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SW5e-Adventure Notes

Elena Tarek:
 Race: Human
 Age: Early 40s
 Class/Subclass: Operative / Maverick Practice
 Level: 7
 Gender: Female
 General Description: Strong and determined, with a scar across her brow. Short black hair, intense blue eyes.
 Faction: Resistance
 Area: Resistance Base - Skyreach Plaza (Leader)
 Personality Likes: Resourceful, determined individuals
 Personality Dislikes: Arrogance and deceit
 Favored Object: A small, weathered compass that belonged to her mentor; it symbolizes guidance and purpose.
Kael Dorn:
 Race: Human
 Age: Late 20s
 Class/Subclass: Scout / Stalker Technique
 Level: 4
 Gender: Male
 General Description: Agile and quick-witted, with a disarming grin. Dark brown hair, hazel eyes.
 Faction: Resistance
 Area: Resistance Outpost - Factory Row (Scout)
 Personality Likes: Observant and adaptable individuals
 Personality Dislikes: Rigidity and close-mindedness
 Favored Object: A hand-carved wooden figurine gifted by a young child he once rescued; it reminds him of hope.
Vanya Elara:
 Race: Twi’lek
 Age: 32
 Class/Subclass: Operative/Acquisitions Practice
 Level: 4
 Gender: Female
 General Description: Yanya stands at 5'6" with emerald skin and lekku adorned with intricate tattoos. Her keen eyes
sparkle with wit, often reflecting her shrewd nature. Her lithe build and quick movements give her an air of agility
and grace.
 Faction: Resistance
 Area: Sparkling Spire Cantina - Skyreach Plaza (Cantina Owner, Resistance Supporter/Deals with Hidden
 Personality Likes: Cunning individuals, intricate puzzles, valuable secrets.
 Personality Dislikes: Being underestimated, overconfident rivals, Imperial interference
 Favored Object: A small encrypted datapad, containing valuable information on key Imperial personnel.
Ral Torin:
 Race: Zabrak
 Age: Early 40s
 Class/Subclass: Engineer / Astrotech Engineering
 Level: 4
 Gender: Male
 General Description: Muscular build with intricate facial tattoos. Bald head, black eyes.
 Faction: Resistance
 Area: Liberation Forge - Factory Row (Engineer, Resistance Safehouse)
 Personality Likes: Ingenuity and practical problem-solving
 Personality Dislikes: Wastefulness and recklessness
 Favored Object: A set of precision tools that have been passed down through his family; they represent his
Captain Jaden Korr:
 Race: Human
 Age: Mid 40s
Class/Subclass: Scout / Slayer Technique
Level: 5
Gender: Male
General Description: Stern and battle-hardened. Short-cropped brown hair, brown eyes.
Faction: Resistance
Area: Whispering Wind Safehouse - Imperial Enclave (Resistance Informant)
Personality Likes: Efficiency and strategic thinking
Personality Dislikes: Hasty decisions and unnecessary risks
Favored Object: A worn tactical map that has guided him through countless battles; it represents his commitment to
the cause.
Commander Thallis:
 Race: Human
 Age: Early 50s
 Class/Subclass: Fighter / Shield Specialist
 Level: 7
 Gender: Male
 General Description: Stern and imposing, with a scarred face. Close-cropped salt-and-pepper hair, piercing grey
 Faction: Imperial
 Area: Imperial Enclave - Imperial Barracks (Commander)
 Personality Likes: Discipline and loyalty
 Personality Dislikes: Insubordination and incompetence
 Favored Object: A ceremonial blade awarded for his service; a symbol of his dedication to the Empire.
Lieutenant Vala:
 Race: Human
 Age: Late 20s
 Class/Subclass: Fighter / Assault Specialist
 Level: 5
 Gender: Female
 General Description: Eager and ambitious, with a precise military bearing. Blonde hair, calculating blue eyes.
 Faction: Imperial
 Area: Imperial Enclave - Imperial Patrols (Tactical Officer)
 Personality Likes: Diligence and ambition
 Personality Dislikes: Indecision and inefficiency
 Favored Object: A pendant given to her by her mentor; a symbol of her aspiration to rise through the ranks.
Criminal (Obsidian Claw):
Voss Harrik:
 Race: Human
 Age: Early 30s
 Class/Subclass: Berserker / Marauder Approach
 Level: 6
 Gender: Male
 General Description: Imposing and charismatic, with an air of authority. Bald head, sharp blue eyes.
 Faction: Criminal (Obsidian Claw)
 Area: Criminal Hideout - Mercantile Quarter (Crime Lord)
 Personality Likes: Charisma and confidence
 Personality Dislikes: Weakness and indecision
 Favored Object: A gilded chalice from a successful heist; a reminder of his accomplishments.
Mara Shadari:
 Race: Zabrak
 Age: Mid 20s
 Class/Subclass: Operative / Beguiler Practice
 Level: 4
 Gender: Female
 General Description: Mysterious and alluring, with intricate facial tattoos. Long crimson hair, golden eyes.
 Faction: Criminal (Obsidian Claw)
 Area: Criminal Hideout - Mercantile Quarter (Information Broker)
 Personality Likes: Intrigue and mystery
 Personality Dislikes: Predictability and naivety
 Favored Object: A concealed blade she keeps hidden; a tool for manipulation and protection.
Kallan Vos:
 Race: Bothan
 Age: Early 40s
 Class/Subclass: Operative / Sharpshooter Practice
 Level: 2
 Gender: Male
 General Description: Sleek and nimble, distinctive fur, large expressive eyes.
 Faction: Criminal (Obsidian Claw)
 Area: Eclipse Port - Coastal Town (Fisherman, Smuggler)
 Personality Likes: Stealth and precision
 Personality Dislikes: Sloppiness and impulsiveness
 Favored Object: A pair of customized gloves with concealed blasters; his go-to weapons for unexpected situations.
Independent (Supports Resistance):
Captain Lorn:
 Race: Human
 Age: Late 40s
 Class/Subclass: Fighter / Blade Master Specialist
 Level: 6
 Gender: Male
 General Description: Grizzled and resourceful, with a weathered face. Salt-and-pepper beard, piercing grey eyes.
 Faction: Independent (Supports Resistance)
 Area: Eclipse Port - Coastal Town (Captain of Smuggling Ship)
 Personality Likes: Resourcefulness and camaraderie
 Personality Dislikes: Betrayal and selfishness
 Favored Object: A well-worn holodisk containing memories of his family; a reminder of what he fights to protect.
Hidden Exchange (Independent):
Sylas Voss:
 Race: Twi'lek
 Age: Late 20s
 Class/Subclass: Operative / Beguiler Practice
 Level: 3
 Gender: Male
 General Description: Slim build, vibrant blue skin, lekku draped with colorful fabric.
 Faction: Independent (Hidden Exchange)
 Area: The Hidden Exchange - Mercantile Quarter (Information Broker)
 Personality Likes: Intrigue and opportunities
 Personality Dislikes: Boredom and simplicity
 Favored Object: A holographic data crystal containing encrypted secrets; a source of power in his world of
Resistance Supporters (Independent):
Lira Trallon:
 Race: Human
 Age: Late 30s
 Class/Subclass: Scholar / Physician Pursuit
 Level: 1
 Gender: Female
 General Description: Warm smile, long brown hair.
 Faction: Independent (Resistance Supporter)
 Area: Valewood Village - Outskirts (Farming)
 Personality Likes: Compassion and kindness
 Personality Dislikes: Cruelty and indifference
 Favored Object: A simple locket containing a picture of her family; a source of hope and inspiration.
Hark Trallon:
 Race: Human
 Age: Late 30s
 Class/Subclass: Scholar / Physician Pursuit
 Level: 1
 Gender: Male
 General Description: Reserved, short blonde hair.
 Faction: Independent (Resistance Supporter)
 Area: Valewood Village - Outskirts (Farming)
 Personality Likes: Diligence and hard work
 Personality Dislikes: Laziness and entitlement
 Favored Object: A small figurine carved from driftwood; a symbol of his connection to the land.
Resistance Supporter (Independent):
Orrin Stryke:
 Race: Duros
 Age: Mid 20s
 Class/Subclass: Engineer / Construction Engineering
 Level: 2
 Gender: Male
 General Description: Lean and wiry, bluish skin, distinctive red eyes.
 Faction: Independent (Resistance Supporter)
 Area: Liberation Forge - Factory Row (Mechanic, Resistance Supporter)
 Personality Likes: Ingenuity and problem-solving
 Personality Dislikes: Inefficiency and waste
 Favored Object: A set of holographic schematics that he's been perfecting; a symbol of progress.
Jedi Supporter (Independent):
Corra Malin:
 Race: Sullustan
 Age: Late 20s
 Class/Subclass: Fighter / Fireteam Specialist
 Level: 2
 Gender: Female
 General Description: Rotund and jolly, large round eyes, cheerful disposition.
 Faction: Independent (Jedi Supporter)
 Area: Emberlight Encampment - Scorched Wastes (Scavenger, Resource Gatherer)
 Personality Likes: Optimism and humor
 Personality Dislikes: Negativity and cynicism
 Favored Object: A well-worn book of folk tales from across the galaxy; a source of comfort and inspiration.
Planet: Lothalis
Location: Outer Rim Territories
Climate: Varied, from arid deserts to lush forests
Terrain: Diverse, including vast deserts, towering mesas, dense forests, and serene plains
Imperial Presence: Strong, with an imposing Imperial Enclave controlling major cities and regions
Resistance Strength: Growing, with scattered pockets of resistance and hidden safehouses
Key Resource: Thorilide Ore, a valuable mineral with energy-conducting properties
Ore Value: 1lb of unrefined thorilide ore = 250 credits
Population: Varied species with a mix of Humans, Twi'leks, Zabraks, Bothans, and more
Population by Species:
Humans: 45%
Twi'leks: 20%
Zabraks: 15%
Bothans: 10%
Others (Various Species): 10%
Lothalis Prime - Central Capital City:
Divided into districts, each with unique characteristics
1. Skyreach Plaza: Central hub and bustling marketplace
2. Imperial Enclave: Dominated by the Imperial presence, including the garrison and barracks
3. Mercantile Quarter: Home to the Hidden Exchange criminal syndicate
4. Temple Heights: Housing the Tranquil Lotus Temple
5. Factory Row: Industrial hub and base of the Resistance Liberation Forge
Rough Populations and Species Percentages within Districts:
Skyreach Plaza: 30% Humans, 25% Twi'leks, 15% Zabraks, 10% Bothans, 20% Others
Imperial Enclave: 50% Humans, 15% Twi'leks, 10% Zabraks, 10% Bothans, 15% Others
Mercantile Quarter: 40% Humans, 20% Twi'leks, 15% Zabraks, 10% Bothans, 15% Others
Temple Heights: 20% Humans, 40% Twi'leks, 20% Zabraks, 10% Bothans, 10% Others
Factory Row: 30% Humans, 15% Twi'leks, 20% Zabraks, 10% Bothans, 25% Others
Major Locations in Lothalis Prime:
Imperial Garrison: Command center of Imperial activities
Sparkling Spire Cantina: Social hub for citizens and visitors
Tranquil Lotus Temple: Sanctuary for those seeking Jedi wisdom
Liberation Forge: Resistance's hidden base for operations and crafting
The Hidden Exchange: Underground haven for smugglers and information brokers
Key NPCs:
Commander Thallis (Imperial) - Leader of the Imperial Enclave
Lieutenant Vala (Imperial) - Tactical officer in the Imperial Enclave
Elena Tarek (Resistance) - Resourceful leader of the Resistance
Vanya Elara (Resistance) - Owner of the Sparkling Spire Cantina
Renna Dray (Independent) - Scholar at the Tranquil Lotus Temple
Captain Lorn (Independent) - Captain of a smuggling ship
Voss Harrik (Criminal - Obsidian Claw) - Leader of the Obsidian Claw syndicate
Mara Shadari (Criminal - Obsidian Claw) - Information broker in the Hidden Exchange
Ral Torin (Resistance) - Engineer at the Liberation Forge
Sylas Voss (Independent) - Information broker in the Hidden Exchange
Narae Thal (Jedi Independent) - Sage at the Tranquil Lotus Temple
Captain Jaden Korr (Resistance Supporter) - Captain of the Whispering Wind Safehouse
Lira Trallon (Resistance Supporter) - Resident of Valewood Village
Hark Trallon (Resistance Supporter) - Resident of Valewood Village
Kallan Vos (Criminal - Obsidian Claw) - Smuggler at Eclipse Port
Orrin Stryke (Resistance Supporter) - Engineer at the Liberation Forge
Lian Zara (Scholar - Occultist Pursuit, Jedi Supporter) - Researcher at the Tranquil Lotus Temple
Corra Malin (Jedi Supporter) - Scavenger at the Emberlight Encampment
Satellite Communities:
Valewood Village - Outskirts: Peaceful farming community with resistance sympathizers
Whispering Wind Safehouse - Imperial Enclave: Resistance operatives gather intel here
Emberlight Encampment - Scorched Wastes: Nomadic scavengers and Jedi supporter Corra Malin
Eclipse Port - Coastal Town: Hub for smugglers, including Sylas Voss and Captain Jaden Korr
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