1 1 M O N E Y B L O C K S MINI COURSE Empowering affirmations for abundance and prosperity 1. What I focus on expands. 2. My excitement for others’ success fuels my own success and abundance. 3. I’m grateful for the exchange of value that happens when I pay my bills. 4. I focus on what is important to me and release the need to be right. 5. As my sense of self-worth grows, so does my income. 6. Gratitude is the open door to abundance. 7. I focus on the good, and prosperity seeks me out. 8. My healthy self-worth fuels my wealthy life. 9. I can create immense good for others with a surplus of money. 10. Money comes to me easily and joyfully as I express my unique gifts to the world. 11. My prosperity is a tool I can use for good in the world. KAREN POWELL | © KCPOWELL.COM