bother Al 4) Acute Abd phototube Pain . Peritonitis Diagnostics CBC • complications cause : 1) life : - 1) a) a) Pathology Tx : • Abd 3) 4) threatening effect: ✗ ultrasound CT 5) analgesics (more on management contents cannot ↳ most 1) surgical 3) Types ☒ a'dhesim Sls 2) blood 2) diarrhea 81s • : 1) dull, b) rebound tenderness 7) rigid board like abd periumbilicus pain physical CT 3) labs , 1) → slightly way crest develop leads to 3) Pain - IV morphine/hydromorphine * eh 7) ischemic rupture : tenderness " 2) anatomies 3) 4) altered Bmv (↓ BP , ) ☒ 2) may Tx syndrome , seeds, nuts Diagnostics Day scan a) Labs / ↑ wise ,↓H/H ) Complications peritonitisobstructions hospitalization - - ↑ fiber ↑ fluids , - most : - , strictures / fistulas liquids → low fiber softeners high probiotics aroid [ constipation) - common worms w/ activities that ↑ surgical (herniorrhaphy emergency supply if it's or to herniated strangulated " abd . pain hernioplasty) / bowel is cult off ↓ 'd " fiber Metamucil 6)surgery stool > be viable ↳ blood - . popcorn : 1) pain tachycardia 2) 3) abscess 4) paralytic ileus peristalsis stops 5) acute resp distress sepsis ! ↓ fiber s Immoral ventral /incisionat 8/8 : shock : , bleeding = - ↓ fiber for diverticulitis educate on disease * perforation 3) colonoscopy , Education 2) umbilical . 1) hypovolemic ☒ diverticula more • . . , diet : C) Hernias Types 1) Inguinal - Complications - abx Nursing 1) or : : 1) postoperative breakage of , → , stool 3) IV fluids 4) rest bowel NPO 9 clear 5) ✗ constipation /istraining a) peritoneal dialysis pain , cause • , bloody : 1) acute 2) PO /Iv • one , , Tx mucosa that the which can lead to abscess fistula { " fever bowel disorders 8) pancreatitis a) perforated intestine to) perforated peptic ulcer 3) muscular rigidity board like abd 4) abd spasms 5) abd distention b) fever tachycardia toichypnea,N/v • ↓ Intamin - Teoh inflam 'N of the peritoneum . 2) % • . . of Diverticulitis . 1) often none 2) abd pain 's in flatulence Dbloating bowel patterns 5) diverticulitis acute pain LLLQ ) NIV meds AFTER 3) genital tract orgs 4) appendicitis w/ rupture 5) trauma to abd organs 6) diverticulitis w/ abd outpntcnings colon , : Causes 1) blood-borne orgs 2) cirrhosis w/ ascites g /s in the , / generalized 1) strangulation) or . . ☒ 01s • sepsis Peritonitis ☒ perforation - normal saline localized Cif Diverticulosis us ↓ multiple non inflamed diverticula • → → NA tube (blood ? ) Diverticula r Disease appendectomy Iv 3) : surgery - btw ↑) resolves Interventions 1) NPO ↳ @ definitive peritonitis pain = 2) Kition Yz Tx ↳ saccular dilutions / more (NBC - TX - serious ! rupture /perforation ) - • umbilicus RLQ to MICHIE Complications • 4) IV pain meds [non opioids) 5) 110 → color consistency of ' exam scan tube for 2) decompression 3) IV fluids shock tissue necrosis 4 sepsis - Diagnostics E) : ↓ 2) hypovolemic NG , hypokalemia complications 1) hypotension • 1) NPO - , 5) persistent pain → eventually shifts 1) 5) Sls of Interventions • appendix 2) anorexia 3) N /V 4) slight fever 3) distension 4) constipation bowel sounds 3) NIV 4) pain Appendicitis ↳ in Mam 'N of the . : 2) distension supply 2) NIV paralytic absent or no : - ↓ - 81s sudden onset 1)abd pain (colicky) Non Mechanical ↳ reduced /absent bowel rounds ( ileus) 1) 6) bloating 3) constipation cancer Assessment • 4) fatigue 5) tenderness 1) NIV : mon supply 2)strangulated strictures ) ' N intact - blood . ii) hernia 4) : 1) simple in 8.1 occur GI tract through pass 1) Mechanical 42.13 ) table on intestinal Causes • a) suction to 3) IV fluids 4) surgery ray ☐ Obstruction ↳ abx IV 2) NG LBD chroma colitis : ☐ Background intamin of intestinal ↳ chronic recurrent , ↳ based 1) manifestations on colitis Ulcerative - ↳ Crohn 's disease - autoimmune disease tract in which triggers against : person 's remission of inframink tissue destruct w/ periods interspersed are - - cause cure = iD small colonoscopy during peak chronic → 6th decade . is - - if g. 1 loss . - involved rectal bloody Abd mild . → bleeding sometimes - fatty 5) ↓ colitis __ ↳ stools pain . - moderate 4 maintain ↓ inform 'N - 94-10 stools /day ↑ remission examples by suppressing proinflammatory ASA) inflammatory blood amt of referral referral action salicylates - work Psych : 5- amino 15 social selection depends on location hnsererity of infamw step up approach : less toxic → more toxic : step down approach use biologic 4 targeted therapy 1ˢᵗ class - . QOL . drug - semi formed gtoo , / day w/ gmail - _ malnutrition Pharmacology goal induce diarrhea <4 7) improve stress - - cramping weight correct ↳ Ulcerative diarrhea - - vs 4) 5) fatigue . Crohn 's - time 3) Abd pain 4) fever 1) diarrhea 2) weight loss 6) relieve SYMPB / - . over : 1) rest bowel a) control inform N 3) combat infect'N suffer mild severe acute exacerbations that occur @ unpredict 'L pt intervals g/g enema MRI Tx • Groats - if barium series Ultrasonography . iv) CT v7 b) - - bowel trans abd of unknown second double contrast ;) 'N may occur @any age commonly seen from teenage early adult years - mucous 4) stool cultures 5) imaging studies none = blood ) agents nut ) pus iii immune poor stool examination GI exacerbation - i) deficiency of/t blood loss) iD serum electrolyte Iris Cdlt dehydration ) iii) serum protein hits Chypoalbuminemiadlt i ) iD intestinal own agent /combo some widespread of periods - . any segment overactive, inappropriate an 3) of exam studies (check iron CBC tract colon physical hx blood rectum intamin of tract response ↳ , 2) = intrans /Nh ulceration of & 2) IBD Diagnostics % 1) cytokines hither mediators main way to acheivedh maintain remission { prevent have ups - , bleeding systemic symptoms fever - , sultasalatine (Azulfidine) olsalazine ( Dipentum ) Mesa /amine ( Pentagon ) , malaise, mild anemia anorexia - severe > bloody mucousy 10-20 / , × weight day , loss , diarrhea fever rapid , corticosteroids * Not immuno . ↑ suppressants peritonitis) * last resort , ii) , problems , - grumpy - hyperglycemia weight gain mood corticosteroid induction . regular : (antitumor therapy monitoring necrosis factor) inhibits cytokine TNF side effects : ↑ risk of TB cancer infect 'N ↳ - , , biologic 4 bone , vascular an skin circulating cytokines trigger , therapies inflaming Integrin receptor antagonists ↳ prevents migration of leukocytes from bloodstream to inform 'd tissue antimicrobials Prednisone cyclosporine methotrexate 6- mercaptopurine lnfliximab (Remicade) Adalimumab ( Humira) Certolitnmabpegol cccimzia) lrolimumab (simponi) targeted , methylprednisone ☐ is 430 reals side effects cancer 4 infect 'N - agents cancer a) liver failure ☒ systemic complications 1) joint eye month kidney hunger TNF (toxic mega colon) for colorectal flareups : maintains remission after - infect 'Ns ) dilation risk - - 5) fistulas 6) CD , [c. diff 8) helpful for acute side effects - - abscess colonic _ - 2) strictures /obstructions 3) perforation 14 potential 7) long hydrocortisone achenes remission - ↳ , 4) for term UH ! , anemia , tachycardia dehydration Complications 1) hemorrhage inflam 'N - - prevents /treats - Natali 2-umab ( Tysabri ) Vedolizumab (Entyvio ) secondary infect'N Ciprofloxacin (Cipro> olarithromycin (Biaxin) antidiarrheal metronidazole /Flagyl) Luperamide Dicyclomine LBD Surgical ↳ indicated surgery when ↳ most - pouch /anal anastomosis (IPAD not procedure major - ↳ - - @ anal complication -_ removal colon , return , hanus wl ☐ ostomy often disease recurs opening when on abd . closure 2) correct 3) replace is route discharge no of • longer possible . . 4 malnutrition prevent fluid 4 electrolyte loss dlt : ☐ ↓ oral intake Vit D Ileostomy vs D D . folic acid supplements During - regular liquid - - - diet tolerated be not may enteral : feedings preferred : ↑ calories hnnutrients - Characteristics of stoma Exacerbations Acute osteoporosis to prevent supplements Kt supplements Ca - - lactose free easily absorbed regular Bread foods reintroduced gradually → 2) 9) Rice 9 Applesauce Toast 9 9 4) 9 5) → 6) 9 7) ¢ onset 1) explain Ute fnnct condition 2) demonstrate a practiceunderlyingdare placement 3) fluid 9 diet Mgmt emptying , . abd , . lifestyle on how to manage Interventions Nursing + 2) check output 3) be Can up Observe for after mealtimes to fluid ID hemorrhage abd v7 , , 'N deficiency obstruct'N 4) initial drainage will be liquid 5) transient incontinence of from manipulation of anal canal maybe interspersed c. diff . infect'N areas of inform 'N (skip lesions) strictures 6) kegals 7) perianal care skin complications risk of 5.1 cancer . 4 & > 60 rectumdhspreads continuously common, severe, constant bloody urgent , acute → attack anemia rave mucosa continuous areas of Intamin minimal common ↑ up colon - minimal common ↑ risk mid 30s common severe distribution cancer starts - in during involvement abscess bowel , teens common, entire thickness of bowel wall small bowel imbalance cramping CRLOD depth ✗ Pus dehydration MUCOUS . , 1500 -1800mL / 24 hrs hretectrolyte small Pale , gray dusky purple Knut 60 sometimes common : i) iv ) ✗ ✗ loss malabsorpt ✗ cold > common bleed weight ✗ discolored & common rectal : mid 30s common , fever : UU - . diarrhea emotional support - Colitis Ulcerative . attract anywhere@along usually distal ileum pain . Post-operative Care Ileostomy 1) Monitor i ) stoma viability ✓red /pink mucocutaneous ✓clean juncture moist peristomes / skin integrity → ✓ ✓shiny - vs Crohn 's teens location Patient Ed : 4) Din Crohn 's characteristic 9 - labs 2) corticosteroids • • probs . - - 1) on of nutrients exacerbating nut 1) snlfasalatine daily Colostomy . based deficiencies D . tell ☒ can Meds D loss Deficiencies 4) • consultant w/o exacerbating tympt nut meals ) a) blood loss 3) malabsorption : dietary : 1) provide adequate @ anastomosis site w/ intervention __ consult (small that allows normal elimination His 5) 110 6) ↑ Ca 4) prevent weight surgery created surgically body waste fat Goals ☒ performed laparoscopically continence impossible : , Nutrition ↳ be can . freq characteristics) 3) NPO w/ IV hydration 4) daily weights ' sphincter acute /chronic pouchitis complication Types high proto colectomy w/ permanent ileostomy a) total _ . bowel mrmt (sounds, ↓ fiber Graw foods control of , 2) assess 4) & caffeine dairy spicy , resume ↳ . 3) ,↑HR,↑RR abd pain, bloating peritonitis / toxic mega colon ↳ fever DX all { smoking 2) 4 pnteindh calories managed need to be General : 1) monitor vs Diet permanent Pt Able to definition ☒ 2) stress mgmt 3) support groups • to anus . ☒ ileal diverting ileostomy performed - ↳ eventually , , . common directly frustration depression anxiety 1) Therapy ileal pouch created 9 anastomosed - * need . . colitis 1) Total proto colectomy w/ - fails Most Pt support Emotional Tx Tx Interventions Nursing ↳ Uclerative • chrome colitis ' • ↑ risk of colorectal ↑ risk 4 severity cancer severity occasional common abscess → fistula → sepsis malnourishment fissure , , strictures → obstruction , issue arthritis , stones rashes , , psudopolyps narrowing , > scar rupture / toxic peritonitis tissue ↓ hamstra , , mega colon , 0VVV↓Ñ✓y ↳ Auditory Disorders fftottblrttltn SAFETY !! consider ↳ 1) 4 Considerations Interventions ☐ Nursing Pt → 42 of loses . 4) 5) sympt 2) use hearing aids 3) speak slowly Ganoid high pitched speech overview . b) Postoperative care 1) careful wl sudden position 2) medicate for NIV senses ! write notes minimize extraneous noise avoid ototoxic meds • blowing 3) avoid ☐ nose 4) if cough answering uncontrollable → keep 5) avoid Valsalva maneuver (dH↑P ) 6) avoid bending 4 lifting Chitty) • mouth open to tip Patient Ed : 1) ↓ environmental noise 2) immunizations Rubella in 3rd trimester → deafness 3) ototoxic meds : 1) anti malaria ivsalyoilatus - ' - ↓ 1) trauma 2) inflaming infect 'N 3) cerumen hsforeiyn • benign paroxysmal • cancer Otitis media - • neuroma tympanum , ossicles, airspace of middle ear : Intamin /infec 'N of 4) Tinnitis ringing hearing loss in 5) ' acoum LN causing noise endolymph to in drainage Dear pain (otalgia) 2) discomfort 5) fewer 3) muffled hearing 1) conductive , genetic hnenviron ringing " /lasix) 'L hearing head factors Neuroma 7) Benign Paroxysmal positional (Bppv) unilateral affecting Common benign tumor CNVIII cause vertigo of Vertigo causing tumor M CN V1" in pressure balanced → coordination 1) unilateral, progressive hearing 4) gtapedeotomy a) ✗ loss of aid hearing → No loss touch sensation balance ↓ - - to ringing ! vertigo sympt quiet . room ✗ sudden mvmts ✗ - fluorescent / - resection of CSF leak ! surgical be aware canal ith / Epley ) maneuver repositioning 5) nausea 8) conductive hearing loss conditions in the middle outer or 1) otitis media w/ effusion Dpt speaks softy (bio / leaky fluid) spoken voice seems loud) 2) cerumen 3) perforation of tympanic 2) Pt hears better in noisy ear transmission through air impair of sound → inner ear memb inner of hunt of ear or _ CNMI (vestibularcochlear) cause hearing aid . ostosclerosis ear impairment treat enviro 'n . 5) narrowing loss - . 4) 9)sensorineural hearing - . of external canal 1) congenital /heredity hears sound factors 2) noise trauma 3) aging 4) meniere's disease 5) Oto toxicity /loop diuretics , ASA , NSAIDs , abx, chemotherapy> 6) systemic inflow (DM bacterial meningitis , immune diseases ) but can't understand speech , a) hearing high pitch diminishes /includes consonants) sounds g) sounds become a. difficult to understand muffled - . flickering lights ✗ TV - * cure dark, - " 2) tinnitis 3) corticosteroids drown out 2) Vertigo 3) lightheadedness canal drops & abx - 1) nystagmus debris semicircular moist heat mild analgesic loss 2) tinnitus 3) ear P / fullness 4) progressive hearing loss 5) drop attacks 6) N / V 7) sweating, pallor vertigo free-floating - " " 6)Acoustic - _ - noise 1) Vertigo tympanoplasty - - Dred tympanum exposure meds abx eardrops - (myringotormy tubes) drainage labyrinth membranous , 4) autosomal dom disease ear of in contaminated swimming H2O leading , 2) inflam 'N 3) painless trauma auricle disorder bulging painful -1M 3) fever malaise → - progressive 1) pain 2) red , allergies 4) ↓ hearing 1) purulent exudate many Disease TX - , epithelium hear canal 3) otosclerosis SIS of auditory tube swelling dlt colds , develops from repeated otitis media in childhood narrowed stapes Meniere 's agents loss hearing acoustic cause acute : infect 'N of chronic externa NSAIDs ;) chemotherapeutic v or definition often in children 2) otitis (aspirin sensorineural Disease 1) conductive ) v antibiotics Vertigo positional bodies 4) skin diuretics hearing aid makes sound ( only louder > ☐ Physiology 4 Anatomy Infection Common tyqf Disorders trusty eye sty ¥ 8 S : Impairment visual 1) Leisner by glasses , - 2) Meineke unable : / not may may 3)tegamhynbinnd Refractive legally be read surgery ordinary ¥ . peripheral Cataracts newsprint ↳ correction causes • acuity field 201200 ≤ 1) eye or 3) Disorders ☒ - - - - • in older Pt) Options • *Én? - warm abx 3) PICK 4) , . - " sty - - b) Kerchief - - - → causes - - - > - - dilation of of on /eyelids hand 2) pupils , coma, or eye eyelids prevent 3) injury Pt . rubbing L B eyes / bending lifting coughing ) IOP , , eye eye → s og eyes a ou including " : : . home environ Casually op acute s /s 1) blurry , to damage gradual for retina : 2) • or day) ability to care next (assistance . Retinopathy ↳ microvascular - R closed : felt, prevent falls / injury) • ointment ] ↑ that arrange follow-up appt assess cornea eye prevention : eye tube (drops interventions Instructions ' can't close dry eyes home 1) bleeding iD pain HD Sls of infect 'N ↳ issue ride have 1) report Sls contagion hygiene pupil scratch ? restore MUST Discharge accommodation phaco emulsification 410L vision w/ lens implant Post-surgery control : rubbing blinking snit in tape → . : - - - "" "^" " """" "" " " "" """ 4) ✗ driving until approved 5) wear glasses /eye shield /eye patch 6) shield from UV rays ( pink eye ) prevention prolonged drug therapy contraction anticholinergic) paralyzes "" numb eye - 2) ✗ activities eye - , - ° → excessive clb [ DX rubbing /pressing eye " "" into 'N of inform 'N of outer 7) cantankerous - → . usually - , goal * mostly palliative 5) > surgical ↳ " " Removal = - drooping eyelid abx night Phase : Meds 3) cycloplegia → moist compress ointment c¥¥¥LiE - @ - Abnormalities 4 Abbreviations - perception color - glasses h¥¥¥nm , vision decline Preoperative 2) surgical 1) later (Larix) E) intraocular lens implant 2) diabetes alcoholism ) . dilates pupil 1) Mydriatics 2) NSAID drops ↓ inform 'N - " lie : surgery → surgical c) corrective contacts meds diseases sls : mostly age-related earlier : 3) glaring effects 4) vision worsens 5) opaque lens irregular corneal curvature light rays bent unequally Corrective 1) Non it injury 1) gradual 2) abnormal - that 's develop 2) certain 120° 1) umynopnin nearsightedness 2) Imerina farsightedness 3)Pwresnbyepinae loss of accommodation ( typically 4)¥xkgeaEcn of lens opacity diabetics - blind visual visual central : to w/ even - contacts, meds, improved remains vision some that can't be vision impaired : vision progressive Risk 1) vision Pop : Diabetics i > Non - - loss - : proliferative most ;) Proliferative common - cap micro aneurysms retinal hard exudates . - - swelling 2) Hypertensive - ↑ BP creates Pts - new blood vessel hemorrhages : retinal blood vessel blockage growth phototaxis ritual 4) Retinal Detachment retina from the epithelium accumulation b/w the 2 layers Cause • i) myopia ocular SIS trauma : of retinal detachment hx 1) floaters flashes 2) retinal : (photopsia) iiD painless blurryin field) ring visual detachment ID like curtain a /veil Types • 1) Diagnostics 1) 2) 3) open - 2) angle - . £ dlt trabecular meshwork primary - (Not important for surgery scleral prod 'N . 99 humor outflow is ↓ ultrasound ↳ aq : primary - 1) slit lamp 2) ophthalmoscope Tx of (inflow) > rate of absorption [outflow) down coming ↑ IOP = ↳ rate D same sls as tear iD area of dark vision sudden onset vision [cobweb , ☒ cause • tear ' 3) AMP fluid /surgery /personal family 1) retinal • & vitreous humor shrinks) ( ble severe iv) /holes) d/t break C.tears aging ) ii ) " % buckle - vision 5) cases Nursing - pt . 2) eye drop 'D ii Age ↳ most - Types 1) Non - of irreversible cause affects > lights 3) photophobia /pressure 2) ( Dry) cells atrophy ↳ - meshwork - ↑ - form untreated rapid dry → iD blindness Risk Factors lead ) V 1) age 2) genetics . Tino , B carotene - Tx 2) - - - 9 • , darkened vision spots Cscotomas ) doesn't doesn't 4) may notice not until both , lutein] blood destroy leave blind very few pts Nursing (slows . 1) [for trabecular - - vessels considerations : ✗ avoid lights constricts pupil ↓ }↓ IOP aq humor . prod [Diamond meds restrictions strenuous ✗ sudden ✗ bending 4) wear inhibitors → 9 : sunlight eye return for wet AMD) . Cdlt ↑ IOP ) activityto 's position or cover straining as directed physician 's appt . considerations Nursing determine of 1) spot eligible avoid 3) activity D 's eyes affected anhydrase aceta 2- Olamide 2) take prescribed 5) vision loss) (Maugeri) ranibitumab (Lucent's) Dpregabtanib carbonic Patient Ed - : Meds 2) , blind 3) vision distortion photodynamic therapy ↳ : 1) blurred 3) cigarette smoking 4) HTN 5) Nut factors (Vit GE ☒ • / S J - iv) B- blockers to wet - • . of circulation Hyperosmotics adrenergic agonists Alpha onset can systemic 3) Meds 1) Miotics , ☒ 4 contraction open outflow to Irish trabecular meshwork part fluid percolates out through missing iris absorbed into blood vessels macula , severe - ↳ fragile leaky - spas needs abnormal ↳ light for tasks gradual, progressive painless vision loss - EMERGENCY ! : (wet) Exudative near difficulty reading mind - EYE vision redness 2) Iridectomy surgery ↳ of removal of most common close vision affected blurred vision - vision loss ° Exudative - Tx 1) later trabeculoplasty ↳ later cantus scarring boy/ slightly - central ☒ : ↳ macular - Degeneration Macular intravitreal bubble 3) pain meds 4) activity restrictions 5) can't drive inflammatory common usually ☒ dlt to face down dilators Related - or , 7) .es - process aging pupil dilation 4) blurred 5) ocular b) NIV meds i ) abx ii) anti occurrence colored halos around bubble have may d /t lens ) bulging 1) severe pain frontal " Interventions 1) positioning Cd It acute prolonged vitrectomy intra vitreal ↓ < closure - of vision loss tunnel pain no - obstruction cause gradual - us closure primary angle 's outflow - later photo coagulation 4) cryotherapy (cold therapy ) ☒ optic 's of diseases that can damage eye result in vision loss 4 blindness group nerve : 1) retinal ☒ w/ separation of ↳ Glaucoma ↳ sunlight 15 days) or halogen 3) bevacizumab (Arnstein) 4) 2) how 3) how 4) does is client direct tone impairment length ? impairment affect normal functioning contact eyevoice of 5) sighted b) explain coping - ? when speaking in a guide technique environmental sound, smells etc , . normal . Lab 14 : HGB 12 : 0-8 Eosinophils I / Lymphocytes 20-40 / - Colonoscopy 2.0 Pratte ↓ " " Hot acid secretion Maalox sodium smoking overeating * no , wall SYMRT -_ uncommon quick * NSAIDs , stress, , Mylanta * Do Not take - - - - - - - - abscess lining - cause = - unknown potentially [ - environ .G have ups followed remission - - sepsis ↑ rashes ✗ diet genetics) by - kidney cancer ✓ low fiber (popcorn ✓ cooked foods digest stones ✗ ✗ ✗ veggies] fatty - - - anal fissures loss weight fatty stools starts in cure - _ ✓ lots of H2O - - dairy allergens - meds toxic ileoanal anastomosis ↓ mega colon peritonitis diarrhea , abd . pain loss , fever , , → rupture haustra tissue scar psudopolyps weight loss anemia inform 'N of Sls weight loss cramping 4 dehydration joints eyes skin , , , : - fatigue of intestinal colectomy w/ ileostomy liver (wheat, fish) weight migrates up : ✓high protein spicy -818 = lining colon Ct pouch ) complications - : rectum 4 affects inner → - - colitis large intestine 4 affects _ : abd pain CRLQ) ulcers in mouth (Flagg) - high fiber raw ✗ eye problems cramping Tetracycline other wall - : ✗ hard to obstruction diarrhea w/ or risk of colon , nuts, arthritis . - fistula s fissure Sls - : gallbladder & "" ) ( Ulcerative - _ → h✓°MY Biaxin w/ inform 'N daubers causes - of intestine malnourishment strictures "" " meds BOTH _ 9 before V2 hrs Amoxacillin - - Pylori other meds surgery helps w/ Qoldu complications . Metronidazole short term Not take H from acid sulcrafateccarafate) relief * do . - kills 4 Magnesium hydroxide affects whole GI tract scattered patches (cobblestone) affects entire Antibiotics meal , (?) I ulcers give bicarbonate calcium carbonate Aluminum hydroxide cimetidine effects for give Fanrutidine (Pepsi d) * side stomach lines 12hr after meals (Zanu ) Ranitidino fx HCl protects give → MMM ulcers Crohn 's . scan " neutralizes @ bedtime or 30min before meals before bone tidine prevents ulcers Crush cure get Protestant Mucosal Antacid Antagonist antagonist no up CT visual of colon Gastritis , GERD , PUD , hiatal hernia FOR - . - to rectum 3.0 " Go diff infection * more effective than HZR - camera for colon . HZR acid secretion term use - " Esomeprazole (Nexium) - contrast into = . 3.0-4.0 Pantoprazole (protonic) - = 1.5 -2.0 . ↑ risk of enema . Omeprazolecpriloseo) long 9 ' 2-8-1 A. fib 30min givemeals * fiber gastritis diverticulosis diverticulitis ,UC, Crohn II -15sec PPI Do Not → , ' Prosthetic valve prevents - fiber barium /mm } . Basophils z low PUD → . . PT * / 0.5 DVT ↓ Hot . pylori . high 47 't Thousand 1-4.1 Monocytes " - 55-70-1 Bands > 37 5-10 Neutrophils 0 It . : WBC -1891dL -1691dL 42-521 : Hot § M IS C value - - - diarrhea GPUs { pain CLLQ) bloody Abd . - fever electrolytesbalance - mucous) IBD v8 inflammatory Bond diseases group disorders of L die to inflammation NC t Crohn's pathos known anti inflammatory meds steroids IBS irritable bowel syndrome defined by specific signs symptoms diagnosis clinically patro unknown anxiety of get