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Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining Presentation

 A.N.M. Amin Ullah
 Vice President & Branch Manager
 Premier Bank Limited
 Nikunja Branch
Contact No. 01753064444
Email : naseramin1980@gmail.com
HRM 501
Labor Relations and Collective
Industrial Relation/ Employee
 Unions
 Only 11% of total number of workers in USA
belong to Unions
The Labor
 Public sector workers belong to unions at a
higher rate. (around 36%)
 Teachers
 Police Officers
 Firefighters
 Some private sector industries can be
highly Unionized as well.
The Labor
 Utilities (22.3%)
 Transportation (19.6%)
 Warehousing (19.6%)
 Telecommunication (14.8%)
 Union workers generally receive
 More Holidays
Benefits of
 More Sick Leave
 Unpaid Leave
 Insurance Plan Benefits
 Long-term disability Benefits
 Better Minimum Wages
 Belief that through Unity they can get a
Why Do
fare share of the “Pie”.
 Low morale
 Fear of Job Loss
 Poor Communication
 Union Security: Right to represent a firm’s workers
and to be exclusive bargaining agent for all employees
in the unit.
 Closed Shop (can hire only current union members)
 Union Shop (can hire non-union people, but they must join
the union after a prescribed period)
What Do
Unions Want?
 Agency Shop (Employees who do not belong to the union
still must pay the union an amount equal to union dues)
 Preferential Shop (Union members get preference in
hiring, but employer can still hire non-union members)
 Maintenance of membership arrangement (Employees do
not have to belong to the Union. But union members
employed by the firm must maintain membership in the
union for the contract period)
 Unions cannot restrain or coerce employees from
exercising their guaranteed bargaining rights
 It is unfair labor practice for a Union to cause an
Unfair Union
Labor Practice
employer to discriminate in any way against an
employee so as to encourage/discourage his/her Union
 It is unfair labor practice for a Union to refuse to
bargain in good faith with the employer about wages,
hours, and other employment conditions
 It is unfair labor practice for a Union to engage in
 Collective Bargaining: The process which
representatives of management and the union
meet to negotiate a Labor Agreement
 Good Faith Bargaining
 The Negotiating Team
 Costing the Contract
 Bargaining Items
 Impasses, Mediation and Strikes
Dealing with
Disputes and
 Sources of Grievances
 Absenteeism
 Insubordination
 Plant Rules
 Grievance Procedure: Formal process for
The Grievance
addressing any factor involving wages, hours, or
conditions of employment that is used as a complaint
against the employer.
 Guidelines for Handling Grievances
 Group 1: Policy and Practices in regard to ‘Recruitment
and Selection’ of XYZ Company
 Group 2: Policy and Practices in regard to ‘Training and
Development’ of XYZ Company
 Group 3: Policy and Practices in regard to ‘Performance
Management and Appraisal’ of XYZ Company
 Group 4: Policy and Practices in regard to
‘Compensation, Financial Incentives and Employee
Retention’ of XYZ Company
 Group 5: Policy and Practices in regard to ‘Conflict
Management and Employee Grievances’ of XYZ
 Date : August 18, 2023 (Friday)
 Assignment /Presentation Description: Prepare a
PowerPoint Presentation and a Report stating Policies
and Practices of a large enterprise on a given topic.
 Key Aspects of the Presentation/Report:
 Introduction
 Theoretical Background
 Company at a Glance
 Thorough discussion on the given topic:
 Policies and Practices
 Challenges and Shortcomings
 Suggestions
 Conclusion
Thank You