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1. His excellent achievement does __________ to his trainer.
A. Attention
B. praise
C. credit
D. merit
2. Helen does _________________ with a number of American companies, so she is
improving her English every day.
A. business
B. trade
C. work
D. collaboration
3. If you haven’t got a proper bandage, any strip of clean cotton or linen will _________.
A. Make
B. do
C. act
D. cause
4. The Profit Boss is sincerely courteous, taking a ___________ interest in whoever he
A. real
B. authentic
C. true
D. genuine
5. She is lovely and will do everything in her __________ to help you get an appointment
with Dr Ross.
A. power
B. strength
C. skill
D. talent
6. They were afraid of risking failure because they didn't want to lose ________.
A. Name
B. mask
C. face
D. look
7. You did me a good _______ by driving Max home last night.
A. Help
B. corner
C. aid
D. turn
8. His _________ name is Jonathan, but they've always called him 'Johnny'.
A. Authentic
B. real
C. true
D. fake
9. The ________ of the clock pointed to half past eight. It was time we put our children to
A. hands
B. sticks
C. fingers
D. wands
10. Words could never do ___________ to her beauty. I can’t take my eyes off her face.
A. justice
B. sight
C. expression
D. display
11. Why should I do all the _________ work while you sit around doing nothing?
A. Horse
B. donkey
C. pony
D. monkey
12. That new guy is great – he’s done ______________ for the company.
A. Shock
B. awe
C. wonders
D. surprises
13. It wasn't her fault, she was trying her __________ to help.
A. Best
B. most
C. great
D. least
14. I was recently divorced and feeling __________________.
A. Afraid of my own shadow
C. against the clock
B. Ahead of the pack
D. at a very low ebb
15. Whose brilliant idea was it to start the first ________ of our journey with a 4 AM flight?
A. Head
B. leg
C. hand
D. arm
16. Overindulging in alcohol will do ________ to your liver as well as your brain.
A. Damage
B. affliction
C. mischief
D. hardship
17. “Could you do me a __________ and buy me some milk while you're out?” - Brown said.
A. Benefit
B. gift
C. favor
D. service
18. He didn't feel completely ____________ in the strange surroundings.
A. At ease
B. under control
C. at edge
D. on end
19. Detectives are so far at a _________ to explain the reason for his death.
A. Failure
B. defeat
C. fall
D. loss
20. The next day Lisa did the ___________ of the whole city and went picnicking.
A. Views
B. sights
C. eyes
D. backgrounds
21. While monetary union has made great strides, economic union is __________________.
A. At a standstill
C. on the dole
B. Down at heel
D. under the knife
22. Jim was asked to do the _____________ during his best friend's wedding.
A. esteems
B. credits
C. honors
D. tributes
23. You don't have to do it perfectly. Just do it the _________ you can.
A. Fullest
B. best
C. most
D. first
24. Fluka is continuing to work to stay __________________ of knowledge in these areas.
A. At the beginning
C. in front of
B. At the forefront
D. under his thumb
25. If we miss the last train we have to _____________ home.
A. Break the ice
C. thumb a lift
B. Kick the bucket
D. call it quits
26. This sauce needs more flavor - I know, some lemon juice should/ought to do the
A. trick
B. tip
C. magic
D. wonder
27. I'm _________________. I don't know how to help him.
A. Out of my depth
C. on the safe side
B. at my wits' end
D. on the off-chance
28. It is easy to _____________ sight of your vehicle in blowing snow and become lost.
A. Save
B. catch
C. lose
D. face
29. She unpacked her suitcase and _____________ the beach.
A. Headed for
B. bore out
C. brought in
D. bumped into
30. Lily’s finding it difficult to ____________ the possibility of an early death.
A. Come up with
C. face up to
B. Stand in for
D. get along with
31. We don't like strangers who nose __________ our affairs.
A. Towards
B. between
C. behind
D. into
32. In this company you must ______________ if you want to keep your job.
A. toe the line
C. stand the pace
B. carry the can
D. take it easy
33. These findings are at _______ with what is going on in the rest of the country.
A. Odds
B. disparities
C. parties
D. dismissal
34. The celebration cost hundreds of pounds, and I wonder who's going to ______ the bill.
A. Face
B. kick
C. foot
D. drop
35. The party was so packed with people that I had to ____________ just to get to the
A. look back
B. elbow through
C. take after
D. lash out
36. Many women find their skin is at its _________ during pregnancy.
A. Leading
B. best
C. top
D. prime
37. Adolescents are most likely to get into trouble when they're at a ____________ end.
A. Loose
B. dead
C. free
D. clear
38. Teachers cannot be expected to ____________ all the blame for poor exam results.
A. Assert
B. deduce
C. suspect
D. shoulder
39. I've got to _________ it to you, the company has really turned a corner since you
started managing the accounts.
A. pass
B. hand
C. give
D. deliver
40. They do _______________ on Heat Island Effect and hope to make a contribution to
protect the environment.
A. study
B. research
C. inquest
D. test
41. Can I _______________ about how you got rid of those weeds?
A. pick your brain
C. hold a candle
B. cause a stir
D. have your chips
42. I had to put on a __________ face and try to show him that I wasn't worried.
A. Straight
B. fearless
C. brave
D. easy
43. I don't know how they'll react to our proposal, so we'll just have to play it by
__________ and hope for the best.
A. eye
B. nose
C. neck
D. ear
44. Ever since you lost your job, you have been looking very ________________.
A. down in the mouth
C. off the old book
B. on your last legs
D. out of your depth
45. Tom heard the objection of the proposal from the boss’s own ___________.
A. Mouth
B. lips
C. voice
D. tongue
46. I really _______________________ when I asked her about her job. I didn't know she had
just been fired.
A. added insult to injury
C. put my foot in it
B. kept at arm’s length
D. talked nineteen to the dozen
47. My research is at a ___________—every experiment I've tried so far has failed.
A. Dead end
B. close scrutiny
C. civil tongue
D. low profile
48. Barbara tried to _________________, but in the end she just couldn't help laughing.
A. Run a taut ship
C. tear a strip off
B. keep a straight face
D. make the right noises
49. The day I first ________________ America was a red-letter day for me.
A. set foot in
C. made mincemeat of
B. had a stitch on
D. got a move on
50. Rather than admit defeat, Franklin compromised in order to __________ face.
A. Keep
B. save
C. lose
D. ruin
51. News reporters often risk their _____________ working in war zones.
A. Brains
B. arms
C. necks
D. ears
52. With your _______________ signature and these two keys, you can open your box.
A. Genuine
B. authentic
C. true
D. factual
53. Aflatoxin may produce poisonous metabolizing substances, and _________ harm to
human's health.
A. Make
B. take
C. do
D. produce
54. The teachers are at ____________ with the students's on how much homework should
be set.
A. tenterhooks
B. loggerheads
C. auspices
D. accordance
55. I think the painter has produced a very __________ likeness.
A. true
B. real
C. factual
D. authentic
56. From the ___________ of a mountain peak, with the elevation changes are caused by
the scenery.
A. foot
B. heart
C. bottom
D. base
57. The oldest _______________ documents produced were all on paper and barely even a
hundred years old.
A. original
B. factual
C. genuine
D. authentic
58. Once upon a time the only crime in this ____________ of the woods was domestic.
A. waist
B. neck
C. ankle
D. arm
59. It is difficult to get to their house. There is no public transportation – they live
A. in the class of their own
C. in the back of beyond
B. off the top of their head
D. on their last legs
60. I didn't _______________ to tell her that her beautiful vase was broken.
A. have the heart
C. pass the buck
B. lend an ear
D. walk on eggshells
61. For a complete ____________ of scenery, take a ferry out to one of the nearby islands.
A. difference
B. shift
C. change
D. switch
62. I ________________ with him and yelled at him.
A. opened the kimono
D. got the sack
B. ate my words
D. lost my temper
63. Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a(n) ___________ character.
A. strong
B. active
C. brave
D. tough
64. I ________________ that fuel should be heavily taxed to reduce road use.
A. take a gander
C. get a move
B. take the view
D. give a hang
65. She can set the _____________ well but the drama remains offstage.
A. stage
B. scene
C. spot
D. view
66. That boy has quite a ____________. He needs to learn to control his emotions.
A. feeling
B. hatred
C. rage
D. temper
67. Ever since she was a little girl, Janet has _________________ on being a fighter pilot.
A. set her sights
C. given the slip
B. taken her cue
D. raised the roof
68. There was a _____________ of personalities in the office, but the leader could handle it.
A. crash
B. clash
C. clutter
D. battle
69. He thinks he would lose _________ if he admitted the mistake.
A. faith
B. sight
C. face
D. temper
70. It is with a ___________ heart that I bring you this bad news.
A. strong
B. heavy
C. bulky
D. massive
71. Being recognized in the street is part and parcel of being a _________________.
A. character
B. identity
C. personality
D. charisma
72. It's _________________ for Jake to dance wildly like that. He's usually so conservative.
A. out of character
C. up and about
B. in the offing
D. off the colour
73. Rather than __________ a scene , I kept quiet and climbed in the back.
A. do
B. take
C. make
D. set
74. Despite being a _________ character, Jim was not as famous as a stuntman.
A. major
B. minor
C. central
D. main
75. She was _________ no mood to display starry-eyed fascination, however much she
might feel it.
A. in
B. under
C. off
D. on
76. It was entirely _________ character for Rachel to put her baby first.
A. out of
B. behind
C. in
D. off
77. I left the house because I wasn't _______________ to listen to Maude's lessons.
A. in the mood
C. off the cuff
B. on the level
D. on my uppers
78. Let's see if we can't find something to set the __________. First things first; some music.
A. trend
B. air
C. mood
D. scene
79. The child remained under the table in a ____________ until his father came home.
A. temper
B. anger
C. spirit
D. fury
80. A significant exhibition of contemporary sculpture will be ___________ at the Portland
A. On ice
B. at stake
C. in advance
D. on view
81. They bought the building ______________ to converting it into holiday homes.
A. with a view
C. on no account
B. as a reference
D. on the contrary
82. Sorry to ________________ of this project but the contractor was awful to work with last
A. make a killing
C. take a dim view
B. take the floor
D. open old wounds
83. John __________________ out and told the boss what we thought of him.
A. stuck his neck
C. carried the torch
B. saved his bacon
D. made the cut
84. The students were able to go behind the ___________ to see how programmes are
A. Backgrounds
B. stages
C. scenes
D. theaters
85. Many farmers are viewing the rise in rabbit numbers __________ concern.
A. For
B. with
C. by
D. in
86. Just as she went out of ___________,, he remembered he hadn’t given her his number.
A. line
B. view
C. eye
D. sight
87. I know Mr Brown ____________ but we have never spoken.
A. By sight
B. on ice
C. in essence
D. under par
88. The argument happened on stage in _____________ view of the audience.
A. Good
B. full
C. large
D. entire
89. This weekend's talks between the two leaders have ____________ for a peace
agreement to be reached.
A. learnt the ropes
C. scratched the surface
B. hit the hay
D. set the scene
90. After the play had finished, we lingered for a while in the bar hoping to ___________ of
the actors.
A. catch sight
B. talk shop
C. take advantage D. make headway
91. Nobody was _____________ when he looked back from the bend in the path.
A. Out of sorts
C. at odds
B. in sight
D. at stake
92. It was scheduled to pass through the most spectacular ___________ on its route in the
A. scenery
B. scene
C. image
D. landscape
93. Easier divorce makes ending an unsatisfactory marriage a(n) __________ possibility.
A. True
B. actual
C. real
D. live
94. After living in London, this little town seems like the back of __________.
A. Nowhere
B. beyond
C. between
D. behind
95. Paul looks _________________ because she failed in the attempt.
A. On the up and up
C. up in the air
B. Out like a light
D. down in the mouth
96. I was going to tell them I couldn't come to dinner because of a prior engagement, but
I knew that wouldn't _________.
A. meet
B. make
C. do
D. take
97. I would take you if I could, but I don't have a car _______________ this week.
A. at my disposal
C. under my thumb
B. off the record
D. in the offing
98. The waves of sound ________________ in helping people relax, especially after exercise.
A. Pass muster
B. pick holes
C. do miracles
D. take cover
99. Scientists are seeking the most reasonable diet which will ____________ to their health.
A. do good
B. get cracking
C. split hairs
D. shed light
100. The public security office is pursuing the suspect of the crime, who is at __________.
A. Full
B. large
C. broad
D. wide