3rd Semester Course Review: IITK Engineering & Math

3rd semester Course Review
CE212[9]: Anubha Goel MON WED THUR- l17(8-9)
CE243[8]: Syam Nair MON WED L16(12-1) practical( T TH F 2-5)
CE341[2]: Arghya Das TUE L16(10-12)
MSO203M[6]: Prosenjit Roy WED THU FRI (L11)(9-10) tutorial MON(9-10)
TA211[3]: Sudhanshu Shekhar Singh MWF 14:00-17:00
HSO201[11]: Joydeep Dutta MThF 11:00-12:00 TUTO-W 11:00-12:00
ESO202[11]: Pritam ChakrabortyM (L16) Th (L16) F (L16) 10:00-11:00
CE261[10]: Chunendra Sahu M (L18) W (L18) F (L18) 17:00-18:00 tutorial- TThF
CE212 Environment and Sustainable [9](Anubha Goel)
Course content: Environment, Sustainability, evolution of human species, interaction between humans
and environment, pollution, loss of biodiversity etc etc.
Difficulty level: easy-medium, need to memorise a lot of stuff and write big-big subjective answers
Last year course structure: live lectures with attendance, some extra reading material for
assignment,2 quiz, ,midsem, endsem. Assignments were a bit lengthy, Subjective midsem,endsem
where we needed to write more that 20 pages of ans in total.
Grading: top 15% A, Above avg-B, Equal no of C
ESO202A Mechanics of Solids [11]
(Pritam Chakraborty)
Course content: FBD, Equilibrium, Stress/strain and their transformation, Force analysis, Hooke’s law,
Mohr’s Circle, buckling etc.
Difficulty level: Hard
Grading: Equally distributed ( relatively not bad)
Books: introduction to mechanics of solids, crandall & dahl;
Recommend: Watch NPTEL videos of Priyanka Ghosh, Do tutorial and assignment questions thoroughly
CE243 Civil Engineering materials [8](Syam Nair)
Course content: Construction Materials including cement, concrete, bitumen, geotech (soil)
Difficulty level: Moderate, need to memorise stuff a bit
Prof: Teaches well
Lab component: Labs are fun!
Grading : Moderate
Books: Can refer Principles of Transportation Engineering by Animesh Das
MSO203M Partial Differential eqn [6](Prosenjit Roy)
Course content: Sturm-liouville equation, Fourier series, Classification of PDE, Laplace equations .
Difficulty level: Hard, need to put in efforts
Modular course (course will take place in either half of the semester)
Content of the course is widely used in different fields.
Prof: Teaches fast
Grading : Tough Grading
CE261 Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers [8]
(Chunendra Sahu)
Course content: Laminar flow, Turbulent flow, Navier-Stokes Equation, Poiseuille flow, Couette flow
Difficulty level: Moderate
Prof: Teaches well
Grading : Good Grading
HSO201 Applied Probability and Statistics[11]
(Joydeep Dutta)
Course content: Basics of Probability, Conditional Probability, Bayes Theorem, Random Variables,
Joint Distributions and Marginals, Sampling Distributions, Maximum Likelihood Estimation and
Interval Estimation, Hypothesis Testing
Difficulty level: Easy to Moderate
Course content very important from Internship perspective. Prob and Stats is required for various
Prof: Very chill
Grading: Very good grading
Tips: Do lecture notes thoroughly, With little added efforts, you can easily get an A.
TA211 Manufacturing Processes II[3]
(Sudhanshu Shekhar Singh)
Course content: Introduction to manufacturing; Conventional material removal processes: chip
formation, tool dynamics, practical machining and finishing operations; CNC machining;
Unconventional machining and introduction to microfabrication; Layered manufacturing; Metrology
Difficulty level: easy
Lab component: Labs are hectic and tiring!
Prof instructed the course in 2018-2019 1 sem.
grading : B on average, a large amount of people get B
CE341 Civil Engineering Communication
skills[2](Arghya Das)
Course content: composition, words, sentences, paragraph writing; story, essay, thematic, scientific
Difficulty level: easy
S/X course, does not count towards CPI
Sem 4:
Sem 3:
Speaker Details
Shambhavi Agarwal:- shambhavi21@iitk.ac.in | 8097075716
Aman Pratap Yadav:- amanpy21@iitk.ac.in | 6398197366
Shishir:- shishir21@iitk.ac.in | 9653099196