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Paper Recycling Machine Design: Reducing Waste in Education

Chapter I
Waste management and the enormous amount of materials without proper disposal
became a common problem in every country. One good example of this is the excessive use of
papers in teaching institutions like schools and colleges. Most of the used papers go to waste and
become useless because they are just usually burnt and thrown away. To maximize its usage,
proper recycling can be a good way to utilize it fully. Mainly, the concept of this project is to
help in the reduction of paper wastage in the educational institutions and recycle them through
the use of a paper recycling machine.
Papers are usually made of materials obtained mainly from plants and trees which are
renewable resources but the time span for its growth takes a while. A tree takes at least 10-20
years to fully grow depending on its kind, take for example; a 45ft tree can produce around
10,000 sheets of paper. About 14% of deforestation is done to supply our needs in paper.
Imagine the number of trees that are taken down just to create this certain amount of paper. If
used paper is not recycled properly, the possibility of more trees being cut down for paper could
grow rapidly.
Deforestation in the Philippines causes flood, landslides and global warming. Forest
Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources said, that the
country loses about 47,000 hectares of forest cover every year, but in 2010, the percentage of
forest cover went down by 4.6 percent with an estimated of 6.8 million hectares from the 7.2
million in 2003, thus, recycling paper will help in dropping the rate of deforestation percentage
in the country. It also minimizes the possibility of a natural disaster to happen. In Metro Manila,
approximately 720 tons per day are recycled or composted out of 6700 tons of wastes generated
per day.
Paper is essential to us, but the amount of waste paper produced in the Philippines is
about 1 million ton every year. The production of paper is decreasing due to deforestation and
other environmental issues. Another is waste management; we can reduce the waste and create
new products such as recycled paper. Recycling paper may contribute to lessen methane and
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When paper disintegrates anaerobically in landfills, it may
produce methane. Many models of paper recycling machines have different kinds of mechanisms
and technicalities. Recycling of waste paper is beneficial not only from an economic point of
view but also for the protection of the environment.
Background of the study
Paper is a thin sheet of material made from wood pulp or other fibrous substances that
can be used for writing, drawing, printing, or wrapping. The mass production of paper resulted to
the development of writing as a means of passing down information through ages.
Scarcity of raw material is a serious issue in the paper production sector. The principal
raw element, wood, is quite valuable. The industry’s concern for the environment resulted in
concentrating their efforts to reduce wastage of raw material. Waste paper as a raw material are
shredded used papers from which the fibers come from. These fibers are then used in the
recycling process to create pulp.
Papers are commonly made from the woods of trees. Pulp, which is the main ingredient
in the paper-making process, can be yielded by separating cellulose from the trees through
chemical or mechanical process. The amount of paper waste produced in the Philippines keeps
on increasing in the succeeding years. Large amounts of papers are used every day. Most of them
are treated as useless and they are thrown away after use, which sometimes causes environmental
pollution. Hence, making a recycling machine will reduce the paper waste in the coming year
and also help to lessen deforestation.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study
Garnered data
regarding the
paper wastage
in the CEAMechanical
Creating a
design of paper
machine with
the use of
design of a
machine that
can be used as
a layout in
Note: This figure shows the conceptual framework of the study wherein the input is the data of
paper wastage in the mechanical engineering department of Don Honorio Ventura State
University. Computer software was used in creating and designing of the machine. The
researcher’s objective is to obtain and design a viable machine for the production of recycling
Statement of the Problem
Dumping paper has a lot of various effects. In the Philippines, it was projected to surpass 2
million tons of paper consumption at the current consumption level. This is about 19 kilograms
of paper waste per person in the Philippines. By recycling used paper, the negative effects of
used paper in the environment will definitely be reduced.
Specifically, this study aims to provide solutions to the problems with paper wastage and
its effects as stated below:
1) The environmental effects of excessive usage of paper that resulted to a lot of natural
2) The need to recycle used papers and to reduce the amount of wastage.
3) As for affordability, the challenge of designing a machine that is less in cost without
putting aside its capability.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective
The study aims to produce a feasible design of a paper recycling machine that is intended
to achieve specific objectives.
Specific Objectives
The specific objectives are as follows:
1) To achieve a design that is not complex to operate and at low cost.
2) To propose a viable design that can be used as a basis for fabrication.
3) To be of help in the reduction of paper wastage in the mechanical engineering
Significance of the Study
The generalization of this study would be a great contribution to the environmental
health, and the vital results of this research could be highly significant and beneficial especially
to the following:
a. Students. In this study, the students will benefit because the paper they already
used can be utilized again after the recycling process.
b. School Employees. The findings of this study will reduce the cost of money they
spend on paper items.
c. Future Researchers. This study may serve as a guide and reference for their
research project.
d. Environment Institutions. The outcome of this study will definitely be helpful
for the environment because it reduces greenhouse gas emission and using
recycled paper conserves natural energy.
e. Entrepreneurs. It will benefit those entrepreneurs who are launching business
that employs paper products and has a limited budget.
The study will be able to develop a machine design from a manual sketch and convert it
to a digital design. The proposed machine design will be beneficial to the Mechanical
Engineering department in minimizing paper waste in the vicinity as well as reducing paperrelated concerns in the environment.
Scope and Delimitation
In general, the focus of this study is to design a paper recycling machine that will help in
reducing the paper waste in Don Honorio Ventura State University.
Recycling is the act of gathering and processing items that would otherwise be discarded
as waste and transforming them into new goods. The community and the environment may both
benefit from recycling.
The proposed paper recycling machine is designed solely for the possible production of
recycled paper.
Most of the paper recycling designs and prototypes uses heating elements for drying
while this paper proposes the usage of natural heat from the sun also known as sun drying. This
method is suggested by the researchers for cost cutting since the design is intended for the usage
of an educational institution. Therefore, the produced paper needs to be dried manually.
Since this paper is only a proposed design for fabrication, the flaw and properties
associated with the output which is the recycled paper is not related with the study.
Definitions of terms
Cellulose – an insoluble substance which is the main constituent of plant cell walls and of
vegetable fibers such as cotton. It is a polyacrylamide consisting of chains of glucose monomers.
Deforestation – Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land.
Fibrous – consisting of or characterized by fibers.
Methane – a colorless, odorless flammable gas which is the main constituent of natural gas. It is
the simplest member of the alkane series of hydrocarbons.
Paper Wastage – paper discarded as used, superfluous, or not fit for use.
Pulp – obtained by chemically or mechanically separating cellulose from the trees
Renewable Resources – A renewable resource, also known as a flow resource, is a natural
resource which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either
through natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human
time scale.
Scarcity – the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.
Utilize – make practical and effective use of.
Chapter II
Review of Related Studies
Conceptual Literature
Teaching institutions usually produce large quantities of waste paper. Recycling the
waste paper is possible and it will be an effective way to reduce paper wastage. This act can help
in the protection of the environment and also with the cost saving of the institution. Creating and
designing a paper recycling unit that can be used in schools and colleges can ensure a low cost
production of paper products. (Pillai, A., et al. 2020)
Paper recycling is a good alternative to make good use of cast-off paper. The quality and
quantity of used paper may vary when we are taking the output into consideration. Recycled
paper is described as a paper that is partially or entirely made up of recycled fibers. Some
products that use recycled fiber as raw material are tissue, newspaper, and paperboard. Paper
waste is deposited in a pulper, a large tank that agitates with huge amount of water to release the
paper fibers from the paper web and breaks it down to slurry. Pulping is the process of treating
wood or other plants to obtain the primary raw material used in the production of paper.
According to Princeton University, the process aims to remove as much lignin (an organic
compound that binds the cells, fibers, and vessels that make up wood) as possible without
reducing fiber strength, thus releasing the fibers( Mombeyarara P., et al. 2017).
The fabricated machine has six components consisted of disc refiner, hydro pulper, head
box, conveyor, driers and the rollers. The disc refiner has a three main parts, a hopper for
charging the pulp slurry, a screw type conveyor that move the slurry to the treating element
blade. The hydro pulper is an open cylindrical tank that has rotating blade to stir the slurry and
separate the fibers. The head box is used to ensure that the flow of the slurry is at constant
velocity. The conveyor has three purposes, to assist the sheet through the process, for effective
water removal, and a texture cushion for passing moist sheet without crushing or significant
marking. The drier consist of two hollow cylinder designed in a form of roller, it dries up and
compresses the paper at the same time. From the result of an experimental analysis, the
fabricated machine can produce 7.6 kg of paper from a 10 kg of used paper. (Olutoye, M. 2005)
There are steps of how to recycle used paper like; waste paper collection: this is to collect
the used paper, classification of paper: there are various types of paper so we need to classify the
paper based on their appearance or texture, shredding and pulping: after sorting, we need to
shred the paper to turn it into small bits to make a new one. And after it is shredded, water is
added along with other chemicals to breakdown and to smoothen the paper, deinking and
straining of paper: deinking is one of the most important procedures of making paper again.
While doing the pulping of the paper other chemicals are added to create new paper because
deinking removes the ink from the used paper and it will create new recycled paper. Straining is
to remove the excess water and chemicals from the paper that is being recycled. Lastly is paper
making: the drained pulp of paper is entering a machine to produce new one. (Bhuvenawary et
al. 2020)
Another similar study was conducted in an international journal Scientific & Engineering
Research; the methodology and design unit is discussed. The paper showed the process of
recycling paper into new one. First the waste paper undergo to pulping, a process where waste
paper is mixed with water, binder, deinking and whitening agent. The pulper agitates the mixture
to separate the fiber from each other and create a thin solution of paper pulp. After the paper pulp
was formed it will flow down through a valve on the felt conveyor to form its shape. The
conveyor moves through a set of rollers to press the pulp and remove excess water. The last step
is drying, after the formation of the sheet the conveyor moves to heated roller and blower, where
it evaporates the water and dries the sheet. (Edlabadkar,A., et al. 2021)
Research Literature
Paper production was not originally meant for widespread use, but it evolved into a
process that produces billions of tons of paper and also uses a lot of wood which leads us to
another global issue: deforestation. Wood is one of the most essential raw materials, with
numerous applications in various sectors. (Hagiopol C., Johnston J., 2011)
It is worth noting that due to the amount of non-recyclable or non-collectable paper such
as cigarette paper, wallpaper, tissue paper, and archive papers, the recycling potential is
substantially lower than the amount of paper consumed. According to several studies, these
paper grades account for 15–20 percent of overall paper usage (Ervasti, I., et al., 2016).
Many recent studies have focused on the problem of paper consumption. A study at the
University of Porto, Portugal aims to assess the paper consumption at six higher education
schools. An environmental assessment concentrating on paper consumption used to photocopy
and print in six higher education schools in Porto is part of this project. There are three main
institutions selected from the University of Porto, i.e., the Faculty of Sports (FADEUP), the
Faculty of Engineering (FEUP), and the Faculty of Humanities (FLUP). Throughout the
literature, from 2008 to 2009, data was gathered and evaluated from all of the institutes indicated
above. An indicator representing the annual number of paper sheets utilized per person was
determined for each institution. The data covers the number of students, teachers, and personnel
at the institution, as well as the number of paper sheets used in photocopiers and printing
equipment. For two years, the findings enable conclusions to be drawn correlated to the changes
in consumption and for each institution. In the year 2008-2009, the Faculty of Engineering
(FEUP) has a population ranging from 7022 students. The study stated that the beginning of the
academic year (September) and the beginning of the assessment periods have been reported to
have higher consumption than all other months (January to June). However, the total paper
consumption increased in 2009 for the analyzed institutions that were further observed, the
FEUP spiked its rating by 19% in that said year. Through correlation, the Faculty of Engineering
(FEUP) is the largest consumer of paper sheets. In 2008, 5.5 million paper sheets were
consumed, while in 2009, the consumption doubled to 7 million sheets. (Campos et al. 2011)
According to a foreign study, there is around 35 percent of tress that are being cut down
to produce paper. Trees are renewable resources but regardless, a huge number of trees are still at
stake just to make sheets of paper. And it can greatly affect our environment. To prevent the
excessive cutting down of trees, recycling the used papers can be an alternative. (Bhuvanewary,
et al, 2020).
Designing and producing a recycling machine within an institution that produces huge
number of paper wastage comes handy in cost saving. The amount of work to transport collated
papers continuously may result in lack of storage place, capital loss and usually requires human
work. A paper recycling machine can be of good use in a teaching institution as a replacement
for human effort in transporting and processing the used papers. Proposing a machine design that
can process papers for recycling is highly suggested to reduce cost and lessen the manual work.
(Premkumar, et al, 2020).
Relevance to the Present Study
As one of the developing countries, proper waste management became one of the major
problems in the Philippines these past decades. There are certain actions made by government to
address the problems related to waste management and it involves proper implementation of
laws, campaigns that promotes awareness with proper management of wastages and recycling.
(Atienza, V. 2011.)
According to the written Philippine constitution Republic Act No. 9003 also known as
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 an act providing for an ecological solid waste
management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring
certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefore, and for other
SECTION 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be known as the ―Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000.‖
Ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of
solid waste through the formulation and adoption of the best environmental practice in ecological
waste management excluding incineration;
Strengthen the integration of ecological solid waste management and resource
conservation and recovery topics into the academic curricula of formal and non-formal education
in order to promote environmental awareness and action among the citizenry.
Ecological solid waste management shall refer to the systematic administration of
activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated transportation, storage, transfer,
processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities
which do not harm the environment.
One of the essential building blocks of our society is also known as paper, but today as
we rely on our technology such as phones, laptops, and tablets we start to take for granted the
contribution of paper in our society. Paper is a common material that we use in our everyday life;
most of the products in our house are made up from paper such as books, newspaper, furniture,
containers, etc. Paper industry here in the Philippines comprises 39 local recycling mills, 6 abaca
pulp mills and 1 integrated paper mill located in Surigao which has the resources required to
transform a pulp into a paper. The supply of continuous waste papers is the main reason that
recycling paper mills still operate on a day-to-day basis. Local mills provide a high quality of
paper for a reasonable price as they also serve the needs of allied and related industries. The
demand in paper is in line with the growing school populations, and economic growth. Based on
the reports, the annual capital consumption of paper here in the Philippines is 13 kg as compared
to the world's average of 43 kg. According to Republic Act 9003 - Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act, local governments are required to:(1) establish city level solid waste
management boards,(2) develop and implement 10-year solid waste management plans; and (3)
serve as members on the Metro Manila Board. Recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, glass,
metals, and some biodegradable materials are mainly from the households, and other
establishments. Most households in the Philippines do not segregate the waste materials in
classification; this is one of the main reasons why few waste papers are being recovered. Lower
class household are not aware of the benefit of the recycling paper. Most of them dispose their
waste paper along with other solid materials.
In addition to that business establishments also do not practice the proper waste
management. The long-standing societal problems of our country Philippines, has been tackled
by many over the years. Upon scrutinizing the issue of pollution, hence the waste paper floats. In
totality of Municipal solid waste, a whopping nineteen percent (19%) is from paper. And paper
being the second leading contributor of solid waste next to kitchen waste. This is after the fact
that Philippine paper industry stays as the larger net importer of waste paper products as its
number one raw material. Then the great question is why does not the local pulp and paper
industry obtain all of its raw materials from local sources? Unfortunately, present paper recycling
activities and infrastructure experiences low production of pulp as needed by local pulp and
paper industry. Providing the requirements for the paper production has been the dilemma for the
local pulp and paper industry (Parayno, Busmente, 2004).
Chapter III
Project Research Design
The researchers used a descriptive and experimental research design to tackle the
research problems. A descriptive research design is purely used on a theoretical basis in which
the researchers will gather, analyze and present the data in an understandable manner.
Experimental research design was utilized by the researchers to follow a scientific research
design; this involves an attempt to prove a credible design by scientific means.
In this study, the methods were utilized to design a realistic machine that may be able to
help with one of the most recurring global issues; paper waste.
Figure 2.
Field of Study © www.googlemaps.com
This was accomplished by compiling data such as the ingredients needed to make a
paper, the design of the other author/s, and the amount of paper waste generated by the
mechanical engineering students from Don Honorio Ventura State University's College of
Engineering and Architecture department. There is also a variable that is manipulated in the
study which is the paper-water mixture to obtain actual scientific data.
Project Development
The gathered data guides the researchers to extensively design a machine for the future
research. The design will be proposed to the mechanical engineering department, thus in the
future, the design will contribute to the paper waste management of the area. Furthermore, the
researchers also aim to aid the long standing problem about the greenhouse gas emission due to
improper burning of paper waste.
In this study, making recycled paper with the design conserves natural energy that does
not harm or pollute the environment. The design criteria will be evaluated to see if it is capable
of performing its role, as well as being cost-effective and simple to use. The researchers will be
conducting consultations among school professors, School Engineers and the Mechanical
Engineering Department of Don Honorio Ventura state University. With the success of this
project, the researchers would also gain the interest of other institutes and even entrepreneurs
who own businesses that consumes large amount of paper products.
Figure 2-1
Field of Study
The researchers will base on the current and past status of studies online. After the
consultation about the design, the researchers will fix and analyze on how to improve the project
that will be based on the given statements by the experts. The researcher will also assess the
design to see if it meets the criteria so that it can be developed further.
Operation Procedure
This part of the paper discusses the projected procedure of the machine. After going
through the design process, the researchers provided the function of each component in the
machine. The operation procedure stated below is the expected manner on how the machine will
work if prototyped.
The raw material collected will be shredded then soak in water before putting
it in the tank.
The paper-water mixture will then be added in the cylindrical tank with a
blade to mince the paper with water until the mixture reached the expected
Once the process is done from the tank, the mixed materials will pass into the
valve that is manually unfastened by the operator to regulate and flow the
mixture in the conveyor belt.
The conveyor belt will lead the mixed materials to move into a rolling pin to
press the paper and remove most of its water content. The design has a
pathway for the excess water from the mixture.
The pressed materials then will go through the process of sun drying.
The process of producing the desired output is approximately 30 minutes from putting the
paper-water mixture in the tank to sun drying process. Since the mincing of paper-water mixture
will take 5 minutes, the remaining time will be based on how the operator will use it in
production process. Based on the researchers experiment, the sun drying process will consume 510 minutes.
Instrument and Technique Used
The instrument used to gather the needed data for the research was based on the
researcher's discoveries, gathered data, previous studies, applicable thesis, related literature, and
experimentations. In the construction of the technique used, good data collection will assist the
result to gain greater product.
The tool used for making recycled paper was made by the researchers and based on a
usual recycling paper machine. Observing existing professional recordings provided some
perspectives on the topic or research. In that case, the collected data and knowledge are
combined to create the study. The research instrument consists of planning and analyzing to
obtain an understanding of how to recycle paper and building a machine, which reflects on the
preference of designing the machine. Additionally, the instrument was confirmed by an adviser
before it was laid on to the study.
The researchers conducted a simple density experiment in order to yield data in the
density of the paper-water mixture. The researchers weighted 2 liters or 0.002 m 3 amount of the
mixture for the researchers to be able to compute for the density and the maximum capacity of
the tank in kilograms as shown below:
Figure 3. Density of the Paper-Water Mixture
Density of mixed materials
m = mass of mixture
v = volume of mixture
ρ = 1050
1050 kg/m3 =
m = 135.765 kg
Modelling and Working Drawings
After conceptualizing, the researchers proceeded in the development of the design. For
better visualization of the output, the design software Sketchup and AutoCAD was used. The
researchers provided a rendered design to ideate how the machine will look like if prototyped.
Figure 4-1
Paper Recycling Machine
1/12 in
Figure 4-2
Paper Recycling Machine Dimensions
1/12 in
DWG - 2
Figure 4-3
Right, Left and Top View (Assembly Design)
1/12 in
DWG - 3
Figure 4-4
Front and Back View (Conceptual Drawing)
1/12 in
DWG - 4
Figure 4-5
Front and Back View (Assembly Design)
1/12 in
DWG - 5
Figure 4-6
Tank, Shaft and Conveyor
1/12 in
DWG - 6
Figure 4-7
Cross Section of the Tank
1/12 in
DWG - 6
Material Selection
After designing and rendering the machine, the researchers proceeded in the process of
selecting materials that will be compatible in the output design. The material selections were
based on the specifications of each component. The properties of stainless steel are suitable for
the design since it is resistant in corrosion which is crucial because of the presence of water in
the process of mixing the paper-water mixture. The selections were also based on the
accessibility and availability of the material in a local setup. The costs of the materials projected
to be used were also taken into consideration to lessen the expenses since the design was
intended for practical use.
Frame Support Structure
It is composed of frames or structure to form a weight supporting system without the use
of other load bearing material such as fabrics and other pliable material.
Projected Material to be Use
6061 Aluminum Alloy
Alloys like; 6061 Aluminum Alloy is a combination of pure metal with two or more other
metallic components to form a hybrid substance. The new alloy combines the qualities of each
element to create a stronger, more durable, and more flexible metal that is ideal for a certain use.
The new alloy is distinct, and its constituent parts cannot be separated physically. Aluminum,
when alloyed with other metals, becomes nearly as strong as steel.
Offers excellent corrosion resistance and weld-ability
Can withstand an ultimate tensile strength of at least 290 MPa and yield strength of at
least 241 MPa.
6061 Aluminum Alloy is easier to work than other alloys and stays corrosion resistant
even when the surface is abraded
Is suitable for medium to high strength requirements
Has good toughness, making it one of the most adaptive heat-treated alloys available
Table 1-1
Specification of Frame Support Structure
6061 General Purpose Aluminum
Square tube
Grade Rating
4 mm
PHP 1439.004
Table 2-1
Specification for the Project (Frame Support Structure)
6061 Aluminum Alloy
Square tube
Grade Rating
3 mm
Alternating Current Motor (AC Motor)
AC motors are the common type of motor, like the majority of practical motors used in
everyday industrial applications (as well as hobbyist projects, domestic goods, and a variety of
other professional equipment and consumer products); provide a relatively efficient method of
producing mechanical energy from a simple electrical input signal.
One of the most used motor is the universal motor. This motor is used in agitator with an
output of 745 watts and a 1440 rpm is the projected specification of the motor. This specification
was also used in the study of Design of Waste Paper Recycling Machine (Aparebo E.M., 2016).
Has simple design that results in extreme reliability and low maintenance operation.
Generates less noise and vibration
High durability and long lifespan
Can distribute and maintain even amount of power throughout the operation
Table 1-2
Specification of the Alternating Current Motor
Rated Voltage
220 V
1440 rpm
Output Power
745 watts
Body Material
Sheet Body
PHP 3560.00
Table 2-2
Specification for the Project (Motor of the Conveyor Belt)
Rated Voltage
220 V
30 rpm
Output Power
28 Watts
PHP 1079.00
The alternating current motor used in the design for the conveyor belt has a reduction
gearbox to control the output in the speed of the motor.
Projected Material to be Use for the Tank, Chain & Sprocket Drive, Driveshaft and
Stainless Steel 304
Stainless steel 304 is typically used because it is cheaper and mildly corrosive proficiency
to the environment and chemicals. It is composed of 18-20% of chromium, 8 to 11% nickel, and
2% manganese. This grade is commonly used because it has sufficient ability to prevent
corrosion in every aspect. Furthermore, it is more inexpensive than using other grades.
Possessing a great austenitic metallurgical structure gives this grade versatility and is well-suited
for establishing a wide variety of products.
The pitched blade consist of two blades will be enough to mince the paper-water mixture
since the paper was first soaked in the water before putting in the tank. Since the pitched blade
will be fabricated through stainless steel 304, this material has good toughness and also suitable
for high strength requirements. Hence, the two 45 degree pitched blade will able to mince the
paper-water mixture.
Has superior corrosive resistance than other treated steel, can withstand almost any
corrosive environment such as underwater, acidic, alkali and/or etc.
Has good oxidation resistance in temperature 870 0C in occasional use and temperature
925 0C in continuous use.
Has little to no magnetism, can be slightly magnetic due to operation in low temperature.
Cost effective.
Single-walled Stainless Steel Tank
Tanks are used by industrial manufacturers for handling and preserving chemicals and
gases that requires strong resistance from chemical degradation. Tanks with stainless steel
specifications are highly customizable, and various types and features can be integrated to
administer the desired application.
Table 1-3
Specification of the Single Walled Tank
1219mm x 2438.4mm
Stainless Steel Tank
Steel Grade
Stainless Steel 304
Tank type
Single- Walled tank
PHP 6994.00 per sheet
Chain and Sprocket Drive
Despite being a hundreds of years it is still one of the most typical drive systems usually
used for a bicycle and motorcycles. This is used for power transmission in which the roller chain
interconnects with two or more toothed wheel or sprocket.
Table 1-4
Specification of the Chain Drive
18-8 Stainless Steel
Roller Chain
3.7465-76.20 mm
Roller Diameter
2.285-47.63 mm
Inner Width of Inner Link
1.83-47.63 mm
PHP 242.18
Table 1-5
Specification of the Sprocket Drive
Stainless Steel 304
Number of Teeth
34-64 mm
9.525 mm
Teeth Width
5 mm
PHP 864.00- PHP 1433.00
Table 2-3
Specification for the Project (Chain Drive)
18-8 Stainless Steel / Stainless Steel 304
Roller Chain
9.525 mm
Roller Diameter
5.08 mm
Inner Width of Inner Link
4.78 mm
Table 2-4
Specification for the Project (Sprocket Drive)
Stainless Steel 304
60 mm and 120 mm
9.525 mm
Teeth Width
4.78 mm
The driveshaft is used to transfer torque between components that cannot be directly
linked due to distance or the need for relative motion.
Specification Available on the Market:
Table 1-6
Specification of the Driveshaft
Stainless Steel 304
PHP 1518.02
Table 2-5
Specification for the Project (Driveshaft)
It was created by angling the blades to promote axial flow rather than radial flow that
improve the efficiency of mixing. The impeller axial to radial flow ratio can be modified for the
individual process depending on the angle of the blade pitch. When increased power and
turbulence are required, such as powder inclusion, heat transmission, and quick mixing, the 45
degree pitched-blade is most commonly and efficiently used in blending and dispersion
Table 1-7
Specification of the Pitched-Blade
Stainless Steel 304
PHP 2,199.00
Table 2-6
Specification for the Project (Pitched-Blade)
Stainless Steel 304
Pitched Blade Angle
No. of Blade
Conveyor Belt
The function of a conveyor belt is to carry the finished raw materials quickly from point
A to point B. The conveyor belt will be used to transport the mixed materials then pass through
for cutting process that will be manually done by the operator.
Projected Material to be Use
Nonstick Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Teflon Coated Fiberglass Seamless Fusing
Belt. Polytetrafluoroethylene Coated conveyor belt prevents products getting stuck. If products
do not get stuck on the conveyor belt, they can be transported evenly and swiftly from point A to
Point B, which enhances the production process.
Super smooth, non-stick
Non porous surface for durability
High abrasion resistant
Extremely flexible and resistant to cracking
Oil & Grease Resistant
Available up to 1500 mm wide to suit all applications
Nonstick Polytetrafluoroethylene Teflon Coated Fiberglass Seamless Fusing Belt is
available worldwide and for customization.
Table 1-8
Specification of the Conveyor Belt
Polytetrafluoroethylene /Teflon
PHP 524.00 per square meter
Table 2-7
Specification for the Project (Conveyor)
406.4 mm
Rolling Pin
This part used to shape and flatten the mixture that is travelling through the conveyor belt
before entering the press section or the rolling pin. It helps the mixture to flatten and minimize
the thickness before the sun drying process, this press section also used to reduce water content
from the mixture after compressing it.
Projected Material to be Use:
Polytetrafluoroethylene roller helps to lessen the problems that are present in paper making
industries specially in the sticking issues in pressing of the paper mixture.
Non-stick, low friction
Non wetting
Outstanding corrosion protection
Resistance to weathering
High thermal stability and flame resistance
Wide range of service temperature
Table 1-9
Specification of the Rolling Pin
10 mm Id - 50 mm Od
127 mm - 635 mm
Roller Material
Polytetrafluoroethylene / Teflon
Shaft Material
Stainless Steel
PHP 302.58
Table 2-8
Specification for the Project (Rolling Pin)
50 mm
355 mm
Roller Material
Polytetrafluoroethylene / Teflon
Shaft Material
Stainless Steel
Table 3
Material Costing
Unit Price
No. of Pieces
Square Tube
AC motor (Tank)
₱ 3,560
AC Motor ( conveyor)
Stainless Sheet
₱ 6,994
₱ 6,994
Chain Drive set
₱ 242.18
₱ 242.18
Sprocket Drive
₱ 1,433
₱ 1,433
₱ 1,518.02
₱ 1,518.02
Pitch Blade
₱ 2,199.00
Conveyor Belt
₱ 524
₱ 860.36
Rolling Pin
₱ 302.58
₱ 302.58
Total Cost
Table 4
Fabrication Cost
Rate per
No. of Days
Total Cost
Assistant Welder
₱ 450.00
₱ 5,550.00
Total Cost
Table 5
Total Cost in Fabricating the Machine
Total Cost of Materials
Fabrication Cost
₱ 5,550.00
Total Cost
Chapter IV
Results and Discussion
This chapter discusses the analysis and the purpose of the study: Designing and
Modification of Paper Recycling Machine, to help the readers in interpreting the findings and
comprehending the consequences of the research results. This covers the distinct materials and
procedures that incorporate the design as well as the technical description of the project. This
chapter also contains the computations needed to complete the research. Finally, a discussion for
average paper consumed by the mechanical engineering students per month will also revealed in
this chapter.
Project Technical Description
To further understand the components of the paper recycling machine, a technical
description was made by the researchers. The presumed process of the machine starts with the
mixing of the paper-water mixture in the tank. The premixed mixture goes to a cylindrical tank
that is made with a sheet of stainless steel 304 for greater resistance in corrosion. A pitched
stainless steel blades, which is powered by an alternating current motor, is placed inside the tank
along with the shaft. The motors use 220 volts alternating current as source of power. Motors are
manually controlled by on/off switch into the source, since each motor has a built in terminal box
to protect the motor and avoid short circuit the researchers didn't add any peripherals to cut cost.
A flared stainless steel nozzle is attached in the tank together with ball valve. The design also
includes a Teflon Coated Fiberglass Seamless Fusing Belt which is advantageous in aspects of
non-stick qualities. The clearance between the conveyor belt and rolling pin is 0.2 mm.
For the rollers, it is made of stainless steel covered with Teflon to prevent the mixture from
sticking. The frame in the design will be providing support on the said design. As for the drying
process for the paper-water mixture, the researchers will use sun drying method.
Figure 5
 For the Volume of the Tank
Vc = ℼr2h
r = radius of the tank = 228.6 mm
h= height of the tank = 762 mm
Vc= volume of the cylinder
Substituting the given value in the formula;
Formula of Cylindrical Tank, V=ℼr2h
Vc= ℼ (228.6 mm)2 (762 mm)
Vc= 125099996.1 mm3
Vc= 0.1251 m3
Once the Vc is solved, Solve for Vb using the formula of hemisphere bowl;
 For the Volume of Hemisphere bowl.
Vb =
(3r2 + h2)
h = height of the hemisphere bowl, 50.8 mm
r = radius of the tank, 228.6 mm
Vb = volume of the hemisphere bowl
Vb =
[3(228.6mm)2 + (50.8 mm) 2 ]
Vb = 4238641.843 mm3
Vb = 0.0042 m3
After the Vc and Vb is already solved, Compute for Volume Total by adding V c and
Vc + Vb = Vt
Vt = 0.1251 m3 + 0.0042 m3
Vt = 0.1293 m3
The valve was designed to be placed as close as possible to the tank, therefore the
volume of the tube that was in between the tank and the valve was neglected.
 Density of mixed materials
m = mass of mixture
v = volume of mixture, 0.1293 m3
ρ = density of the mixture
ρ = 1050
1050 kg/m3 =
m = 135.765 kg
 Force stress acting at the cylinder tank
Sg =
Sg = specific gravity
ρm = density of mixture
ρW = density of water
Sg =
Sg = 1.05
Once the Sg is given, Solve for Weight of Mixture by using:
 Weight of Mixture formula
Wm = Sg x Yw x Vt
Yw = specific weight of H2O, 9.81
Vt = volume total of tank, 0.1293 m3
Wm = (1.05) (9.81 KN/m3) (0.1293 m3)
Wm = 1.3393 KN
Wm = 1331.9 N
After getting the value of Weight of mixtures;
 Solution for Stress:
A = area
S = stress of the cylindrical wall
r = radius, 0.2286 m
Wm = weight of the mixture, 1331.9 N
S = 8112.7724 Pa
S = 8.1128 KPa
 Maximum pressure of tank
Ss304 =
T = thickness of cylindrical wall, 1.5 mm
d = diameter of the tank, 457.2 mm
Ss304 = 505 MPa = maximum pressure of Ss304
P = 3.3136MPa
 Torque or moment of force
Figure 6
P = 2ℼTf
P = power
T = torque
F = frequency of rotations
Motor Specs:
Rpm = 1440
P = 1 Hp / 745.7 W
T = 4.945 N-m
 Torsion Stress of solid shaft
Ss =
Ss = torsion stress
D = diameter of the shaft, 25 mm
T = torque, 4.945 N-m
Ss =
Ss = 1611819 Pa
Ss = 1611.819 KPa
 Angular Velocity and Rolling Pin Speed
Figure 7
Formula for rpm:
Nm= 1000
Nm = motor rotation speed (r/min)
V = linear speed / velocity (m/min)
Dr = driven roller diameter (mm)
D1 = first pulley / motor pulley
D2 = second pulley (mm)
For Linear Velocity = 9 m/min
Dr = 60 mm
D1 = 120 mm
D2 = 60 mm
Nm= 23.8732 rpm
Computation of Angular Velocity given the 23.8732 rpm:
w = (rpm/s) (rad/rev)
w = Angular Velocity
Rpm = 23.8732
Rad/rev = 2ℼ
w = (23. 8732 rpm / 60 s) (2ℼ / rev)
w = 2.4999 rad/s
Since the rolling pin is connected to the motor through drive chain. The rolling pin has
the same speed with conveyor belt:
 Average paper waste of M.E students
The researchers used the data from the study made by the government of the
Philippines where the paper consumption of Filipino people is 19 kg per person annually,
in order to obtain the average paper waste of Mechanical Engineering Students at College
of Engineering and Architecture of the Don Honorio Ventura State University.
= 1.5833 kg/months
Total Population: 1165 persons
1.5833 kg/months * 1165 persons
= 1844.5445 kg/month is the average paper waste of Mechanical Engineering Students.
Project Development
Figure 8
Gantt Chart
This figure shows the start and end dates of each project tasks. Also, it helps the
researchers in scheduling, managing and monitoring specific tasks of the project. Every task
were scheduled to be done within the specific date
Results and Discussion
This chapter presents the results of the study conducted from experimenting and
gathering data. This also presents the discussion concluded from the analysis and demonstrates
the result in design of paper recycling machine for Mechanical Engineering Students of the
College of Engineering And Architecture Department at Don Honorio Ventura State University.
Since the study focuses on the purpose of the design, the researchers conducted a simple density
experiment that was done by weighing the paper-water mixture in order to solve the density and
determine the maximum mass of the cylinder tank. This experiment will also yield the maximum
amount of the paper-water mixture that can fill the tank.
As the data provided by educational institution, Don Honorio Ventura State University,
the last year’s population of the Mechanical Engineering Department were 1165 registered
students. Also, based on the article made by the national government, the average paper
consumption of the Filipino people is 19 kilograms per person. With these data the researchers
were able to determine the average paper consumption by the Mechanical Engineering Students,
which is 1844.5445 kg per month.
In terms of designing the paper recycling machine, one of the purposes of it is to reduce
the excessive usage of papers within the vicinity in the College of Engineering and Architecture
at Don Honorio Ventura State University specially for mechanical engineering students. The
effectiveness of the design will be shown after fabricating its actual prototype.
Chapter V
Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
This chapter contains the summary, conclusions, and recommendations which the
researchers attained after a careful analysis and interpretation of the data presented in Chapter 4.
These data were achieved by conducting research and computation to find out what is
appropriate for the study. And also, recommendations that were based on the findings are
presented for future researchers to improve the design.
Summary of Findings
The researchers devised a design for a paper recycling machine. The design is integrated into
the most effective ways that the operator may use in a very convenient and productive operation.
This study will help prevent the excessive piling up of paper for Mechanical Engineering
Department at College of Engineering and Architecture of Don Honorio Ventura State
University. The researchers conducted and solved for necessary computations for the design of
paper recycling machine. These computations were conducted by the researchers to attain the
capabilities of the study.
The researchers also provided a design with good capability to present a feasible design that
can be used as a foundation for fabrication. The design will help to reduce the negative effect of
paper-waste on the environment and also in the Department.
In the design of the machine, stainless steel 304 is suggested to be use in the tank fabrication
because of its non-corrosive component, durability, and its affordability, these are mainly used in
large industries. For the conveyor belt, the researchers propose a Teflon-coated conveyor belt,
due to its proficiency; the paper-water mixture will not easily stick. In the blade part, a pitched
blade design is used because it is better for mixing the paper-water mixture. Moreover, an
alternating current motor is utilized for its favorable torque required to power the entire machine.
The machine design will assure the minimizing of the use of raw materials in producing
paper in the industry. Furthermore, this will decrease the inflation of pollution rating issues
related to paper waste. Lastly, if this machine design is fabricated, it is expected to be placed
inside the university premises.
In summary, the researchers will reveal the findings of the study. The conclusions
represent the results on the problems in the research paper. This paper aims to provide solutions
to the problems with paper wastage and its effects as stated below:
1) The environmental effects of excessive usage of paper that resulted with a lot of
natural phenomena.
2) The need to recycle used papers and to reduce the amount of wastage.
3) As for affordability, the challenge of designing a machine that is less in cost without
putting aside its capability.
The findings revealed that the researchers successfully designed a paper recycling
machine that can be used to recycle paper waste. The researchers used AUTOCAD 360 and
SketchUp in designing the machine for better understanding of the final output. The final design
will be in a three-dimension model that focuses on the four isometric viewpoints of the designed
machine. For the generalization of material selection, the researchers mainly suggest the use of
Stainless Steel 304 metal in fabricating the design.
Recycling used paper will reduce the percentage of paper waste and excessive
consumption of raw material. The researchers discovered that designing this paper recycling
machine will be a decent way to reduce the use of resources in producing papers, the materials
selected by the researchers are manageable to obtain, and the production of recycled papers will
only need water and used papers for the mixture.
The paper waste will come from the students of Mechanical Engineering Department.
The researchers chose this department to help them recycle their used papers and also to help
them minimize the paper waste of the department. This study revealed that designing the paper
recycling machine is 100% eco-friendly. Sun-drying method is utilized as a drying process of the
pressed paper-water mixture.
The design will help the environment and also offer an extensive knowledge to the future
researchers and readers on how important paper recycling machine is. This study may help the
other researchers to provide a functional prototype focusing on paper recycling machines.
The design of the Paper Recycling Machine that utilizes the use of a conveyor belt was
thoroughly research about. Regardless of how the study went, there are still improvements that
can be done with the design before it can be prototyped and be produced commercially.
Improvements, suggestions and alternatives were listed below to help future researchers that
produce the design. On the account of the limitations of the present researchers, here are the
recommendations for the future researchers to improve the design:
1) The design can be improved by adding a cutter at the end of the conveyor belt to cut the
product to the desired size of the recycled paper.
2) Adding a built in heater to lessen the moisture content of the mixture to the recommended
moisture content for the mixture.
3) The cost effectiveness of this study can be improved by actually producing the design and
test out various materials other than the suggested materials by the researchers.
4) The design can be enhanced by adding energy saving properties to it like:
a. Utilizing an inverter to let a battery power the alternating current motor or by
switching to a battery power direct current motor connected to an alternator to
save consumption of energy. An Alternator can be utilized the same way as a car
does, it can be used to produce electricity from the mechanical energy produced
by the motor.
b. Utilizing a solar panel to lessen the energy consumption of the design. Solar
energy is a free energy that the sun provides; this solar energy can be converted to
electrical energy that can help the system run continuously with less energy
consumption. Solar panels are also cost effective because they are easy to
5) The design can be better by modifying the dimensions of the design to make it compact
and consume less space for a recycling machine.
6) To further improve this study, the researchers recommends a thorough research on the
paper-water mixture’s properties, as listed below:
a. Paper-Water Mixture’s density
b. Recommended moisture content after the mixture passed through the heater (if
added in the future studies)
c. Moisture content of the prepared mixture
d. Preparation procedure for the mixture