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Reducing Illiteracy in Turkana: Research Paper

-Learning in Turkana is a dream yet to come true in Kenya. Lack of
schools in the sub-county has increased illiteracy. Mothers are unable
to analyze information on their clinic cards because they cannot read a
word. Young girls get married off at a tender age hence they have to
handle responsibilities they are not prepared for.
For most people reading and writing is basic. However, this is a major
problem for the people living in Turkana as the levels of illiteracy are
very high. Education remains a dream that residents are longing for so
as to improve their livelihood. Turkana is the second largest county led
by land mass in Kenya and is considered one of the poorest with 88%
people living below the poverty line compared to 45% nationally.
Illiteracy levels are high with only half of the schools going children
being enrolled nationally below the national average of 95% as
reported in 2018 by Charity *Save the Children*. The adult literacy level
rate of Turkana county is at 20%. Factors such as cattle rustling has
caused a lot opf young boys to take up big roles of providing food for
their families and providing security for their families hence making a
lot of them drop out of school. Some of the available schools in Turkana
County are faced by a lot of challenges like inadequate teachers, lack of
water and food in the school for students, inadequate classes with poor
infrastructure which affects the environment for students to learn.
This project aims at increasing the employment rate in Turkana, reduce
marriages among young girls of tender age and enable the people of
Turkana to communicate and interact better with people across the
Problem statement
This research will describe the various causes of illiteracy in Turkana
County and its environs together with ways to reduce the high illiteracy
Research Objectives
1. To understand the reasons/causes for the high levels of illiteracy in
Turkana Country.
2. To provide ways that the County Government of Turkana can use to
eradicate illiteracy among the people.
3. To create positive attitude and create awareness on the importance
of education amongst the residents of Turkana.
Literature Review
A report done by Charity “Save the Children” in 2018 showed that only
half of the school going children being enrolled naturally below the
national average which is 95%. It also shows that adult illiteracy rate in
the country s at 20%. Indicating that illiteracy levels n Turkana county
are high which calls for measures to reduce its rate.
A functional Adult Literacy program called “Tuinue Jamii” recently
implemented on integrated life skills for functional literacy and
household economic strengthening project in Turkana County after
finding out that the county is one of the poorest counties with adult
literacy at 20%.
A basic report on well-being in Kenya (KIBS) in 2015 showed that the
rate of poverty (adult equivalent poverty head count) is 94.3% higher
than the national rate of 45.9% and is ranked 49 out of49 CRA n 2011.
This shows the correlation between illiteracy and poverty where high
levels of poverty is highly contributed by illiteracy.
 A report was done by “Charity Save the Children.
 The basic report on well-being n Kenya (KHBS 2005)
 Http;//statstcs.knbs.or.ke/NADA/ndex.php/Catalog36/datafle/F22
Research Design
The research design used in this research was Sample Survey. Sample
survey was found to be the best method since it was convenient and
time saving. In the survey research the whole population is studied by
selecting a part of the population (sample) and collecting data from the
sample then analyzing it which is considered to be representative to the
entire population.
Area Of Study
In this research the area of study for acquiring literacy levels n Turkana
County. A total number of 2000 individuals was used as the sample with
50% of the sample being boys and girls of 25 years and below, 30%
being people aged 25 years and 50 years and finally 20% being people
aged 50 years and above.
50% of the sample being boys and girls of 25 years and below, 30%
being people aged 25 years and 50 years and finally 20% being people
aged 50 years and above.
50% of the sample being boys and girls of 25 years and below, 30%
being people aged 25 years and 50 years and finally 20% being people
aged 50 years and above.
Population Of Study
The target population for this research was citizens of Turkana County
with a larger percentage being people aged 25years and below since
that age bracket s where a lot of people learn how to write and read.
People from the age 25-50years were targeted mostly because that s
the age bracket where a lot of illiterate people are found.
Sampling Techniques
This particular research Simple Random Sampling Technique was used
for selecting participants in the study. This sampling technique was
used as it gives every researcher an equal chance of being selected. In
simple random sampling we assign a number to every individual from 1
to 2000 and then we used random number generator to select a
sample of 100 individuals.
Methods Of Data Collection
In collecting data for this research questionnaires were administered to
the sample population. Each individual in the sample was given a task
to read and write. Those who were able to perform both reading and
writing were considered illiterate and those who could not do both
tasks were considered illiterate.