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Step by Step Jeans: Eco-Friendly & Durable Denim Presentation

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our presentation I want talk about Adam and Eva. Now
for the heathen in the crowd today. Adam and eva is a story from the bible and it’s about the
first human beings who are created by God. and they lived naked in the garden of Eden. The
garden of Eden was gorgeous it was this Lucius place. And these two had to follow just one
condition to live there. Don’t eat a fruit from the forbidden tree. It sounds easy right? The
tree literally has the word forbidden in their name. apparently, it wasn’t because one day
Adam and Eva decided to eat an apple from the tree. And the moment they took a bite, they
realized they were naked. And they felt really embarrassed. So, they run around the garden
trying to find some leaves to cover them self’s up. I’m skipping some parts of that story?
Defiantly, but I summarized the part that to me demonstrates the fundamental way most of
us see clothing. It exists for a single purpose and that’s to cover our body’s. Today I want to
talk about our jeans and the ability to transform our life’s.
In case you don’t know that yet. My name is Anhsan, I am a student, designer, entrepreneur,
and a bunch of other cool stuff. I think for someone who is 18 years old, I have a pretty good
resume, I’m happy where I’m at. Thrust me, that used to be a blank page.
Our company is called step by step jeans. We are a company that sells good quality trousers.
the jeans that we have manufactured is something we are extremely proud of. The reason
for this is that it has been produced in an eco-friendly way, something that is at the top of
our list. Our design is not to be used a few times and then thrown away. We cherish the
well-worn and durability. It is made with 100% organic cotton. For example, our cotton is
produced in an eco-friendly environment. A great deal of attention is paid to working
conditions and an inspiring working environment. That makes us stand out against other
Now I’d like to discuss how we established the cost of the jeans we manufactured. We have
chosen for a quite expensive price. The reason for this is because of the way we make it.
What I said earlier about our 100% organic cotton. That is not cheap to make. Great quality
can’t be made cheap as a result of higher prices compared to other companies.
Furthermore, we invest in our customer services because finding great jeans is not that easy.
You need to know the right size, the best color, does it fit well? Or do I want skinny jeans or
baggy jeans? So, we want to hire people who knows a lot about fashion so we can further
expand our company. That’s all I have to say about the price.
I would like to thank you for your attention during my part of the presentation. The second
part will be given by my business partner Comeil.