Why is the boy sad? He fell off his bike. He is late for school. He has forgotten his homework. twinkl.com Why is the boy happy? It is the weekend. It is his birthday. He has finished his homework. twinkl.com Why is she using an umbrella? It is cold. It is raining. It is sunny. twinkl.com Why is the girl happy? She scored a goal. It is her birthday. She got stars on her homework. twinkl.com Why is the girl scared? She is getting a shot. She is scared of the storm. She is scared of spiders. twinkl.com Why are the children wearing coats? They like them. It is cold. It is morning. twinkl.com Why is the boy scared? He is scared of dogs. He is scared of storms. He is scared of spiders. twinkl.com Why is the boy happy? He likes butterflies. It is raining. He doesn’t like being in the yard. twinkl.com Why is the boy wearing a hat? It is cold. He is on vacation. It is sunny. twinkl.com Why is the girl laughing? The story is funny. It is the weekend. It is bedtime. twinkl.com Why is the boy scared? He is in the backyard. He is scared of wasps. He is late for school. twinkl.com Why is the boy happy? He likes stories. He likes ice cream. It is Monday. twinkl.com