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Time Management & Academic Performance Research Proposal

Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
A Research Proposal
Presented to
the College of Teacher Education
Cagayan State University-Andrews Campus
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
S.Y. 2023-2024
Baccay, Judilyn G.
Balwang, Lalaine C.
Libunao, Raymel M.
Pasinos, Myra T.
Viernes, Rio Jean A.
MAY 2023-2024
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Chapter 1
Time is one thing in life that you can never get back. Once it's gone it's gone
forever. In today's fast-paced world, even though it seems like we're working
twenty-four seven, are we really making the best use of our time?
Time management is an important skill for working students as it helps them
to efficiently manage their studies, work and other commitments. It is how well you
can plan and organize your time and how much time you allocate into a specific task
or activity. Setting clear priorities and focusing on the most important task will allow
you to have a clear progress towards your goals and achieve them on time. Time
management is a critical skill for working students, as they must balance the
demands of work, school, and personal life.
Time management is very worthwhile issue during to being it a key factor in
any success at all levels of life and for that the term time management is strongly
associated with administrative work. Despite of its importance, it is never an easy
task to manage time individually and a need to specific qualifications along with
many personal skills is then a must. Let alone exploiting the available resources in
order to meet the society and individual needs at the same time and the ability to
adjust with the present and future situations (Alghamdi, 2008, p 49).
The ability to manage time effectively is a crucial skill for anyone, but it is
particularly important for working students. Juggling the demands of work, school,
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
and personal life can be challenging, and effective time management is key to
achieving success in all areas. However, time management is not a one-size-fits-all
solution. Personal variables, such as personality traits, motivation, and selfdiscipline, can play a significant role on how individuals manage their time. Personal
variables can significantly impact a working student's ability to manage their time
To manage time is another sense of distributing priorities and exert efforts
upon that distribution, according to Covey (2004) seven matters a person must give
priorities for, as namely; improving the contacts with others, preparing the activities
more effectively, improving the process of managing and planning for the duties,
caring for the personal interests, seizing new opportunities, improving the personal
skills and information, admitting the power of others.
Working students often face the challenge of balancing their studies and job
responsibilities while still having enough time for leisure activities. A number of
personal variables, such as educational background, socio-economic status,
personality traits, physical health, and mental wellbeing, can all influence how
effectively a working student can manage their time. By understanding these
variables and how they impact their time management, students can take steps to
improve their efficiency and productivity, ultimately leading to greater success in
both their academic and professional lives.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
It is important to acknowledge the complexities of individual experiences
when it comes to time management, as well as the solutions that exist to help
working students succeed.
In this respect, mentioning the academic level is of close link to the level of
success one may gain; as Academic achievement is the dream of family and social
status of the individual, where a human needs to have a positive view of him/her self
as this view along with the physical abilities will lead to make real resources to
future success. It follows then that in order to get self-satisfaction, one will need to
link self –recognition to achievement and self-expressing. A good finding on this is
represented in high achievemen done by self-recognized intellectuals compared to
those with low-recognition (Asakreh, 2003, p 54).
Education background and socio-economic status can play an important role
on how much time a student has to devote to work and study. For instance, if a
student is from a more privileged background, they may be able to access additional
resources that can help them to better manage their time.
conscientiousness, have been linked to better time management. Physical health and
mental wellbeing can also be a factor, as physical and mental fatigue can reduce a
student’s ability to focus on their studies and work tasks. Understanding and
addressing these personal variables can help working students to maximize their
potential for success.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Our research aims to explore the relationship between time management
practices and academic performance of working students in the College of Teacher
Education. By examining the relationship between these variables and time
management practices and and academic performance, we hope to gain a deeper
understanding of the factors that contribute to effective time management among
working students. This knowledge can be valuable in helping working students to
develop the skills and strategies they need to succeed in both their academic and
professional pursuits.
Overall, our research has the potential to make a meaningful contribution to
the field of time management and education, and we look forward to seeing the
insights uncover.
Statement of the Problem
The study will investigate the relationship between time management practices
and academic performance of working students in the College of Teacher
Education.. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents?
2. What is the academic performance of the respondents?
3. What is the Time Management Practices of the respondents?
4. Is there a significant difference in the Time Management Practices of the
respondents when grouped according to profile variables?
5. Is there a significant difference
in the academic performance of the
respondents when grouped according to profile variables.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework for the research study titled "Time Management
Practices and It's Relationship to Academic Performance of Working Students in the
College of Teacher Education" is based on four main constructs: personal variables,
time management, academic performance, and working students.
The study aims to investigate how the time management practices affect the
academic performance of working students in the College of Teacher Education.
The study also takes into account the potential moderating effects of working
student's employment characteristics, such as work hours per week, work schedule,
job demands, job satisfaction, work-related stress, work-life balance, and workrelated support.
The conceptual framework suggests that time management practices play a
crucial role in working student's academic performance. By understanding the
impact of time management practices, the working students can improve their time
management skills to reach their full potential in their scholastic achievement.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Time Management
Personal Variables
Research Paradigm
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College of Teacher Education
Figure 1. The paradigm showing the interplay of the variables in the study
The diagram above shows the independent and dependent variables involved
in this study. The independent variables focus on the respondents’ demographic
profile that will be used to investigate how they connect with the dependent variable
which is the effect of personal variables on time management of working students.
Academic Performance
The researchers was guided by the following hypothesis:
There is no significant difference in the Time Management Practices of the
respondents when grouped according to profile variables.
2. There is no significant difference in the Academic Performance of the respondents
when grouped according to profile variables.
3. There is no significant relationship in the Time Management Practices and
Academic Performance of the respondents.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Scope and Delimitations
The respondents of this study are third year College of Teacher Education
students of Cagayan State University- Andrews Campus enrolled in the First
Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study shall be helpful to the following:
Working students. The study can help identify effective time management
strategies that can improve their academic and work performance, reduce stress, and
enhance their overall well-being.
Teachers. The study can provide insights into the challenges faced by
working students and help develop effective support programs that promote time
management skills and academic success.
Employers. The study can help employers understand the challenges faced
by working students and support them in managing their work and academic
Policymakers. The study can inform policies that can support working
students, such as flexible work hours and study leave.
Researchers. This study provides an opportunity to explore the relationship
between personal variables, time management, and academic performance of
working students. The findings of this study can be used to develop strategies and
interventions that can improve the academic performance of working students.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Future Researchers. They could use the results of the current study as a
springboard for further research on the improvement of students’ performance on
other major subjects.
Overall, the study of time management of working students can contribute
to the development of effective interventions and policies that can improve the wellbeing and success of working students.
Parents. This study can help them understand the challenges that working
students face and provide them with insights on how they can support their children.
For example, parents can encourage their children to develop good time
management skills and provide them with resources that can help them balance their
academic and work responsibilities.
Definition of Terms
To facilitate the readers’ understanding of the contents of this study, the
researchers included the operational and conceptual definition of the following
Household Help. This refers to the person hired to help in another's home
(especially one employed by a local authority to help the infirm with domestic
work) housekeeper. a servant who is employed to perform domestic task in a
Personal Variables. It is define as individual-based variables such as age,
gender, education level and years of experience.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Retailer. A person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively
small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.
Student-Aide. It is an individual less than 16 years of age who is
participating in an educational, curriculum-based course of study; vocational
education; or occupational development program and who.
Service Crew. They are individuals who serve customers directly in a
business organization, like a restaurant, hotel, and even cruise ship. However,
restaurants seem to be the most places they are employed.
Time Management. It is the coordination of tasks and activities to
maximize the effectiveness of an individual’s efforts.
Working Students. It is often used to refer to someone who mainly works
and is also studying (part time).
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the summary, citations of some related literature and
studies which the researchers gathered from websites, books, journals, theses, etc.,
which are related to the present study conducted.
Throughout the history, there has been great emphasis on the effective and
efficient management of time, which has also been considered the key to success
(Pugh & Nathwani, 2017; Nasrullah & Khan, 2015). Frederick Winslow Taylor gave
the concept to use time management for analyzing time and motion studies of
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
employees with aim to decrease time wasting and unproductive work (Savino,
2016). In this competitive era, for high performance, the organizations and directors
emphasize on searching time management tools (Kumar & Aithal, 2019). It has also
been advised to start practicing time management from the early student life (Valle
et al., 2016). Time management has also been defined as a form of self-management
with a clear emphasis on time in understanding what activities to do; how to do them
more efficiently; in what time it should be done and when is the correct time to the
particular activity (Savino, 2016). It has also been association with low anxiety and
greater academic achievement in students (Jenaabadi, Nastiezaie, & Jalalzaei,
Whereas performing goal directed activities with the purpose of using time
efficiently defines time management as “behavior” (Aeon & Aguinis, 2017). The
time management behavior has three basic surfaces that are: time attitudes, longrange planning and short-range planning (Aeon & Aguinis, 2017). Time attitude is
the positive or negative perspective towards the present, future and past time which
had been directly linked to academic achievement, especially in scientific subjects
(Nieuwoudt, & Brickhill, 2017). The concept of handling everyday jobs for longer
period of time and keeping up with the objectives set for significant dates is called
the competence in long range planning. Whereas, planning in the short run for the
day to a day activity or planning for tasks within a day or week is short-range
planning. For students to better manage their curriculum and achieve learning
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
objectives, these time management behaviors or skills are argued to improve the
positive academic output (Razali et al., 2018).
There have been many studies that found association between greater
academic achievement and effective time management as students acquire strategies
that helps them in meeting competing demands (Nadinloyi et al., 2013; Kharadze,
Gulua, & Davit, 2017). The curriculums in higher education institutes are designed
in a way that gets to peak and troughs in the workload of student requiring them to
manage between their work-life balance, often without the support of institution.
The non-cognitive personal behavior i.e., perspective of students regarding time
management is also an effective predictor of educational achievement as with poor
time management skills it gets difficult for students to plan their studies and which
causes them anxiety and agitation at the assessment time which usually takes place
at the end of the course (Scherer, Talley, & Fife, 2017). Students have previously
linked negative educational results with poor time management which could be
partially self-serving bias, however, there have been ample studies that establish this
association (Nadinloyi et al., 2013; Kharadze, Gulua, & Davit, 2017). There have
been studies conducted on time management and educational achievement in
business students (Sayari, Jalagat, & Dalluay, 2017), nursing students (Nayak,
2019), management students (Gupta & Chitkara, 2018), and engineering students
(Adams & Blair, 2019). However, none have been done on radiology students.
Previous studies have determined a positive effect of time management.
Time management skills have indicated a positive effect on student learning and
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
associated outcomes. A number of studies have identified the positive impact of time
management. Time management skills have been shown to have a positive impact
on student learning and student outcomes (Kearns & Gardiner, 2007; Kelly, 2002;
McKenzie, Gow, & Schweitzer, 2004) and Krause & Coates (2008) indicated that
the ability for successfully managing their time is the benchmark of students in
developing better study habits as well as strategies for success. Time management
provides individuals the ways for structuring and controlling their activities
(Claessens et al., 2004). In addition, report that the capacity to successfully manage
their time is the foundation of students developing good study habits and strategies
for success. Time management offers individuals the means to structure and control
their activities (Claessens et al., 2004). In addition, Wang et al. (2011) have revealed
that time management is essential beyond the university campus, where the ability
to manage one’s free time is revealed to substantially elevates the quality of life of
an individual.
Working Students
Working students are those who balance their academic pursuits with parttime or full-time employment. It is a common phenomenon in many countries,
where students need to work to finance their education and living expenses. While
working can provide students with valuable experience and skills, it can also be
challenging to juggle work and academic responsibilities.
Working students are those who are simultaneously enrolled in school and
working to earn money. According to the National Center for Education Statistics
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
(NCES), about 43% of full-time undergraduate students and 81% of part-time
undergraduate students worked while enrolled in college in 2015-16 (NCES, 2018).
Working while studying can provide financial support, work experience, and skills
development, but it can also have negative impacts on academic performance and
overall well-being (Kim & Kao, 2014).
Overall, working while studying can be a double-edged sword. It can provide
students with valuable experience and financial support, but it can also affect their
academic performance and well-being. Therefore, it is important for students to
carefully balance their work and academic responsibilities and choose jobs that align
with their academic and career goals.
Time Management Skills
Time management is an essential skill for working students as they juggle
academic and work responsibilities. Several studies have been conducted on the
relationship between personal variables, time management, and academic
performance among working students.
One study by Lai and Kuo (2015) found that time management skills
significantly predicted academic performance among working students. The study
also found that personal variables such as self-efficacy and motivation were
important predictors of time management.
Similarly, a study by Alzahrani (2017) found that time management skills
and self-regulated learning significantly predicted academic achievement among
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
working students. The study also found that personal variables such as self-esteem
and motivation were important predictors of time management.
In addition, a study by Credé and Phillips (2011) found that
conscientiousness, one of the "Big Five" personality traits, was positively correlated
with academic performance among college students. Conscientious students tend to
be organized, responsible, and disciplined, which are all important factors for
effective time management.
Another study by Glick and Crisp (2010) found that working students who
had higher levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy were more likely to effectively
manage their time and achieve better academic outcomes.
Academic Performance of Working Students
Working while studying can be a challenging experience for students, as it
can affect their academic performance due to the demands of balancing work and
study responsibilities. Several studies have investigated the relationship between
work and academic performance among students.
For instance, a study by Joo and Lim (2020) found that working students in
South Korea had lower academic performance compared to non-working students.
The study suggested that the negative impact of work on academic performance was
due to time constraints and stress associated with juggling work and study.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Another study by Kienle and Wacker (2020) examined the relationship
between working hours and academic performance among German university
students. The study found that students who worked more than 20 hours per week
had lower grades compared to those who worked less than 20 hours per week or did
not work at all.
On the other hand, some studies have found no significant relationship
between work and academic performance among students. For example, a study by
Wang and Castañeda (2019) found that working status did not significantly affect
the academic performance of undergraduate students in the United States.
In conclusion, the relationship between work and academic performance
among students is complex and can depend on several factors such as the number of
working hours, job type, and personal characteristics of the student. While some
studies have shown a negative impact of work on academic performance, other
studies have found no significant relationship. Therefore, it is important for students
to carefully consider the potential impact of work on their academic performance
and develop effective strategies to manage their time and responsibilities.
Personal Variables
Personal variables refer to individual characteristics that can influence how
students balance their academic and work responsibilities. These variables can
include personality traits, motivation, self-efficacy, and time-management skills.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Several studies have explored the effects of personal variables on the academic and
work outcomes of working students.
One important personal variable that can influence the academic and work
outcomes of working students is time-management skills. Students who can
effectively manage their time are more likely to balance their work and academic
responsibilities and achieve positive outcomes in both domains (e.g., better grades
and job performance). A study by Lee and Yin (2017) found that time-management
skills were positively associated with academic performance and job satisfaction
among working
Overall, personal variables can play an important role in how working
students balance their academic and work responsibilities and achieve positive
outcomes. Students who possess strong time-management skills, motivation, and
self-efficacy are more likely to succeed in both domains.
Types of working Students
There are different types of working students based on their employment
status and work hours. According to a study by Kim and Kao (2014), there are four
types of working students:
Student - Aide
Working while studying has become a common practice for many students
in order to support themselves financially and reduce the burden of student loans.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
However, the added responsibilities of work can negatively impact their academic
performance and increase their stress levels. To address this issue, many universities
and colleges offer student aide programs for working students.
One such program is the Federal Work-Study Program (FWSP), which
provides part-time jobs for eligible students with financial need. The program offers
students the opportunity to earn money to help pay for their education while gaining
valuable work experience. According to a study by the National Bureau of
Economic Research, participation in the FWSP has a positive effect on students'
academic and career outcomes (Schanzenbach & Rouse, 2006).
Another program is the Student Employment Office (SEO) at Georgetown
University, which offers a variety of part-time jobs to help students finance their
education. The SEO provides job counseling, job postings, and assistance with
resume writing and interview preparation. A study by the National Association of
Student Personnel Administrators found that students who participated in the SEO
had a higher graduation rate than those who did not (NASPA, 2012).
In addition to these programs, some universities offer scholarships
specifically for working students. For example, the University of California,
Berkeley offers the Working Student Scholarship, which provides financial
assistance to students who work at least 15 hours per week while enrolled full-time.
The scholarship covers tuition and fees, as well as a living stipend (UC Berkeley,
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Overall, student aide programs for working students can provide muchneeded financial assistance and support while also helping students maintain their
academic performance. These programs can also provide valuable work experience
and career development opportunities.
Household Help
Recent studies have shown that hiring household help can have a positive
impact on working students. According to a study by the International Journal of
Humanities and Social Science Research, hiring a domestic worker can help
working students manage their time more effectively and reduce their stress levels.
The study found that students who hired domestic help reported higher levels of
academic achievement and overall well-being compared to those who did not
(Ogundipe & Ola, 2016).
However, it is important to note that hiring household help can be costly and
may not be an option for all working students. In addition, there are ethical
considerations related to hiring domestic workers, such as ensuring fair wages and
working conditions.
Overall, hiring household help can be a beneficial option for working
students who are struggling to balance their academic, work, and household
responsibilities. However, it is important to consider the financial and ethical
implications of hiring domestic workers.
Part time Employment
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Part-time work for students has become increasingly popular in recent years
due to the rising cost of tuition fees and living expenses. Many students now seek
part-time employment to supplement their income while studying. In this review of
related literature, we will explore the benefits and challenges of part-time work for
students, as well as the impact it can have on their academic performance.
The Impact of Part-Time Work on Students' Academic Achievement: A
Meta-Analysis by Xuewei Chen and Shuangshuang Xu, published in the Journal of
Educational Psychology in 2019. This study conducts a meta-analysis of the impact
of part-time work on students' academic achievement. The findings suggest that
working part-time has a negative impact on academic achievement, particularly for
students who work more than 20 hours per week.
The Effects of Part-Time Work on High School Students: A Review of the
Literature by Rachel Gali Cinamon and Rona Flum, published in the Journal of
Education and Work in 2015. This study reviews the literature on the effects of parttime work on high school students, including academic achievement, psychological
well-being, and career development. The findings suggest that working part-time
has both positive and negative effects on these outcomes, and that the impact may
vary depending on the individual and the job.
Part-Time Employment and High School Students: A Review of the
Literature by Michael J. Handel and Richard Arum, published in the Journal of
Youth and Adolescence in 2013. This study reviews the literature on the relationship
between part-time employment and high school students, including academic
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
achievement, social development, and future career prospects. The findings suggest
that working part-time has mixed effects on these outcomes, and that the impact may
depend on factors such as job quality and the student's motivation.
The Impact of Part-Time Work on College Students: A Review by David
Stern and Nicole M. Nakamura, published in the Journal of College Student
Development in 2017. This study reviews the literature on the impact of part-time
work on college students, including academic achievement, psychological wellbeing, and career development. The findings suggest that working part-time has both
positive and negative effects on these outcomes, and that the impact may depend on
factors such as job quality and the student's motivation.
The Effect of Part-Time Work on the Mental Health of College Students: A MetaAnalysis by Xiaoyan Li and Yan Zhang, published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior in
2019. This study conducts a meta-analysis of the impact of part-time work on the mental
health of college students. The findings suggest that working part-time has a negative impact
on mental health, particularly for students who work more than 20 hours per week.
Retail Work and Schooling: The Effects of Work Intensity, Timing, and
Duration on High School Seniors’ Academic Achievement by Jennifer L. Stephan,
published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence in 2012. This study examines
the relationship between working in retail jobs and academic achievement among
high school seniors. The findings suggest that students who work more than 20 hours
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
per week have lower GPAs and are less likely to attend college than their peers who
work fewer hours or not at all.
The Impact of Retail Work on Students’ Academic Performance and
Educational Goals by David Stern, published in the Journal of Education and Work
in 2013. This study explores the impact of retail work on students’ academic
performance and educational goals using data from a longitudinal study of high
school students. The results suggest that working in retail jobs has a negative impact
on students’ grades and their interest in pursuing postsecondary education.
The Impact of Part-Time Retail Employment on Adolescent Development
by Jennifer A. Brennan and Heather E. Bullock, published in the Journal of
Adolescent Research in 2013. This study examines the impact of part-time retail
employment on adolescent development using data from the National Longitudinal
Study of Adolescent Health. The findings suggest that working in retail jobs has a
negative impact on academic achievement and psychological well-being, but may
have positive effects on social skills and self-efficacy.
The Effects of Work Intensity and Job Satisfaction on Retail Employee
Performance and Turnover Intentions by Minjoon Jun and Sejin Park, published in
the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services in 2017. This study investigates the
effects of work intensity and job satisfaction on retail employee performance and
turnover intentions. The results suggest that high work intensity and low job
satisfaction are associated with lower job performance and higher turnover
intentions among retail employees.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
The Impact of Part-Time Work on Students' Academic Performance and
Social Life: A Meta-Analysis by Xuewei Chen and Shuangshuang Xu, published in
the Journal of Education and Learning in 2019. This study conducts a meta-analysis
of the impact of part-time work on students' academic performance and social life.
The findings suggest that working part-time has a negative impact on academic
achievement, but may have positive effects on social skills and work experience.
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the research design used by the researchers, locale of
the study, respondents and sampling procedure, research instrument, data gathering
procedure, and the statistical tools to treat and interpret the data.
Research Design
This study design is a descriptive comparative correlatioal method. It is a
design that tries to explain the relationship between two or more variables without
making any claims about cause and effect.
It includes collecting and analyzing data on at least two variables to see if
there is a link between them.
Locale of the Study
The study is conducted at Cagayan State University Andrews Campus. In
this study the researchers will focus on the College of Teacher Education 3rd year
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
working students particularly those students who are working inside and outside the
Research Instrument
Comparative Correlatioal instrument aims to investigate the time
management practices that influence the academic performance of working students.
Data Gathering Procedure
Data will be collected through self-administered questionnaire that will be
distributed online to participants. First we will conduct an online survey on the 3rd
year students of College of Teacher Education to identify who are the working
students. After identifying our respondents, we will float our research questionnaire.
Statistical Tool and Treatment
To analyze the data collected on time management practices and it's
relationship to academic performance of working students, we employ descriptive
comparative correlational analysis.
This analysis can reveal the strength and
direction of the relationship between variables.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Republic of the Philippines
Andrews Campus
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
Dear respondents,
We, the BTLED students are currently conducting a research study etitled
COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION" in fullfilment of our requirements for
In connection to this, may we request for your time and cooperation to be
the respondents of our study for the fulfillment and realization of our research's
objectives. We are asking your full support by answering the questions related to the
above research title.
Attached is a questionnaire for you to accomplish.
Rest assured that the information that you provide will be kept confidential.
Very truly yours,
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Section 1: Personal Information
Name: ________________(optional)
Gender: _________
Age: _______
General weighted average: _______(1st semester, S.Y 23-24)
Section 2: Study Time Management Practices
Direction: Please indicate your agreement with the following statements on a scale
of 1 to 5, where:
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neutral)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
Time Management Practices
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
1. I handle unexpected or urgent tasks that arise during my planned
work time.
2. I set specific goals or targets for myself.
3. I reate a to-do list or task list.
4. I estimate the time required to complete a task before I start it.
5. I set deadlines for myself when working on tasks.
6. I do multitasking.
7. I use any tools or techniques to prioritize my tasks.
8. I regularly review my progress and adjust my plans accordingly.
9. I delegate tasks or try to do everything myself.
10 I do regular breaks during my work sessions.
Section 3: Academic Performance
Directions: read each of the items objectively by checking the appropriate utilize by
using scale:
5- To a great extent
4-Some extent
2- Minimal extent
1- Not at all
School Activities
1. I make my requirements before the deadline.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
2. I read my notes during vacant time.
3. I read my notes before I go to school.
4. I make time table for my daily activities.
5. I make my assignment on time before our class starts.
6. I spend my scheduled class hour in reviewing whenever my
instructor is not around.
7. 1 do my assignment/projects/requirements during my vacant time.
8. I come to school earlier.
9. I make a review schedule for examinations.
10. I review lecture notes just after the class.
11. I review my lecture notes and readings just before class.
12.I tackle difficult or unpleasant task without delaying.
13.I force myself to make time for planning .
14. I'm able to meet deadlines without rushing at last minute.
15. I am spending enough time on academic matters.
16. I have a weekly schedule on which fixed commitments such as
classes and work hours.
17. I try to do most important task during my most energetic periods
of the day.
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time
19. I periodically re-asses my activities in relation to my goals.
20. I woke up early in the morning.
21. I do my assignments/requirements while doing household chores
(e.g. cooking).
22. I review my notes while eating.
23. I prioritize my house hold/chores than my school requirements,
vice versa.
24. I make sure that I read my notes before going to bed.
25. I scan or read my notes/ book while I'm on my way to school.
Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus
College of Teacher Education
Section 4: Relationship between Study Time Management and Academic
Directions; Please indicate your agreement with the following statements on a scale
of 1 to 5, where:
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neutral)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
Relationship between Time Management and Academic
1. Effective study time management positively impacts my academic
2. Balancing work and study time is challenging for me.
3. I believe that if I had better study time management skills, my
academic performance would improve.
4. I actively seek strategies and techniques to improve my study time
management skills.
5. I prioritize your study tasks based on their importance and deadlines