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Basic verb conjugations- Present tense

Common Regular -Er Verbs in French
Here are the endings for regular -er verbs in French:
Je – e
Tu – es
Il/Elle – e
Nous – ons
Vous – ez
Ils/Elles – ent
Past Participle – é
Je parle (I talk)
Tu parles (you talk)
Il/elle parle (he/she talks)
Nous Parlons (we talk)
Vous parlez (you all talk)
Ils/elles parelnt (they talk)
To conjugate these verbs, remove the -er ending and add the appropriate ending for the subject of your
accepter – to accept
adorer – to adore
aimer – to like
annuler – to cancel
apporter – to bring
attraper – to catch
bavarder – to chat
casser – to break
chanter – to sing
chercher – to look for
commander – to order
commencer – to begin
couper – to cut
danser – to dance
demander – to ask
dessiner – to draw
détester – to hate, to detest
donner – to give
écouter – to listen to
emprunter – to borrow
enlever – to remove
étudier – to study
exprimer – to express
fermer – to close
gagner – to win, to earn
garder – to keep
goûter – to taste
habiter – to live
jouer – to play
laver – to wash
montrer – to show
oublier – to forget
parler – to speak, to talk
penser – to think
porter – to wear, to carry
présenter – to introduce
prêter – to lend
refuser – to refuse
regarder – to watch
rencontrer – to meet by chance
rester – to stay, to remain
rêver – to dream
saluer – to greet
sauter – to jump
sembler – to seem
skier – to ski
téléphoner – to telephone
tomber – to fall
travailler – to work
trouver – to find
utiliser – to use
visiter – to visit a place
voler – to fly
Common Regular -Ir Verbs in French
Here are the endings for regular -ir verbs in French:
Je – is
Tu – is
Il/Elle – it
Nous – issons
Vous – issez
Ils/Elles – issent
Past Participle – I
Je finis
Tu finis
Il/elle finit
Nous finissons
Vous finissez
Ils/elles finissent
To conjugate these regular -ir verbs, just remove the -ir ending and add the ending that fits the subject of
your sentence.
abolir – to abolish
acceuillir – to welcome
accomplir – to accomplish
affaiblir – to weaken
agir – to act
avertir – to warn
bâtir – to build
bénir – to bless
choisir – to choose
embellir – to make beautiful
envahir – to invade
établir – to establish
étourdir – to stun
finir – to finish
franchir – to clear an obstacle
grandir – to grow up
grossir – to gain weight
guérir – to cure
investir – to invest
maigrir – to lose weight
nourrir – to feed
obéir – to obey
punir – to punish
ralentir – to slow down
réfléchir – to reflect
remplir – to fill
réunir – to reunite
réussir – to succeed
rougir – to blush
saisir – to seize
vieillir – to grow old
Common Regular -Re Verbs in French
Here are the endings for regular -re verbs in French:
Je – s
Tu – s
Il/Elle –
Nous – ons
Vous – ez
Ils/Elles – ent
Past Participle – u
Eg: descendre ( to come down)
Je descends
Tu descends
Il/elle descend
Nous descendons
Vous descendez
Ils/elles descendent
These verbs are conjugated by removing the -re ending and adding the correct ending from the list above.
Please note that the il/elle forms of regular -re verbs don’t take an ending.
attendre – to wait for
défendre – to defend
dépendre – to depend on
descendre – to descend
détendre – to relax
entendre – to hear
étendre – to stretch
fendre – to split
fondre – to melt
mordre – to bite
pendre – to hang, to suspend
perdre – to lose
prétendre – to claim
rendre – to give back
répandre – to spread, to scatter
répondre – to answer
tendre – to tighten
vendre – to sell
The best way to learn and master these French verbs is to practice them every day. Try keeping a journal in
French about your day. You can also work on learning one new French verb each day and practice writing
sentences with it.
Bonne chance!