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Employee Whereabouts, Support, and Sainsbury's Structure

Explain the importance of ensuring that
others are aware of own whereabouts
Whereabouts is a concept which is associated with the safety of one selves and their associated
employees, corporate culture have given much importance to the implementation of whereabouts
as it has helped organization in the sight of keeping the employees safe and secure. Different
industries have formulated several principles which best suits their working culture while keeping
the security of the employees intact. The principles have helped them with the effective
implementation of the whereabouts of their employees and every associated asset. The information
of the whereabouts of the employees needs to communicated to the concerned authorities within
the origination as it keeps the senior management aware of the employee’s presence. The
importance associated with the awareness of one’s whereabouts includes: The awareness of an
employee’s location helps their managers in identifying their locations, as in time of emergency
the management will be formulating plans on the basis of the person’s presence or absence.
In addition, the knowledge in regards of an employee’s whereabouts helps management in
ensuring that the employees are sticking with their determined job roles and are not super seceding
their associated responsibilities and over pressuring themselves, this helps with the prevention of
the situations when the employees feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities. The awareness of
an employee’s whereabouts helps in the authorities in locating their presence which proves to be
beneficial in the times of emergency as it helps them in providing the required assistance. The
communication in regards of an employee’s whereabouts helps them in regards of all very terms
as in case of any medical causality, the help can be provided within the required time helping with
the prevention from unfavorable repercussions. The communication of the whereabouts can be
done verbally as well as in written, as the implementation of the technology has helped business
corporations in storing the required information in appropriate manner which supports the motives
associated with the practice of the whereabouts which is safety and developing accountability
among employees.
Whereabouts is of much significance when the field roles are concerned as the employees
indulged within these roles are required to travel places for the attainment of the objectives
determined for them, the communication of their details helps them organizations in determining
the expenses associated with their travel. Maintaining a log of the places the employee has been
becomes crucial as it acts a proof for the work that the person have been involved in. Organizations
have bought the required modifications including personal and emergency alarms which takes the
required care of the employee’s safety. The features help the employees in altering their mangers
in times of emergency. PROACT- SCIPr has helped working professional in communicating their
Whereabouts in the most appropriate manners which helps them in being accountable to the
organization. In a holistic view the information associated with the whereabouts needs to be
conveyed to the concerned mangers of an employees as it helps them in ensuring their safety and
their concerned colleagues.
Explain how to access sources of support
The presence of support within industries is of much significance as it helps one in executing
their responsivities with the required diligence. Support is a wide concept as it is required in
different phases of career. Organizations are required to provide the desired support to the
employees as its helps them as well the employees to grow. At times the external support is
generally provided by the stakeholders associated with the organization. Support can be provided
in several very aspects as it helps the employees with the determination of the scope associated
with the employees within an organization. ACAS which is refereed as the Advisory,
conciliation and arbitration services helps organizations in rectifying the associated employee
issues by providing the requited support to others. The services help employees in discovering
the appropriate ways by which the employees can approach their associated managers.
Strategic ways of managing stress.
Employees within an organization requires the support which significantly helps them in
managing the stress associated with their work life. An effective and meaningful conversion with
the management will help the employees in fighting through their insecurities and associated
uncertainties. The identification of the employment types plays a significant role as it helps them
in effectively distributing the work among the employees on the basis of their employment type.
Frequent breaks need to be provided to the employees as it helps them in increasing the focus
associated with their work and facilitates them in recharging their batteries. The organizational
practices need to be formulated while keeping the employees needs insight along with the
support which will helps them in bringing the required results.
Sources associated with support
Innovation and support are one of the connected concepts as it acts a source for the company,
employees within an organization are the ones who are indulged in bringing the required
modifications within the business processes. For bringing the required innovations the employees
within the organization needs to be adequately trained as it will help them in scaling the
organization with the pace determined by the company. By organizing research programmes will
help the organization in finding the required support for the company, which will facilitate them
with their processes.
The matrix of support is based on the transformations which are needed within an organization
as it works deriving the required support for the ones involved in the process. Governments of
nations are involved in providing the required support to the businesses as they play a significant
in expanding the economies of scale of the nation. For the attainment of the governmental
support organizations are required to create impressive plans which are attainable and practice at
the same time an effective export, finance ad market plan will help in providing the overall view
of the business capabilities.
Sainsbury’s organizational structure
The structures which helps in the attainment of predetermine objectives in regards of an
organisations benefits is generally referred as the organisational structure. Working in a systematic
format fulfils a mission which formed strategically. Choosing a best suited organisational structure
will be beneficial for a company to generate revenue at larger level. It is essential for an
organisation to form a structure as it defines responsibilities and roles related to the job profile
within a company. The structure determines the flow of information in order to systematically
perform different organisational activities. The varieties of structures followed by organisations:
flat, matrix, multi-divisional and functional. Organisational structure plays a vital role in day to
day operations within organisation so, it is important for a company to follow an effective
organisational structure which will be responsible in the growth of a company. The reason for
which the company needs to adopt suitable organisational structure is to facilitates the overall
execution including better decision and performance. Achieving maximum performance is a sole
purpose of any organisation in order to reach towards the final aim that helps to deliver value
within the market.
Public Limited Company (PLC) refers to the business which is operated by directors and possess
by the shareholder. Sainsbury’s is known as tall organisation where there is numerous level of
management hierarchy but the company has narrow controlling span. The benefit of narrow span
of control is that Sainsbury’s has high level of control and security within organisation. Matrix
organisational structure is followed by Sainsbury's which helps the organisation to identify
loopholes that may affect the operations of the business and take relative measures accordingly.
Sainsbury's is able to adapt according to various operational situation within the organisation
because of matrix structure as it is known for its flexible nature.
The matrix structure consists of three types such as weak matrix structure, balanced matrix
structure and strong matrix structure. Balanced matrix structure works in the favour of Sainsbury's
which is responsible for encouraging the employees to perform their best. Matrix organisational
structure helps Sainsbury's to focus on the targeted audience's need and only downfall of this
structure is that it generates opportunities which eventually leads toward the conflicts among
employees as everyone wants a new position.
The matrix structure allows Sainsbury's to take effective and efficient decisions in order to operate
its business in a successful manner and also simplifies the communication processes at different
level. Matrix organisational structure allows clear reporting relationships that helps managers to
supervise various levels. This structure enables the team members to share one of best ideas and
practises resulting in optimum efficiency achieved by different departments via sharing a number
of resources. With the help of matrix organisational structure, the changing need and demands are
easily catered by the Sainsbury's. The improvements are done at faster pace as Sainsbury's has
several directors which makes it easier for the business to identify various problems that may affect
the company in future and directors are also able to monitor different activities by eliminating
Evaluate how learning activities have
affected practice
The term learning activities refers to the things which enables the own learning of an individual.
For the personal development in care setting it is mandatory for an individual to reflect how
learning activities went and how practice has been affected. Any kind of situation wherever a
person finds out new ideas and new information’s related to working will considers as learning
activities. The other way to improve our learning activities is to ask for a feedback from others
this will help an individual to analyses its weaknesses so that the person is able to check out if
his/her learning activities impacted your practice in a positive manner.
Learning activities helps an individual to develop their own skills, understanding and knowledge.
Any activities which facilitates learning as a part of a person's work role is consider as a learning
activity. There are several learning actives which includes formal training, professional
discussion, induction, shadowing, own research, reflection, observing others and reading care
plans all of these are useful for a person to recognize opportunities of learning.
If practice is positively affected by the learning activities in a course of job then it will surely
give a lot of opportunities from these learning activities to an individual such as appraisal,
supervision, experience in work, undertaking training, work shadowing, formal staff meeting,
staying in a row of changes in the law, reading policies of the organization, informal chats with
managers and colleagues and meeting up with the employees from other organizations.
Learning activities which reflects practices in such a way like looking at owns actions, emotions,
thoughts, will increase the understanding of a person for whatever they are doing through which
they can plan and practice future actions more effectively, all these reflective practices will lead
to improve way of working.
The actions which are taken by the individual in order to increase their practice level through
learning activities by the following ways such as critical thinking, focusing on content, focus on
interactivity, production, problem solving and reflection. When a person engages in ongoing
learning and continuing practicing in their job then it will give his/her a great satisfaction. By
doing mastering in the skills and technical details which are needed for their job role will also
make them feel better for their performance.
Reflective practice allows an individual to look back on whatever they did and reflect on the
experience that has arisen at the time of practice. It uplifts thoughts and reflections in context of
what has happened, decisions what they had made, actions what they had taken and the outcomes
of those actions and decisions. Reflective practice enables an individual to accomplish better
understanding of themselves, their competencies and skills, their awareness and knowledge, and
practices to workplace in general. The questions on which an individual must focus in reference
of reflective practice involves: considering what we did, why we did it like that, whether it was
successful or not, whether it could have been done better, and planning for any kind of changes
to their future practice.
Explain the purposes and principles of
independent advocacy
It is a fundamental right of an individual to express his/her opinion and speak up freely without
any undue influence. The purpose of independent advocacy is to make sure that people are not
deprived of their fundamental rights and to ensure this, independent advocacy comes to the light
and supports individuals by taking preventive actions. The purpose of independent advocacy is to
act in a protective way and support those individuals or groups which are discriminated by any
ways and are not given the opportunity of being heard.
Principles of independent advocacy
There are three principles of independent advocacy. The first principle is about maintaining
loyalty with people. Principle of loyalty includes encouraging and being loyal towards people by
treating them with respect and dignity.
Second principle includes the fundamental rights of being heard. As per this principal,
individuals are given an opportunity to express their opinion and their voices are being heard by
the authorities. This principle protects fundamental rights by reducing the obstacles faced by
individuals due to poor communication or gap in the communication while expressing their
opinion. The persuasion of people may also be affected due to social, political, economic and
personal interest of others.
The third principle of independent advocacy is raising voice against injustice. This principle
works against discriminations, injustice and disempowerment by raising voice against any of the
mentioned conflicts and protecting the interest of individuals.
Categories of individual advocacy
Independent advocacy is further divided into two categories viz., individual advocacy and
collective advocacy. The one-to-one or individual advocacy is also applied in the legal
profession. Lawyers are advised to adapt the principle of advocacy to continue with their legal
proceedings. If an individual fail to express views and consent, advocate is advised to act as per
the principle of independent advocacy by supporting people in context of presenting their views
and opinions in such a way that interest of an individual is protected from being violated. This
support can be for long or short run and can also be provided by paid or unpaid advocates.
Individual advocacy includes a model of citizen advocacy. This model includes an intervention
of an ordinary citizen to support a person who might need assistance in the community. The
service of ordinary citizen is not a paid activity as ordinary citizen is not a qualified advocate
rather he is supporting the grieved party by independent advocacy through natural skills and
inherit talent.
The second category of independent advocacy is collective advocacy which includes giving
spaces to people so that are in a position to speak without any hindrance. Collective advocacy is
all about offering space which enables people to get together and supporting each other on an
identical ground. This category is best suited for commissioners, service providers, researches
and planners and enables them to present a stronger voice which may be helpful in influencing
decisions and agendas. Overall independent advocacy is all about going against the odds by
speaking up for discriminations and protecting individual’s interests. It works as a tool that
supports people to have control over them
Explain principles for moving and handling
equipment and other objects safely
Every manufacturing concerns and organisations are involved with handling of objects and
equipment’s in their day to day operations. In every organisation a separate workforce is allotted
for handling the equipment’s such as bunch of raw materials or parts of machineries. Companies
prepare their own set of rules and principles which assists the workers in effective handling of
equipment’s. To ensure that equipment’s are moved without any accident it is the first and
foremost responsibility of the concerned worker to assure that the objects and equipment’s are
handled with utmost care.
The concerned workers are under an obligation to perform the duties while ensuring individuals
safety and safety of objects as well. To avoid any mishaps while moving and handling the
equipment’s it is must for the manufacturing concerns to provide adequate training to workers so
that they are well versed with the handling procedures.
The principle for safe moving and handling of objects includes various strategies such as
assessing the situation in advance which will help the worker to have an overview of the
situation assisting in the handling procedure.
The principle of handling the objects includes using mechanical devices such as gurney which
will aid the workers to handle the patient with care and perfection. There are certain objects
which are of heavy weights or may harm the persons while handling thus, to ensure the safety of
workers it is advised to use protective gears such as helmets, harness, knee pads etc. Workers are
provided with prior training sessions which enables them to learn the correct procedures of
moving and handling objects so that the monetary losses are reduced to some extent.
Manual handling principles
Manual handling refers to the activities which is performed by a person to support or transport a
load by bodily force or by hand. There are several activities which are involves in manual
handling such as pulling, pushing, throwing, carrying, lifting of loads and putting down. Here are
few examples related to manual handling tasks which are assembling products, lifting boxes,
pushing and pulling trolleys, lifting heavy tools and equipment’s, packing boxes, and tip over to
scan grocery items. There are five main principles of manual handling which helps to avoid
various types of injuries at workplace.
Plan- It is one of the main action on which an individual must focus. Before lifting any kind of
object it is necessary to ensure that the entire path is free from all the obstacles or trip hazards.
The other major factor which should be consider is that the floor is not slippery and is even.
Position- After planning properly an individual must focus on the position of the body and feet,
that has to be in center and placed properly in order to secure the grip on the floor.
Pick- For lifting any object in the upward direction, it is suggested to an individual to use the
muscles of legs to lift the objects successfully. By keeping the object closure to the body will
help to maintain natural and smooth motion.
Proceed- For the further process after carrying the object. Keep the load quite close to the body
and give support to it with the arms and keep spine and head up straight in order to reduce the
risk of falling.
Place- At the last, when keeping the object at the surface, it is mandatory to keep the posture
have control over their lives by having a stronger voice and ease their involvement and
interaction with society.
properly while bending the knees and use leg muscles.