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World Music Soundscape Assignment

MUS 191 World Music
Linda Rodriguez
“My Soundscape” Assignment (50 points)
Sound Chart (25 points)
Compile a chronological list of all of the sounds that you hear in one specific day.
Begin from the moment that you wake and end when you go to sleep.
Keep in mind that you will be sharing these with the class.
Attempt a comprehensive coverage of your “soundscape.”
The chart must be divided into 2 columns: “Musical Sounds” and “NonMusical Sounds” with the appropriate sounds listed in each category.
Written Essay (25 points)
Must be 2 pages (1.5 spaced, 12 pt. Font)
In general, consider how these sounds fit into your life
Are these sounds initiated by you or someone/something else?
If initiated by someone else...who was that? A person you know? A
Did you have a choice in listening to that sound?
Was the sound connected to advertising or marketing of a product? If so,
did it make you want to attend that event or buy the product?
Did you enjoy it?
How does sound and music affect your life? What is its role(s)? How do
you use it?
Be prepared to present your “Soundscape” to the class!