill an empty ritual. For the prayer to be
acceptable, it must be done with a passion. Learn the meaning of the Arabic words
used in the prayer, focus on their meaning and whatever portions of Quran you will
recite. Know that Allah responds to prayers and He is listening to you. Focus your
eyes on the place of prostration, or shut them if something present causes you to be
distracted and can not focus otherwise. By concentrating on the words of the prayer
said in different postures, by raising one’s consciousness of being in front of Allah, by
choosing a comfortable, clean place with no distractions, one can increase their
presence of mind in the prayer. There will always be room to improve it. Remove the
clutter in the mind and focus on Allah’s blessings in life, feel your insignificance in
front of the Magnificent Creator, feel guilty for your sins. It will help you reduce
stress, worries, and anxiety. There is only so much our mind and body can take. The
prayer is relaxing and will help regain lost focus in life. The prayer is healing for the
soul. But for your salah to reach this state of concentration it requires patience,
practice, and asking Allah for help. The postures of the prayer are important. For
example, in prostration the believer is closest he can be to Allah, and thus he should
feel this closeness and supplicate even more.
To reach a high level of concentration and humility in prayer requires constant work,
and struggle. There will be lows – but one should never give up the prayers (salah).
Remember! It connects you to your Creator. You don’t just pray while you feel it is
working for you and easy to do. Frequently, a new Muslim is overcharged with zeal
on accepting Islam, reading a lot, listening to tapes, surfing the web, talking to
friends, but after some time they burn out. It is at that critical moment when the real
test comes, one feels weak in faith and it is difficult to pray. Take some good advice
for those times, and keep on praying.
Prayer or Salat, helps us to get rid of sins; inclines us more and more towards God
and goodly things and so gradually purifies us. But this is not the end. Prayer does
much more than this. It brings man closer to his Creator. The worshipper tries to
imitate God in His most excellent attributes and is constantly transformed from a
lowly and worldly person to a highly noble and sublime servant of God. The Holy
Quran mentions this distinctive quality of Salat by saying:
o Recite that which has been revealed to thee of the Book, and observe Prayer. Surely,
Prayer restrains one from indecency and manifest evil, and remembrance of Allah
indeed is the greatest virtue. And Allah knows what you do. (29:46)
Salah involves the recitation of verses from the Quran and supplications, which can
serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for the individual to pursue positive
and productive activities. By constantly being in a state of remembrance of Allah
through Salah, the individual is able to remain mindful of their purpose in life and
seek Allah's guidance in all their endeavors. The Salat combines all forms and
degrees expressive of humility and submission. The worshippers stand in rows
and respectfully behind the Imam.
Salah daily can help in overcoming laziness and promoting productivity by providing
physical and spiritual energy, promoting self-discipline and responsibility, and
serving as a source of inspiration and motivation. Furthermore, Salah can help in
overcoming negative thoughts and emotions, such as stress, anxiety, and depression,
by promoting a sense of mindfulness and purpose in life. It can also provide a sense
of direction and guidance, helping the individual to align their actions with their
beliefs and values.
Therefore, Salah is not only a means of worship but also a powerful tool for
promoting self-discipline, self-control, and protection from harmful things.
Furthermore, the practice of Salah can also promote healthy habits, such as
maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful behaviors,
which can contribute to the overall health of the heart. Therefore, while Salah may
not be a substitute for medical treatment or lifestyle changes, it can certainly
contribute to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, which can help in
strengthening the heart both physically and spiritually.
In summary, Taqwa or God-consciousness is the state of being aware of Allah's
presence, living in accordance with His teachings, and striving to avoid anything that
displeases Him. It is an essential aspect of Islamic spirituality, guiding believers to
lead a righteous and mindful life.Salah holds numerous benefits and spiritual
rewards for those who engage in it with sincerity and devotion. It is a means of
establishing a direct connection with Allah SWT and deepening one's spiritual
Prayer helps man to realize his natural and instinctive aspirations to greatness and
high morality, to excellence and virtuous growth. Prayer purifies the heart and
develops the mind, cultivates the conscience and comforts the soul. Prayer fosters
the good and decent elements in man and suppresses the evil and indecent
inclinations. A Muslim has to perform Prayer five times a day. Each prayer is equally
important. Offer prayers regularly then Allah will shower His blessings on you.
According to the Holy Prophet(sa) Salat is the pinnacle of the spiritual life of the
believer. It is the highest form of Divine worship. The Holy Prophet (sa) is further
reported to have observed:
o Prayer brings the believer into communion with his Lord.
True humility can only be achieved by mentally concentrating on the attributes of
Allah. When His immense greatness dawns on someone, one has no choice but to be