NOBLE VISION INSTITUTE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Education Excellence Survey Instructions: Please take a few minutes to provide us with your valuable feedback to help us enhance the quality of education and services at our institution. Your input is highly appreciated. 1. How would you rate the overall performance of the institute and lecturers? Please circle one option: Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement 2. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your learning experience? Please circle one option for each: ➢ Satisfaction with what is taught: Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement ➢ Level of understanding of the topics covered: Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement ➢ Quality of tutorial sessions: Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement ➢ Preparation of lecturer before the session: Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement 3. How would you rate the facilities at the institute and classrooms? Please circle one option: Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement 4. How satisfied are you with the staff service in terms of politeness, responsiveness, and patience? Please circle one option: Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied 5. How likely are you to recommend this institution to others? Please select one option: Very Likely Likely Neutral Unlikely 6.What do you most like about the lecturer and his/her teaching? ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7. Please provide specific suggestions on how we can improve our class: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Thank you for your participation and valuable feedback! Your responses will assist us in making our institute a better place for learning and growth.