Course Code UMAT101L Pre-requisite Course Title Discrete Mathematics NIL L T P C 3 0 0 3 Syllabus version 1.0 Course Objectives: 1. To motivate the learners for understanding the counting techniques, inference logic in programming. 2. To acquire the required knowledge for computer science such as lattices, Boolean algebra, semigroups, groups and graph theoretical approaches with applications. 3. To implement the learned discrete mathematical ideas in realistic projects of computer science, theoretical computer skills, computer algorithms, networks and data structures. Course Outcomes: 1. Apply the principles of counting, permutations, and combinations for realistic problems. 2. Learn the concepts of statement calculus, inference theory and predicate calculus on logic. 3. Use the lattice and Boolean algebra techniques in execution of digital circuits. 4. Use the algebraic structures in computer science applications. 5. Solve science and engineering problems using graph theoretical techniques. Module:1 Basics of Counting 7 hours Sum Rule – Product Rule, Set Inclusion and Exclusion – Pigeonhole Principle – Permutation and Combination With and Without Repetitions. Module:2 Statement Calculus and Inference 6 hours Theory Introduction – Statements and Notation – Connectives – Tautologies – Logical Equivalence – Implications – Normal Forms – Inference theory for the Statement Calculus. Module:3 Predicate Calculus 6 hours The Predicate Calculus – The Statement Function: Variables and Quantifiers – Predicate Formulas – Free and Bound Variable – The Universe of Discourse – Inference Theory for the Predicate Calculus. Module:4 Lattice Theory and Boolean Algebra 6 hours Partially Ordered Set – Lattices as POSETS – Hasse Diagram – Boolean algebra – Boolean Functions – Truth Table – Duality – Representation and Minimization of Boolean Functions Karnaugh Map – Logic gates, an application to digital computer design (using AND, OR and NOT Gate). Module:5 Algebraic Structures 6 hours Semigroups – Monoids – Groups – Lagranges Theorem – Homomorphism, Kernel and Properties. Module:6 Fundamental of Graphs 6 hours Basic Concepts of Graph Theory – Planar and Complete graph – Matrix Representation of Graphs – Euler and Hamilton Paths – Shortest Path Algorithms (only TSP). Module:7 Trees, Spanning Trees and Tree 6 hours Traversals Trees – Properties of Trees – Distance and Centres in Tree – Spanning Trees – Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithms – Tree Traversals. Module:8 Contemporary Issues 2 hours Total Lecture hours: 45 hours Text Book(s) 1. J.P. Tremblay and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, 2017, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. (only for Modules 2 and 3) 2. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its applications, 2019, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New York. Reference Books 1. Joe L. Mott, Abraham Kandel and Theodore P. Baker, Discrete mathematics for computer scientists and mathematicians, 2015, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education India. 2. Narsingh Deo, Graph theory with application to Engineering and Computer Science, 2016, Prentice Hall, USA. 3. Richard Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, 2017, 8th Edition, Pearson, New York. 4. Susanna S. Epp, Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 2018, 5th Edition, Cengage Learning, USA. 5. D. B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, 2015, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, USA. Mode of Evaluation: CAT, Written Assignment, Quiz, FAT. Recommended by Board of Studies 06-06-2023 Approved by Academic Council No. 70 Date 24-06-2023