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Practical Research Assignment

Directions: Imagine that a group of obese children is recruited for a study in which their weight is
measured, then they participate for 3 months in a program that encourages them to be more
active, and finally their weight is measured again. Explain how each of the following might affect
the results:
 Regression to the mean
 spontaneous remission
 history
 maturation
Directions: Imagine that two professors decide to test the effect of giving daily quizzes on student
performance in a statistics course. They decide that Professor A will give quizzes but Professor B will
not. They will then compare the performance of students in their two sections on a common final
exam. List five other variables that might differ between the two sections that could affect the
Age of the Professors
The difference between the two is that the Young Professor are closer to the age of
the students, therefore relate more to the students they also lively and energetic they also have
a new ideas in terms of teaching while the Old Professor are less flexible but they are more
experienced compared to the young professor they have a lot of tricks on how they can
controlled the behavior of the students. The age of the professor can affect their teaching skills
because some of the student prefer the young professor because it is easy for them to socialize
or approach the young ones so they chose to listen to young ones because it is also lively when
it comes on teaching but there is also some student who want’s the old professor because it
has more experience and can explain well the lesson and the old Professor has the ability to get
the attention of the students because of their strick image, but the qualities in being a Professor
of all ages that make them great is that they have the passion for teaching a love for student,
and the desire to keep getting better.
 Performance of the Student
The difference between the student of professor A and B is that the student of
Professor A is that they a daily quizzes while the student of Professor B won’t take any quizzes.
The effect of this problem is that the student of professor A can make their quizzes as a reviewer
so they can have an idea on what they should answer on the exam while the student of
professor B don’t have any reviewer or idea on how they should answer the exam.
 Gender
The difference of a girl professor is that they are more sensitive while the boy has a
strong emotions. The effect of gender in the life of the professor is that it prescribe them how
they should be rather than recognizing how they are.
 Profession of the Professor
The profession of the professor has difference if the professor won’t teach the
profession they study because it may affect his/her teaching skill if he/she don’t really know
what they are teaching. It may affect the knowledge of the students because if the professor
won’t explain to them properly the topic about the subject the students can’t really understand
what is the topic all about.
Directions: For each of the following studies, decide which type of research design it is and explain
 A researcher conducts detailed interviews with unmarried teenage fathers to learn about
how they feel and what they think about their role as fathers and summarizes their feelings in
a written narrative.
 A researcher measures the impulsivity of a large sample of drivers and looks at the statistical
relationship between this variable and the number of traffic tickets the drivers have
 A researcher randomly assigns patients with low back pain either to a treatment involving
hypnosis or to a treatment involving exercise. She then measures their level of low back pain
after 3 months.
 A college instructor gives weekly quizzes to students in one section of his course but no
weekly quizzes to students in another section to see whether this has an effect on their test
 Qualitative – Non Experimental – survey because the researchers gather non – numerical
data and they are trying to know through interviews the feelings and thinking of unmarried
 Quantitative – Experimental – Pretest Posttest design because it is about testing before and
after the intervention and the researcher measured the large sample of drivers and after this
they know what the drivers have received
 Quantitative – Experimental – Interrupted time series design because the researcher
measures the low back pain after 3 months instead after the treatment.
 Qualitative – Non Experimental – Comparative because the college instructor compare the
students who take a weekly quizzes to a student who don’t, the college instructor trying to
know if this kind of trick have an effect on their test performance.