In [10]: class BOX: #BOX needs to have the same capitalization as in the next cell """A BOX object class. Has a name and a list of contents. Attributes: name (str): the name of the backpack's owner. contents (list): the contents of the backpack. """ def __init__(self, company, headquarters, address): """Set the name and initialize an empty list of contents. Parameters: name (str): the name of the backpack's owner. """ = company # Initialize some attributes. self.address = address # Initialize some attributes. self.headquarters = headquarters # HEADQUARTERS WAS NOT INITIALIZED self.contents = [] def place(self, item): """Add 'item' to the box's list of contents.""" self.contents.append(item) # Use 'self.contents', not just 'contents'. def remove(self, item): """Remove 'item' from the box's list of contents.""" self.contents.remove(item) In [11]: Package = BOX("Apple Inc.","Cupertino, CA","1 Infinite Loop Cupertino") print(,Package.headquarters,Package.address) # Add some items to the BOX object."Macbook Pro") #Put should be changed place"iPhone") # Remove an item from the Package. Package.remove("iPhone") #Take should be changed to remove Package.contents print("A package with", Package.contents, "is delievered to", Apple Inc. Cupertino, CA 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino A package with ['Macbook Pro'] is delievered to Apple Inc. In [ ]: