8 ACQUIRING A JAGUAR BODY You Learned: • • • • • • • ABOU T FINDING OU T W H O WE AR E B ECO MI N G AS A SP ECI ES, 10000 Y EARS FROM NOW ABOU T BECOMING A TI ME MAST ER AN D B R EAKI N G F R EE F R O M THE GRIP OF TIME ABOU T S TEPPING INTO SACR ED T I ME ABOU T THE 5 TH EXTINC T I O N EV EN T I N T H E EAR T H ’ S H I STO RY THAT DREAM TIME IS A D I F F ER EN T KI N D O F T I ME ABOU T JAGU A R A ND HU MMI N G B I R D T I ME THE NATU RE OF THE JAG U AR B O DY The task of humans is to find out who we are becoming 10000 years into the future, bring it back and become that now.We can free ourselves from being bound to repeating the same mistakes from the past over and over again and becoming slaves to the past. The church persecuted the master shamans because they had a mythology incompatible with a religion that said we can only recover our essential nature at the end of time. They understood that time did not go in one direction only, but that it is possible to go back to the past to change things right now by fixing the past and breaking free of the arrow of time. Shamans knew there were multiple dimensions of time, and that when we step into sacred time, we can cocreate with spirit. The future informs us all the time and summons us, through synchronicities, to take a quantum leap into the future. We can also heal the present by selecting a different future. The fifth extinction event has been happening for about 10 years – this is an opportunity for us to find a future where humanity can survive and bring it to the present. With ordinary time, evolution is a step-by-step process. Today, evolution follows the laws of quantum physics and is called quantum speciation. Instead of evolution occurring over thousands of years, it happens within generations to create bodies that age and die differently and allows us to taste infinity today. At the level of hummingbird, you are in sacred time, you begin to step into timelessness and the sweetness of drinking only from nectar. Hummingbirds are the great travelers – they go on the great journey and inspire us to take the journey beyond death to master time. Jaguar is the master of the journey beyond death. The jaguar body is the one that steps beyond death into timelessness and infinity, into the quantum field. 9 Exercise: REFLECTION How did you find this 3-day online training? What are the points that most resonated with you and why? What did you find surprising? Are there any other questions that arose during the training that you wish to explore further? Note down any thoughts, feelings and anything else that is on your mind. After some reflection, we invite you to carry on the exploration of the shaman’s concept of time whether that is on your own or by joining our complete 5-week course that allows you to dive deeper into the subject of time, the nature of consciosness, infinity and much more. THANK YOU Thank you for taking part in this online training! If you’ve enjoyed what you learned thus far, I invite you to join me in a 5-week exploration of time through the shaman’s prespective. Are you ready to become a Time Master? With you on your journey, 10