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Icebreaker Games for Rural Children: Curriculum Material

Curriculum Writing - Icebreaker Games for Rural Children
1. Create games that:
a. Can be played via phone call.
b. Can be played within 5 minutes.
c. Children can enjoy the most and never forget.
2. Write clear instructions in points to play the game.
3. You can refer to the sample games given below to create 20 games.
Sample Game 1 - Colors
Game Instructions :
1. Tell one colour to the student.
Ex. Red.
2. Ask the student to tell 3 things related to the colour.
Ex. Chilly, tomato, fire engine.
3. Next ask your student to tell a colour.
4. You can tell 3 things related to the colour.
5. Play as many rounds as time permits.
6. Help your student wherever required.
Sample Game 2 - Guess the Object
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer should choose any object.
Ex. Apple.
2. Volunteer should give hints to student to guess the object.
3. Maximum 5 hints can be given.
a. For Example - In case of 'Apple'.
b. It is red in colour.
c. It is a fruit.
d. It contains seeds.
e. The name ends with letter 'E.'
f. The word consists of 5 letters.
4. Student should now choose an object and provide hints.
5. Volunteer should guess the object in maximum 5 hints.
6. Play as many rounds as time permits.
Game 1 – Musical Verse
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will play one line of a classical song.
2. Volunteer will repeat the line of the song played.
3. Volunteer will play the next line from the song played in 1st step.
4. Student will now repeat the line of the song played.
5. repeat the same till the song ends.
Game 2 – Chirp Charades
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will make an animal sound and will give 2 hints about the animal. Eg Tiger, Stripes
and Orange
2. Student will have to guess what animal sound was made by the volunteer. Eg Tiger
3. Student will make an animal sound and will give 2 hints about the animal.
4. Volunteer will have to guess what animal sound was made by the volunteer.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 3 – Joint Effort
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say an object. Eg bread
2. Student will have to reply with the object which is complimentary to it. Eg butter.
3. Student will tell the volunteer any object.
4. volunteer will have to reply with the object which is complimentary to it.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 4 – Vivid Circus
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say an object name. Eg Pen.
2. Student will reply with the object which serves the similar purpose. Eg Pencil.
3. Student will say an object name.
4. Volunteer will reply with the object which serves the similar purpose.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 5 – Unknown Persona
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will do the acting of a famous personality or a tv show character.
2. Student will have to guess who is that person or character.
3. Student will do the acting of a famous personality or a tv show character.
4. Volunteer will have to guess who is that person or character.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 6 - Alphablaze
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say a word. Eg Ten
2. Student will reply with another word with same number of alphabets. Eg Pen
3. Student will say a word.
4. Volunteer will reply with another word with same number of alphabets.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 7 – Double Mayhem
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say a number. Eg 3
2. Student will reply with the number double to it within 10 seconds. Eg 6
3. Student will say a number.
4. Volunteer will reply with the number double to it within 10 seconds.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 8 - Unfathomable Appetite
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say an animal name. Eg Deer
2. Student will reply with the animal who is one hierarchy above that animal in the food chain.
Eg Lion
3. Student will say an animal name.
4. Volunteer will reply with the animal who is one hierarchy above that animal in the food chain.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 9 – Infinite Hunger
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say an animal name. Eg Shark
2. Student will reply with the animal who is one hierarchy below that animal in the food chain.
Eg Tuna Fish
3. Student will say an animal name.
4. Volunteer will reply with the animal who is one hierarchy below that animal in the food chain.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 10 – Shape Shuffle
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say an object name. Eg Circle
2. Student will reply with the object which has similar shape. Eg Oval
3. Student will say an object name.
4. Volunteer will reply with the object which has similar shape.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 11 - Trials of living
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will tell an imaginary story about a character and stop at the point when he/she
faces some problem. Eg A farmer had to walk 10 km daily to fetch the water.
2. Student will reply with the solution to solve the problem. Eg The farmer dug up a well near his
3. Student will continue the story after it till, he/she faces another problem.
4. Volunteer will reply with the solution to solve the problem.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 12 – Crafting Purpose
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say a tool name. Eg brush.
2. Student will reply with the thing on which the object is used. Eg teeth.
3. Student will say a tool name.
4. Volunteer will reply with the thing on which the object is used.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 13 - Uplift Muse
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say a negative sentence. Eg I hate green vegetables.
2. Student will reply with the converted sentence from negative to positive. Eg I like green
3. Student will say a negative sentence.
4. Volunteer will reply with the converted sentence from negative to positive.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 14 - Enormous Quest
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say 4 objects name. Eg Eraser, Thumb Pin, Car, Tiffin Box
2. Student will reply with the objects from smaller to bigger in size. Eg Thumb Pin, Eraser,
Tiffin Box and Car
3. Student will say 4 objects name
4. Volunteer will reply with the objects from smaller to bigger in size.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 15 - Discerning Use
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say 2 objects name. Eg Bread and Chips.
2. Student will reply with the object which is more useful than the other. Eg Bread.
3. Student will say 2 objects name.
4. Volunteer will reply with the objects which is more useful than the other.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 16 - Profession Pursuit
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say 2 Job titles and one object. Eg Engineer and Doctor, Injection.
2. Student will reply with the Job title to which the object is related to. Eg Doctor.
3. Student will say 2 Job titles and one object.
4. Volunteer will reply with the Job title to which the object is related to.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 17 - Lasting Thrive
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say an object name. Eg Bread.
2. Student will reply with the solution to make the objects useful for longer period of time. Eg
3. Student will say an object name.
4. Volunteer will reply with the solution to make the object useful for longer period of time.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 18 - Rhyme Time
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say a word. Eg bees.
2. Student will reply with word which rhymes with the word. Eg Sees.
3. Student will say a word.
4. Volunteer will reply with word which rhymes with the word.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 19 - Foodie Frenzy
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say dish name. Eg honey chilli potato
2. Student will have to guess minimum 4 ingredients of that dish. Eg honey, chilli, potato and
3. Student will say dish name. Eg honey chilli potato
4. Volunteer will have to guess minimum 4 ingredients of that dish. Eg honey, chilli, potato and
5. Repeat the same till time allows.
Game 20 - Colour Crush
Game Instructions :
1. Volunteer will say an object name. Eg Taj Mahal
2. Student will have to guess the colour of the object. Eg White
3. Student will say an object name.
4. Volunteer will have to guess the colour of the object.
5. Repeat the same till time allows.